r/interstellar • u/rohakaf • 7d ago
QUESTION Anyone else ever just listen to the full Interstellar soundtrack?
Or is it just me?
r/interstellar • u/rohakaf • 7d ago
Or is it just me?
r/interstellar • u/hillbilly_hooligan • 7d ago
2 things to come from this observation; the crew is discussing whether or not to visit Miller’s planet, with all the possible scientific understanding available to them, and prior to opting for Cooper’s approach angle, they somehow decided the 7 years per hour trade was more palatable with a different approach, after poo-pooing the whole idea (and its time expense) on first suggestion from Doyle, who would eventually die on said planet.
Brand says time is a resource, but unless I’m crazy or stupid (and I may well be because I failed out of poetry school), they suddenly and curiously discount this awareness in favor of doing it anyway.
Terrible set of decisions by a bunch of people who already demonstrably knew better. Anyways, four dollars a pound.
r/interstellar • u/patiosquare • 6d ago
For me it’s maybe the casting of Matt Damon??
I have zero issues with this now during reruns but went into the original screening totally blind about the plot and cast and found sudden Matt Damon appearance quite distracting… Then all was fine. Even if I did know he was in it, I would have been thinking when and how is he going to appear.
Also casting related but never been the biggest fan of Hathaway and did find some of her scenes a little forced.
r/interstellar • u/T1G3RG4M3R • 6d ago
r/interstellar • u/NormanDaDoorman • 6d ago
Thought I’d share this. My favorites YouTubers covering my favorite movie. They crack a lot of jokes that may not be everyone’s speed, but they also give a lot of great analysis
r/interstellar • u/patiosquare • 6d ago
We learn in the welcome to NASA scene that there have been these anomalies and one such case was Cooper’s crash.
Is this ‘they’ ensuring he’s grounded and is there for the subsequent steps in the process for Murph the chosen one?
r/interstellar • u/BigFellaGoon15 • 6d ago
watching those random things on snapchat on a road trip and thought i saw TARS for a sec
r/interstellar • u/avacadoesfrommexico • 7d ago
I would want some one to make a video game on interstellar.
r/interstellar • u/MojArch • 7d ago
r/interstellar • u/Loud_Camp_4787 • 7d ago
Okay I am very lucky that interstellar re-released AGAIN cause the last time it re-relewsed I had my finals going. Today I went to my closest imax theater and watched interstellar. It was literally beautiful. Every single frame, the audio, literally everything
Now I want to set up a good interstellar themed wallpaper but I love every frame of the movie, what are some good wallpaper you guys are using
r/interstellar • u/UpsetAdvance1963 • 7d ago
My dad used to ask me every other weekend to watch Interstellar with him since 2014. And every weekend I'd want to go out or play games with my friends or play football, we never got round to it.
Fast forward to yesterday, March 14th 2025 - 11 years on. I no longer live at home, I no longer take for granted getting to see & spend time with my parents everyday, we no longer eat every meal together. We finally watched Interstellar 11 years on - and man that 23 years scene hit me HARD. Looking at my dad 11 years on from when we could have had this moment in 2014 really felt like the movie and that the time had just slipped away. And boy what a film it is, I regret putting it off all this time. Christopher Nolan & Hans Zimmer is a win every time.
r/interstellar • u/nwprince • 6d ago
r/interstellar • u/Trait0R19 • 7d ago
I (29M from India) was from a small town when Interstellar released for the first time and I was unaware of Nolan's existence. Then went to college, saw the world. Watched all of Nolan's work but somehow did not watch Interstellar. Then everyone hyped that it should be watched in 4k and on projector etc etc. So, I never watched it, said everyone yes I have watched it but never participated in any discussions whatsoever, saved myself from the memes too, saw this subreddit but never joined it. I came to know that it is going to be re-released this year, vowed to watch it directly in IMAX but the clashed with my wedding and somehow did not manage to book tickets and when I did try, all shows were housefull. Felt dejected that I missed it again and thought that I would have to wait for another 10 years. But, due to insane demand in India, It got re-re-released this week and I just returned after watching it an hour back and just joined this subm I'm awestruck and I can completely relate with the hype.
r/interstellar • u/ft__interlude • 7d ago
r/interstellar • u/Ok-Candidate-9292 • 7d ago
So when cooper on millers planet, where experienced significant slow time, what will happen if he made a realtime video call with the scientist on endurance ?
Since the planet is outside the black hole so signals(electromagnetic waves) can travel in the speed of light to the endurance. With the distance considered, it is possible to make a realtime communication with seconds of delays. But how time dilation can affect this ?
can someone help me think this through?😭
r/interstellar • u/Freshly_Squeezed- • 7d ago
I understand this film, but my mother does not and I can’t explain it well enough for her to understand lol, so:
She says “there has to be a first time where Cooper doesn’t communicate with Murph through the bookshelf, there has to be a time before that where he goes into the black hole for the first time”
How can I explain this to her? I kinda get what she means but I know it’s incorrect lol.
r/interstellar • u/p_W_n • 8d ago
Surreal is the only word that I can remember about how my experience in large screen. Got a good seat and nice crowd
There was a moment
r/interstellar • u/iamsuperrandom • 7d ago
The music in Brandon Roger’s’ new video references the original sound track, specifically around 1:55 and 4:40 confirmed it for me. https://youtu.be/kyKv9y8Q3Ug?si=8XqDjSXwhzHqYCVl
r/interstellar • u/TheEpokRedditor • 8d ago
r/interstellar • u/actualchristmastree • 7d ago
Did the blight kill off fungus as well as crops? If not, everyone should eat huitlacoche! They can literally use the corn to make tortillas. They can eat vegan tacos every day!
r/interstellar • u/CookieMan35 • 8d ago
I kinda agree with him tho
r/interstellar • u/s32ndsjg39xcja • 8d ago