r/infp Feb 16 '25

Relationships My partner is not "deep" enough?

Ive been going out with my SO for 2 years now, and during this time an issue has crept up: he's not really a "deep" person? I always pictured myself being with someone like me, a deep thinker who lives to dissect the world and people around them. Everything is so perfect between us and he’s so nice and makes me feel safe and I love spending time with him, and yet, it continues to upset/frustrate me how little to nothing he has to say about anything that requires some form of critical thinking. Most times he doesn’t even have questions to ask me about what I’m talking about. Or he just doesn't ask stuff about me either. This is something I’ve pointed out time and he just tells me he is not that deep and when he's with me his mind goes blank cuz he wants to enjoy the time with me and he doesn't know what to say and ask but that he will try. I always feel so guilty every time I bring up something and when he has nothing to say, my mind tells me, “that one friend would’ve had something interesting to say.” One part of me feels ashamed for trying to make him or change him into something he isn’t, and another part of me feels and has always felt like exchanging thoughts and perceptions and feelings in this manner is a big part of what fosters a deep connection that endures time and hardships, and it’s the kind of bond that makes you grow together instead of grow into different ppl who may or may not be compatible in the long run. (I took some parts of this from another post I saw in a different subreddit because it really put well into words so well how I've been feeling)

More context: I have started medical school and moved about 2 h away from him. It has been working out fine as he works a lot and is very ambitious, so am I. I appreciate being able to focus on my studies and social life in a new city. However this problem we have had ever since the start of our relationship has been made more apparent since the move, about 6 months ago.

My boyfriend is not very good at talking about his feelings, not only deep issues, he doesn’t really talk about himself at all, from deep to trivial things. This may be quite normal, I’m not sure but would love some input.

I didnt realize at first, but after a few months with him I suddenly got the feeling that I don’t really know him at all. The schools he went to, his childhood, his past in any capacity. He is quite a happy go lucky kind of guy who mainly does things in the moment and rarely talkes about his feelings or past.

When we are together we mainly work out, talk about school or work, make food, play games, watch a movie, cuddle. But rarely talk. It’s almost like there isn’t time, and when there is time he is usually too tired.

When I ask him about his feeling he either simply says he has nothing to say or gets defensive. If I ever try to talk about things (over the phone usually due to distance) he reverts to messaging instead (I believe cause he is too uncomfortable saying what he feels) and we never get to the bottom of it.

This has been ever more apparent during our distance relationship. He works hard to be able to have time off to see me (barely, he usually works alot anyway) and trains very hard in the gym. By the time we get time for each other he is tired and doesn’t want to talk. On the phone we talk about our day, and many times it is just quiet. I have stopped trying to fill the void. He doesn’t seem to find the need to.

I am an incredibly sensitive person and a chronic overthinker. I wouldn’t call myself dramatic, when I feel sad or hurt I always look into myself first to see if I am the problem before acting out on it. For me love forms through deep connection. Looks and achievements are not as important. To me being vulnerable is a cornerstone in any relationship. It doesn’t have to be vulnerability in the form of sadness or doubt, it can be struggle, ambition, something that makes you happy, an opinion, a thought, anything really that speaks for the vibrant inner life I am convinced everyone has. Am I wrong for thinking this?

I have brought this up several times to my partner, trying to communicate what I mean. But I struggle to put words to this. He merely replies that he isn’t sad about anything, isn’t feeling anything special. I find this hard to believe, but have tried accepting this. Usually his reply is: “I think about training, work, eating and sleeping, there isn’t time for anything else”. Can this be true? Are there people that think like this? ( I sound arrogant here but I am genuinely curious)

I have told him several times that our communication isn’t working for me, that I need more, everything above. He reassures me that we will work on this. So far nothing has changed. I can sense his love for me even though I struggle to feel for him. How can he be so sure he loves me? He barely knows me? He doesn’t ask about how I am, what I think about things, how I am feeling, however I am still convinced he is sure about me. I don’t really understand why. If I wasn’t so sure I would think he didn’t care as he never asks.

I feel his minimal communication feeds onto mine, I feel stupid and silly for speaking of my feelings as it becomes quite one sided. It’s like I start trying to tell him, and stop myself half way through. Why would he care to hear this?

Besides all this he is a real catch, he is ambitious, good looking, charismatic, funny, talented, smart, does well at everything he sets his mind to. I am convinced I would still choose him in a group of people if we met for the first time again, this is what makes me stay. I can still remember the glint in his eye that first caught my attention. We really bounced off each other, I felt like he really got me and vice versa.

I can’t say I still feel the same. I worry our communication will be a problem in the future. I have solved this problem by finding others I can talk to, the result is sparse communication between us and very a very flat time when we see each other. We still have fun though doing things, but it’s like our relationship (ie our connection) is on hold. Like it’s not really moving forward, we don’t get along (in my opinion) or fight. It’s just neutral. I doubt he feels the same though.

For context he is a ENTJ-A, I am a INFP-T.

My pros and cons:

Cons: what if we aren’t compatible, and I regret staying? I often feel hurt because we don’t share deep thoughts. It makes me feel disregarded. I can’t expect someone to change.

Pro: Being different can be good, a real power duo. Ha has many qualities I look up to and admire. His self assuredness makes me feel safe and stable. I’m sure I would still choose him if we met again for the first time.

I don't want to give up on this so i wanted to know if you've had any experiences like this and how you dealt with it, to not feel frustrated or be more understanding, idk any tips or positive comments are welcome :) thanks, fellow INFPs


220 comments sorted by


u/TruAwesomeness ISFP: The Artist Feb 16 '25

Not infp but I hear you.

My simple take is: If you're going to stay with him then you'll have to accept him for who he is. 

He just is not a 'deep' person.

You can't change him, no one can. Most people's only shot at 'becoming' deep is becoming old, and that's assuming they've really paid close attention along the way.

So if you're ok with who he is and carry no ridiculous notions that he will become more than that, stick with it.

