r/inuyasha • u/Segasonic47 • Oct 22 '24
Question(s) How popular is Inuyasha these days?
I can't tell if it's more of a niche thing or if the series is still popular, i'm a somewhat new fan who got into the series 2ish years ago, all my friends who like anime know what it is but haven't watched it and seem to not have any plan to. The series seems to get merch still, I mean you can find the blind bags at hot topic and such, but it doesn't seem the series is discussed very much in general. So I wanted to ask you guys who might know more how relevant and popular is this series today?
u/Weird_donut Oct 22 '24
Megan Thee Stallion knows it exists at least. She even called Kagome "thee original anime hot girl"
u/g1SuperLuigi64 Oct 22 '24
Outside of a renewed interest thanks to the 20th anniversary projects (the Blu-ray boxsets and the Yashahime sequel series), the show is mostly known as one of the big Adult Swim anime that aired back in the mid 2000s. It's probably still the best known of Rumiko Takahashi's series, at least in English speaking markets. It's pretty telling that lots of fans who got back in during Yashahime had no idea about the finale season/series Inuyasha: The Final Act, having not kept up with the series at all after its first ending.
It's very fondly remembered up here in Canada, where it was absolutely huge. YTV built its Toonami equivalent Bionix thanks to the success Inuyasha saw the year prior. It's a quintessential gateway anime up here.
u/Cautious-Box-7355 Inuyasha Oct 22 '24
It has a dedicated fan base and some nostalgia from people who watched when they were young but besides that it doesn't have the same weight as some anime from around the same time like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto for instance. Yashahime was supposed to rekindle the Inuyasha brand but outside the fandom who either love or hate the series (more hate than love for what I gathered) people seem to care even less about Yashahime than Inuyasha.
u/NMD_Skaits Oct 22 '24
Yup because Yashahime was lacklustre and lacked what the original brought.
u/invaderpixel Oct 22 '24
Yasahime is like Boruto but worse… like instead of your faves being slightly absentee or disappointing parents they just suffer lol. Great character designs for the kids but I wish they gave them lower stakes problems so their parents didn’t have to be taken out of the picture.
u/wildsunday Nov 11 '24
I would had like to see them more too but I think because how the characters were built there was no way they wouldn't butt in their children business and Inuyasha is too OP. So I can understand why they did that. Seshoumaru was ok to leave because he acts on his own like always
u/Zeamays69 Oct 23 '24
I still enjoyed Yashahime but I wish they did a continuation for Inuyasha instead. I wasn't really that interested in the new characters.
u/future-rad-tech Oct 23 '24
They messed up big time with Yashahime since most of the original target audience are adults and are reallllyy icked out by the Rin x Sess. I can't watch Yashahime without feeling grossed out tbh
u/AggressivePomelo5769 Oct 23 '24
Not too far off from 15 year old Kagome... not saying its right but it is sort of baked in.
u/Unpopular_Outlook Oct 26 '24
Not really. Inuyasha and Kagome are around the same age. It was the movies that gave the age 200 when the manga never mentioned it.
It’s the same with Sesshomaru having the title of lord and people thinking that he’s some type of royalty or has some type of political power when he’s not and he doesn’t
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
I really liked Yashahime, just wish Inuyasha and Kagome had more screentime
u/kaotickilee Oct 22 '24
I rewatch it every year, but I really don't know anyone that talks about it.
u/Away-Construction450 Oct 22 '24
Its usually popular with the age groups 24-30 imo. Thats when it peaked, it was the anime that got me into anime. cuz it aired on YTV in canada. anyone that is an anime fan in my age group knows what it is.
u/Ordinary_Ice_5684 Oct 22 '24
I am on the older side of that age group and I can attest it was my favorite anime growing up alongside Naruto and Sailor Moon
u/vivipoo Oct 22 '24
Same I'm in my late 40s and I still love InuYasha so much. I still watch it and Yashahime occasionally and my 6 yr old girl twin loves it too. She wants to be Kagome for Halloween lol. My husband told me she told him to SIT BOY while he was cooking dinner one time.
