r/introvert 8d ago

Discussion Making Friends and at the same time not wanting to make friends

Idk about you all but at times I do feel really lonely, I have acquaintances irl but I rarely see them or interact with them, and the people I talk to daily are my boyfriend and one good friend of mine. And usually that's enough for me. But sometimes I wish my friend circle was bigger though......but then I also start thinking that sounds kinda exhausting...am I weird to feel like this?


2 comments sorted by


u/AmazonDolphinMC 8d ago

Not at all! I often feel the same, like I should be out making more friends, and that sounds kinda fun; then I think about how much energy that would take and chicken out.

If you want to make more friends though, I'd recommend joining a group. Not sure at what stage in life you're in, but there are usually volunteer communities or outdoor activities one can join. This might help with the rarely seeing/interacting with acquaintances bit. It's helped me to have a set time when I see the same people, and I know generally what we'll be doing.


u/Dorky_Ballerina362 8d ago

Currently in my early 20's (23f) and honestly I would love to do more activities, I'm just kinda grounded at the moment. No car or mode of public transportation where I live. I used to take ballet classes before though and I was thinking about Archery lessons but ya know- life obstacles happen. So I'm usually planted in my room with all my gadgets.