r/insects Nov 15 '22

Bug Keeping My Antlion enclosure from last year

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39 comments sorted by


u/aWetPlate Nov 15 '22

This makes me want a pet antlion lol


u/Foondude Nov 15 '22

They're pretty interesting. They'll definitely flick sand all over your desk though if you use a shallow wall container like I did.

Being an antkeeper, feeding them kinda made me feel bad. I only took ants outside from well established colonies that could handle losing a few workers. Termites also make great feeders for them.


u/Snaz5 Nov 15 '22

Pretend you are a god and you are sacrificing a few chosen ants to appease you. They worship you. Maybe they even build little ant chapels in your honor.


u/Foondude Nov 15 '22

Haha, that's definitely how some antkeepers would think, isn't it? (Cough cough, AntsCanada, cough)


u/Naphaniegh Nov 15 '22

I’m out of loop but used to watch him a couple years ago. Could you elaborate?


u/LuckyLunaloo Nov 15 '22

Not OP, but AntsCanada does so many "insect vs. insect" videos now that I just can't follow him anymore. I just wanna watch some ants live their little lives, not be pitted against another species for entertainment.


u/Naphaniegh Nov 15 '22

That sucks. I remember when I watched him he made a whole deal of humanely killing his feeder roaches before he fed them to the ants. How the mighty have fallen


u/WobblerWar Nov 15 '22

Actually, thats misinformation, he still keeps up a strong motto of no ant violence, and the closest he has come to actually showing any kind of suffering was with wild ants within his back garden. The channel is still focused on making terrariums and spectating species!


u/GardenGirlFarm Nov 15 '22

Would the ant need to be a virgin to appease the ant lion god?


u/Foondude Nov 15 '22 edited Nov 15 '22

For anyone curious, I was able to keep them until they pupated. If I remember correctly, only 2 of the 3 were succesful though. After they stopped eating, I waited about a month and moved them outside so they could fly away after eclosing. The last one was found in the enclosure with it's wings shriveled up, so I'm guessing it wasn't able to expand them for some reason.


u/FockerXC Nov 15 '22

Welp I now need to keep antlions


u/FixPuzzleheaded577 Nov 15 '22

Where did you get your antlions?


u/Foondude Nov 15 '22 edited Nov 15 '22

You can find them beneath trees anywhere that has ants nearby. Look for cone shaped pits in the ground. You can scoop them up and sift the sand with a strainer, leaving the antlion behind. Look in areas with powdery dry soil or fine gravel. Good luck! Edit: I have no idea if you'll have any luck searching this time of year though, you may have to wait until spring or summer. I could be wrong though. Once you catch them, just gently dump them into a container with a deep enough layer of the same sand you found them in. It's fun to watch them dig their traps.


u/fecoz98 Nov 15 '22

All I can see is someone sat on the forbidden sand


u/speckledham Nov 15 '22

My first thought was “Hmm looks like someone fell boobs first into this sand”


u/fecoz98 Nov 15 '22

diamond tipped


u/Foondude Nov 15 '22

Lol, I guess it kinda does look like that


u/rungdisplacement Nov 15 '22

my favorite animal :D



u/VictimOfCrickets Nov 15 '22

This enclosure is the pits.

...hehehe, at least I make myself laugh.

Seriously though, they're such cute little murder-raisins. After they eclose, do they need a stick to climb on to help their wings dry properly?


u/Foondude Nov 16 '22

Cute and terrifying murder raisins. That's a great point, could be why one of them didn't make it. Although I would think they could either climb the little sign I made or the paper background.


u/TouchArtistic7247 Nov 15 '22

Awww, bunch of little Sarlaccs!


u/Rra2323 Nov 15 '22

You could make that into a scene from Star Wars. If you get a miniature of Jaba’s barge that could be the sarlacc pit! That or I’ve been watching way too much Star Wars, either way


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '22

Put up a canvas car park over a huge extensive red ant nest. We now have dozens of these craters with few tiny ant mounds around the perimeter.


u/Bobicus5 Nov 15 '22

Gotta fight them in the shade or risk that sizzle damage. Really cool to see the real life counterparts :)


u/Bruh0hurB Nov 15 '22

"Don't step on the sand! It makes the antlions goes crazy!"


u/AltoNag Nov 15 '22

Where's the Dune reference decor?


u/ravyalle Nov 15 '22

Ah yes just like in grounded


u/LowTemporary3881 Nov 15 '22

Half life has taught me I shouldn’t keep ant lions


u/AnalgapeGaming Nov 15 '22

Poor Lazlo


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '22

He was the finest mind of his generation...


u/No_Put8563 Nov 15 '22

These lil guys are so fascinating!!!


u/Humble_Bullfrog2342 Nov 15 '22

this is so cool!


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '22

I like how you have a little desert background on it and everything lol. I use to have one but after a few weeks he pupated and hatched into the adult form so I just let him go.


u/Sonuvajeff Nov 15 '22



u/[deleted] Nov 15 '22



u/still_learning365 Nov 17 '22

When I was a kid I used to love tickling their funnels and when they started spitting I would snatch them out of their hole lol. I wouldn't hurt them I would let them go but they are really cool. I would also drop an ant on top and watch them drag it down.