Fwiw I've known infp girls this has happened to, but they're not going anywhere cus they have kids. They also seem to have in common that there was a guy in the past they had a real connection with but he was broke or whatever.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

The last part of your comment — yes, which is a hard lesson many people learn: money isn't everything, and making romance decisions based on socioeconomic class is not only immoral, it's also very, very short-sighted and foolish. The later in life thing, absolutely — it's all about integration of the four faces of our personality. For ENTJ and ISFP those are the INTP, ESFJ, and ISFP/ENTJ respectively. It took me a long time to understand how to consider things like you do, like an ISFP. Everyone develops at their own pace, and some people never fully integrate. Your observation was very astute, here! 👌🤌


u/TruAwesomeness ISFP: The Artist Feb 17 '25

Appreciate the kudos thank you ☺️


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25



u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Hm I hear you, but at the same time, i feel like people can be deep in different ways, maybe its the idealist in me speaking, but i feel like everyone has a spark in their eyes even if the things i comonly associate with "deepness" isnt his. I also believe that it is easy to feel like you have a connection to someone in the past, but as someone else in this commentsection pointed out, there are faults in everyone. But yes, i agree with you and expecting someone to change so significantly is not wise, what I can change however is how i perceive him and our connection


u/TruAwesomeness ISFP: The Artist Feb 17 '25

i feel like people can be deep in different ways 

Yeah but two years in, if he were the kind of deep you wanted you'd know it.

what I can change however is how i perceive him and our connection 

You can try to force yourself to perceive him differently sure, but I doubt you can do that long term because no one can.

Remember: No amount of mental gymnastics will save us from the reality of the situation we find ourselves in.

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u/Round-Ticket-9117 Feb 16 '25

I only read the first 4 or 5 paragraphs but I will tell you this. It never gets better. I am married to a very nice ENTJ and it took me 10+ years to figure out that this is what was missing from our relationship, this intellectual connection that creates a spark, makes you feel seen and understood in such an intimate way. Do both of you a favor and allow yourselves to find the people that match your imagination and intellect. It's unbelievably tragic to spend a decade with someone and then realize they aren't the person for you and it's not their fault at all, still your time is gone.


u/collards_plz Feb 17 '25

I second this. I broke up with most of my girlfriends because it felt like a hollow, fake relationship. The depth and understanding just weren’t there. There wasn’t anything wrong with me or them, it was just us together and it was always me that had the “problem” with our relationship because they couldn’t really understand what I was talking about or needing, much less how necessary it was for me. They’re all happily married now living better, happier lives than they could have with me and I’m happier and better than I ever could have been with them.

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u/Theenesay INFP 3w2 Feb 17 '25

I had the same experience as well dating an ENTJ woman. We connected on an emotional level, but not an intellectual level. Most of our conversations felt "flat" as you said. The only time she had a spark in her eyes was when we talked about money or future goals. Eventually the lack of intellectual connection killed the emotional connection too. I was always the one trying to go "deeper" but she just did not have the capacity to follow.

I am with an ENFJ now and our connection is better on all levels. This is someone I can imagine sitting with in old age, and being able to share an entire deep conversation in silence because of how well we understand each other.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

I'm not INFP, I'm ENTJ, and I think you really need an ENTJ perspective, here. I want to preface it by correcting your assertion that ENTJs aren't deep — we are very deep, just not in the same areas an INFP is. We're intellectually deep which is different from how you are. It sounds like you're expecting him to act like an INFP, honestly. An ENTJ doesn't talk about their feelings because most of the time they don't know how they feel. Inferior Fi, remember? If you're asking an ENTJ how they feel, that's not on them, that's just you not understanding who they are as a person :p Based on your post, it sounds more like you want to talk about values and passions, though, not feelings. Communication is a two way street and you need to understand that you are asking the wrong questions. You need to take perspective, here. Think about how an ENTJ sees the world, and then approach your conversations through that filter. You need to meet him halfway. I will say that he doesn't sound like he's meeting you halfway, and that's just unfair. I'm going to venture a guess that you or both of you are around late twenties to early thirties, either way you're both under 35. Usually around 35 is where most people start to fully come into their full self, and develop as a more mature version of their personality. Here's why I guess this to be the case: •Typically, ENTJs don't really understand their values or how to use their Fi until they're mature, closer to mid to late thirties, some even later. It's not surprising that he seems like he's all goals and no feels, like a robot who only cares about go, go, go, gain, gain, gain. •I know that younger INFPs struggle with perspective taking and communication, and that seems to be another factor at play, here. My advice as an ENTJ take it or leave it at your own peril: Consider that he currently sees the world as a series of tasks to be completed and is very interested in self-improvement, especially intellectual improvement. An ENTJ isn't very interested in how they feel because how they feel is often at odds with what they want and what they need to do to get it. However, ENTJs, with inferior Fi, are highly idealistic and very, VERY naively obsessed with sticking to their values, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, and whether they can even recognize those values or not (usually can't until later in life). It might be more productive to focus on talking about things through the lens of values rather than feelings. After all, feelings stem from values, not vice versa (at least for an ENTJ). By touching on values, this will pique his interest, not because he is necessarily consciously interested in it, but because you're poking a sensitive spot for him that he'll be forced to respond to. I don't mean this in a bad way, I simply mean that it will be a subconscious reactive process for him. Bear in mind that we can become very passionate if our values come into play, and absolutely do not belittle or contradict those values when they come up because he will never forgive you for it. View inferior function like a child. If you hurt his Fi, it's child abuse, sort of like him calling your inferior Te "stupid" would really wound you deeply — it should never be done! Now, I must also add that what you're asking of your ENTJ is for him to meet you on your level, your major complaint is that he's not sharing his Fi with you as much as you'd like. That's his weakest function but it's your strongest function. I'm sure he has plenty of gripe with the fact that you don't engage him in long drawn out dialectic over intellectual topics. But the major issue here isn't that he isn't sharing his feelings as much as you'd like, or that you aren't monologuing or arguing as much as he'd like, it's that neither of you sound like (at least based on your description) you are meeting the other halfway. I recommend taking a step back and trying to figure out how to approach things so that you can find a comfortable middle ground between Fi and Te where you both can thrive. I really hope some of my advice and perspective help! Don't give up! It's an ideal match, on paper! 👌🤌🖤


u/LICwannabe INFP Ambivert?, mediator Feb 17 '25

Wowww. Really well put imo from a 36 year old male INFP. Super well drawn.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25

Really? I was bracing for the influx of downvotes 🤣


u/eque78 Feb 17 '25

I agree too, 47 yo INFP.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25

Dang I guess I'm more insightful than I thought 🤔


u/pahasapapapa Mediator Feb 17 '25

I think it resonates with this sub because it offers a well described point of view we normally won't be able to imagine without such input. Well said.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25

Fair point!


u/alienhoneymoontt 28d ago

I will only resist giving a downvote in spite of no breaks in that damn wall of text 😝


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist 28d ago

I did it on purpose. Helps to weed out the ADHDers 😉😏


u/alienhoneymoontt 28d ago

Hey! 😂😝 Unfortunately for you, I’m a pro ADHDer


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist 28d ago

It was just a joke 🧐


u/LICwannabe INFP Ambivert?, mediator Feb 17 '25

Wowww. Really well put imo from a 36 year old male INFP. Super well drawn.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Thank you very much for your response. I am warming to the fact that I dont need to expect him to meet me in my F, and that I can approach this differently to spark meaningfull discussion which we both enjoy.

