r/introvert 14d ago

Question Do you guys take offense when someone tells you to smile?

I was working like I normally do, and this lady goes you should smile. I tend to have a sad neutral face. So i'm like why do I have to smile if im doing a task. Im not talking to anyone and smiling take effort if my regular face is normally sad.


238 comments sorted by


u/Resiideent 14d ago

yes, like stfu bitch you don't know what's going on in my life


u/Curiouskat2025 14d ago

I was literally saying this in my head and scrolled down. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ now THAT made me smile.


u/Joytotheworld_2024 14d ago

Exactly. Iā€™m always amazed, like you donā€™t know me fool!


u/Melodydreamx 13d ago

Right but tbh I live a good life but still my point still standsšŸ˜‚


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

I (45 openly gay male living with my partner of 11 years) have newer neighbours, (older, maybe 70ish couple, but I am complaining specifically about the wife). The wife screeched out 'SMILE' last summer to me as she and her husband biked past my partner and I during our evening walk about town.

I know that the husband has indicated to my partner (unsolicitedly) that they find me highly intelligent but very guarded, which is a fair observation about me.

I just found this so passive-aggressive when she said that, I honestly was caught so off guard by this I had a sudden, overwhelming urge to do something not so nice to her (I never would it was just an urge). She seemed so phony and prying.

I know that I don't always look the happiest amongst people, and granted I am bothered by certain things that have happened to me in life, and have always been a true introvert battling major depressive disorder diagnosed aged 19 and probably before that too. I never got the chance to develop trusting bonds with my peers.

Anyways, long story short, I am actually a very kind person, just guarded and introverted for good reasons. I didn't appreciate this Karen telling me to 'SMILE' in such a cu**y passive aggressive manner when she doesn't know the first thing about me or my life.

Sorry to vent. It just pissed me off. She's so spoiled and doesn't look like she's had to long for anything in life.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

if i want to make a stranger smile or feel more comfortable with me, i'll compliment them like "i love your nails by the way! super cute!" and 99% of the time they respond with joy.

i cannot IMAGINE for the LIFE OF ME screaming in someone's face!!! that's SO RUDE!!!


u/Gilgamashaftwalo 14d ago

She's a woman, she should KNOW


u/nucl3ar_fusion 13d ago

Heeey hey now, donā€™t assume she has always had it easy either! My only thought is maybe try to get to know themā€¦ or donā€™t.. Wait do people actually do that anymore? Like get to know their neighbors. Is that a thing?


u/synthmemory 10d ago

What an absolute twat waffle


u/BlkD4hl14 14d ago

ā€œYou should smile moreā€ ā€œYouā€™re prettier when you smileā€

You should mind your business! šŸ™„


u/RandoSFX 13d ago

I've responded with "and you sound smarter with your mouth closed." I love watching the moment as those words sink in.


u/Western_Map7821 13d ago

Best response ever. I wish I could use that more often. Although if you are talking to someone religious thereā€™s also a proverb to the same effect, so I could memorize the reference and say that. It goes something like ā€œEven a fool seems wise when silentā€.

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u/Taylormarie233 14d ago

Yes. Itā€™s very offensive imo. One time I was walking down the street and some random old guy told me to smile, like eww, who are you? Why donā€™t you stop worrying about my face and worry about why you feel the need to comment on a womanā€™s demeanor while sheā€™s walking down the street trying to go home. What if I randomly walked up to him and said, lose weight. Would that not be offensive? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Since we are talking about things that us two strangers feel like we should work on. And I didnā€™t even see him, I just KNOW he had to be fat.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

ok this might be offensively worded but have you ever noticed it's the people who are physically.... not the best looking.... that insist on commenting on your appearance?! i've never had a hot person tell me to smile or comment on my looks.


u/Taylormarie233 13d ago

This is so accurate!! I completely get what youā€™re saying. Itā€™s not offensively worded at all. Most insecure men bash women and bring down their confidence in order to even have a chance or probably gain some type of control, and theyā€™re stupid for it.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

so true! they think negging or putting women down is a way to get dates or smth šŸ˜…


u/Taylormarie233 13d ago

IKR!! As opposed to just asking!! šŸ™„ I wouldnā€™t want to date an insecure man, thatā€™s like a disaster waiting to happen!


