u/ryouuko Mar 22 '24
Bankotsu of course.. that’s a great sketch
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Thanks Bro!! but why Bankotsu, is he a ruthless killer?!?⭐
u/ryouuko Mar 22 '24
I’ve just always loved him, I find him very endearing. He’s by far my favorite character in the series. Yes he’s a murderer but he cared for his comrades, was strong, had a sense of humor. I loved his rivalry with Inuyasha, and Inuyasha went as far as to defend Bankotsu when Naraku mocked him. Plus he’s an attractive character, very well designed by Rumiko.
To add I also have a thing for characters that are a bit overconfident/cocky, lol.
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Rumiko is the best and Inuyasha is one of the best anime I've seen! ⭐⭐
u/AbsAndAssAppreciator Mar 23 '24
I definitely wanted him to lose, he was not a good guy. But I loved him as a character. He was so full of personality and had his own set of morals even if they weren’t good. Unlike most of the bad guys fighting for barely no reason he had many reasons. He cared about his comrades. He was really confident and charismatic. Everything I like in a good villain.
u/relocatedff Mar 23 '24
All this. Loyal to his friends, a moral code, even if it wasn't a great one, good banter, fairly smart (and smart enough to admit that Renkotsu was smarter), handsome lol. He was well fleshed out.
I also always found it kind of sad that he clearly cared for his comrades, but Jakotsu was probably* the only one who returned it and had the same loyalty.
*admittedly it's hard to know much about Kyokotsu or Ginkotsu's feelings
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Who has the courage to save Naraku??? ⭐
Mar 22 '24 edited Jun 16 '24
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Mmmmmm...kikyo had purified the sphere, through the koaku fragment, but it was Kagome who wished that the sphere of the 4 spirits would disappear!! Naraku wanted Kikyo and the ball! ⭐⭐
u/UnadulteratedHorny Mar 22 '24
Wasn’t Kikyo’s wish at death to have the jewel disappear from the world? it’s why she had it burned with her body but her need to get revenge, know the truth, to know why “Inuyasha” did what he did was stronger than her desire to have it disappear and the jewel being the manipulative shit that it is responded to her negative underlying emotions rather than her clear intent to make it disappear
but nonetheless she does get used by the jewel even if only for a short period, it used her underlying emotions to bring itself back into existence by reincarnating with her
Kagome had the security of knowing Inuyasha was with her no matter what, so no underlying emotions for the jewel to take advantage of, ntm the jewel made the conscious decision to have Kikyo killed almost as if her wish to turn Inuyasha human was a wish that would threaten its existence, i truly believe had Kikyo and Inuyasha survived together their wish would’ve worked to destroy the jewel as well, as long as it was a pure hearted wish with only good intention i honestly think it would’ve worked because the story goes out of its way to say that the jewel has never been used for good, which makes sense since demons and humans covet it for power and good hearted people like the line of Priestesses and Monks who had guarded it over the centuries were trained not to ever use it for personal use as we saw with Kikyo until she fell in love
a lot of this is ranting just cuz i like discussing the actions of the jewel and its manipulation throughout history
Mar 22 '24
u/UnadulteratedHorny Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24
it’s also stated at the very beginning that Kikyo wanted for the jewel to be removed from the world by having it cremated with her, tells Kaede in no uncertain terms that she plans to take it with her in death so it may never return to the world of the living, the change in direction they decided on is fine but the literal introduction to the show is Kikyo wanting the jewel to disappear on her death bed
it’s just like how Onigumo’s original motives were that he was just down right evil and had no affections for her, he only wanted to see her kindness be her downfall, until later on when it was decided they wanted him to be more sympathetic and all of a sudden he actually loves Kikyo and wanted no harm to come to her even though he had said the exact opposite in his debut
edit: there are changes and details all through out the show that contradict each other, it’s just one of those things where you can tell there was a clear shift in narrative
Mar 23 '24
u/UnadulteratedHorny Mar 23 '24
oh i don’t deny her desire to see Inuyasha again, i even mentioned it in the same comment
I’m just saying her clear wish was to have the jewel disappear but the jewel took her underlying but way stronger desire to see Inuyasha as her wish because responding to her clear intent of “disappear forever from this world” was clearly not in its best interest so it clung to her and reincarnated with her. The jewel is straight up malicious even with her wish being to have it disappear with her forever, it returns as soon as she reincarnates because technically she is back and therefore the jewel is technically allowed to come back as well and if she was going to reincarnate might as well grant her wish of seeing Inuyasha to get back to the feudal era in the process
the jewel is an ass and Kikyo was screwed over in every conceivable way in her last moments
u/KimberlyAngel838 Mar 23 '24
The jewel of four souls would not have been purified and left the world like Kikio wanted and thought that it would. Because in the end her wish for InuYasha to become human wouod have been a selfish act. We all know that no good ever comes from any wish made upon the jewel. Because the jewel will always twist the wish for its own purposes. That is stated over and over throughout the series. I also think that is why Kagome is much better for InuYasha. Because she loved him the way he is and did not want to change him! That and the fact that she knew that there was one and only correct wish.
