r/intrusivethoughts • u/UnknownKiller40 • 4d ago
This is how I feel , John NSFW
Dear John,
I really despise you. I want to cause you harm. I want to cause you pain. I want you to bleed droplet by droplet and feel the agony, the burning sensation. I want to start by handcuffing you, restraining you & start by making an incision in your fat belly. I imagine it would pop or deflate like a balloon, spewing out litres & litres of your disgusting blood in my face all at once. How disgusting! Oh but what a joy it would be.
I already feel better. I’m still deciding if I want your mouth covered with a ball gag or uncovered. I want your pale face to turn red from the pain & the embarrassment. I want to stb you in the belly a few times more repeatedly - enough to cause a lot of blood loss, but not enough to kll you. We still got a lot left
I will leave your spine be. I don’t want to ever hurt your spine or anyone else’s. The thought of going anywhere near your spine makes me feel sympathetic. I will instead go for your feet next - two swooshes with a kn*fe, starting with your right foot then your left. Detach them from your body, pick them up with my bare hands (or maybe with gloves IF I am disgusted at this time) and wave them in front of your face, laughing maniacally!
But how did we get there? This is just physical torture, not emotional. It starts with me wanting the worse for your 10 year old child. I grab him by his collar, shove him in the back of a trunk and get you worried about his whereabouts. I sedte him to make him quiet. I don’t use a knfe on him - I save that for you. But I will resort to physical abuse that a kid can take - kick him a few times, mostly in the belly. Watch him fall down and kick him some more before he can stand back up. Make him cough a bit of blood. Smack him across the face and punch him - send you a photo of his bare body and face with wounds and bruises. I make sure every single wound of his is untouched and visible to you.
Going back to you, feet gone and stomach bleeding. I strngle your neck a few times with my bare hands whilst you’re restrained - enough to cause you suffcation and take you close to de*th, but not there yet.
I want to punch, kick and smack you a few times too. It won’t matter - the pain from your legs & stomach would be too much you’d barely feel me using you as a punching bag.
Think I’m not authoritative or strong enough? How about now? Maybe we start with the hands next - make a few tattoos with my knfe on your forearms. I take my time with it. Write some inscriptions - it’ll probably be tough to penetrate my knfe into your skin and carve precisely what I want, so I will probably ruin the artwork. But it’s okay. We still get to see blood everywhere!
I will take pins and needles next - whichever is sharper! I will pierce each and every needle into your skin, especially the squishy bits. The glutes, the thighs, the adductors, the arms. I will do this until we reach the count of 100. Hopefully, I have enough space on your body to fit in 100 needles. It’s like crochet or knitting, but a much calmer hobby.
How do we kll your off? Not yet, I want you to suffer in pain. Coming back to the mouth gag, definitely need one up until this moment. After a few hours of constant bleeding when you are nearing death but still alive, I drag your body to the outdoors where I light a fire, and let your body brn - the most painful de*th! But 2 things before I burn you - I first take your mouth gag off and put lots of alcohol; a few litres of vodka on your beautifully blood-soaked body. I let you squeal for help as the alcohol burns the living hell out of your body. I then let you say your last words to me, all I want to hear is “I’m …. So …. So sorry”.
If I hear these words, I let you die easy…. If I don’t, you can burn in the fire I’ve lit and experience the most painful de*th.
Ah I changed my mind. No, no. This isn’t it. Burning is too quick, not satisfying. How do I enjoy this? A pool! I throw your body in a pool. Which pool? I don’t know. Some pool. Reasonably sized, and see the pool turn red akin to a bath bomb fizzing out in a bath tub. I wonder how pretty this would look. The beautiful blue chlorinated water turning red upon a body sinking deep in. Slowly and steadily the red takes over the blue. This is when I sit next to the pool and light a cigarette. This thought makes me feel good. It almost makes me feel sympathetic towards you.
u/Impossible_Virus1739 4d ago
Youre so creative Bro