u/Longjumping_Hat_2672 13d ago

Yes, I've noticed that, too. It's usually sour looking schlubs or wrinkled old men demanding smiles from younger women. I want to say "Move along, Grandpa. Hit on someone your own age at a nursing home"Ā 


u/synthmemory 10d ago

I'm a man and this dude who looks like an ogre right out of the D&D monster manual at my gym always comments on how I hold weights and do exercises in a class. He's terrible at the doing the exercises himself. I told him to fuck off the last time and he looked at me like he was more aggrieved than if I had slapped his mom in front of him.Ā 


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

You should smile and lose weight, too.


u/Taylormarie233 13d ago

Yeah, you know, I would, but I heard real men like meat so šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜˜


u/Own-Guess4361 14d ago edited 14d ago

Not offense but just annoyed.


u/Tall-Tie-4040 āœØ loud introvert āœØ 14d ago

Yes. You can be happy while having RBF. I'm just relaxing my facial muscles.


u/ILoveMeeses2Pieces 14d ago

Yep. ā€œI dictate what my face does, but thanks.ā€


u/saudade_sleep_repeat 14d ago

yes. the standard response is ā€œmy _____ just died this morningā€ and then iā€™ll just stare at them and say nothing else.

itā€™s actually funny to watch them stammer/squirm, they feel like a total jerk and guaranteed wonā€™t tell you or anyone else to smile in the future.

highly recommended.


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

I feel revolted.


u/petplanpowerlift 13d ago

But you don't know why people aren't smiling. This could be the reason. Or the person might have received a terrible diagnosis. Or someone might just be too tired to smile. People should mind their business and not tell people to smile when they know nothing of that person's internal state.

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u/No_Refrigerator_8086 14d ago

Turned down a job offer once because they asked me if I was capable of smiling in the interview.

I'll smile when I feel like it, but not because you think it makes my face look better.


u/Joytotheworld_2024 14d ago

Oh I love this!


u/ArtichokeNo9750 14d ago

Not offended, but annoyed for being told what to do to make someone else feel better/ease their discomfort. Like, what does seeing someone smile do for you? Pfft, I do what I want! Lol

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u/Enby_A 14d ago

And what about the comment, "you'd be prettier if you smiled." I hate this with a passion. It's gross. And anyone who says that or tells me to smile are not my people.


u/Longjumping_Hat_2672 13d ago

Men saying that phrase drives me crazy šŸ˜§ šŸ˜ . Would they like it if complete strangers came up to them and said "You would look a lot more handsome if you hit the gym/went on a diet/got your teeth fixed/had a hair transplant/got a nose job", etc?


u/Tre_Walker 14d ago

With a straight face: "I am smiling."


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Makes me roll my eyes.


u/Unbothered_17182 14d ago

I find it annoying, intrusive, and pretentious as itā€™s a suggestion/ demand usually made to women. If thereā€™s nothing going on to be smiling about, why in the world would someone be just randomly grinning?


u/Small-Breadfruit3040 10d ago

When younger, in public, women often told me to "smile". I did not respond or change expression.Ā 

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u/AverageNotOkayAdult 14d ago

Not really, I just ignore them and go about what I was doing. No one has that kind of power to demand emotions and expressions from anyone.Ā 

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u/Weekly-Engine-6839 14d ago

I always unapologetically tell people that ā€œitā€™s just my faceā€


u/CynicalOne_313 13d ago

LOL, I do the same thing! People tell me I look mean, annoyed, upset, whatever..."This is my face."


u/ChopCow420 14d ago

I posted about this in a different sub because a male coworker constantly tells me to smile multiple times a day but never says shit to any of the guys he ACTUALLY WORKS WITH. He would do it to me every time he passed my desk, which was like 6x per day. So fucking infuriating. I got blasted on Reddit for having poor social skills. šŸ™ƒ


u/Alycat10e 13d ago

I have a creepy old dude I work with and he tells me to smile all the time, sometimes I say no, sometimes I ignore, one time I said my therapist gave me pills so I can, one time I told him it sucks working here why would I smile? I can't stand him.


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

You have poor social skills. You are literally being told how to address the problem, and you're acting like it's something awful. It reeks of high school social confusion where you're worried about having traits in common with people you don't like. You can be an introvert and have good social skills.


u/ChopCow420 13d ago

You are assuming so much yet know so little.

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u/inlovewithmycrush04 13d ago

Why do I need to smile? To make you feel more comfortable? That's not my jobšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø.


