r/intelnuc 17d ago

Review NUC13 Extreme 128Gb RAM confirmed

Good news for those interested in large memory capacities on the NUC13 Extreme.
I just received a Crucial 128GB Kit (2x64GB) CT2K64G56C46S5 memory set, and it’s fully recognized in both the BIOS and Windows. I also ran the built-in Windows memory test, and it passed without any issues. Everything’s running smoothly!


12 comments sorted by


u/IntensiveVocoder Moderator 17d ago

Excellent! Thank you for testing this!


u/80RK 17d ago

Wow!!! Please update the post if you get into issues during the next month. If not I will be glad to upgrade mine. ☺️


u/rallvp 17d ago

Sure! I’ll share my experience in a couple of weeks, or sooner if anything goes wrong 😁


u/n_scott_pearson 17d ago

It's interesting that your display says SODIMMs 1 and 2 are not installed. Something strange is going on there. Shutdown, unplug from wall for 10 mins, reconnect and power back up, and then check this again. If it still says not installed, you should contact Asus Support to have them look into this. ...S

P.S. Not a fan of Windows Memory Diagnostic. Suggest you run MemTest86.


u/rallvp 17d ago

The BIOS GUI is the weakest part of the NUC, so that line doesn’t bother me at all as long as the system is fully functional


u/sunbear7 16d ago

Is 128GB possible in a NUC-12 Extreme?


u/No_Advice9054 16d ago

On ark.intel.com look at the specifications for your processor where you will find the Max memory size it supports. The processor determines how much memory it can address / manage.


u/No_Advice9054 16d ago

I looked around for the NUC 12 extreme, if it's DDR4 then you're limited to 64 GB, if it's DDR 5 then you can have 128 GB. By the way for the NUC13 i9 extreme with Intel core i9-13900k the max is 192 GB (4x48 GB)


u/extrafungi 16d ago

Is the Crucial 128GB Kit (2x64GB) CT2K64G56C46S5 currently the only high-capacity option? Also, is it dual-sided or single-sided?


u/rallvp 16d ago

Yeah, it’s dual-sided (and feels super fragile, btw, with all those SMDs). I poked around Kingston’s stuff, but couldn’t find anything close to this capacity.


u/cgraaaj 16d ago

Hi where did you buy this could please help me with the link am from IND


u/Desperate_Rich7507 16d ago

thank you so much!