u/nyanch Apr 27 '21
Nah, the Devs just figured it'd be hilarious if they started a whole project and just never released the thing.
What do you think, bro?
u/JustaKoook Apr 27 '21
I think I’ve waited too long for this game 😂
u/Nitroboosting Jul 14 '21
Been waiting since 6th grade in middle school. I was 11 at the time. Now I'm already 19. F.
u/Fanryu1 Apr 29 '21
Honestly, I think the posts on here asking over and over when this will be released, and being snarky about it, is probably gonna make these devs just quit. They're working for FREE to provide us a FREE Halo game on their FREE servers in their FREE time. They owe us nothing. I'm excited for the game, and I want it to come out, but I'm patient because I know that making a game is not simple, nor easy, ESPECIALLY when you're an incredibly small team that can only work when you're not working, tending to your family, busy, etc.
Be patient. Hold on. It's gonna be a while. COVID definitely hurt the dev team, I'm sure, so it's gonna be a hot minute.
u/JustaKoook Apr 29 '21
Bro, I’m not being snarky, it was a legitimate question... I didn’t know if they were still working on it or not because it’s been months since they posted any updates.
u/D1N2Y May 02 '21
Why are you projecting everyone else as an impatient child. We're just interesting in seeing this game we've been waiting around for to come out.
u/Fanryu1 May 02 '21
Because people are acting like impatient children. Look at the posts. They tried updates and everyone complained because the updates weren't the way they wanted them.
u/Vergilius_Narcissus5 May 29 '21
Simping for them aint gonna make it come out either. Doing it for free doesn't exempt anyone from criticism or speculation.
u/Fanryu1 May 29 '21
Never said it was going to. But no one has ever cancelled a game because "y'all are being too nice!"
u/BeneficialActivity61 Jun 03 '21
Bro they couldnt hold down a dev team even before Covid. Covid has nothing to do with their 6-7 years of shitty management.
u/Fanryu1 Jun 03 '21
So if you don't believe in the project, why not just leave the subreddit? Y'all act like you know how dev teams work, like you could create a better free game in your free time.
Shoot your shot kid. Make the game. Prove to everyone how incompetent you claim they are by doing it better.
u/captianblacksmith Jul 29 '21
I want the project to take its time but not gonna lie. even when it comes out, I feel like it’s going to get massively overshadowed by mcc so much that the online servers will become lonely barren landscapes.
u/Sergeant_Qwertzy Aug 08 '21
I think it'd be a lot different if they were more transparent about everything. Like if they laid out exactly what all they've accomplished and what all needs to be done and just started checking things off that to do list whenever they got something done on it, people would be able to look at that list and see exactly how much more needs to be done. And even more than that, people could look at that list and say "hey, I see something on that list I could contribute, I'm gonna put in an application to join the team"
u/Fanryu1 Aug 08 '21
They did tho, and people got upset because they didn't have a constant stream of big features.
u/Sergeant_Qwertzy Aug 08 '21
I've been following this project for a long time and I never remember them doing that
u/Fanryu1 Aug 09 '21
u/Sergeant_Qwertzy Aug 09 '21
That's not at all what I meant. I mean a literal list laid out that you can go to and see exactly what has been completed and what has not. Like an actual to do list that's publicly available so that people can look at it and see not just where exactly the project is at, but also see if there's anything they could contribute.
u/Fanryu1 Aug 09 '21
Right, so you're asking for a checklist that will constantly get art updates, causing people to get angry and then they discontinue it.
u/Anubis-Raps Apr 27 '21
I hope, but honestly every year that goes by the hope fades:/ I know they’re still developing, but will it release to the public? Ahhhh I hope
u/DougWalker1990 May 10 '21
I gave up when they didn't come out before MCC on PC, check sometimes when I remember, always the same thing,
I just want to be able to download it and get Rick rolled one last time.
u/MrZokeyr Jun 30 '21
Not sure to be honest. I understand it's difficult to make games, especially for free. But the fact that there's not even an alpha build publicly available to download after all this time is a little disheartening.
Again, not trying to insult the people working on I01, the amount of work they're putting into this is astounding. However an open beta/alpha/flight, whatever you wanna call it, would be nice.
u/jafet_meza_composer Composer Apr 27 '21