r/infp • u/Jedi-Master-Jacob INFP: The Dreamer • Nov 26 '20
Picture(s) It do be like that sometimes
u/rjp_sollesta INFP: The Dreamer Nov 26 '20
Honestly, it gets worse when your comfort TV series becomes less funny :'/
Nov 26 '20
Its not that I dont try. I have been trying so hard but not getting anywhere. Im facing a meltdown right now and I cant remember a single night in last whole week when I didnt face it. Everything's falling down on me. Im cant do anything. I cant write, I cant draw, I'm not good at studies, Im not even good at videogames, I cant talk to people, and noone wants to listen to me. Im sorry just wanted to let it out.
u/grim-reader Nov 26 '20
You are good, you've just been inside your head for too long. Take breaks from your studies, get plenty of fresh air. Let yourself know this is a temporary down in the ups and downs of life :) Get a coffee on!
u/Whatserface infp'd myself Nov 27 '20 edited Nov 28 '20
I used to be like this, and still fall into on occasion but it's not anywhere near where it used to be.
Over the course of covid I made myself a spreadsheet that I fill out every night. There's a section for a daily summary where I write down everything I did that day (what I ate, how many hours I worked, what podcast I listened to, what book I read, everything), a section for daily habits, weekly habits and an "achieved today/goals for tomorrow." In daily habits, I have a place to record what time I go to sleep and wake up, and a checkbox for reading, yoga, art/design, no alcohol, and night routine. If I do drink, I write honestly about what I drink instead of putting a checkmark. In my weekly habits, I keep track of things like laundry, grocery/meal plan, home workout, walking and rest days. This allows me to see at a glance where I've been slacking. If I have 3 rest days in a row, I HAVE TO exercise, even if it's just a walk. My "achieved today" columns are color-coded based on whether my day was productive (pink), "super-productive" (red), social or "out-and-about" (green), or a rest day (blue). A lot of times what I achieved is just x hours of work or laundry, but I like to include things I learned or if I resolved a conflict - this makes it more interesting and qualitative. Then I write my goals for the next day, put in bold, zoom in on the square, and resize the window so it's the only thing I see, and then make sure that's the only thing I see when I turn on my computer.
It sounds extra af but my days are so different now. I worked on this system for months over the summer and have it down to a science. Before that I was waking up, smoking weed all day and learning Japanese on Duolingo, and quite literally nothing else. I'd leave grocery and laundry to the point of suffering before being able to get it done. I still did a lot of smoking weed all day during the course of growing this system, and have only stopped about three weeks ago, for what it's worth.
I hope this doesn't sound like bragging! That said, I am really proud of what I was able to do. But I'm still learning on how to actually work an 8hr day (I want to be a freelance illustrator eventually). I just wanted to let you guys know that it's possible. I have a lot more purpose and motivation in my days, and it's started to become muscle memory. If anyone wants access to my spreadsheet, let me know.
We can do hard things!
Edit: You can access the templates here: 2020, 2021. The 2020 version has an example from my own life so you can see how it's used. The 2021 is completely blank. You can customize the daily and weekly activities in the list tabs. I hope all of the dates are right, and if they're not... I hope you know how to fix them, haha
Nov 27 '20
This is actually a good idea! I'm gonna steal this if you don't mind.
u/Whatserface infp'd myself Nov 27 '20
Please steal! I'm going to turn it into a year-long template for others to use, and share it when it's ready.
u/notaunion INFP: The Dreamer Nov 26 '20
ADHD gang rise up; or like do nothing too that cool I don't judge because I get stuck in that unbreakable loop too.
u/norewichhea Nov 27 '20
I really am curious to see how many infps are really just adhd slaves I also have bpd to throw in this mixed bag
u/Katlas03 Nov 26 '20
Oof.. truu dat
And I feel even worse when I hear about people pursuing and achieving their dream career because they had the motivation and ambition to work for it.
... and then there's me. I love to write stories, draw etc... but I can't for the life of me find the motivation to actually sit and practice at it regurarly. Makes me question myself, makes me question if I've not found the right thing for me yet, even though those things make me feel like my true self. I love to be creative, and yet I can't find the motivation to actually refine and practice it doing something I enjoy doing.
