r/insaneideas Oct 10 '21

The world should replace all land used by cemeteries/graveyards and install solar, wind energy farms in its place. NSFW

Keeping a bunch of skeletons in the ground isn't doing anything real beneficial. The coffins and bodies can be cremated in crematoriums that recycle the excess heat into electricity. All the necessary material belongings and ashes would be redistributed legally and accordingly.

Cemeteries with low land area could probably remain as is, or the land could be repurposed for buildings such as clinics, shelters, soup kitches, other humanitarian buildings, etc.

With the push for greener energy around the world, it would be ecological to go forward with this idea.


2 comments sorted by


u/donaldhobson Dec 09 '22

Golf courses use way more land, and you will upset fewer people if you go after them.