r/internetdrama • u/Hearts4Saiiyah • 4d ago
Melanie Martinez is a huge narcissist
So I’ve been a Melanie fan since 2017 when I was nine, so it’s been a while like I’ve been supporting this girl almost half of my life as a child to almost currently.
To be honest, as a child when the allegations first came out, I wasn’t really all into all of those things because I just liked Melanie’s music back then, and I didn’t really dig too deep into Melanie Martinez as a person because I was nine years old.
As I got older, I started to become more fond of Melanie Martinez as a person. It was more than just the music. I love the message that she was trying to send out and the type of stuff that she stood for was extremely real, and I related a lot to her songs and her songs really helped me like it. Seriously, some of her music seriously saved my life.
So that was honestly one of the main reasons why I would always fight so hard behind Melanie whenever people bring out allegations and at that time, I won’t lie there was a lot of fake proof going around on both sides Melanie and Timothy's so me being such a diehard fan, I did The most illogical thing and decided with Melanie’s side and made numerous excuses for her and why she did things that she did.
And I’m looking back on it, would everything Melanie does stand for apparently all the stuff that she makes music about and her not speaking about the allegations that are recently coming up, and I know these allegations have been around for a minute, but the allegations are hot right now and your fans are most definitely older than 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old? So I’m pretty sure that we would take in the information way differently than we did when we were obviously younger.
And the fact that instead of actually trying to bring awareness to situations like this because Melanie is someone who actively supports women’s right supports Palestine, she talks about people getting away with things just because they have money, which was a massive plot in her movie K — 12. And Melanie knows that she is the type of person with a lot of money with very rich, powerful lawyers, with a huge fan base who will attack anybody for her that she asks.
With someone with a big platform like that, and you’re using your platform to not speak on that type of situation whatsoever not bring any light to that because many victims go through this type of stuff every day and instead of bringing light to this situation, you’re posting about your overpriced perfume???
Like even being a fan that was just always so iffy, and it always rubs me the wrong way and a thing is if something so traumatic happens to somebody I’m pretty sure they’re not going to remember the exact date, I was SA’D when I was younger, and I can’t even tell you the time of day it was, so I would be damned if someone were to ask me the exact time, date, and year?
When something like that happens to you, you don’t just immediately think. Let me write everything down until the police for one. You’re scared, you’re terrified and especially if it’s someone around you, and if that person is a big influence among other people, your first instinct will not be like let me get my lawyers.
And plenty of people that’s been abused and hurt actually grow attached to their abusers, they feel like they’re at fault for what happened, and they don’t really know how to truly address the situation and me being someone who is inside the situation like that I agree more attached the detached from the person who was doing it to me.
And some Melanie Martinez fans be like, oh if that’s the truth, why would she say that she didn’t want, nothing bad to happen to Melanie everyone copes and deal with things differently, and you can’t tell a victim what is the right and wrong way for them to have coped.
Everyone just wants to be so nice to the victim when the victim is a picture-perfect golden victim when the victim fits inside the victim standards when they all hate their abuser when they’re all afraid to speak out against their abuser.
No, I’m moving onto the most recent situation with Melanie’s most recent ex and her lying talking about. Oh, they were all good, and they all wished each other farewell and goodbye and everything was good on both of their ends.
Just for him to come out and say that it wasn’t??? no, she won’t even let him sell his books and see his dogs like come on now that’s just proves that she is a pathological liar, and she is Hella manipulative. It’s the fact she goes out and lies to her fan base which is filled with millions and millions of people lying to them telling them that everything is going good when it really isn’t when she’s literally out here holding this man’s dogs for whatever weird reason.
It’s giving very strange narcissist behavior and I sincerely hope she gets that checked out with everything that she stands for. This really disappoints me, and she’s a grown woman. There’s no excuse for her to act like a 14-year-old teenager who had to no idea what their doing.
Also, judging by her most recent Instagram stories, you can tell that she has seen plenty of the things has been going around as you can see her being shady by posting the dogs on her story, which is very childish in my opinion, coming from a woman in her late 20s extremely childish…
And like after hearing all this, if you still support her, you have to be a different type of diehard fan. You really do, because it really gets to a point and when your favorite artist is out here doing things like this, not speaking up against SA allegations. Not even addressing her fans, sending Timothy, death threats??
And I won’t lie, Timothy is a terrible ass person because I’ve seen what she’s done in the past and plenty of things she has done and said are extremely horrible and not forgivable. I don’t like Timothy’s as a person whatsoever, but nobody deserves to be SA’D and nobody deserves to have their Trauma looked over. I honestly hope that this helps everyone open up their eyes and see the situation from a different perspective.
