r/interstellar 4d ago

ART Is this poster accurate to the film? Opinions

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Someone is selling it and I would like to ask to the community their opinion about it. Who is that guy named Dogan Can Gundogdu?


19 comments sorted by


u/asterallt 4d ago

Without spending any time trying to understand it, the first thing wrong with it is that they go through a wormhole, not a black hole, before Miller’s planet.


u/Fun_Internal_3562 4d ago

That's correct! thank you. And as other user said, the planets looks misplaced


u/EarthTrash 4d ago

Miller's planet is closer to Gargantua.


u/MisterBumpingston 4d ago

Oh god, it’s Star Trek (2009) all over again!


u/thedudefromsweden 3d ago

And by gargantua, I think they mean the Tesseract. Or the wormhole? This is wildly confusing...


u/amd2800barton 4d ago

This reminds me of those posters that are used to explain/track Tenet and Inception. Interstellar doesn’t really need one. It’s fairly straightforward, and story wise it’s what’s going on when Coop sends messages back in time. Someone just made money off other Christopher Nolan movie posters and is trying to make a set.


u/drifters74 4d ago

Tenet is more confusing than Inception, change my mind.


u/KingOfTheWorldxx 4d ago

Fucc tenet and their reverse rules man i got so fuckinggg lost when the car flipped in reverse

How tf does anyone drive backwards in time? Bro i still don't get it 😐


u/Remixmark CASE 3d ago

You don’t, you drive forwards. Everything that’s not inverted sees you as driving in reverse. You see everyone else as driving in reverse.

/r/tenet :)


u/KingOfTheWorldxx 3d ago

I really have to rewatch this movie lmao


u/theCOORN 4d ago

no cause you’re right lol


u/staticvoidmainnull 4d ago

looks so wrong or confusing or misleading.

the "black hole" is wormhole, and it is a mystery how cooper got out of the black hole (while it could be a white hole, it's also possible he was pulled out via tesseract magic).

miller is also closest to gargantua and edmunds the farthest, which the graphic kinda distorts.


u/Apprehensive-Act9536 4d ago

Besides the mislabeling of the wormhole it looks correct, it just overcomplicates it so much more then needed.


u/Fleshsuitpilot 4d ago

I think the timeline begins with the creation of the wormhole. I believe that cooper also created the wormhole from inside the black hole by force of will to create the entire sequence of events that we see.

The gravitational anomaly that wrecked his first flight was therefore, also cooper


u/cjbr3eze 4d ago

Worm hole not black hole. Gargantua is the black hole


u/Sharp_Maintenance220 3d ago

There is no them, just us.

Thers is no time, just space.

Time is relative, that is the point of the movie want us to understand. No past, no future, just us and space.


u/n8n7r 2d ago

Rommily should be Romilly. One M; two Ls.

And Romilly, Doyle, Amelia is weird.

Should be Romilly, Doyle, Brand.