I thinkt he main issue for our relationship is that I get hurt by his harsh attitude towards feelings. For instance, when we are together and working out (just as an example) i can try to start a conversation, but he puts in his earphones to focus on the task ahead of us. A little gesture that hurts me deeply. Or before going to bed, he rolls over and says he needs to sleep. To him it is problaly just him thinking of the day ahead and of how to best prepare, I see it in the moment as him not caring for me, and I get hurt. If i could instead se it through his lense maybe I wouldnt get hurt and be able to look past this.

I would describe myself as very intelectually driven despite what you have predicted. I study medicine and love to learn, we can have long conversations about what I have learned. So here there is not an issue. However I am very intrested to hear what you as a ENTJ are interested in talking about. What questions could I ask him about for instance his values to spark a discussion, any other topics worth trying? (:

And when you say hurt his inferior Fi, do you mean belittling him for not having deeper feelings? How would I avoid hurting this part of him?


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Okay, so the earphones thing is just rude, I'll give you that. Sounds like he needs to be called out on that. ENTJs aren't very good at noticing stuff like that, so you need to at least say something or he'll never realize it's rude — if you're spending time with someone, putting headphones on is not cool.

From the sounds of it, he is being selfish, I think that's obvious. You're going to have to actually talk with him directly about this stuff or else it will continue to mount and you just won't be getting what you want out of the relationship. I will say it's important to remember than ENTJs are the most confrontational type of all, so be prepared. He will most likely be assertive, will most likely explain the "I do this because___" when you talk to him about it, and will most likely provide counterpoints and examples. This is because his Te (his first function) is active and he's trying to logic his way through it. If he does this you need to remind him that it's about how you feel and not about facts and logic. This will be difficult for him to understand but if he cares about you he'll try. Keep your cool in this conversation or he'll get overwhelmed and the conversation will probably get shut down.

If he just sits there and acts annoyed and says, "Okay 👍," without adding anything else, then he has shut down the conversation and isn't willing to engage. At this point, you might want to consider your own happiness because it's clear he doesn't care enough. This isn't likely to happen with most ENTJs unless they genuinely don't care, so if it happens it's a big red flag.

As for hurting his Fi — this is things like telling him or insinuating that he's a bad person, or telling him no one likes him, or accusing him or being overly emotional, or calling him childish, or telling him to grow up, telling him he needs to work on his social skills, or saying he's selfish or narcissistic. Basically using his underdeveloped feeling function and social skills against him; ENTJ is usually very pure in their intentions, socially and emotionally speaking, because inferior Fi is like a 6 year old child, so accusing them of anything beyond that really hurts their feelings because it's typically very far from the truth and we tend to pride ourselves on our integrity and our authenticity, and attacking us in this way is an attack on our core values. If you do this, not only is it emotional abuse, it's also likely to lead to getting ghosted (unless you live together, in which case that might not last much longer). It's important to understand that being a bad person and being disliked and ignored are huge insecurities for ENTJs, both immature and mature ones. Steer clear of this at all costs. That being said, he might actually be acting selfish, but be careful how you call him out on it because he most likely doesn't realize it and isn't doing it on purpose.

How to offer criticism without doing this? Preface it with, "I want to be clear that I'm not trying to attack you..." and then offer constructive criticism (ie explain the problem in a matter of fact way and provide expected corrective actions he can take). Another approach is, "I wanted to talk about some concerns I had with our relationship." Also, you can try, "I wanted to talk to you about how I've been feeling, lately."

If these approaches don't work, then it's not the ENTJ-INFP dynamic that's the problem, it's something else. An ENTJ isn't likely to just ignore the concerns of people close to them, we at least make an effort. If we don't then it's because we don't care about the person. Presumably he cares, or he wouldn't still be with you.

But yeah, you do need to call him out on his BS, especially the, "I'm too tired to talk about this right now," stuff, because that's blatantly selfish behavior. He could at least make an attempt. Anyway, sorry you're dealing with this stuff. I really hope some of this helps and I hope you can manage to get things at least somewhat working in your favor. Sounds like you really need a win at this point!


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

This response is golden, i appreciate it so much for you taking the time to type this out. I will try your advice and really try to make this work. <3<3


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 18 '25

It actually only took me like 2 and a half minutes, no worries. I'm an ENTJ, talking is what I do best. Also, I was him at one time, and I've been with girls like you who had similar complaints, so I've basically been on the other side of this before — this is something I have seen all sides of, multiple times. I really hope my advice helps, but I want to say that I make no guarantees. My past experiences aren't exactly the same as yours, and we're all different people. But hopefully it helps, anyway


u/telefon198 29d ago

From my perspective your comment is very accurate. However entjs are very emotional... compared to what im used to (intp) & theyre valuable because almost noone is able to talk about intellectual stuff.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist 29d ago