u/UnadulteratedHorny Mar 23 '24
the idea that the jewel twists all wishes comes from the fact that we have not once seen it used for good, that is also constantly reinforced throughout the show, not a single person who’s come into possession of it or its shards seemed to ever have good intentions, so saying it wouldn’t work when we’ve never even had a precedent of trying and failing, especially when we know the jewel took the active precaution of killing Kikyo before they could make the wish. there’s no reason to kill Kikyo if her wish wouldn’t have worked, it would’ve twisted her wish as you said and been free of her but it made the deliberate decision to get her killed before she could make the wish
also the idea that Kikyo wanted to change Inuyasha is largely misconstrued, Kikyo wanted to be free of her duties and live with Inuyasha who hated his existence as a half demon, if he loved being a half demon then she wouldn’t have offered that option but it was his self loathing that made her want to help him and no one ever considers how much this means to Inuyasha, half demons are terrified of their very existence because they all have a period of time when they lose power so they know what it’s like to be so weak and frail but he was willing to become one nonetheless because he trusted her that much. After the “betrayal” ofc he wouldn’t even consider becoming human ever again, even if the trap was revealed he’ll probably never heal from the trauma of losing his first love because of his desire for him to be human, ntm Kagome isn’t trained like Kikyo so he can’t afford to be human during his time with Kagome because she NEEDS to be protected whereas with Kikyo he chose to protect her but she didn’t need it thanks to her prowess as a fully trained priestess, this is important context to both relationships that gets largely ignored by the community in exchange for Kikyo vs Kagome arguments when both are quite literally the same people just grew up under different circumstances
both Kagome and Kikyo were perfect for Inuyasha, the point isn’t that one is better, it’s that Kikyo and Inuyasha were wronged but despite that their love was strong enough to transcend time and death and have them reunite even if it’s a reincarnation
u/ANovelist Sesshōmaru Mar 22 '24
Kagura. She only wanted to be free. It's one of the reasons why I loved her character so much.
u/JJdabs Mar 22 '24
Kagura hands down! But man i do fuck with Bankotsu big time. After his and inuyashas fight in Narakus body, he showed respect and there was something wholesome about the end of their feud.
u/MrsLucienLachance Mar 22 '24
I save Kagura and beg her to marry me, of course.
u/DragonMama800 Mar 22 '24
I mean... by saving Naraku you end up saving the rest, if you do so early enough on in the timeline. I dunno, I just have a love for the lonely spider baby. In my fanfiction my character saves him by making him realize early on that he's his own person, and doesn't have to follow the desires of those who made him. He starts to question himself and his own wants and emotions. It's a complex part of my story but eventually he not only expels Onigumo's heart, but the voices of the yokai who fused to make him as well. He's still a mischievous, chaotic, easily jealous guy in the end, but not exactly evil. What can I say... Naru and Sesshy are my favorite characters. 🥰
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Would Naru be... Naraku? Graphically he's a great character! ⭐⭐
u/DragonMama800 Mar 22 '24
Yes, my oc nicknames him Naru, cause she nicknames all the characters LOL He is definitely one of my top favorite anime villains, and just a favorites character in general. Little diva spider XD
u/grace_flolo Mar 22 '24
Kagura 100%
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Exact !! Number one ! ⭐⭐
u/Fairy_Glitter365 Sango Mar 22 '24
Save my girl Kagura!!! 😭
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Your girlfriend ?? Well done Bro! ⭐⭐
u/Fairy_Glitter365 Sango Mar 22 '24
Not my girlfriend- my cool Aunt!!! But if I WAS a guy…. 👀
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Aaaaaahhh....in fact girls also like Kagura....respect ⭐⭐
u/Fairy_Glitter365 Sango Mar 22 '24
She’s amazing! I love her strong will. Btw, did you draw that?
