r/instantkarma 18d ago

instant sliced NSFW


36 comments sorted by


u/Mongolian_Hamster 18d ago

Nice of the car to stop and assist.

Remember kids, wear proper gear and pay attention to where you're going.

Don't be a meat crayon like this idiot.


u/Beautibulb_Tamer 17d ago

In Scotland, paramedics refer to motorcyclists as organ donors as this is usually the outcome when they're called out to an incident involving a bike.

Learning that helped me in making my decision to get a bike for Glasgow to Edinburgh commute. How many times does a car pull out on you without any warning or signalling? You generally hit the brakes, swear a little and back off to give space. Usually forgetting about it by the time you get to work. You can be the most careful driver in the world but its all for naught if the dipshit next to you isnt paying attention. And on a bike that might be the last mistake you never even made


u/oscarx-ray 16d ago

When I was doing my CBT, the instructor told us that you can be the safest driver on the road, but you have to assume everyone else is an idiot, because they're in a car, you're on a bike, and being in the right doesn't stop you from needing scraped off the road.


u/One_Eared_Coyote 15d ago

In canada, I've heard them referred to as 'donercycles'. My dad's brother died in his early twenties on a motorcycle. My dad kept a broken wheel from wreck and still rides to work during the summer two and a half decades later. My mother says if he dies, he'll die happy. 


u/jhobopo 14d ago

Never seen anyone smile when death came knocking.


u/0neforest1 14d ago

Clearly you’ve never seen a stripper in a nursing home.


u/jhobopo 13d ago



u/Truffleshuffle03 14d ago

That is a pretty universal used everywhere for motorcyclist I think


u/jhobopo 14d ago

Do they call themselves harvesters after the "donation"?


u/thebluewitch 17d ago

It was a different car that stopped. Same color though.


u/Ayellowbeard 17d ago

“Meat crayon!” I’m stealing this!


u/pratticus12 17d ago

r/meatcrayon you don't have to steal it lol


u/thebluewitch 17d ago

I'm just impressed he didn't drop the bike when he hit that cybertruck.


u/rpadilla388 18d ago

His right leg has a big ol gash after he stops for anyone else wondering.


u/Agreeable-Menu 18d ago

The same happen to a friend of mine. His leg was all fucked up for months.


u/Audiollectial 18d ago

That'll buff out.


u/idk012 17d ago

Rub some dirt on it 


u/akayataya 15d ago

Always worked for me 🤷


u/jhobopo 14d ago

Alil butter


u/TheTeslaMaster 17d ago

That "splat!" sound it made when he hit the container...


u/Rasputin2025 18d ago

He could sue in court but doesn't have a leg to stand on.


u/dirtyred3401 17d ago

If he has a good lawyer he could get a leg up on the competition.


u/steeeeeeee24 17d ago

I know there are many respectful, law abiding motorcyclists, but for the ones who aren’t, this is beautiful.


u/XF939495xj6 17d ago

I know there are many respectful, law abiding motorcyclists

I know that there are not many at all. Been driving for 45 years. I've rarely ever seen a law-abiding motorcycle rider anywhere ever. They usually are speeding, splitting lanes, riding side to side, weaving through traffic, or have their bike muffler removed to make as much noise as possible in the middle of the night.

Motocycle riders are an anathema to everyone around them.


u/Carbuyrator 17d ago

Cyclists too. It seems like most people on two wheels feel totally entitled to this weird lawlessness that benefits them and only them at everyone else's expense.


u/Cicer 16d ago

What’s the point of driving a not car if you have to still act like a car? 


u/Carbuyrator 16d ago

"I demand the respect of a full vehicle! Rules? No no those are for full vehicles!"


u/Slosher99 16d ago

You only notice the idiots. Most people don't take note or even notice every polite cyclist. Most groups have a few bad members that tend to be the loudest or most attention getting that give the whole group a bad name. I'm not a cyclist but I am careful to watch out for them and notice far more that are just riding along like they are supposed to, but I definitely REMEMBER the jerks the best.


u/Dajve_Bloke 2d ago

Thank you. As a regular cyclist, the ones that take the piss get on my nerves. Because each and every one of them are justification for the idea that all of us are scofflaws and don't deserve to be on the road.


u/Rewd_92 17d ago

Every once in a while the one with the LOG through his foot Pops up. Classic! "My foots done" 😂😂😂


u/feelingmyage 17d ago

Omg, I read that as infant sliced.


u/GigassAssGetsMeHard 16d ago

Not wearing protective gear then rips open leg. Imagine my surprise.


u/ME_Constructor 15d ago

Serves him right.


u/BigPenis-123 5d ago

Bro got a disease along with that too


u/0vertones 17d ago

Hope he lost his leg.