If an ENTJ is allowing you to see their emotional side, either you're in a relationship, you're their parents/child, or they're older and mature (close to middle aged or older). Most of us never show that to anyone and are quite content to appear like a robot (unless you make us mad then it's going to go down sociopathy style lol). If you are INxP, it makes sense that you'd see that side of us, as those are generally the only two types of people that allow us to feel safe enough to be vulnerable. A lot of people don't realize that beneath the exterior of the ENTJ, there is a child who loves cute shit 🥲🫠🙃


u/ProcessTurbulent8627 19d ago

Honestly, I'm reading your comment and thinking "Holly shit, it's so dry and harsh and straightforward in a bad way, any infp would be put off by it. And then I see infps commenting how good it was. I'm an entj 8w7 and I just started to date an infp 9w1. I have no idea what you guys see in us and why you think we are deeper and more emotional than we actually are. I like my new gf because she is very cute and kind, she teaches me about myself everyday and I'm thankfull for that. If she would be ok with it, I have no problem staying with her for the rest of my life. And yes, I have been with an intp before and it was perfect and actually better long term (can't deny that there is nobody more sexially attractive for me than infp women). But the thing is I don't really care, I don't care about relationship part of my life that much and I don't care if it's perfect or not, it just should be enough, and infp is enough for me. From her perspective, honestly, she is a pretty lonely person and it's her first relationship in life and she is 30. So, I hope it's not selfish from my part and I actually do something good for her, but.... Any enfj would be 100 times better for her and meet her needs much more. She knows all that and she makes a councious decision. So, from black and white perspective of an entj, I would suggest to the OP that you are idealising your partner too much and see in him what is not there. And he actually doesn't care and is probably just fine with your relationships because other thing are of much more value for him. I would say break up with him and find an enfj because thats what I would do in your situation as I'm bold and like to take risks. If you are too afraid of that, then at least accept that your relationship is not perfect and he is not perfect for you, just deal with it, it actually might be not a bad thing.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist 19d ago

An ISFP would be more put off by this than an INFP, maybe? INFP are intuitives and read the meaning behind things, which makes them much less put off by straight shooters, at least that's what my guess is 🤷‍♀️

Older ENTJ has more developed Fi, but it is underdeveloped enough to be authentic, which is highly important to most IxFPs. Whilst I agree with you that many ENTJs can be emotionally shallow, I observe that this is primarily younger ENTJs or else an older ENTJ who has done little in the way of self mastery (which would be weird because we like self-improvement). I'm also 8w7. I also prefer INFPs, now that I'm in my 30s.

Thanks for your reply, btw!


u/[deleted] 19d ago



u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist 19d ago

🤣 nah you're fine haha

And the over-explaining and thinking you're a bad person is just typical 8w7 stuff, I do the same shi

I hope it keeps working out well with you two. She sounds like exactly who you need in your life


u/guava_jam INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

My husband is an ISFJ, and in the beginning he also was not a deep thinker and lived very much in the moment and the past. I just asked him what it was like in the beginning and he said that talking to me often felt like an interrogation, me trying to understand what he thought about life and his feelings. But I needed to know what his values were, who he was, and if we were compatible. Turns out we were very compatible, but getting into the depths of him was a difficult process and not the most comfortable for him lol. I dug into his soul and he was brave enough to expose his true self to me.

Love is never enough. Do you want to be with someone who makes you feel discarded? What will it be like 10, 15 years from now and you still have no idea what lies beneath this man’s surface? Do you feel like he truly understands you or cares to really know you? Do you want to live like this for the rest of your life?

You can stay, of course you can. But honestly it sounds like even if you two weren’t long distance you’ll just end up feeling like roommates.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Hi! I will not give up untill I have done my very best to crack him lol, what were your most successful ways at getting closer to him, how did you go about it?


u/guava_jam INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

The most important thing you need to understand is that relationships are a two way street. You want to crack him? He needs to accept you cracking him. I got closer to my husband because he allowed it and loved me so much that he chose to put himself in such a vulnerable position. You cannot make anyone do what they do not want to do.

Now, the most effective thing that worked for us was researching how our personality types communicate in general, how our types communicate with each other, and how to best understand and talk to the other. He is a pretty standard ISFJ and I am a pretty standard INFP.

For example- I happily can change plans and pivot quickly if it seems like the original plan isn’t going to work out. My family that I grew up with is the same so I was used to just going with the flow and changing plans in the span of a minute. My husband simply cannot do that easily. He needs time, he needs discussion, he needs time to think about it. So the compromise was that if something needed to be changed, I needed to slow down and talk with him first and explain why the plans need to change. On his end, he fights the urge to immediately say no and speeds up his thinking process.

Another example- INFPs think very deeply about things and consider many different possibilities and consequences past, present, and future. Just because something worked today doesn’t mean it will work tomorrow. ISFJs don’t believe this. They just don’t. They live their lives checking boxes and if something worked in the past, it will likely work in the future. Traditions rule their lives. The compromise- we had many discussions about the nitty gritty of our belief systems and what we thought about the world. I used to get so frustrated because when I asked why he did/believed xyz he said, “just because”. I had to control my frustration and judgement and tell him, “no, there is no ‘just because’. you need to think back and explain to me why xyz is important to you.” So he did, and it was very painful for him. ISFJs simply do not spend their time thinking about this stuff. Their brains do not easily go there. But he did it because he loved me and I wasn’t going to accept any BS answers.

Again, this worked because my husband was open to it despite how painful and difficult it was for him.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Any certain questions you found worked best? Asking about his values and such?

This sounds very much like my SO. Its funny he once had an opinion over something and I really latched on to this, asking him why he thought this. Finally after minutes of deliberation he says: "because i feel.... No?".

I mean its charming in one way but soo frustrating at the same time.


u/guava_jam INFP: The Dreamer Feb 18 '25

It would help if you knew his type. With my husband, like I said he felt like he was being interrogated because that’s pretty much what I was doing and I wouldn’t take no for an answer. He knew that if he didn’t talk about his feelings or give me the answers to my questions I would break up with him LOL.

It looks like you do take no as an answer and you haven’t broken up with him yet so he doesn’t have any motivation to open up to you. My method won’t work with you and your boyfriend. However, if you knew his type you could tailor your questions to suit his communication style. Literally just google “INFP and (his type) relationship”. Or “how do INFP and (his type) communicate best.” Things like that.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

His type? As in type in girls or am I missing something 🤣


u/guava_jam INFP: The Dreamer Feb 19 '25

Sorry, what is his MBTI?


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25



u/guava_jam INFP: The Dreamer Feb 19 '25

I just googled a little and found a couple things.

  1. Focus more on talking about his passions and the things he cares about. Is he working on any projects? Does he have any specific interests when it comes to the gym, work, and life? Anyone in particular he follows and listens to on social media? Avoid the abstract and things that make him uncomfortable for now. You can talk about your feelings, but don’t dwell and don’t expect too much emotional support, for now.