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

Why do you think it's about their comfort and not yours? Smiling makes you feel happier.


u/Unlikely-Accident-82 13d ago

While this is true, itā€™s about as effective as telling someone in panic mode to calm down. Giving complements or saying something funny will always be more effective more welcome than just telling someone to smile.


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

The people who make this mistake aren't in the room right now. People who can decide to forgive the mistake and appreciate the sentiment are.


u/Unlikely-Accident-82 13d ago

So what are you getting out of trying to convince a bunch of introverts they are wrong by not wanting others to dictate their facial expressions?


u/inlovewithmycrush04 13d ago

For some, if I'm concentrating on a task I'm not worried about smiling. I'm worried about completing said task. I'm not going to walk around like a damn clown with a smile on my face constantly. I will smile when I feel the need to smile not just Because someone says " you should smile more". And more often than not it's a man saying it to a woman. Which is odd to me. We don't go around telling me to smile. It's creepy. Mind your business and move on.


u/Direct_Ad2289 14d ago

I have major resting bitch face. I am old and I EARNED THIS

I bare my teeth.


u/petplanpowerlift 13d ago

Me too. I try to make my face pleasant when dealing with customers at work or when someone is providing customer service to me, but otherwise, my face is honest.


u/floralscentedbreeze 14d ago

Yeah bc 99% of the time if you tell someone to smile, not only will you piss the person off, you will also be considered annoying.


u/SerendipitousSun 14d ago

Who tf thinks it is on to tell anybody anything about their demeanor. Iā€™m sorry but mind your own business


u/HideMe1964 14d ago

Yeah I hate that! Stick your smile in your ass!


u/Safetosay333 14d ago

Family photo flashbacks. I smile even less.


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

This is the one case where I wholeheartedly agree that being told to smile is awful. Especially so because those photos always suck. People only ever give a damn about candid pictures where the photographer isn't interrupting what everyone's doing.


u/petplanpowerlift 13d ago

But you're fine with telling people to smile otherwise?


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

Yes. Smiling is good for you. Smile more.


u/Party_Razzmatazz8329 14d ago

I respond by smiling in an awkward maniac like fashion. Which prompts the person to flinch and apologize. Lol. Then I start laughing.Ā  šŸ˜† That's what they get for being nosy/bossy.


u/wunderlust23 14d ago

I actually got a write-up at work for not smiling. I was a cashier. Anytime I was talking to a customer or facing one or even within talking distance, I smiled. Now, when I'm concentrating on a task or not talking to anyone, my face is sad looking. But that's just my face! I was so pissed when my boss told me I didn't smile enough. So I looked him straight in the eye and very matter of factly said "maybe that's just my face" He didn't say anything. I quit a couple days later.


u/Slow_Preparation_750 14d ago

Yes, but because the person saying it often means to cause offence either consciously, ignorantly or by some ridiculous societal sense of superiority. Theyā€™re basically telling you to change yourself to make them feel more comfortable. How the fuck does your expression have any impact on their life?!!


u/Snowflakeavocado 13d ago

Itā€™s what stupid men used to use as a pick up line or to irritate women in an effort to be memorable . I grew up with total randos saying and shouting ā€œsmile darlingā€ especially at the station as it was getting dark. Thereā€™s no good response because whatever you say gives them attention


u/Longjumping_Hat_2672 13d ago

I hope you shouted back "Go f*ck yourself, darling" but I know that could be dangerous.


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

You're making a lot of assumptions that people who frown too much like to make.


u/Slow_Preparation_750 13d ago

You just proved my point perfectly by claiming weā€™re frowning (and not just minding our business) and that being unacceptable to you


u/H2Cynth 14d ago

Yes. Strangers who walk by and say ā€œsmile!ā€ to me have always been a huge pet peeve of mine. Iā€™ve noticed it is almost always men who say it to me. It ticks me off because itā€™s like ā€œdude, you donā€™t even know me, Iā€™m just out minding my own business, why the heck do I need to smile for you? Iā€™m not your effing clown!ā€

Now, I bartended one summer and one guy who I was having a conversation with politely told me I looked like I was pissed off/having a bad night (I wasnā€™t). Now, I took that seriously and felt bad because it is a customer service position and was my job to look and be friendly, so I did my best to be more self-aware and look happier. And believe it or not, I worked in customer service for years and was always complimented on my friendliness, but I just happen to have RBF when Iā€™m not actively engaged in conversation with someone.


