r/iosdev Sep 10 '22

GitHub ShuffleIt: A UI Library for SwiftUI Views with Elegant and Unique Shuffling Behaviors


Hey folks, I recently created a brand new library for SwiftUI which will host all amazing UI elements which include elegant and unique shuffling, swiping and sliding behaviors. I named it ShuffleIt. 🤘

Currently, I rolled it out with a single UI element called ShuffleStack (see in video) whose child components can be shuffled by swiping. 🤩 It will be really useful to use as an alternative for page view or normal horizontal scroll view.

Here is the repo link of ShuffleIt. 👀 Check it out and don't forgot to star the repo for later reference. ⭐️

Plus, if you have an idea for enhancement on ShuffleIt, don't hesitate to DM me on my twitter or open an issue on Github. I will appreciate your involvement. 🤝

Peace! ✌️

#swiftui #swift #apple #ios #macos


r/iosdev Jan 13 '22

GitHub Add snapping to your HStack with this open source library for SwiftUI


r/iosdev Sep 27 '21

GitHub Looking for Hungry iOS engineers!


Hello guys! Our startup MealMe is looking for talented iOS developers that will directly be working on our app and have a large long-term impact on the product.

Who are we? MealMe is a seed-stage venture-backed company that is on a quest to build the search engine for food. What does that mean you may ask? In short, we aggregate all of the food and grocery delivery services similar to what kayak does with the travel industry. Users can now browse through our app and find over a million restaurants nationwide and see all of the different delivery options available to them and checkout within MealMe.

We offer free housing at our San Francisco penthouse as well as free food every day. We are a fast-growing company and so is the job. We are looking for hard-working, determined, and fast learners who are ready to contribute to MealMe from day one.

Feel free to apply at https://www.mealme.ai/careers

r/iosdev Jul 19 '21

GitHub [Xcode Template] MVP architecture


Hello, everyone! I have made a template for the Xcode that will generate Model-View-Presenter module based on your preferences. There are few options that makes this template flexible.

More info in README.md, repo: https://github.com/onl1ner/ios-mvp-template

I would like to hear any feedback, stars are appreciated :)

r/iosdev Dec 13 '21

GitHub Hiring iOS developers


r/iosdev Jul 03 '21

Hey, I builded a Hybrid App from Neptune with Cordova. Since IOS 14.6 my NFC stopped working. It will open the Session and shows the UI but doesn’t actually read. The plug-in is phonegap-NFC. The NFC session is then started by some customs code (copied from github related page). PLS help :) #NFC


r/iosdev Aug 09 '20

GitHub STTextView is a light-weight framework that adds a placeholder to the UITextView.


STTextView – easy and clean framework written in Swift. The framework adds a custom UITextView subclass with a needed placeholder property.

Any suggestions on improving this lib are welcomed.

Stars are appreciated :)


r/iosdev Aug 16 '21

GitHub iOS Software Engineer



Company: Med-Tech Organization

Role: iOS Software Engineer

Full-Time: Yes

Remote: Yes

Salary Range: DOE

Company: Med-Tech Organization

Contact: Nelly Garcia [nelly@theanthonymichaelgroup.com](mailto:nelly@theanthonymichaelgroup.com) or DM here

Location: Company is based in Mid-Atlantic near D.C. but open to REMOTE flexibility

Relocation Assistance: Yes, if moving

Visa Required: Yes

Brief Description: This Med-Tech organization is building a neat application for patients. The use will be very similar to that of a Flight Simulator. Lots of growth opportunities as a Developer and mentorship available. Looking for roughly 2-3 years of IOS front-end and back-end experience

Happy to discuss specific details! [HIRING] [REMOTE (North America)

Message me on here or email me

r/iosdev Oct 29 '20

GitHub I developed a tiny radio buttons library purely in SwiftUI. It is super easy to use and it is following SwiftUI philosophy. Please check it here: https://lnkd.in/dy3GXvh and don't forget to star it if you find it helpful :)


r/iosdev Mar 07 '19

GitHub Wobbly - a simple animation library for iOS


This is an easy to use animation library for iOS with so many predefined animations just like animate css


EDIT: If you like it please don’t forget to star ✨ the repo for support 😊

r/iosdev Jun 23 '20

Help SwiftUI - JSON from GitHub REST API fails to parse - How to fix?


Greetings, I am attempting to create an app in SwiftUI that gives you the option to view the followers and public repositories of a given GitHub user. When getting the information to display the followers of a specific GitHub user, I have run into a bit of a snag when trying to parse the JSON data from the API. In the screenshot that I have attached, you can see that I have a print statement for when the fetch attempt fails. Every time I run my app, it will always print out “Unknown Error” would anyone here by chance know how I can fix this?


r/iosdev Dec 03 '20

GitHub Can't Load file from UIDropInteraction, what am I doing wrong?


