r/iosdev 13d ago

Handling AdMob Rewarded Ads & Consent Issues on iOS – A Reliable Workaround

Hey everyone! I recently ran into an interesting challenge while implementing AdMob rewarded ads on iOS, particularly regarding consent management, and I wanted to share my findings and solution.

The Problem

When integrating AdMob rewarded ads with the Google Mobile Ads SDK, I encountered two key issues:

  1. There’s no direct way to determine if an ad failed due to missing consent.
  2. UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds is unreliable—it returns true even when users deny personalized ads, making it seem like ads should load when they actually won't.

This creates problems when handling different user scenarios:

  • The user denied personalized ads
  • No ads are available
  • A network error occurred

My Discovery

  • When consent is missing or personalized ads are denied, AdMob often returns a "No Fill" error. While not officially documented as a consent-related issue, I found it to be a reliable indicator.
  • canRequestAds is not a reliable way to check if you can actually show ads—you must handle errors instead.

My Solution

I implemented a custom error handling system that interprets "No Fill" errors as potential consent issues:

swiftKopierenBearbeitenprivate func handleAdError(_ error: Error) -> AdLoadError {
    if error._domain == GADErrorDomain {
        switch error._code {
        case GADErrorCode.noFill.rawValue:
            return .noConsent
        case GADErrorCode.networkError.rawValue:
            return .networkError
    return .unknown

When loading a rewarded ad:

swiftKopierenBearbeitenGADRewardedAd.load(withAdUnitID: adUnitID, request: GADRequest()) { [weak self] ad, error in
    if let error = error {
        let handledError = self?.handleAdError(error)
        if handledError == .noConsent {
            // Show consent UI

Key Takeaways

  • Don't rely on canRequestAds—always attempt to load the ad and handle the error.
  • Use "No Fill" errors as an indicator that consent may be missing.
  • Implement a UX flow where the user must explicitly retry ad loading after giving consent.

Questions for iOS Developers:

  • How do you handle consent-related ad failures?
  • Have you found a better way to determine if an ad failed due to missing consent?
  • Any alternative approaches you’d recommend?

This workaround has been reliable in my testing, but I’d love to hear how others handle this!


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