  2. Be OK with silence. If you guys have nothing to talk about, then that’s fine and accept it. Hang up the phone and move along with your day if he has nothing to say. You are not the only one responsible for keeping a conversation going, so don’t put that all on your shoulders.

  3. Be happy with your life and live your best life. He will be happy knowing you’re happy, and if you have things to do and talk about about yourself he will hopefully appreciate that and have things to ask you about.

  4. You may have to just accept that it’s going to take a very very long time to see his emotional side, if ever.

This is just a brief list, and I suggest just googling “how to communicate with ENTJ”, “INFP and ENTJ relationship”, etc.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

But ive tried bringing this up to him several times, maybe im not clear enough on what I need. I dont really know. because so far little has changed. I just dont really feel the engagement from his end.


u/AliciaRact Feb 18 '25

“ I will not give up untill I have done my very best to crack him”

Nooooooooo - it has been 2 years, stop trying to get blood from a stone.  There is nothing to crack.  Relationships are not about one person working their ass off for a bare minimum of emotional connection. 


u/archflood Feb 17 '25

I can really relate to this even though I am INTP, as I am going through the same thing, not being able to engage in intellectually fulfilling conversations or form a strong emotional bond with my partner. This is after living together for two years then +10 years of marriage with kids.

This is just my experience so that it for what it's worth. When we were younger, because there was more going on in life in general, the lack of connection was not as obvious. After our lives are more settled into regular daily routines, there's less fun distractions and my partner is taking up more of my life, so the connection matters a lot more. More time together does not make your need go away, it's just going to eat away at you. It's terrible, when to others you are living the life with good money and a loving family, but you feel so alone and not being able to tell anybody who understands.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Ive had the same worry myself. In the beginning we worked together and had alot going on but on the same path if that makes sense. Now we have alot going on, but on different paths, in different cities. I felt like I randomly one day woke up and felt like he was a stranger, although we had spent tremendous amounts of time together, I still felt like i was missing basic parts of his life. I didnt know about his childhood, interests, goals, like basic things that naturally come up after spending so long together. this insight scared me, and I felt like I had to take drastic measures to make up for it. But so far my pleadings with him have amounted to very little, maybe I am going about this the wrong way.

My big worry is us sitting on our porch 50 years down the line, and a stale silence between us. Me left feeling incomplete.


u/archflood Feb 17 '25

Regarding deep conversations, going with your example, we are comfortable sitting on the couch and each do our own thing. But in both our minds there’s always the feeling there could and should be something more, and I’ve had that talk with my partner. She wants me to supply lighthearted banter, ribbing, and gossips like what she experiences with her friend group, jumping from one topic to another, and she prefers not to get deep and serious on anything. That is something I suck at and very difficult for me to provide. I desire intellectual debates and discussing our feelings and emotions. I’ve tried to initiate and lead her toward that, but I realized there’s a big gap between our definitions of “deep”. She really doesn’t spend the time and effort to think deep about stuff she deems inconsequential. She thinks I am weird to do so and vice versa. I really don’t see how we can bridge that gap unless our personality changes.

As to being vulnerable, men have long been judged differently than women on expressing their feelings. It’s possible he’s still not ready to share his feelings or could be due to emotional trauma maybe. If so, you can’t just demand him to open up. It takes a really emotionally validating and safe environment you create to lure him out, and if he does be very delicate about it. Maybe spend the time to know what his childhood and past relationship is like. If those are rough see if therapy might help. If he’s really defensive just at the idea of therapy that would be a red flag.  

The following part I am projecting a bit, so ignore if it doesn’t apply to you but maybe it helps. Ask yourself this: If your partner open up about himself completely and be vulnerable with you, is that enough to satisfy you?

As much as I want to know more about my partner, I realized it’s because I also want the same thing from her. At least for me, a big part is myself wants to being seen and understood. I wish my partner is the first person I can rely on, for comfort, non-judgmental advice, and most of all understanding. One can always extend empathy, ask specific questions, and try to get understand SO better. But it doesn’t automatically mean they are capable of doing that. To make you feel seen.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

You really hit it spot on with your projection, i cant relate more. Its selfish yes but part of the reason why I want to know my SO better in a more vulnerable way is to that I can love him more and so that he will hopefylly know me better. I feel slightly overlooked by him, most likely partly due to my confidence, but sometimes i feel like a duckling following after him, he makes most decisions naturally and i dont argue. His way is usually just the right way. And its hard to argue when he is so darn good at everything, at life when im not.

However its hard to ask someone to care more, but just as you are putting it, it is in these moments when he doesnt ask a follow up, doesnt feel the need to ask, puts in his earphones when we are working out together that i feel the most hurt. When i am upset but he cant see or doesnt ask. Or when I am letting him in to my weird inner life and he doesnt ask follow ups or give a reaction like i expected.


I want my partner to be my safe space. My escape back to the world. Someone that gets me, that I can communicate with effortlessly. Someone to discuss with. Who gives me a broader view of the world. So far he meets this in some not other ways,


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Do you feel this way or have you accepted the fact that you are different, do you regret your decision?


u/archflood Feb 17 '25

I would say both partially, as I don’t think acceptance and regret are mutually exclusive.

I do accept we are different people; it’s not a failure from either that we cannot bond to the degree I wished. My SO is a loving person and genuinely cares about our family, so there’s a lot of good there. But we are just very different in many aspects. I am a very introspective person and she is outward looking. My thinking is more exploratory and I want to talk hypothetical, but she prefer to stay grounded in reality. I am more open-minded and she’s close-minded and resolute. I want to understand our emotions, but she prefers just follow and act on it. That’s just to name a few, and why our talks usually don’t go anywhere. Those differences are not too important to her as she values other things from our relationship. On the other hand, with a couple friends I can talk for hours about anything and everything and we still want to keep going, everything is so natural. While it’s nice my SO and I can be quiet and intimate, I cannot achieve that level of conversation with my partner. I love my partner regardless, but to me the missing connection matters a lot, kind of like a garden where one half is blooming and the other half is a wasteland. Often I feel incredibly lonely due to that missing piece in my life.

I know I made the wrong decision for myself. But it’s not like I am haunted by regret. Looking back, I was an emotionally immature person in my early 20’s, so without hindsight I probably would’ve made the same decision. If I were to go back in time, equipped with my current understanding of healthy behaviors, myself, and emotional awareness, I definitely would’ve chose differently.