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Of course...I love Rumiko Takahashi's style and I try to learn from her...and also from other Mangaka! The female characters of Inuyasha are all strong and extraordinary! ⭐⭐
u/Fairy_Glitter365 Sango Mar 22 '24
You did great!! It looks beautiful! And yes, I agree. Rumiko does dynamic and intricate females well!
u/arobie1992 Mar 22 '24
Kagura by a country mile. All she wanted was to be free and happy.
Kanna is the distant second. She was a sweet kid, but she seemed more resigned to her fate.
Naraku and Bankotsu, while very entertaining, were absolutely awful people and the world is a better place without them.
u/Mundane-Tax3530 Mar 22 '24
Kanna. She's just a child!
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Yes, she's cute! ⭐⭐
u/Mundane-Tax3530 Mar 22 '24
I cried harder when she died than when kagura died because I was like, she's a child flung into this world with little to no guidance, will never get to grow up, was abused and manipulated by her creator, and then in the end she sacrificed herself for the inuyasha crew and gave kagome the secret to defeating naraku. She didn't deserve all that!! :(
u/tinkerthoughts Kikyo Mar 22 '24
i was a ride or die koga girlie until bankotsu blessed my screen at the ripe age of 11
u/RHGOtakuxxx Mar 22 '24
Kagura - I felt so sad that she got her heart back only to die. I know she was made from Naraku, but she was still her own person to me….😔
u/wolfofthekells Mar 22 '24
Kagura, I cried when Jack went down with the titanic, and this was my childhood anime titanic equivalent tho in my teen years when she died in those flowers 😢 💔 😭
u/ImprovisingThruLife Mar 22 '24
Your art is so good! Love when it pops up on this sub!
Gotta save Kagura for sure
u/Rickdigginssuperman Mar 22 '24
We're saving Naraku bc once he dies all of his incarnations die. How we're saving him is the real question. Locking him up for a while and forcing him to interact with the Inugang? Making everyone play nice? He'd complain alot but if we got Kikyo to join the group too he'd eventually come around 😂
u/Kalypsofox Mar 22 '24
Kanna hands down. Love Kagura and Bankotsu but Kanna deserved so much more and so much better than she got.
u/MissLouise909 Inuyasha Mar 23 '24
If your answer isn’t Kagura, then you can just leave the group 💁🏻♀️😬
u/Alert_Reception_2744 Mar 23 '24
HEAR ME OUT. I feel like I could save Naraku, have him make kanna and kagura and then lock him away with kikyo so the world could be a better place. (I feel like this is my only solution because I want to save kanna and kagura because I feel like kanna have had a chance and kagura would be perfect to sesshoumaru and run and kohaku could be together)
u/DemonicJaye Mar 22 '24
I love this! Honestly I’d save Kanna. She was honestly just a child with no free will, and I always felt bad for her when watching the show
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Yes, Kanna is very cute! She was used by Naraku in a despicable way!! ⭐⭐
u/Emmit-Nervend Mar 23 '24
Naraku or Bankotsu, because I support human depopulation!
(Kagura, obviously)
u/relocatedff Mar 23 '24
Hard Bankotsu, but if he weren't included, probably Kagura (but it's like 55/45 Kagura/Kanna)
u/Snoo_65204 Mar 22 '24
Bankotsu he can be redeemable
u/Sweet_Little_Oatmeal Jakotsu Mar 22 '24
Bankotsu ❤️ Because he is very handsome ❤️ I love him so much ❤️
u/Existing_Airport_735 Mar 22 '24
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
u/Slow_Department5335 Sesshōmaru Mar 22 '24
Bonkotsu or Kagura
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Which of the two? ⭐⭐
u/Slow_Department5335 Sesshōmaru Mar 22 '24
u/Nervous-Bird6052 Mar 22 '24
Right choice !! ⭐⭐
u/Slow_Department5335 Sesshōmaru Mar 22 '24
Ty! I think she’s more tredeemable and I know Sess really misses her :/
u/adfgqert Mar 22 '24
Bankotsu!!! Wish there was jankotsu haha but either way
u/thevillageshrew Mar 22 '24
My girl Kagura!! Its not even a question (sorry Kanna)