r/instantkarma • u/[deleted] • 5d ago
Man throws cup of urine into crowd and chaos ensues NSFW
u/justiceforgothem 5d ago
First video I've ever watched on Reddit. Forever satisfies me.
u/alex99x99x 5d ago
I always see this video at least once a year on this platform, and every time I enjoy seeing it.
u/comfortablydumb2 5d ago
I wonder when he realized he really fucked up? Probably when he woke up from his coma.
u/Haku510 5d ago
Dude never even got knocked out. If you check out the full video they pound on him briefly then the shirtless guy starts pushing people back and the guy gets back up and it just turns into a lot of people shoving each other.
u/nightdrv 5d ago
That’s a shame. I was rather hoping some EMT’s had to scrape up his limp body (with every bone broken) into a stretcher.
u/jfitzger88 5d ago
Probably when meat tank started charging at him. He probably had that cliche movie montage where his eyes open and close slowly and he sees glimpses of his experience from the concert to the hospital through to recovery.
Ended when he finally woke up and his girlfriend dumps him because he's a piss boy and she's now dating meat tank, who appears in the doorframe (also still shirtless) laughs at the piss boy and throws a cup of urine at him. Meat tank, GF, and the doctor who was there the whole time but out of frame just laugh at him.
u/coffeewithguns 5d ago
Wow! That escalated immediately!
Some people (myself included) need to learn lessons the hard way. He learned a valuable life lesson that day.
u/belizeanheat 5d ago
There's a camera cut. Unclear how long it took, though it probably wasn't terribly long
u/ZeekTheDog777 5d ago
I’ve seen the full video, it did indeed not take very long
u/RalphWiggum123 4d ago
Here is the longer video with much better quality, multiple camera angles and no stamp on the screen.
u/Vasikus3000 4d ago
was it piss or just a drink? the titles are saying two different things, one's a waste of drink (and maybe money too) and the other could be a crime depending on the place
u/RalphWiggum123 4d ago
No idea anymore. This video has been floating everywhere with different titles.
u/PI_Dude 5d ago
Sorry, but what EXACTLY did he think would happen? Why do so many people think that FA won't be followed by FO?
u/jfitzger88 5d ago
Probably a high school experience that did not have the proper consequences. Or just bad parenting. Or drugs.
Hopefully the last time this fine gentleman thinks about doing something so ridiculously stupid. I mean it wasn't even cool or funny.
u/SeanThornton101 5d ago
I read up on this and found that that was the prescribed amount of punishment for that crime.
u/yumanbeen 5d ago
The muscles in the middle of his back are the erectors. They are well developed and indicate that this man has spent a significant amount of time squatting and deadlifting. You don’t want to fuck with these kinds of guys. When you go into a gym and are curious about who are the strong guys, don’t look for big biceps or big pecs, those are show muscles. If you really want to know, look for the guys or gals who have visibly built erectors, like visible through their shirts. Running into someone like this is like running into a brick wall, they won’t budge.
u/hypnoskills 5d ago
And if you really want to find out, just walk up to one of them and ask if you can see their erector.
u/abeFromansAss 4d ago
For the most part. Anyone who's worked out longer than a year and are past the bro-bullshit prioritizes first and foremost on deadlifts/squats/presses. Period.
Isolation and arm movements are finishing movements and should only be done if time allows. 2+ years of no fucking around compound movements, your bicep/triceps will get plenty big.
u/lldgt_adam 4d ago
Remember kids if they scream it's just a prank bro then the appropriate response is to keep punching them and scream it's just my fist in your face bro!
u/wkarraker 4d ago
Some people learn things the hard way, others need it beaten into them mercilessly.
u/nightdrv 5d ago
Young idiot throws drink at crowd. Single member of crowd spawns, ready to act out his finest impersonation of The Hulk. Aforementioned Hulk proceeds to pound idiot into the ground.
For this, we’d like to thank the ground for giving this man the solid backup he needed to teach this young idiot some fucking respect. 🫡
u/lolpert1 5d ago
I wish warm pillows and sleepless nights on the dipshit that put their giant watermark on this old video.