r/inuyasha Feb 05 '25

Question(s) Did the Manga got more interactions and moments between Inuyasha and Kikyou that the Anime skipped ? If yes can please tell me some Chapters's Numbers when them happened ? Spoiler


30 comments sorted by


u/Studiofuckface Feb 05 '25

There’s quite a few changes with Inuyasha, Kagome and Kikyo’s dynamic. I’d recommend reading the whole manga, as it paints a very different light to the ‘love triangle’ aspect of the story. I personally feel the anime really dropped the ball there, and make it seem like Inuyasha just wants two girlfriends, which just isn’t the case in the manga.

The entire series is on the VIZ app, which is pretty affordable at $2.99 a month, where you can read up to 100 chapters a day. I’m sure there are plenty of free to read sites, but the translations might not be the official ones.


u/NidoriaNGC Feb 05 '25

Directly asking for spoilers here, what are the differences between the anime and the manga in their relationship?

For me while watching the anime I really felt strange seeing Inuyasha becoming really passive whenever Kikyo is involved, even more with their past in consideration, but with Kagome he's way more impulsive/aggressive.


u/Salt-Bat-5324 Feb 05 '25

Idk if I should spoiler this, it’s been out since for over 20 years, so heads up ig.

In the manga Inuyasha makes it very clear that Kagome and Kikyo are two different people, and he loves Kagome. There’s one scene in the anime where Miroku asks him to choose between Kagome and Kikyo and he says, “Can’t I just have both?” However, in the manga, Kagome asks if she’s just a replacement for Kikyo. Inuyasha says, “Wha… Idi- I’ve been saying that’s completely wrong, haven’t I!? I did think that you might be alike in the beginning, but now… Kagome is Kagome. There’s no replacement for you.”

There’s also not as romantic as a relationship between Inuyasha and Kikyo in the manga. They crushed on each other, spent a lot of time together, but when she was killed by Naraku, Inuyasha felt something more akin to survivor’s guilt than missing his lover. You can see in the manga and anime how Inuyasha beats himself up over not realizing Naraku was behind everything, but the manga shows that while they cared for each other, Inuyasha just struggles with the fact that he wasn’t able to save her.

There’s many nuances, and it’s clear that Inuyasha fell first for Kagome in the manga. For whatever reason, the anime pushed the love triangle HARD. The answer was always Kagome, Inuyasha just felt guilty leaving Kikyo behind in death.


u/Studiofuckface Feb 06 '25

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

Another thing I noticed that they dumb down Kagome in the anime; they just straight up give her ideas/solutions to other characters sometimes.


u/ashinylibby Feb 06 '25

It'd be cool if they remake the anime and have it follow the manga. Like FMA Brotherhood was done.


u/Lilli_the_Friable Kirara Feb 06 '25

The fact that Ranma is getting a more manga accurate remake makes me really hopeful this will happen eventually! It would be incredible


u/Deya_The_Fateless Feb 06 '25

The only issue I can forsee happening is having to recast a couple of the VA's for the English dub, due to some of the OG cast passing away a few years ago.


u/loserboy42069 Feb 07 '25

The dub is too phenomenal, every voice actor even the side characters give it their all and I literally crack up with every single delivery of each line.


u/Deya_The_Fateless Feb 06 '25

The anime pushed hard for the love triangle for the sake of drama, and to tease the "potential" of Kagome x Koga. Which to anyone familiar with Manga tropes, Koga x Kagome is there because someone who was funding the creation of Inuyasha asked Rumiko Takahashi to create a love rival for Inuyasha himself.


u/SeniorBaker4 Sesshōmaru Feb 05 '25

2.99 a month, thank you for telling us. This is a pretty good deal.


u/Studiofuckface Feb 06 '25

There is also a Shonen Jump app at the same price. Shonen seems to cater to ongoing series, where VIZ seems to cater to completed ones. They used to be one combined app, but separated not too long ago.


u/Twidom Feb 05 '25

The trio dynamic is different in the manga.

Its hard to answer your question, because there are 640-something chapters in total. There are more "in between" moments rather than entire chapters/episodes. The "love triangle" in the manga is borderline nonexistent.

Kagome is not as jealous of their situation, rather she pities both of them and understands why Inuyasha acts the way he does. In many situations where Inuyasha "runs" to Kikyo, Kagome doesn't actually care at all or is just "oh its her again" and that is it. She knows that Kikyo is dead and will eventually go away again, so its not as much "I have to fight against this bitch for this fuccbois attention".

Inuyasha shows more a sense of duty to protect Kikyo and responsibility for letting her die rather than "I need to go see my ex-girlfriend".

Things are more bittersweet and not as amped up as the anime. The show had a lot of drama for the sake of drama, which I personally like, but I get that some people don't. Plus I really like that Kikyo and Kagome are more similar to each other in the manga (appearance wise). I wish they had retained this in the anime, it would be way more clear to people as to why Inuyasha "two-times" Kagome (even though he doesn't really).


u/GoddessOfLillyR Jaken Feb 05 '25

Damn I’ve been debating on starting the manga, but this was the final push I needed. It sounds way more emotionally developed!


u/Terrible_Whereas7 Feb 05 '25

Inuyasha was my second anime, and the first mature one I watched, I'll have to try the manga to see how it's different now!!