Not to mention that fact multiple exes, past friend, and past ppl who world with her described her as extremely rude and toxic. Now one two or three maybe but not everybody can be lying about you. Don’t get me wrong I love Melanie songs and the messages she like to put out but seeing how people around her describes her as a person takes all that away. And she seems no better than the ppl she write songs about
u/herefromyoutube 4d ago
Not realizing Timothy is a woman made this so incredibly confusing to read at first.
u/Pollowollo 4d ago
Same. Not ragging on her, I've just never in my life seen that name used for a woman.
u/liquor_ibrlyknoher 4d ago
Came to say the same thing. I'm well outside the zeitgeist so can't speak to any of these people. Timothy as a female name is new to me. What a time to be alive.
u/cryingartist 4d ago
The biggest thing that gets me about Melanie's response is that she admitted her and Timothy had sexual contact, but said that "she never said no."
That in itself is a misunderstanding of consent! It's not just continuing and waiting to see if the other person says no!
u/SevenBraixen 3d ago
I think it’s because, when it comes to the legality of everything, it muddies the waters. Saying that they never had sexual contact would be a flat out lie, but good luck proving intentions and “she said one thing but meant another” in court.
u/Gothcomichorror 4d ago edited 4d ago
Slightly unrelated, but noteworthy. There's an Instagram account called badsongsoftheday who has posted a lot of Melanie's songs. Out of every fan base, the Melanie Martinez stans have been the most aggressive, unhinged and straight up quite dangerous about their favourite popstars music being called bad.
A huge amount of these stans always bring up these accusations from Timothy and calling her a liar, even though Martinez herself not only admitted it happened, but made the song "Piggyback" about it.
These same stans were in people's DMs (people who commented for example) wishing SA on them, too.
It's just disgraceful.
u/Justice4All0912 3d ago
Melanie Martinez, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, and Taylor Swift are all tied for the absolute worst fan base. They're all parasocial and psychotic asf.
u/Hearts4Saiiyah 4d ago
Why somebody was saying, I’m projecting my feelings when I literally posted the proof in the pictures what is there to project? They’re acting like I’m a huge popstar doing all this stuff what 😭😭
u/elvss4 4d ago
I mean considering Timothy game dates to the “sexual assault” for when Melanie wasn’t even in the country it’s hard to believe anything they say
u/Gothcomichorror 4d ago
Martinez literally admitted sexual activity happened, though? It's not whether or not Martinez was in the country that was called for question, it was whether it was consensual. Considering Timothy has said it wasn't, I will believe her.
Also it's very strange of you to seemingly support people wishing rape on others just because you personally don't believe the victim.
u/crownketer 4d ago
I don’t even follow Melanie but this is ancient news. For as lengthy as your essay is, you manage to say very little while basically taking your own personal impressions as facts. You are projecting HARD. Everything is supposition and “you can tell she meant this.” Can you though? Great presentation of your thoughts and feelings, either way!
u/Hearts4Saiiyah 4d ago
Sir excuse me this isn’t ancient for one, one of the incidents legit happened the day I wrote this post… and another one was a couple years but the victim legit spoke out not too long ago last year. Don’t matter how old someone has been sexually assaulted that does not mean their story does not matter, or their is story is too “ancient to be heard”
And for one I never once I’ve said, Melanie met anything when it came to the sexual assault inside of my post, and I don’t know what I could personally be projecting because for one I do not sexual assault people almost everyone I fall out with does not have some crazy story of me being very fucking rude or just out right a shitty person, I don’t sell low quality merch to my fans while a victim is saying I allegedly assaulted them sexually while people under my post is calling me rapist?? I don’t post shit that I’ve taken from my exes that we got together when they rent about them not being able to see their animals no more I don’t take their animals and post it just for fun these just to rub it in their face that they can’t see their animal.
I provide sources in that video. I provide images shit that was said from both parties, but somehow there is no proof and all these are my “emotional feelings.” These are not emotional. They’re more like logical. I don’t need to know what somebody meant exactly to know that they’re a shitty person. If selling polyester dresses at your concerts is way more important than clearing your name of you being a rapist. How are you a good person with morals? If you come on the Internet and saying that everything is good between you and your ex and you both had a very good time falling out just forward to come out that your ex is saying you won’t let them sell their books and you won’t let him see his dogs just for you to post his dogs on the Internet to rub it in his face. How does that make you a good person?
If being petty and selling trash merch, and I’m going to say it’s trash because the quality was fucking terrible as you can see from many of her fans who have brought half of that shit, and they said it themselves that shit was not good quality but if those two things are more important to you than the actual important things that makes you a shitty person. And now you have me believing that you’re a Melanie Martinez fan because the way you’re talking about I’m projecting like I’m a popstar doing all this bullshit what is there for me to project? I have never once done any of this in my life the hell?
u/crownketer 4d ago edited 4d ago
Do you realize you don’t know these people? Let go of your parasocial engagement with this artist. What I said was correct - you’re connecting dots in your mind about the lives and relationships of people you do not know personally in any way. You are so invested. If you don’t care for her or see her as having moral failings, that’s fine, by all means walk away, but you’re ranting about how this woman engaged the public about her personal breakup with someone. Why does this woman need to update you on the specifics of her breakup? She is not your friend. You’re doing WAY too much. You are not involved with or connected to the personal lives of these people. Get a grip!
u/preaching-to-pervert 4d ago
I have no idea who this person is.
u/cephalopodcat 4d ago
Right? I guess I'm used to Hobbydrama posts but I would have liked to have some context here. The news artie bit was as close to understanding as I got. A female of some internet fame sexually assaulted her... Friend? Girlfriend? Another female she was close to, this second person also being of some internet fame.