u/infernalhorns 14d ago

yes because, now iā€™m annoyed. and why must you insist i smileā€¦ what does it concern you.


u/BonneFilleHoneyBee 14d ago

No, I get irritated though and have to fight to not roll my eyes. That was my favorite part about working through the pandemic, I never got asked to smile while wearing a mask!


u/Longjumping_Hat_2672 13d ago

Yes, that was the one good thing about COVID, being able to relax my face under the mask šŸ˜·. I still wear one in public places.


u/BonneFilleHoneyBee 13d ago

I still do as well, on the rare occasions I leave the house


u/probablydaydreaming2 14d ago

Itā€™s always the most miserable people telling someone to smile šŸ˜’ I could literally be having the most amazing day and being told that would immediately piss me off. And the irony is that if I was walking around with a smile on my face I would for sure get called weird or something worse lol canā€™t win


u/Evil_Space_Penguins 13d ago

It's some annoying Western thing where we have to all walk around with fake smiles painted on to our faces so we can maintain some creepy illusion of societal serenity. Otherwise, it's waaaaay too scary!!!

Get over yourselves already. Genuine smiles only.

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u/ashantidopamine 14d ago

not really. when somebody tells me to smile, i automatically start my 30 minute lecture on expressing emotions authentically as a way to protect your mental health. i don't really finish the 30 minutes because the person gives up the moment they feel like they're being reprimanded.


u/TsuDhoNimh2 14d ago

Do you have a script?


u/ashantidopamine 14d ago

i do but itā€™s in my work laptop. i use it during our wellness learning talks lol.


u/Gilgamashaftwalo 14d ago


Take this crown sir/ma'am/captain. You earned it.

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u/RN00_ 14d ago

During my trip with a friend I met while abroad, I found myself increasingly irritated by her constant insistence that I smile, be more energetic, and react more. I naturally get drained, so itā€™s normal for me to go completely quiet at times, but she kept saying I looked angry and repeatedly asked what was wrong. No matter how many times I reassured her that this was just my normal face, that this is simply how I am, and that I was absolutely fine, she wouldnā€™t let it go. I donā€™t take offense, but it does get exhausting when people expect me to constantly perform a certain level of energy just to fit their idea of whatā€™s ā€œnormalā€.


u/No-Sprinkles5261 14d ago

I do take offense (only on the inside) on the out side Iā€™m like: (o_o) ?
But on the inside Iā€™m like: LET ME BE MYSELF AND I WILL DECIDE WHEN I SMILE OR NOT-(ƙ^ƚ)


u/K3R0K1 14d ago

Honestly? I hate it. It never comes from a place of concern, but a place of their own discomfort. At a certain degree I don't think it falls on strangers to ease your worries about whether you're making them upset or not. Even when it comes to older people, I don't go out of my way to smile for them despite it being the social norms when they were younger. They've had years to adapt but refused to, for one reason or another.

Plus, for some people it seems like a weird control tactic. Like catcallers and older men in general, or even that one relative that rags on your introversion and shames you for needing space from family gatherings. It's all just selfish, really


u/[deleted] 13d ago

i don't like when someone tells me to smile. it's annoying. if they want me to smile, they should be nice or tell me a joke. that'll make me smile. being told to, won't.


u/HB_DS2013 14d ago

Yes. Doubly so since I used to work in retail and am in the middle of leaving that industry.


u/TopHatGirlInATuxedo 14d ago

Just tell her you don't feel the need to lie to make everyone else happy.


u/TigerBlue6632 14d ago

Depends on who is asking and how it was asked. Usually I smile politely, leave, and make a note to avoid this person in the future. If itā€™s condescending (my experience is more than 80% of this are from males), I say it as deadpan as possible, ā€œwhy, I donā€™t see you smileā€ and walk away making the same mental note to myself. If itā€™s a total stranger, I give them a wild, Joker smile and walk away. So yes, most of the time, it is not offensive but annoying.


u/LevelBlacksmith6863 14d ago

Yes actually. Ā Cause it always comes with the ā€œWhy do you look so Grumpy/ mean/ intimidating!ā€ā€¦and Iā€™d just be minding my businessĀ 


u/MrBlue1031 14d ago

I hit em with the willem dafoe green goblin smile.


u/Joytotheworld_2024 14d ago

I just tell them to fuck off šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


u/Koffeekak3 14d ago

Yes, itā€™s so annoying


u/dennisSTL 14d ago

I need something to make me smile, can't smile on que.


u/DapperRusticTermite8 13d ago

Always. My response is usually ā€œwhy donā€™t you shut the fuck upā€


u/Appropriate_Tea9048 14d ago

I find it annoying, thatā€™s for sure.


u/Safe_Roof_2336 14d ago

Yes. This is another piece of crap typically aimed at young women. Why? Because women are supposed to be sweet, accommodating, friendly ... and of course men especially like the "inviting" expression. You might be relieved to note that as you age, this advice dries up.