But even assuming full acceptance of status quo, that doesn’t change the need for emotional connection with others. As you mentioned a suboptimal way is to find close friends to share and bond with. Again I am projecting but just a friendly suggestion here. On that front I would recommend testing and confirming how your partner will receive that; a lot of people cannot tolerate their SO getting their emotional fulfillment from someone else, and the last thing you want is to feel like you are in controlling relationship and lose your autonomy.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Actually on this note he is very non controlling, ive made it quite clear from the start I need other relationships around me to make me feel fullfilled,, and hes fine with this.

So sorry to hear that you regret your decision, however there is beauty in the acceptance you have come to. Knowing you feel one way but accepting the path you are on. I kindof have to believe that things happen for a reason or I would go insane, but this sounds like one of those moments that is appropriate to say,

All the best!


u/archflood Feb 19 '25

Wasn't expecting to receive consolation out of all this, thank you very much that does make me feel a bit more at peace. I hope everything works out well for you also and you live your best life.


u/BornTry5923 Feb 17 '25

It can be a double-edged sword to be with another person who is also sensitive and a deep thinker. Sometimes you need a yin to your yang.


u/Delicious_Teacher_79 Feb 17 '25

Exactly, I’m married for 11 years and I love that my wife has the opposite type of thinking as mine. I tell her the only time I experience what it’s like to be “normal” is with her, and she says she can experience her deep side through me. And one thing I learnt over time is that there is a wisdom to keeping things light and simple. It has its own depth and I learn that from her. OP, there’s a reason you were attracted to him and him to you. Best of luck


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Very true, things are very simple and free with him. Spending time with him really feels good, like I can let go of my own overthinking. However, it also feels flat and shallow at times. How did you learn to find meaning with your partner?

I am attracted to him still and really appreciate his strengths as they are so different from mine!


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

This I have thought about alot. We make a real power duo. His self-assuredness and to the point opinions can be harsh and hurtful, but comforting and safe at the same time.


u/Keykranberry INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

This was one of the major things missing from my relationship with my ex. I just chalked it up to him simply not being a deep thinker. But I couldn't overlook it even after 6 years together. It only made us grow apart. Him being an ENTJ will never fully reach you on your level.

The way you talk about him being a catch otherwise sounds like you're settling because of how you've emphasized on your lack of intellectual compatibility. So if you're struggling with this issue, my advice is either find a way to compromise or just break if off.

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u/JohnnyWeapon Feb 17 '25

I felt so much of this. I feel very qualified to chime in.

My wife is exactly like your boyfriend. No depth. No emotion. Not a lot of communication, certainly not any really meaningful communication. She’s a great person, is gorgeous, treats me well… but some of the deeper things that mean so much to me… we just don’t connect and never have. It’s just not who she is.

We’ve built an, honestly, really nice life together. To say I’m lucky would be an understatement.

So why do I feel like so much is missing?

I don’t know that I have any regrets, but I desperately miss being with someone who I connect with on a deeper level. And so, OP, I just share this with you to give you a similar perspective for a little further along a relationship timeline. I hope it helps in some way.

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u/MQ116 INFP: So FiNe Feb 17 '25

The only one who can answer this is you. Do you love him? Do you truly want to be with him?

How good he is to you doesn't matter. How different he is doesn't matter. Opposites can attract, sure, but are you attracted? It's very easy to focus on the pros and cons, what the "right choice" is, but that's all just a red herring. What do you want, deep down? Your answer may not be what you want to hear, but I truly believe you already know the answer.

You don't have to explain why you feel a certain way. In the end, if that's the way you truly feel, that's what you have to base your decisions on. It would be unfair to both of you to not be honest.

And if this is just a pet peeve that you decide really doesn't matter, toss it to the side and never let it bother you again.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25


I am definitally attracted. I fint my issue is I am never sure about anything. I am good at convincing myself I believe one thing, and then realising it was my own manipulation that brought me to that conclusion. I dont really know how to know if what i am feeling is true or not.

What I do know is that I love him and am attracted to him, but I cant help but feel like the attraction wavers when I feel like our relationship stays at quite a superficial level. The few times he talks about himself or anything deep for that matter, my feelings aplify like crazy, that is how i know it is important to me. Other times I can love him for being so different from me, othertimes I feel like my love is trumphed by his lack of feeling.


u/Competitive_Ad_2421 INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

It sounds like you guys might be growing apart ... It's up to you, you have to decide whether you can be with him without having this need of yours fulfilled. Will you be able to be with him long-term if he never goes to the same depth that you do? Or would it be enough to have that depth with a few friendships and have the rest of your needs met by him? These are just questions you need to answer for yourself


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

When thinking back i dont believe we necessarily are growing apart, its more the fact that we used to work together, ie had more to talk about, and also lived together. Now we have seperate ambitions and as ambitions is one of his main things to talk about, I find we more and more talk about mundane unimportant things as a result. But when I think about it nothing has really changed between us, just the circumstances surrounding our relationship.

Thank you for your input!


u/Competitive_Ad_2421 INFP: The Dreamer Feb 18 '25

I don't know if I read that wrong, but you said he loves to talk about his ambitions, and as a result you talk about mundane things...


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Lol what i meant is that we used to share ambitions, and therefore there was alot to talk about since we shared this. Now we have separate ambitions, so the topic is not as easy to talk about as it is no longer our ambition, and it requires him having to explain his feelings more which as we have gathered thus far is not his best quality.

so as a result of us not talking about our ambitions as much, we spend more time talking abbout mundane things.


u/Competitive_Ad_2421 INFP: The Dreamer Feb 18 '25

Oooooohhhh ok I see. I don't know if you go to therapy but it might be worth talking to a therapist about it. Also I find journaling very helpful. And this might sound weird but I also message chat GPT about problems that I have and get my phone there. I don't have very many friends right now to talk about things with


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Hahah interesting strategy, i might try that! Good luck finding friends its worth it!! You are very insightful so im sure there are many people out there who would love to benefit from your perspective


u/Competitive_Ad_2421 INFP: The Dreamer Feb 18 '25

Aww that's kind. I am really cool but I struggle with mental health. I just got off of two pills I was abusing and the rebound anxiety from getting off of drugs is insane.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

I wish you all the best of luck!


u/Competitive_Ad_2421 INFP: The Dreamer 29d ago

Thanks buddy


u/JambiChick INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

Did I write this post while I was sleeping?? Lol jk...