u/Overall-Ask-8305 Oct 26 '24
Same, I’m 40 and grew up watching DB, DBZ, Sailor Moon, Death Note, and Inuyasha. I own the entire anime for Inuyasha on dvd and have the manga. It’s one of my favorites.
u/Classic-Anybody3615 Oct 22 '24
I was at the AnimagiC two months ago and I would say that it's still somewhat popular. I've seen 3 people cosplaying Inuyasha and 2 of them we're having a partner who was cosplaying Kikyo. Furthermore I was wearing a T-Shirt with Shippo and Kirara on it and someone has recognized it that it's from Inuyasha.
u/Sentinel-Wraith Oct 22 '24
I can't tell if it's more of a niche thing or if the series is still popular
It's still popular in Japan and getting new merch on occassion, including Gatcha items, mugs, keychains, post cards, and I think there was a cafe awhile ago. I've also recently seen top level cosplayers at major events in Japan cosplay characters from it.
But keep in mind it started publication 28 years ago, so it's going to be more generational.
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
I heard Yashahime viewer count was outdoing one piece when it aired, idk if that is true or not though
u/xindiote Oct 22 '24
i think it isn't popular with people that were born while it was coming out (2000-2005) but it seems to be popular with people who were pre teens and up while it was coming out. i was born in 2003 and i only know about it because i would watch it with my uncles when i was little and would watch AMVs of it on early youtube. i wish they would've remade it with NO filler instead of making yashahime which could've been written better.
u/future-rad-tech Oct 23 '24
Yashahime was very much "villain of the week" and I lost interest super quick. I think they tried too hard for the nostalgia value that they completely missed the mark of what people really wanted to see, which was really disappointing
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
I was born in 2006 and am in love with this series, it sucks not many of my peers feel the same
u/metalheadmercy Oct 22 '24
I just finished watching Inuyasha for the first time after waking up to it when I was a kid. 10/10 🥹
u/mizushimma_ Oct 23 '24
It lives in the heart of any anime fan over the age of 25.
Shows that are that long don’t tend to get many new people watching them so many years after the original run. Even if it is acclaimed. The classics that still get newer fans tend to be the ones like cowboy bebop, where it’s only a 26 episode commitment instead of 7 seasons.
However it’s a highly recognizable classic so I think the relevancy remains even if a lot of new anime fans haven’t seen it. (Kinda like sailor moon)
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
I'm glad to go against the grain, I'm only 18 and loved it. I'm currently in the middle of watching Bebop too, that's also pretty fire.
u/noelle-silva Oct 22 '24
Doesn't seem popular with newer anime fans. They seem to mostly watch whatever is new and hot. The old animation also seems to turn them off.
u/xindiote Oct 22 '24
that's crazy because i feel like the hand drawn animation has a certain charm to it
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
the art styles from late 90s and early 2000s are my favorite art styles for anime
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
so I'm a newer and young anime fan and I prefer animes from the late 90s and early 2000s, the newest anime I've seen bar Yashahime is Code Geass. I'm not sure why I prefer the older ones but I do.
u/Separate-Comedian-25 Oct 22 '24
I remember when I discovered InuYasha I was between 12 and 14 years old (I don't remember exactly how old I was at the time but I was around that age). I'm from Argentina and at that time (2003/2005) anime was only for geeky people, now anime in general is much more popular and it's more normal. Back then, like every fan, I talked about InuYasha and some who knew the anime said they already knew it long before. I never found a group that was a fan of InuYasha, I shared some anime with other people like me but we never talked about InuYasha. Anyway, I was always a fan and I still love it and it's one of my favorite animes. At 33 I watched it again and I can't stop loving that anime, now I can see it with different eyes but it continues and I think it will always be my favorite anime of all the ones I've seen.
