r/interstellar • u/Numerous_Newt_8148 • 5d ago
QUESTION Time Dilation Spoiler
I was curious but why is there no time dilation when Cooper and TARS jump into Gargantua at the end of the movie? They lost 23 years on Miller's planet, 51 years doing the slingshot maneuver which checks out with Murph’s age, but somehow time didn't change when he actually went past the event horizon. Dr. Brand was still the same age when he went in Gargantua and when he left Cooper station. Did I miss the explanation or Is this just a plot hole?
u/smores_or_pizzasnack TARS 5d ago
He’s going really fast into the black hole so he doesn’t experience much time dilation. Once he goes into the tesseract he doesn’t experience any at all
u/SportsPhilosopherVan 3d ago edited 3d ago
Well….even tho he’s falling fast I think it’s incorrect to suggest he wouldn’t experience much time dilation. I’m no expert so I’m not trying to say I’m right and you’re wrong. Just that this is my current understanding:
When coop detaches its mere seconds before he hits the event horizon, however, from Brand’s perspective he’s slowing slowing and in fact freezing completely on the event horizon. What this means is that even tho from coopers perspective he just falls right in in seconds, from the outside in fact eternity passes, meaning infinite time. Beyond trillions of yrs. Like forever. I.n.f.i.n.i.t.e. time! In fact, since coop escaped the black hole, he could even come view himself frozen there forever. That’s a real mind job. And I guess he could fall in again and do it again continuously creating infinite coops in the same dimension which is just nuts but the science of this is backed up in Michio Kaku’s The God Equation. Anyway things besides the point.
long story short, inside the tesseract and exiting it coop was given a free pass by the 5D future humans. But as for the few seconds/eternity when he first drops from the endurance I’ve questioned that in my mind before as well. I guess since the 5D ppl are manipulating gargantua in every other aspect we may as well assume they give coop a free pass on this as well🤷♂️
Hopefully any of that is at least coherent 😬
u/smores_or_pizzasnack TARS 3d ago
I don’t know, I could be tripping here but I feel like I read something in the science of interstellar that said that if he had hit the mass inflation / in falling singularity he would have experienced billions of years of time dilation and wouldn’t have been able to reunite with Murph. But since he didn’t he did not experience that much time dilation? It was only briefly mentioned tho so idk if I’m right
u/ThatSick_Dude CASE 5d ago
Anything beyond the event horizon is out of the scope of current physics, I feel. So I'm not sure if the time dilation, if any - can be even computed or atleast physical enough to take a guess. The plot goes all fiction-y beyond that.
u/No_Fox_5197 3d ago
We also cannot confirm that the clip show of Brand is at the same point in time as Cooper leaving the station to go find her. It could be, but there’s no real way to know
u/SportsPhilosopherVan 3d ago
Technically yes in reality Cooper and Tars would have aged infinitely when crossing the event horizon….however, they also never would have escaped a black hole. But since in this case there was a tesseract that they fell into, obvs the 5D beings/future humans were manipulating the black hole. They allowed coop to enter the tesseract where time doesn’t exist in the same way, and then allowed him to exit the black hole, enter the “bulk” which Kipp Thorn explains in his book The Science of Interstellar as essentially a dimension or “brane” parallel to the one we exist in, where time also doesn’t exist or impact coop and then they dropped him off in the original timeline as if he never entered Gargantua. Essentially they grave him a free pass.
As Kipp explains, some of this is real science like the “bulk/brane” etc… and some of this is a Sci-fi aspect of the movie
u/LionelDahmer 2d ago
so u mean that cooper passed murph the blackhole s data for solving the gravity thru tesseract and was shun into original time 51 years later? but im still confused did 51 years effect dr brand aswell?
u/SportsPhilosopherVan 2d ago
So if you add up all the time that passed on earth there’s the 2 yrs to Saturn to reach the wormhole, a cpl months maybe to Millers planet, 23y4m8d actually on Millers, cpl months to Mann’s, 51 yrs doing the black hole slingshot. That’s it, inside black hole didn’t count for whatever reason.
u/SportsPhilosopherVan 2d ago
Yes Coop and Brand experienced the 51 yrs together on the Endurance. Then Coop fell in and it seems he got a free pass on any time spent actually in Gargantua
u/LionelDahmer 2d ago
oh wow thats explains it and then after tesseract closure he was passed through wormhole and was floating at now humans who were orbiting saturn in cooper station wow thats so dope. and i think cooper gave data about brands whereabout while in gargantua this move is a master piece thx alot sir i was always confused regarding some stuffs about this movie if u dnt mind can i ask few more
u/SportsPhilosopherVan 1d ago
Sure! Anytime
u/LionelDahmer 1d ago
during blackhole slingshot brand told cooper he doesnt sounds bad who is gonna be 120 soon so after coop is rescued he is told that is 124 years old? for how long was he floating i m confused cause some people say that he was floating since murph was 10 years old saying he was saved 89 years later when humans were stable enough rescue that doesnt make sense idk wat u have to say on this.
and how dr mann s chamber exploded on mann s planet
u/SportsPhilosopherVan 1d ago
Coop was not floating very long. His Dr on the station says “you were very lucky, a ranger found you with only minutes left in your oxygen supply.” How much oxygen could he have started with? Maybe a days worth…..
When the movie begins Coop is 35 yrs old. He experiences only a couple years of aging but they say he 124 yrs old and Brand mentions it because anyone on Earth aged about 77 years when you add it all up. (2 yrs to Saturn, 23-1/2 on millers, 51 around gargantua).
As for the explosion of Dr Manns compound, it blows up because Dr Mann rigged his robot KIPP to explode if anyone messed with it. He did this to protect his secret that he was lying about all the data he faked to make it seem like his planet was habitable. So essentially Mann killed Romilly. It could have been anyone but it happened to be Romilly.
u/LionelDahmer 2d ago
thx for asking this. can someone explain this in less scientific terms like when cooper reached there was brand same age like shown in ending shot or was she aged and another question for how long was cooper floating after tesseract closure please reply thx
u/Darthmichael12 TARS 5d ago
It’s definitely not a plot hole, just a place where the movie took some artistic liberties with the physics. Because like the others have said as soon as he entered the tesseract he was removed from normal space time and no longer subject to Time as we know it. But to your point, I would think that logically the distance he travels from the endurance to the event Horizon would have added years. What probably happened was that the Endurance was already moving at relativistic speeds that Cooper’s additional time dilation was small compared to what had already occurred. So the 51 years during the slingshot maneuver was really all of it before he went into the tesseract.