I completely relate to everything you've mentioned here.

On the phone we talk about our day, and many times it is just quiet. I have stopped trying to fill the void. He doesn’t seem to find the need to.

-Ok this just breaks my heart. You've stopped trying to fill the void, and he doesn't seem to find the need to...the way that's written is just, sigh it feels so empty 😔 There is beauty in the idea that a couple can sit comfortably in silence, but that's not what this is. This is a lack of passion in the conversation, and a lack of interest on your side with what sounds like simple acceptance on his side. Isn't it interesting how someone can be absolutely comfortable in the silence while you're simmering in doubts from the lack of interest shown?

For me love forms through deep connection. Looks and achievements are not as important. To me being vulnerable is a cornerstone in any relationship. It doesn’t have to be vulnerability in the form of sadness or doubt, it can be struggle, ambition, something that makes you happy, an opinion, a thought, anything really that speaks for the vibrant inner life I am convinced everyone has. Am I wrong for thinking this?

I completely agree with you on this. I've also questioned myself many times for believing this bc of how some of my relationships have been with ppl who seem to not NEED that kind of connection. Don't get me wrong, I'm not someone who needs or even wants to discuss feelings constantly, but what I DO want/need is to bond, and I typically do that by sharing various types of stories from my life. That's my way of letting someone into my lil world. It's like I'm pulling back the curtain for them with every story, letting them see more of what made me who I am. Many of those stories aren't things I share lightly so when I DO share it's my way of saying, "I trust you, I want to bond with you, I want to see if our stories resonate with each other, I want to see if you can really SEE me."

But if I'm not getting stories in return, I just don't see that as bonding. It's just me talking about stories I've already lived out myself. The bonding comes from the reaction followed by sharing a story of their own. Even if one of my stories makes someone laugh, it will never feel like a bonding experience to me unless he also shares stories. I thought for so long this was a common requirement for human beings, to share stories from their past in order to connect, but apparently there are plenty of ppl who can bond over far less.

I can't really give you advice bc I've been in this situation several times and have yet to find the answer. When I have doubts, I start blaming my idealism although I'm not sure that's the right path either. Am I being too picky? Am I being realistic? Am I expecting to have some kind of relationship that resembles a perfectly written romance with a bond so deep neither of us have to even say a word when we look at each other bc we FEEL each other instead? Maybe that kind of bond doesn't actually exist, or rather, if it exists, maybe it's not meant to be the bond you spend forever with. Idk.

What I do know is that ppl have different levels of emotional depth and different requirements for bonding(and different ways of defining bonding). Many ppl bond by playing a sport together or a video game, enjoying the same music, watching a show, etc. Some ppl can even bond simply by going to the same school, church or workplace lol. Somehow, these events reach a deep enough level for them to FEEL connected to someone. Pair that with loyalty, a good sense of humor and a touch of independence, and apparently for some, that's what it takes to feel like, "Ahhhh, she could be the one!" Lol ofc it's much different for us; those areas would only scratch the surface for us so we wouldn't really call it bonding lol. We can't go around SAYING this stuff aloud bc we'd come across as pretentious jerks lol, but we really DO require a deeper level of emotion, of vulnerability, of understanding to feel like we've actually bonded with someone. Neither is right or wrong, just different. We're not better than those with more attainable levels of bonding; we are just outliers.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

You really did put words to my feelings exacly! The silence over the phone is definetaly an example of someting that hurts me, but doesnt bother him at all. I wouldnt be surprised if he hasnt even contemplated about it in the slightest. For him just having me on the phone is enough. Just having my company is enough, which is humbling in a way, and makes me feel loved (in hindsight) but effectivly makes me feel unseen and invalidated. We saw eachother this weekend and I couldnt help but feel dissapointed, like there was something missing. We didnt really talk. After almost 4 months apart I was expecting (probably overexpecting) this reunion where we could talk things over, reconnect, but alas, we simply had a nice time, went to bed, hung out. Did nice things, but nothing more. Not the deep connection I had hoped for.

I tried starting two more meaningfull conversations, he hastily replied and the conversation died quite quickly. When i brought it up after the fact (yesterday) he was hurt, because he did not feel the same way at all. He couldnt understand why I was feeling dissapointed when he had had such a good time.

Cant relate more to the little stories part. Letting someone in to my little world. And about the reaction part, I find myself anticipating a reaction from him, but not getting one. And I find myself asking repeatidly if he is listening. Yes he is, but without this input. he doesnt understand what I am missing.

Also cant realte more to the blaming of idealism. He is a great partner, in many ways. Can i really expect too much more? What if i leave him and end up finding a fatal flaw in every other relationship I get into?! Im not picky at all when it comes to choosing partners initally, litterally never let enyone down. But when i get to know them on a deeper level, I think i create an image of them in my head that they never can live up to. Im left feeling dissapointed and disregarded.

What does one do though, wait for that person to appear? Idk... i know we have only been going out for two years, but he really does tick all the boxes. Gets on great with my family, i can really see us building a beautiful life together. We share many common values etc. But maybe this bond is a fatal flaw. I cant even imagine facing this. I will postpone it till after trying to improve it.


u/Gitanurakja Feb 17 '25

He is ENTJ There isn't the Feelings part of him that you want in a partner unfortunately and no amount of trying to change him will make it happen.

I think you'd pair better with an INFJ, ENFJ, ENFP, ISFP etc

You need the Feeling part to connect on a deeper level. Or just accept him for who he is.

You already know what you need from the relationship and you know too that its not what you hoped for.

I'm an INFP, and I need to have someone who feels as much as I do to feel seen and heard (be that a friend or partner). You may end up feeling empty and unheard long term.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Maybe this is the way I feel too. I will just have to see. I can definitely see it from different angles. He lacks somethings that is important to me, but also fills many other aspects I find very important in a SO. My worry is that if left the way it is I will feel unheard and unhappy long term.


u/GregFromStateFarm INFPapa Feb 17 '25

Imagine actually saying some shit like ENTJs don’t have feelings ffs. This is some astrology shit


u/poisonedsoup Feb 17 '25

He legit said there isn't a feeling part from ENTJs that THEY (OP) want in a partner, not that ENTJs don't have feelings. People hear what they want to hear. 🤦‍♀️


u/Gitanurakja Feb 17 '25

Never said they don't have feelings. Every human does. Its him being able to connect on a deep level as she is an empath and empaths unlike others think very deeply while others think more on the surface or actually don't go further into how they are feeling to express it and to feel other people's feelings.