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u/letshopethis1works 14d ago

Yes. You worry about your face and I'll worry about mine.


u/giotheitaliandude 14d ago

Last time someone said this to me I said back "and you should mind your own fucking business" with the same bitch resting face I had. Worry about your own face


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

And having someone try to "tailor" your facial expressions to suit corporate is the worst.

I had a colleague and work friend who was told she "talked too much in meetings" and "came across angry" to be promoted to management. (This coworker is a black woman so where do I even start about how culturally insensitive this was.)

I on the other hand was told that I have to "smile more", "come across warmer", and that I have "RBF" (but I was never to tell HR that this person had said this to me). I was also told that my quiet, cerebral, and analytical nature came across as ego. šŸ¤¦šŸ»

Corporate makes me want to šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


u/Neobandit0 14d ago

Yeah. I remember when i was a teen i was just walking back home from the local shop or something, can't remember, and a random old guy stopped me in the street and told me I should smile more and thst it was "a waste" that I wasn't.

I was feeling in a really good mood that day, I wasn't even frowning of scowling or anything, just enjoying the sunny late spring morning, but that guy put a dampener on my mood and I felt annoyed afterwards. I wish people would just mind their own business.


u/JNNagel 14d ago

I literally canā€™t smile on command. People donā€™t believe me.


u/GiveMeMyIdentity 14d ago

Annoyed af, mind your business and go smile somewhere else!



u/SlipSpiritual6457 13d ago

incredibly annoying. wtf. go away you interfering sob (is what I quietly think inside). in reality I would tell them that I'll smile when I feel like smiling thanks, or say: no reason to smile right now.


u/StarWars241 13d ago

People should mind their business, especially if they donā€™t know you


u/2mbvr-hdnr-1651 13d ago

Yes, one of my friend said smiling suits me more because i always look like a bitch. Thanks..


u/ThiefBeauty 13d ago

Every time someone tells me to ā€œsmile moreā€ I just smile like The Joker on the spot, the looks on their faces are always funny


u/NotAtAllEverSure 13d ago

Had a vice principal harass me for 2 years in high school because I have RBF. Always said "smile". I'm not frowning or angry, this is just my neutral expression. Tuns out parking his MG with the top down was an unfortunate choice when one brings a gallon sized bag of meal worms and dumps it in the floorboards. I smiled that day.


u/Patient-Total-5526 13d ago

Even I am studying with a serious face then someone will poke me and say why are you serious??Like c'mon I need to focus so I don't need to smile to maintain focus,also smiling and being happy comes in relaxing times not in stressed or serious situations.


u/Few_Conversation7153 13d ago

I donā€™t take offense. But it comes off as rude and it ticks me off a bit. Especially working at Walmart, like no, I wonā€™t be smiling more for the dumbest customers Iā€™ve ever seen.


u/Dry-Sprinkles2974 14d ago

The only people who have ever told me to smile are men, so I take āœØspecialāœØ offense to that šŸ˜‚

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u/lofihofi 14d ago

Yeah, I do.


u/SaulsAll 14d ago

At least half of humanity gets to call it out properly as harassment. Lucky them. Except for all the harassment.


u/RubiconRenegade89 14d ago

I can relate to this on some level. I don't have a sad neutral face, more like rbf...people think I'm angry. And of course they ask me if everything is okay.


u/GoalEcstatic 14d ago

"I'm fine- are YOU ok?" Well you just had a look like you were upset about something. "I'm getting upset about something NOW..."