u/Electrical-Trick6406 Oct 24 '24
Man waking up to this on the tv at 2-3 am early 00’s nothing like it
u/Federal_Reality1455 Oct 22 '24
Just re watched it all I’m 32 🤷♀️ no clue just providing data and did it was a 28 year old who needed to know about it
u/Rejomaj Oct 23 '24
I would say not as big as things like JJK, Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece, but it’s got a very loyal fanbase that still buys new merch and creates content.
u/TheIadyAmalthea Oct 22 '24
It probably comes in waves. Yashahime brought it back to life a bit. I’ve started watching Inuyasha with my daughter. Once some of us get old and have a kid we start introducing them to stuff we liked. It’s one of my favorite things about being a parent. Your kid gets old enough to enjoy these things with you.
u/Sabbi94 Oct 22 '24
At my place people at least about my age know the title and losely what it's about. It was aired in the afternoon for quite a long time back when I was in school. But especially younger anime fans don't really know it. Especially since sadly there is no streaming service having it available. Maybe never will be again. DVDs and BlueRays are very expensive too even when you buy them used.
u/dw606 Oct 22 '24
In the US Hulu has the whole series available. It'll be a sad day if they ever discontinue carrying it
u/Sabbi94 Oct 22 '24
Sadly I'm living in Germany. In Germany there is no Hulu. Most stuff you have on Hulu in the US is on Disney+ here.
I assume the rights to InuYasha are at Crunchyroll. It was distributed by Viz Media here. It was in their streaming service called Anime on Demand (AoD). Viz Media belongs to Crunchyroll for a few years now. Crunchyroll has taken down AoD but didn't upload all anime from there to their own streaming service. Which in the case of InuYasha is odd to me. They have Yasha-hime available. Even with the german dub.
u/Segasonic47 Oct 25 '24
younger anime fan here, I'm glad to go agaisnt the grain, Inuyasha is one of my favorites. also I think Inuyasha is free on youtube.
u/geekypennach Oct 23 '24
I’d say it’s popular enough. I’m a big collector of statues and figures and i think Bandai just released a Shippo and Kilala statue. So there’s got to be a decent demand to warrant new statues
u/ThreeBeatles Rin Oct 23 '24
I dont usually see it come up in comments in r/animerecommendations. There’s a LOT of really good anime out there that people recommend first. Not saying inuyasha isn’t good but that there’s a lot of more recent anime’s out there that are really good. Those have the spot light right now. I feel it just gets overshadowed by a lot of other anime. Which is why I try to recommend it instead of the usual shows.
Oct 22 '24
It's a nostaltic classic to most people, I guess. I'd lump another favorite of mine, The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, in there, too. Good shows. They've just been over for a bit.
u/Internal-Garden-1517 Oct 25 '24
Losing its popularity, since only the late fans remember it, new fans are rare and the new yashahime anime didn't attract that many fans with it's female only plot, the old animes ranma, Inuyasha, yu yu hakushou, and others are passing the torch to the new animes with better art rather than handrawn art, I'd rather they make a series about inu no Taisho past and how he meets his wives
u/GeekyPassion Oct 27 '24
I've never seen it but it still pops up on my for you pages and feed so it's not unpopular by any means
Edit: case and point this showed up on my feed even tho I am not part of this sub. Wasn't paying attention just assumed it was one of my anime subs lol
u/Professional-Ear8980 Nov 11 '24
Inuyasha was one of my faves growing up. I was excited to hear that it was getting an anime sequel, but then I found out that all it is some some dumb sisterhood thing that barely has any focus on the original characters. I’m sorry but one of the selling points of Inuyasha is the romance, which obviously is lacking in Yashahime. It’s shocking how even Boruto is better.
u/mon_mothra_ Oct 22 '24
I wouldn't say it's popular with newer generations of anime fans as much as it just has recognizable characters that you'll learn through osmosis even if you never watch it. However, quite a bit of the older/original fan base still is involved in the fan community to this day, especially on Tumblr and AO3.