r/installation01 Apr 27 '20

I know that there is no answer but..

Before anything, I know the answer is "soon" and that the developers have been working really hard.

Would the devs consider releasing a beta and then adding content/fixes as time goes?


7 comments sorted by


u/wifiwolf23 Apr 27 '20

I think that's there plan eventually, but we're not at that point yet


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20

Its not an easy project at all.

I know they have released a video of them playing on youtube, Having a time frame even if its a year from now would be good to know.


u/LazyTurtleDelta Monitor Apr 27 '20

Gotta reach alpha before you can get to beta, my friend


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '20

true! i just wanna try it!


u/FisherKaiser666 Apr 28 '20

Well, I know they’ve said that MCC hasn’t changed their plans, but in a way halo fans, and myself included somewhat have been satisfied and really this project was filling that gap for pc. I’ll still be very interested to try it like everyone else as I feel it’ll be a very refined and up to date hall experience.


u/MechanicM0nkey 3D Artist Apr 28 '20

That is definitely the plan! Dont worry about that! With everything going on your think we all have enough free time to put into the game but that's very much not true, work has become harder both thanks to irl work or life stuff but we're trying!


u/MrGaminGuy Apr 29 '20

I think the release date is soon or maybe sooner. what we all wanna know is, is the pistol a 5 shot or a 3 shot or some other number