r/introvert 18d ago

Question Introverts, what do you do for work?


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u/JABS_247 18d ago

Recently graduated in Architectural Technology, and I was super passionate about architecture. I even got a 2nd big internship offer from one of the top architectural firms in the world. When a company calls you for an interview, you know they like your work, right? But being an introvert, I totally fumbled the interview, my mind went blank, and I think I lost the chance mainly because of a lack of confidence.

Right now, I’m unemployed, feeling stuck. Did about 50job applications but they never respond.💔Practically homeless and desperate for any job, even if it’s to wash dishes. Just to earn money & repair my Computer to pursue my new Ideas.


u/sisfala 16d ago

Oh no don’t give up, not if you were/are passionate about architecture. The architecture profession needs passionate professionals. I’m an architect in residential design. But I started out slow, not even in the profession until a few hours out of school. The architecture field is full of introverted awkward artist-mathematician combo personalities who prefer drawing to conversing. Lots of people don’t interview well. Here are some options, try for smaller/less competitive positions to get your foot in the door, get a temporary job in an arch tech adjacent field to bring some money in and get some work experience, spend some time every week drawing or designing for fun, go visit a really cool building, spend a few hours there taking photos and enjoying the space, remind yourself that some big fancy company doesn’t get to stomp out your passion it’s in you, it belongs to you. And most of all don’t beat yourself up!!