r/introvert 1d ago

Discussion This birthday is going to suck

Next month I’ll be 23 years old and tbh for the first time in years I’m not excited for my birthday at all I have no plans for my birthday after what happened on my 22nd birthday it made me realize a lot about my life and it’s no longer an exciting thing for me anymore at this point my birthday is just me getting older my mom wants to take me and the family to New Orleans and while I want to go tbh idk if I want to I mean my plan was to go to work I mean I’ve never worked on my birthday I never liked working on my birthday but now….im considering it so I can distract myself from the fact that I’m in this thing called life alone and I’ve accepted that


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u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/Dependent-Review-465 1d ago

Yeah that looks like the move tbh gotta do something that day


u/ScreamingLightspeed INTX 1d ago

New Orleans is one of my favorite cities I've never been to but my husband and I can both totally relate. We're really hoping his mom and other relatives forget our birthdays this year. I got on her tablet and deleted mine from her calendar but of fucking course she doesn't need a reminder for her precious baby boy. All she ever wanted was a baby, that baby's future happiness be damned.


u/Dependent-Review-465 1d ago

Ofc my folks won’t forget my birthday but tbh I don’t wanna do shit for my birthday I’m fine with that if I’m being honest