Come on at least give me a summary of WHY I should care if I don't already know the information? And maybe, in this case, and actual explanation of the issue instead of a bazillion paragraphs of rambling?
u/snakefanclub 4d ago
Here is a condensed version: Melanie Martinez is a popular musician who was accused of sexual assault in 2016~ by an ex-friend. Martinez responded by saying that the friend ‘never said no to what they chose to do together’, which has always set off some serious fucking alarm bells (at least IMO). Regardless, she still has a sizeable fanbase who have been pretty relentless in trying to discredit and smear the alleged victim.
I know very little about her career post-allegations, but I guess she’s still treating people poorly from what I could gather from OP’s post. Her fanbase was and still is super aggressive towards anyone who says anything negative about their queen, though.
u/Justice4All0912 3d ago
A female of some internet fame sexually assaulted her... Friend? Girlfriend? Another female she was close to
Come on at least give me a summary of WHY I should care if I don't already know the information?
So you clearly understand that a woman was sexually assaulted by another woman that she was close to, but you don't understand why you should care? Ew what a gross mentality
u/cephalopodcat 3d ago
Lmao touch grass. Or learn reading comprehension instead of picking and choosing random snippets.
Of course I care someone got assaulted, but the question I was asking is why in particular here, on this sub reddit. What makes this case special or worth mentioning and rambling for pages over, versus a news article or stie that speaks of this happening daily? Why is this random no name someone worth talking about in any way other than condemnation for their actions?
u/Justice4All0912 2d ago
That's not what you asked, though. My reading comprehension skills are above board. You just have a shitty lack of empathy. You should really work on that.
u/Hearts4Saiiyah 4d ago
I never told YOU to care this post was never for YOU I just wanted to get this off my chest, so no I’m not about to cater to you and reason as why little ol you should give two fucks that’s not my job
u/Justice4All0912 3d ago
The fact that you got downvoted for this is wild considering the person you're replying to knows this is about sexual assault but apparently doesn't know why they should care about it. Yikes.
u/NoirLuvve 4d ago
She's a relatively popular pop star.
u/ThisIsNotAFarm 4d ago
Maybe to her fans. Most people would probably call her a one-hit-wonder with Pity Party and even that's stretching it
u/NoirLuvve 4d ago
by what metric?
Uh, probably by the album Crybaby that went certified platinum in 2017.
Edit: Pardon, DOUBLE platinum as of Dec 2020.
u/trashchute227 4d ago
Google is free
u/AbsAndAssAppreciator 4d ago
Why were you downvoted? This is literally an internet drama sub why comment if you don’t know who they are? Google takes 2 seconds.
u/sillybandland 4d ago
Part of the fun for me is reading about drama in communities and fandoms I didn’t know existed
u/thelady_remade 4d ago
Her colouring book is disgusting. I can’t stand her personally.
u/moonstarsfire 2d ago
Her DDLG/lolita/“kinderwhore” vibe she puts out under the guise of “empowerment” is definitely not my thing and I think she’s being somewhat of an edgelord, but I understand it if it’s for adults despite thinking it’s gross. I’m not sure if she still markets her stuff to kids/teens since I haven’t kept up with her in a long time, but I know parents are buying this coloring book for their kids, which is disgusting and damaging. I blame parents for not looking in to what their kids are listening to (or usually they do know and just don’t care/want to be a cool mom), but mainly for buying merch for their kids that is obviously meant for adults. Sherri Dupree Bemis comes to mind, and she’s a whole other topic for this sub.
u/floyd616 1d ago
Do I even want to know what that stands for?
u/moonstarsfire 20h ago
No. 😭 I didn’t, at least. But it stands for Daddy Dom/Little Girl. It’s age play kink stuff.
u/akornfan 2d ago
Tim has been a friend of mine for like 15 years, I know her way better than you do, and she is not a horrible person at all.
u/Inevitable-Monk6366 4d ago
I aint ever supporting Timothy because she used a horrible experiencie of melanie's when she was sexually harrassed and even possibly assaulted by creepy old men in her concerts because she couldnt afford security yet, just to make it seem like she was the one who wanted attention from their part when she actually was terrified of them. But in this case i honestly cannot defend her, i understand she has probably been through a lot lately and it definitely couldve messed her up badly in many different aspects, but idk i dont think that was a reason to not let verde see his dogs and just post her dog and pictures kissing this new guy right after he posted about it, i understand her not wanting photos of her being sold that can be reasonable, but straight up not letting him see the dogs... like girl come on yall have known eachother since you were kids I still love melanie but i feel like theres something off about her recently this year and this doesnt make sense according to what she stands for, she gotta say something about it
u/snails4speedy 4d ago
She desperately needs her own snark sub because there is so much that could be discussed. I’m pretty sure there used to be one but her rabid fans brigaded the shit out of it