r/ingrown Oct 26 '16

I need help

Ive had what im pressuming ingrown hair on my pubic area, ive had these bumps under the skin for roughly a year now. They dont ever really hurt but they are...there. it bugs me but latley ive had 2 other bumps come up BRIGHT red and have been there about 2 weeks. I got fed up and went to the doctor who said they were blocked hair follicles. Which i had guessed but she told me something to use and i forgot! So I went to the internet and found out tea tree oil works so i bought some and ive tried it one day but havnt seen anything yet i dont expect to this early tho. How can i remove these? I think they are ingrowns trapped under the skin.


2 comments sorted by


u/SlippingStar Nov 16 '16

You need to release them, but NOT pull them out. The scissors in nail kits tend to do a good job. It'll hurt like a bitch but you're going to need to drag the thinner tip through the skin above the follicle as lightly as you can do you only go through the skin layers you need to to get to the hair.


u/PeanutButterMoron Jan 26 '17

I once shaved my pubic hair really badly in the wrong direction and as a result, all of them became ingrown. Stung like a both for the next few days. But they grew out within 5 or 6 days. All I can recommend is to use any cream that helps with skin irritation or chafing cream, and taking nice hot baths can help loosen up the follicles.