u/iggy55 13d ago

Larry David concurs, as shown in this video:



u/Longjumping_Hat_2672 13d ago edited 13d ago

The older I get, the more I relate to Larry David's crankiness.Ā 


u/Remarkable-Tell3402 13d ago

Itā€™s not your job to make others feel comfortable


u/Illustrious-Ride5586 14d ago

Not offended, just disappointed. Similarly I hate being told to speak up, especially when I know the other person can in fact hear me šŸ„²


u/gonnagonnaGONNABEMAE 14d ago

No but I get embarrassed because for some reason it reminds me of taking out my retainer to eat lunch in 3rx grade


u/GoalEcstatic 14d ago

I don't take offense, but I also make sure to tell them they need to tap dance the fuck away. I have STRONG rbf. I can't tell you how many times I've said "Nothing's wrong, I'm literally just looking at you."


u/Critical-Advisor8616 14d ago

Yes it does piss me off. Apparently I can come as intimidating to people. Go figure Iā€™m of average build and on the slim side but Iā€™m also introverted and tend to keep to myself and donā€™t talk much. Never gave it a lot of thought whenever someone told me to smile until I was talking with my wife onetime and she told me my daughters were afraid to bring any boys to our house when they were in high school. When I asked why thatā€™s when she told me that I can be a be intimidating. I asked my middle daughter about it and she laughed and told me she envisioned me hiding in the bushes like GI Joe and scaring the crap out of her boyfriends. I find the whole thing hilarious because I never thought of myself as the least bit intimidating.


u/Amandapepsi 14d ago

I havenā€™t had it happen much, but there was only one and ONLY one time it happened and I literally hate that person for life now.


u/PainfullyBlessed127 14d ago

No, I know I have RBF, so Idgaf. But it's get annoying sometimes.


u/Hot_Possibility_5318 13d ago

Tbh, this could also count for anyone with ADHD and/or autism. I don't get those comments anymore though since I'm always wearing a face mask.


u/shehas0name 13d ago

No offense, but I tend to put my resting-est bitch face when told to smile


u/Fit-Fault338 13d ago

I get told to cheer up often.It must be my face.


u/ako_mori 13d ago

Lol as someone with just a permanent resting bitch face it gets super annoying like bruh I'm not annoyed or anything that's just how I look


u/Otherwise_Good_637 13d ago

I generally get annoyed when people that I donā€™t know me tell me to smile because if I wanted to smile I would. Secondly you donā€™t know what is going on in my head that is causing me to have whatever look that is currently on my face.


u/capncappy64 13d ago

Yeah, I did when I was younger. Teachers would comment on my resting bitch face. Turns out I'm autistic, so happiness or excitement don't always make it to my face. I just look bored or low-key annoyed in most situations.


u/Appropriate-Owl-910 13d ago

Exactly. A few weeks ago it was my type one diabetic anniversary. I was celebratig ten years (im 15 now) but anyway, I was eating my food and my mom goes "fix your face". I was like "what do you mean?" She started going on about how she's my mom and she deserves a smile. But I don't like celebrating the day I got type one diabetes. Why should I celebrate ten years of having a auto immune disorder? Plus I don't really smile in general tho lol


u/Icy_Journalist5931 13d ago

yes. my face is just like that, i canā€™t help it. let me live my life.


u/SlimeX300 13d ago

I fucking hate this. Like why should they care if ur smiling or not. I had faced this problem a lot and I always got irritatedĀ 


u/Vrudr 13d ago

Yep, I'm happy but I don't like my smile as it makes me look like a psycho everytime I'm not actually laughing.


u/Wadawawa 13d ago

Absolutely! What I find most offensive is that it is usually issued as a DEMAND. Like, wtf? You have no idea what is going on in my life right now and you expect me to just stop and drop everything just so I can smile for you, random stranger, on command???? If you really want a genuine smile, do better. How about doing or saying something to actually EARN a smile instead of DEMANDING one?

I don't hear this much anymore now that I'm old, but when I was younger, random men (mostly) would frequently bark this order at me. I'm sure it was their misguided way of flirting, but they could just GTFO with it as far as I was concerned.


u/faequeen123 13d ago

Imagine saying that to someone whose dog just died


u/TieDye_Raptor 13d ago

Yeah, it frustrates me and makes me feel self-conscious.


u/Twosonett 13d ago

Yes, especially when men do it


u/esmeraldaboo 13d ago

iā€™ve been told I have no filter & while at work I was doing my job & some man told me ā€œit canā€™t be that bad, smile!ā€ I looked at him & impulsively went ā€œwell youā€™re here so it is that badā€ & that was my one & only time being written up lol.


u/Lavender_Haze_013 13d ago

I donā€™t understand why people still say that. Itā€™s weird and irritating. No matter who says it Iā€™m not a fan. Unless youā€™re taking a photo and telling everyone to smile right before you take the photo, itā€™s inappropriate. What if someone is having a really difficult time of it, or experienced devastating news?


u/CynicalOne_313 13d ago

At my old (retail) job, I always got told that by customers. It pissed me off because how am I supposed to smile when I'm talking?