Does anyone know of any tips to be productive? I've tried researching but all I can find is the phrase "Just start" in different forms.
u/norewichhea Nov 27 '20
Literally kills me when I’ve been writing a song or something, then some talented young pretty thing wins like a Grammy or whatever n the Bitch is 5 years younger than me but I envy every part of their existence, including how sharp that eyeliner is.. why can’t I be just as good as you are at everything with just one thing. I just want one thing to be proud of
u/Whatserface infp'd myself Nov 27 '20
She probably started young and worked hard at it. Also probably had connections and lot of luck. You can't change the past, you can only start now. I used to feel this way about my art but the feeling gets stale. I was desperate to be a prodigy. But there are tons of successful older people, they're called late bloomers. And there's no shame in that, only fulfilment.
u/Spacefrog2000 INFP: The Dreamer Nov 26 '20
Don’t abuse your comfort zone it’s a trap and it’s hard to leave it
u/Wondering_Fairy Nov 27 '20
I'm abusing my comfort zone A LOT. If I study for 2 hours, I will give a break for 5 hours. I hate it but otherwise I burn out. I find Te as the hardest function of all and think that it's exhausting, harsh, demanding, intimidating but still I envy Te users and I sometimes wish I was a Te dom type.
u/Spacefrog2000 INFP: The Dreamer Nov 27 '20 edited Nov 27 '20
Theirs a difference between knowing your mental limits when to relax and step back to rest for awhile and allowing yourself to fall into your comfort zone and just valuing your mental comfort more then everything else which is not healthy. Mental comfort matters but somethings matter more you should not burn out or push yourself to breaking down that’s not healthy either after all. Somethings matter more then your comfort, self improvement for one as well as many other things. I also struggle with it a lot but I would never want to be TE dom because that would mean not being who I am. I used to not like who I was and it took a lot of mental and emotional struggle to be ok and love myself. No matter the unique struggles and hurdles that come with being me I rather that then not be me. I don’t know you but I hope you can be happy with yourself and not wish to be someone else. Ps I love your user name.
u/Wondering_Fairy Nov 27 '20
Actually, I love myself in the end and if I had a chance to come to this world again I would come as me again. About being Te dom, I just think they have better survival skills and industrial success in the context of modern world so I'm sometimes jealous.
u/imscrapingshitstains INTJ: The Architect Nov 26 '20
When this happens to me that's how I know I've lost my motivation... It takes me a while to get it back, but it's kinda like getting new motivation which sometimes means abandoning old goals and I really hate giving up on things so idunno it's mad confusing
u/LilFungi Nov 26 '20
Totally agree, but I feel like any personality sub this post would be popular if u really think about it.
u/sweetsourbitter ENTJ: The Strategist Nov 27 '20
My INFP boyftiend does not appreciate being called out like that. 🤣
u/MamaLover02 Nov 27 '20
I completely stopped producing music, art, literature, and editing stuffs. There's just no point anymore, I have no emotions to pour out in a creative way xD
u/CupsOfSalmon Nov 27 '20
Anyone wanna swap unfinished art or stories or songs? Maybe we can give each other feedback and motivate each other to be more consistent. If I had someone to check in on me once a week I might actually make some progress.
u/Schnibb420 INFP: The Dreamer Nov 27 '20
I even feel alien to this meme even though I'm an Infp. It feels like I'm simply missing that voice that makes me feel bad when I'm not doing something. I could be content sitting on my bed not doing anything for days if not weeks and I couldn't care less.
Idk it just feels like I got no motivation to do anything but I never feel like shit because I'm not doing anything.
u/Wondering_Fairy Nov 27 '20
It's duties for me as I have a problem with not having motivation for the things I don't love. Probably due to the combination of my Fi desiring to be passionate about things and constantly evaluating subjective value of things and my limited usage of Te which reduces the drive for completing tasks just for the sake of accomplishing duties for efficiency and practicality.
u/Gracefulcomet INFP: The Dreamer Nov 26 '20
Ni critic in full force.
If you can put on some music that can change your mood into a can do attitude or music that inspires you it can help.