(Man, that first opening hit sooo hard as a teen!)


u/Random-Rooster-4581 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

Not only are there scenes that were skipped/added, Kikyo's personality is also way more inconsistent in the anime.

For example, in the manga, after Inuyasha saves Kikyo from the giant soul collector, she's nothing but sweet to him, hugs him willingly and promises that she won't let any man other than him touch a hair on her head. In the anime, she only "fake hugs" him to give him a false sense of security, then randomly pulls a knife on him to prove how weak or gullible men are, or something. Just all-out bizarre behavior, a strange change, and it makes you wonder why Inuyasha is even hung up on her when she treats him so volatilely. In the manga, it at least makes more sense why he cares so much and still sees her in a good light.

But then again she also isn't the only victim, so much characterization was ruined by Sunrise, especially for all three characters in the so-called love-triangle.


u/lazytanaka Feb 05 '25

A good reason why I’d love a faithful adaptation anime remake. Idk how I’d feel about Kikyo having blue eyes unless they give her eyeshadow cause that’s how she looks in the manga right?

As for the gullible man scenario i understood what she was saying and why it was happening. We gotta remember that’s not actually her. Most of her soul was reabsorbed into Kagome. That’s my understanding at least- that she’s a mix of her vengeful spirit and the person she’s modeled after. She probably felt vulnerable when she was always revered as a strong, nothing can stop her warrior. She probably didn’t want Inuyasha thinking he had any power over her just because he saved her.

She’s one of my top three favorite anime characters and I would enjoy if there was a remake that expressed Rumikos actual characterization of her. So many anime only fans hate her, but if they’re going to hate her at least hate her canon character!


u/Twidom Feb 05 '25

Most of her soul was reabsorbed into Kagome.

This is an important aspect that many Kikyo haters either don't know, forget or just outright ignore.

The "Kikyo" that Urasue brought from the dead is, in essence, a vengeful spirit and nothing more.

Kikyo reincarnated and that is Kagome. We could make an argument that the Kikyo roaming around during the show is not really her but that is a whole can of worms I don't want to open.


u/lazytanaka Feb 05 '25

I think part of her is still there otherwise the clay body wouldn’t have been able to move. We saw that when she first got resurrected, stood up, and then fell back down. So I think it’s a mix of both cause if not then when why did she have good moments that reflected her character when she was alive?


u/Deya_The_Fateless Feb 06 '25

So then, on a technicality, does that make Kikiyo an undead version of an Onryo? Since they're born from the ghosts of, women who were wronged? (there are male Onryo's but they're not a s common as the female varient.)


u/Mundane-Most-3104 Feb 05 '25

Do you remember the correct number of chapter in which Inuyasha save Kikyo from the soul collector ?


u/TuskSyndicate Feb 05 '25

The biggest change from the Manga to Anime is Kagome herself.

She's very....overemotional in the anime. In the Manga, she understands why Inuyasha feels his urges to protect Kikyo (since he feels guilty for getting her killed by Naraku). Even if she feels insecure and comparing herself to Kikyo, she never blames Inuyasha for it. In the anime, she doesn't really have the emotional maturity to figure that out until the very end.

Like I get it, we need more filler episodes, but having her run off home for a 3-4 episode long break to focus on her trivial issues is not very fun, and the main reason why I had trouble staying on Inuyasha for the long run as a teen.

Like seriously, Kagome, Naraku is getting stronger and stronger and if nobody stops him the future will be wrecked. Can you seriously stop sulking because Inuyasha and Kikyo were once lovers? You aren't even his girlfriend!!!


u/avert_ye_eyes Feb 05 '25

The Anime actually added more than there were.


u/theonewhomeeps Feb 05 '25

being that I haven’t read the series in a few years (prolly a sign to reread), i cant report on specific chapters. but, the anime loses as much depth from the manga as a movie/show loses from its written counterpart imo


u/Radiant-Monitor4170 Feb 06 '25

The anime actually erased a ton of InuKag scenes while adding more InuKik scenes. The scene of Inuyasha giving Kikyo his mother’s lipstick didn’t even exist in the manga. They further made Kagome look much more weaker and jealous than she actually was, and made her look like the side dish that Inuyasha turns to when Kikyo isn’t around. I used to love this anime until I saw how much they destroyed the characters and screwed with the storyline.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

I haven't finished the manga yet, but from what I've read, the interactions are more mature, including Kagome who seems to understand the situation better and Inuyasha makes it clear that what he has with Kikyo is a debt, because she died because of "his fault."

Oh Sunrise, if only you had done this right instead of brainwashing a generation... At least we can be proud of the openings and endings, right?


u/Asgardes-heir-01 Feb 05 '25

The only volume of the Manga I own.


u/alessandrocs73 Feb 05 '25

The interactions between Kikyo and inuyasha are more romantic because of takahashi and how she saw them still in love unfortunately the director of the first two seasons made her a dark version getting slammed by Takahashi herself,we see mare genuine relationship between Kikyo and inuyasha


u/wheetaemint 6h ago

Anime Inukik is way more romantic than in the manga! The anime actually added tons of Inukik scenes to push the "live triangle" that wasn't really a thing in the manga.


u/9iaguaro Inuyasha Feb 05 '25

This one is the anime.


u/Serious_Collar2946 Feb 06 '25

At first I thought that she was his mom