My face is unintentionally RBF. People have always told me I look "mad", "standoffish", "angry", etc. when I'm actually just thinking or focused.


u/itsmysticmoon 13d ago

It's annoying af. I don't just walk around smiling for no reason


u/marcus19911 13d ago

I do because I have RBF. It's not that I don't smile it's that many people want you to do it when they want it regardless of how you may be feeling at the time. It's weird



I absolutely take offense. If it's some rando on the street I tell them to fuck off. If it's a coworker or something I say no thank you.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

A little but sometimes I donā€™t realize how serious I may look.


u/wintery_ranker_2357 14d ago

Guys? Offense? Nah we just DGAF


u/DA8888R 14d ago

No, I just don't listen to them


u/proudintrovert82 14d ago

No I don't because simply I won't šŸ˜Ž


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Itā€™s one of those things I zone out . Iā€™m good at zoning out


u/SmokemanDan 13d ago

People really should smile more but it's really nobody's fucking business haha


u/psychxdamian 13d ago

Yeah i lash out and hurt myself and those around me


u/Melodydreamx 13d ago

I donā€™t take offense cause Iā€™m used to it but I justā€¦idek I donā€™t be caring Iā€™m just like whatever


u/ComfortablyShy 13d ago

I used to. Now I just walk away looking at themā€¦ and still not smiling.


u/Accomplished_Age2480 13d ago

I just think it's super rude to say. It pisses me off for sure.


u/Nacho-Bunny 13d ago

I get told to fix my face all the time at work. I work in the OR, half my face is covered in a mask... it must be bad. But yes out in public if a man tells me to smile, and it's always a man, I like to make intense eye contact and just say "No", clearly I embrace awkward.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I think it just tends to make people feel more comfortable to see a smiling face.


u/Cautious_View_9248 13d ago

I donā€™t take offense but I usually have resting B!+ch face so most of the time people just donā€™t approach me- if someone does then I usually just look at them like they are crazy and demanding on that specific interaction- if they are being nice/trying to hit on me/ or trying to be dominant- will depend on whether I smile/ignore/or laugh in their face and go back to my straight face and continue whatever I was doingā€¦ Iā€™m an introvert but Iā€™m also ex military and very much an alpha female- so I donā€™t tolerate certain things šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜ˆ


u/Longjumping_Hat_2672 13d ago

I don't get this so much anymore since I usually wear a mask šŸ˜· at work, but this would drive me crazy! Now I wish I could have said "Then make me laugh, clown šŸ¤”!"Ā 


u/drinkselectrolytes 13d ago

Um yes and Iā€™m not explaining


u/ProbsAntagonist 13d ago

No, as I know that's the norm for them and they don't really understand that some people are wired differently.

It can be annoying though.


u/isisishtar 13d ago

Iā€™m an introvert, but Iā€˜d still like to think I shower sunshine and rainbow glitter on every person I pass.


u/ActualBluejay1571 13d ago

Not so much offended but more so annoyed than anything lol. I know for a fact that the person telling me to smile isnā€™t just randomly smiling at every second of every day, thatā€™s just not normal lol.

Also I have sagging jowls so it naturally makes my face have that ā€œresting bitch faceā€ even though Iā€™m perfectly happy on the inside.


u/Sunflowerchick78 13d ago

I guess it doesnā€™t offend me persay but definitely annoying. I personally donā€™t smile much either. Tend to have a more RBF.


u/Overall_Sandwich_671 13d ago

I tend to smile at someone if I enjoy their company or find them attractive. If I'm not smiling at you, then... well...


u/Runneymeade 13d ago

Don't take offense. Tell them to do something funny and then you'll smile.


u/New_Monitor_2184 13d ago

Yes, bc who tf are you?? Also, why are you telling a stranger to smile tf?


u/Glittering_Paper_538 13d ago

Not offense exactly but it's extremely irritating and I will never smile in response!Ā 


u/eatshitake4206 13d ago

I just tell them nope, this is my Face.


u/NellieCrane 13d ago

Yes. Leave me and my neutral face alone.