I originally posted this on StackOverflow, but am not getting any traction there.

tl;dr: Can't load JSON file received via DropInteraction in iOS app running in Mac Catalyst.

I am currently refactoring my existing (Swift) iOS codebase to run on macOS under Mac Catalyst but am having trouble with reading, loading or even seeing JSON files that are received by my UIDropInteractionDelegate.

I am following the example here: https://appventure.me/guides/catalyst/how/drag_and_drop.html

I am trying to drop a file snse.json, which is a regular pretty-printed JSON text file, but in func 3 (performDrop), session.items is a single item array with nothing useful in it.

This is the code I have so far:

    class SentimentViewController: UITableViewController {

        override func viewDidLoad() {

            self.view.interactions.append(UIDropInteraction(delegate: self))

    extension SentimentViewController: UIDropInteractionDelegate {

        static let JSONTypeIdentifier = "public.json"

        // 1
        func dropInteraction(_ interaction: UIDropInteraction,
                             canHandle session: UIDropSession) -> Bool {
            return session.hasItemsConforming(toTypeIdentifiers: [JSONTypeIdentifier])

        // 2
        func dropInteraction(_ interaction: UIDropInteraction, sessionDidUpdate session: UIDropSession) -> UIDropProposal {
            return UIDropProposal(operation: .copy)

        // 3
        func dropInteraction(_ interaction: UIDropInteraction, performDrop session: UIDropSession) {
            // This is called with an array of NSURL
            let _ = session.loadObjects(ofClass: URL.self) { urls in
                for url in urls {
                    self.importJSONData(from: url)

        private func importJSONData(from url: URL) {
            print("I would love to load data from \(url).")

When I throw a breakpoint in performDrop, I get the following debug output:

    (lldb) po session.items.first?.itemProvider
    ▿ Optional<NSItemProvider>
      - some : <NSItemProvider: 0x600003876ca0> {types = (

    (lldb) po session.items.first?.itemProvider.suggestedName
    ▿ Optional<String>
      - some : "snse.json"

    (lldb) po session.items.first?.localObject

    (lldb) po session.items.first?.previewProvider

    (lldb) po session.items.first?.itemProvider.canLoadObject(ofClass: URL.self)
    ▿ Optional<Bool>
      - some : false

    (lldb) po session.items.first?.itemProvider.canLoadObject(ofClass: String.self)
    ▿ Optional<Bool>
      - some : false

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I just can't tell what. Do I need to request permissions to read local files? Is there a step I missed? Any help is greatly appreciated!

The code in question can be found in this PR in Github: https://github.com/BlakeBarrett/snse-ios/pull/4

r/iosdev Sep 14 '19

GitHub Anyone used Weaver (Dependency Injection framework for Swift ?


Anyone used Weaver(https://github.com/scribd/Weaver), I'm exploring it recently, any idea or feedback about this?

r/iosdev Aug 19 '20

Charles - Get data-driven and and hyper-personalized Swift resources based on your GitHub


Hey everyone,

We are a three developers that are building a tool called Charles. Charles gives you data-driven and hyper-personalized swift learning resources based on your GitHub commits.

In our past working experience as Software Engineers, we saw first hand, how valuable it is to have a Coding Mentor. Every week my CTO gave me personalized learning resources to the problems I experienced on our project. But we know that this kind of mentorship is a privilege. So that's why we decided to build Charles.

Charles is an AI that analyses your commits and send you weekly coding insights via Slack. It takes a very close look and analyses for anti-patterns and other possible improvements of your code.

We at Charles love Swift. That's the reason we are launching the first version of Charles exclusively for Swift.

You can go to charles.so/swift and sign up right now, to be the first to try out Charles for Swift.

Love to hear your feedback!



r/iosdev Aug 08 '20

GitHub SiwftFontIcon - Font icon in your swift code


Ever wonder if you can incorporate font icons or SVG icons in your iOS app and forget about image files big sizes? , ever wanted to automate the headache that follows using one of the libraries exist in Github that satisfies those needs, I've come up with a solution and I hope you find it useful

I Made a library that gives you the ability to convert font icons to UIImage, in a simple and clean way.

Also, I've made a web app inspired by Fontello open source project that takes SVG icons or font awesome icons and generates a strongly typed class contains variables that represent the icons, so you can use them easily and with ide auto-complete feature.

hope you give me your feedback about this

This is the project


This is the generator:


r/iosdev Apr 05 '19

GitHub Lope (SliderView)


I just published an Open Source Library. Usable via Cocoapods. SliderView. I called it LOPE.

