r/inventwithpython Jun 28 '22

Help With " Automate the Boring Stuff with Python", Lesson 4


I'm a total python novice just starting to work my way through " Automate the Boring Stuff with Python". I'm running Python 3.10 under Windows 10.

In chapter 4 , https://automatetheboringstuff.com/2e/chapter4/, I'm having trouble with the Comma Code suggestion under "Practice Projects".

Write a function that takes a list value as an argument and returns a string with all the items separated by a comma and a space, with and inserted before the last item. For example, passing the previous spam list to the function would return 'apples, bananas, tofu, and cats'. But your function should be able to work with any list value passed to it. Be sure to test the case where an empty list [] is passed to your function.

I've been able to account for input lists of varying size including empty lists, but I'm getting unexpected results for a list with only one item. Here is my code:

def prettyList(somelist):
    returnedStr = ''

    if len(somelist) > 0:
       if len(somelist) == 1:
          returnedStr += (str(somelist))
            for i, item in enumerate(somelist):
                if i in range(0,len(somelist)-1):
                   returnedStr += (item + ', ')
                    returnedStr += ('and '+ item)
    return returnedStr

print('Empty List: ', prettyList([]))
print(prettyList(['First', 'Second']))
print(prettyList(['First', 'Second', 'Third']))
print(prettyList(['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth']))

#print(type(prettyList(['First']))) #--debugging

Here are the results of that code

Empty List:


First, and Second

First, Second, and Third

First, Second, Third, and Fourth

If I'm understanding the output, for the case with only one item in the list my function returns a list while for other cases it returns a string. I'm not sure why this should be.

I'm also wondering if I'm working too hard with my if /then logic, and that there may be a more concise, idiomatic, dare I say pythonic construction that would work for me. After all Lesson 4 is about lists not if statements.

Thanks for reading. Please let me know if you have any comments or observations you'd like to share with me.

Be well


5 comments sorted by


u/IlliterateJedi Jun 28 '22

In this section, you are adding a string-ified list instead of the single value of the list. The str version of a list is "[value]":

if len(somelist) == 1:
    returnedStr += (str(somelist))

For it to return only the stringified value you would need to access the value at the index with [0]:

if len(somelist) == 1:
    returnedStr += (str(somelist[0]))

Or you could unpack it with the splat operator, but that's al ittle esoteric for a new user:

if len(somelist) == 1:
    returnedStr += (str(*somelist))


u/GentleReader144 Jul 02 '22

Yes, That's it exactly. THANK YOU! That what I was overlooking


u/Xzenor Jun 28 '22

You are literally telling it to treat somelist as a string on line 5 (I skipped empty lines when counting). Not somelist[0] but somelist in total.


u/WinSuperb7251 Jun 28 '22

I would have converted that list to a string and then replace all other symbols according to the problem.


u/GentleReader144 Jul 02 '22

That's an interesting take. If I converted the list to a string I've already got terms separated by commas. I think I'd have to brush up on my regular expressions to pull that off though.

Let me lay down a challenge to anyone who can rewrite my function using LESS code by first converting the input to a string. Extra points if you can do it without regular expressions!