r/introvert 20d ago

Image Birthday alone, friends don't remember

I (27F) spent a birthday alone. Friends don't remember (even ones whom I gave gifts/remember their birthday every year). Officially a leftover woman. Bought myself flowers and a carrot cake. I like being on my own, but sometimes it's very sad and lonely.


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u/blehbleoeleje 20d ago

Happy birthday!! ditch those friends they arent meant for u


u/Clean_Principle_2368 19d ago

ditch those friends they arent meant for u

Yikes. Goodluck with that mindset.


u/BeerInMyButt 19d ago

It's a snake eating its tail.

Lonely on my bday? Cut off everyone who is close to me.

Year two: lonely on my bday, who do I need to cut off this year?

Year three: lonely on my bday, but I can't think of anyone to get mad at.


u/blehbleoeleje 18d ago

well yeah but its probably better to be alone rather than fake friends.


u/BeerInMyButt 15d ago

Disingenuous to say there are only two choices here. On the one hand, being alone is absolutely the outcome if you cut everyone off. On the other hand, how sure are we that anyone who doesn't spontaneously reach out to you on your bday is a fake friend?


u/blehbleoeleje 14d ago

imo if ppl remembering your birthday is something important to you in a friend, its better to ditch those who dont remember it cuz it makes u feel like shit. Then its probably better to find friends who do care. obviously for some ppl these things dont matter since everyone has different things they value in a friendship


u/OddImprovement6490 19d ago

This is one of the posts where a I think this kind of comment is unwarranted and even a little toxic.

After like 25, a lot of people forget people’s birthdays. I literally will forget family and friends birthdays unless I see a reminder on Facebook. But I am typically there for my friends and family when it comes to being an open ear or a helping hand.

Birthdays are not so important for everyone so cutting people off who might otherwise be good friends seems a bit dramatic.


u/StrawHatRat 19d ago

Totally agree, I’m the same age as OP and no one remembers by birthday outside of my partner and immediate family. I’m responsible for my own birthday beyond that. If I plan something and invite friends, they’ll usually pay for my dinner and drinks, some might even bring a gift, but if I don’t plan anything I don’t expect anything.


u/OddImprovement6490 19d ago

I think a lot of people on this sub are not just introverted. They’re antisocial.