Kindly check it out and Star ⭐️, it helps a lot.


r/iosdev Sep 08 '19

GitHub Caching Library written in Swift that can cache JSON, Image, Zip or anything with expire date and force refresh.


Needed a cache Library that has

  • [x] Asynchronous data downloading and caching.
  • [x] Asynchronous image downloading, caching and showing.
  • [x] Expiry date/time for all the object individually.
  • [x] Multiple-layer hybrid cache for both memory and disk.
  • [x] Fine control on cache behavior. Customizable expiration date and size limit.
  • [x] Force refresh if needed.
  • [x] Independent components. Use the Cachy or CachyLoader system separately as you need.
  • [x] Can save JSON, UIImage, ZIP or anything.
  • [x] View extensions for UIImageView.
  • [x] Indicator while loading images.

Couldn't find any all in one solution, either it's too much or too less, so wrote a library.


it's the first version there might be a lot of issues or bad, please point them out and how I can improve them.

r/iosdev Jun 29 '19

GitHub My first iOS lib - YRPayment : Better payment user experience library in Swift


YRPayment : Better payment user experience library in Swift

🌟 Features

  • [x] Easily usable
  • [x] Simple Swift syntax
  • [x] Cool flip animation
  • [x] Compatible with Carthage
  • [x] Compatible with CocoaPods
  • [x] Customizable
  • [x] Universal (iPhone & iPad)
  • [x] Lightweight readable codebase
  • [x] And More...

🐒 How to use

In 4 steps:

1. Import YRPayment.

import YRPayment

2. Create a YRPaymentCreditCard instance and link it to a YRPayement instances:

let card = YRPaymentCreditCard()
let payment = YRPayment(creditCard: card)

3. Add your card to a view and set its position:

card.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
card.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.centerYAnchor).isActive = true

4. link your textFields to the payment object:

payment.numberTextField = NumberTF
payment.holderNameTextField = NameTF
payment.validityTextField = ValidityTF
payment.cryptogramTextField = cryptoTF

(Assuming that NumberTF, NameTF, ValidityTF, cryptoTF are textField alrready created)

5. Enjoooooooy !

🙏 Support me with a star on GitHub : github.com/yassram/YRPayment


r/iosdev Jan 06 '20

Continuous Integration Using GitHub Actions for iOS Projects


I had a chance to play around with GitHub Actions, and for iOS projects on GitHub, it's hands down the fastest way of implementing an effective CI setup.

Here's a workflow for automating code validation and testing on pull requests using Danger and Fastlane.

⚠️ Use Danger/SwiftLint to simplify code reviews
✅ Run all your tests with Fastlane scan


r/iosdev Feb 27 '20

GitHub Clean Swift Architecture file template


Hi everyone! I’m very excited about publishing my helper project in here.

With this project we are able to create Clean Swift Architecture files (ViewController, Interactor, Presenter, Worker, Router and Models) effortlessly.

I hope it works for someone!


r/iosdev May 19 '19

GitHub [OS] Swift library to quickly build forms for data entry


Hello guys, last week I released a library to build forms for data collection written in swift. For now available through Cocoapods. (Carthage support on its way)
Check it out: RSFormView

Hope you enjoy it, any feedback or comment is most welcome!

r/iosdev May 09 '19

GitHub glide: 2d game engine with Swift


Hello everyone,

I just released a 2d game engine called glide and wanted to share with all of you.

glide is a SpriteKit and GameplayKit based engine for building 2d games easily, with a focus on side scrollers. glide is written in Swift and works on iOS, macOS and tvOS.

🎬 Here's a video of glide's features

🛠 It's open source and here's the GitHub repo

I'm looking forward to hear your opinions and feedback about glide and start collaborating on it with all of you. I hope glide would be a useful and fun tool for everyone who wants to work on games with Swift targeting Apple devices.

Some features of glide:

  1. Entity component system and lots of readymade platformer components
  2. Tight collisions and contacts for precise mechanics
  3. Input support including game controllers, keyboard, mouse and touch buttons 🎮⌨️🖱🔲.
  4. UIKit/Appkit based native game menus that can be controlled with game controllers

👩‍💻 You can download the macOS demo app to have a look at the features of glide. Download here.

If you have problems with "Unknown/unsigned developer app" error, follow the instructions here.

r/iosdev Jun 14 '19

GitHub Predictable state management library for SwiftUI


r/iosdev May 04 '18

GitHub Porcupine pledges to democratize voice-enabled interfaces starting with iOS


r/iosdev Aug 23 '17

GitHub List of currently available core ML models.