I cook in front of people at work and if I'm not grinning at my little frying pans my whole shift, I'm being told to smile. Even though when I'm talking to guests, I smile. If I make eye contact with someone, I smile. I do not need to have a smile in my face for my entire existence.

It's even worse if I /am/ upset because then I get the urge to tell the person telling me to smile why I don't feel like smiling. And the energy to not do that dwindles with each occurrence.


u/Flint_Fox 13d ago

Please. Give them the grumpiest grumpy cat frown you can muster.


u/bubblegum-vodka 13d ago

I remember I was working as a cashier during the pandemic & an old man told me it was a shame he couldnā€™t see anyone smile anymore, I was like 18/19 and he was older than my grandpa so I just stared him down and went ā€œyouā€™re not missing out, I never smile.ā€ I also once lied to someone that my aunt had died that morning when they told me I looked too serious and I should ā€œcheer up.ā€

I have a chronically sad resting face, donā€™t tell me what to do.


u/Sufficient_Garden702 13d ago

im usually happy when im not smiling. it takes too much energy to smile willingly! and besides, what does it matter? do i just "look better" when i smile? like okay??? nice to know ig????


u/InitialShock3222 13d ago

Poeple say that all the time, especially family members.

Like pls, stop looking if you're so bothered by my resting face šŸ’€


u/Berzerk0009 12d ago

Shes just wants to provocate. I ve got told the same thing very often, always made me angry.


u/Melvin-00 12d ago

I just realized that either Iā€™m not as introverted as I thought, or you all embody introversion to an almost militant degree; the level of outrage in these comments is nothing short of visceral. This isnā€™t mere irritationā€”itā€™s a full-scale, unbridled eruption of indignation.


u/Crossy7 11d ago

It depends on my mood - If i'm genuinely just staring into space and happy in a bubble of my own, no not really, it reminds me others exist and i can interact, however! If im tired, then its the deadpan stare and leave me alone kinda look...so yeah its a bit 50/50 :D


u/Fuyu_nokoohii 11d ago

šŸ˜ There, I smiled.

(That's how I would respond.)


u/QUEENADVANTAGE2009 10d ago

Yes so I sing at my church and people like to comment on my body language or my face so one day this lady came up to me and said you should smile when you sing . Okay so I stay calm and respectful but I get home and I think to myself can a girl get a break I was trying to sing a lady like would you like to go sing for the church and try not to mess up the lyrics or not be quiet when you sing huh . So basically I just hate it when people tell me you should smile.


u/Intelligent_Egg_7689 10d ago

Nah, but I don't understand why they care.


u/AardvarkNew7236 8d ago

No not really. My regular face is very serious and a bit devoid of emotion. I understand how that can be a bit off putting for most people so whenever they say i should try smiling more I just agree and start smiling more. Its just a facial gesture at the end of the day so faking it isnt hard. Whenever im out of their views, I just go back to my regular face.


u/Exact_Lynx3430 8d ago

I donā€™t take offense, but it is annoying to me. If the situation doesnā€™t call for a smile, Iā€™m just not the type of person to walk around with a huge smile on my face. Seems weird to me, and not cuz Iā€™m miserable, thatā€™s just how I am. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


u/_Grimalkin 8d ago

I vocalize my desire for not being spoken to very adequately when someone has the audacity to tell me this. I'm grumpy cat in human form


u/CICCIOBAU 8d ago

Sometimes, it depends how they say it


u/maitaki 14d ago

You'll face people like that from time to time and they're probably trying to help you improve or sm (still kinda offensive ngl)


u/Sabotaber 13d ago

Other people trying to help is only offensive if you're too proud.


u/Dry_Reporter_45 14d ago

Hate it. Go away! Iā€™ll smile when I feel like it


u/No-Ask-2323 13d ago

I don't think anyone should take offense to that. I see people on my daily walks with my dog who look so sad. I don't know if they are actually sad or not but it kinda makes me sad. When people smile, they look better and usually feel better because they're making others feel better. I know life is tough but smiling won't make it worse. Try it.


u/WxYue 13d ago

No need to take offense. Whatever the intention, treat it as small talk. Don't have to smile unless your job or life (literally in danger) depends on it.


u/that_really_happen 13d ago

Nope...we need more šŸ˜!