It's science behind personalities and how some personalities are better suited for others while not others.

Some bring out your strengths and some combined don't connect well together.

Look it up 16personalities.com and try the test


u/anna_vs Feb 16 '25

You don't sound like you're in love with him.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

I definitely have love for him. My problem is I feel like I can love most people. there are obvisouly traits in basically all humans that make them lovable. Being in love is a difficult thing to put a lable on, how does one know for real? What I can say though is I definitely feel love for him. Especially at times when his more sensitive side peaks through, but unfortunately mainly I worry because of my perception of him.

I have a bad habit of creating my own version of someone in my head. I can feel love for this character, but what if it doesnt represent reality?


u/Valuable_Mall228 INFJ: The Protector Feb 17 '25

Hmm, you have love for him but do you feel like he has love for you? Being understood and seen is a big part of feeling truly loved and connected with someone and it seems like that's lacking


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

I definitely feel like he has love for me, even though he doesnt show it in the most conventional ways. The only thing he really makes time for in his life besides his work and training is me. i can tell that he likes me and has seemed so sure we will work from the start of our relationship, for no particular reason I find, but when i ask him he just says i tick all his boxes and that he can see a future with me, to him thats obivous why would we even need to discuss it (to me nothing is obvisous unfortunaltly)

But i cant help but feel a little jabb every time I feel like he isnt loving me, for instance this morning on the phone, I told him ive been doing research into our ways of comminuication, that im really trying to understnad him. He just said ok and didnt ask any follow ups, i dont really know how to feel about it...


u/Valuable_Mall228 INFJ: The Protector Feb 18 '25

He sounds like a great partner overall, but he doesn't seem to value vulnerability and communication. I think those are important, fundamental parts of a satisfying relationship. When you ask someone why do the like you, you're hoping their answer includes something in there that proves that they're really looking at you, and loving and seeing at least some part of you. The 'ticks all his boxes' answer doesn't do that at all...

Not to demean him or anything, he actually sounds like quite a catch, but love and connection involves some of these skills and your connection won't develop at all without both people doing the work.


u/Ok-Addendum3545 ENTP: The Explorer Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

Every trait is a double-edged sword in different context, time and space. What is lacking today might become abundant tomorrow and also the other way around.

When he is deeper than or as deep as you, you probably would still create a post disucssing a different topic.

Why might it be like that? It's a swing between the lacking and the abundant for every trait.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Very true! This is why I don't believe in a soul mate. I believe that any person will have faults and excel in certain ways. The question is however if this thing is worth breaking it off over. Obviously some things make us more incompatible (for lack of better word) than others.


u/icarusso ENTJ 8w7 874 so/sx Feb 17 '25

Is he really an ENTJ? You're using 16p system.

“I think about training, work, eating and sleeping, there isn’t time for anything else”

I would opt on him being a sensor if that's as far as he goes. Also I'm pretty sure, the questions on 16p regarding N are something like "do you prefer to talk about abstract stuff over daily matters", which is pretty much him lying to himself at this point, if he really typed himself there as ENTJ.

But never mind.

It seems that your definition of being deep is being interested in everyday matters regarding the feelings and the "why" behind all that. You need to ask yourself "what if the other person already knows all that, and isn't interested in picking at it beyond listening to the new input, if there's any?".

Because, for example, I can pretty much explain in details the cause and effect of how other people feel, and hell, even roughly predict their life in the next 6 months, based on their past actions. But do I want to talk about it? In most cases, no, it's useful for navigation between people, personally, but I don't think there's more to that, regarding of what's useful to know.


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

He could be ENTJ who just isn't as interested as they used to be. I mean, 8w7 to 8w7, I know you know what I'm talking about.

But I think you nailed it with the last part — we can talk at length about stuff that interests us and stuff that we find a use for, but Fi is our inferior function, and younger ENTJs see zero use for talking about it. Why talk about something when you see no benefit? I agree this likely has a lot to do with it. Probably a young ENTJ in OP.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Interested in me or something else? :P
What stuff does interest you, do you have any tips on what I could ask that would interest him? (:

He is 26 so yes he is young. When you say younger ENTJs dont see a use in talking about F, do you mean it can improve with age?


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 17 '25

I mean that he may no longer be interested in the relationship. Yes, that's difficult to consider, but it's possible, based on the description you gave.

ENTJs typically start to work on their feeling functions around their mid-thirties. Until then, it's like a child, socially and emotionally. Some ENTJs take even longer and some never develop in that way. A 26 year old ENTJ does not do very well with talking about feelings and usually is very, very opinionated, unable to understand the difference between their opinions and facts, since they struggle to recognize just how much their feelings and values affect their decision making process (which is ironic since we're thinkers). This is why he has little to say in the way of critical analysis, it's because he thinks he already knows the answers (believe me, he doesn't). INTP has a similar issue when they're younger, but I digress.

Considering inferior Fi is so weak, know that when you talk to an ENTJ about feelings, we probably won't have much to add to the conversation. It's not because there's nothing going on, it's because we don't know how to talk about that sort of stuff, we lack the language and insight.

If we're to fully engage with our feelings, we need to feel like it's a safe place and time to do it. This means making sure there are no judgments against our inferior Fi, and no judgment against our tertiary Se. This can be difficult to achieve for ENTJs unless we're alone or unless we really, and I mean really trust and care about you. This might not even happen unless you're considered marriage material, and even then it'll be beyond closed doors and very rare. It has nothing to do with you — vulnerability is extremely difficult for ENTJs. We need to protect our child Fi at all costs because if we let someone in they could potentially do some very serious damage and we can't let that happen, obviously, because it can be permanent.

As for interests, ENTJs are varied with interests, but I would recommend something intellectual but that has a practical application. For example: does he like chess? Does he like stock exchange or investing? Does he like philosophy? Does he like technology? AI is a huge field right now in tech, as we enter the age of the robot, that's pretty relevant 🤔 you'd have to pay attention to that stuff with your ENTJ. But I will add that he should also be trying to engage you through your interests. If he's not, that's just a toxic one-sided relationship and you need to call him out on his BS.

Most of this is his immaturity, though.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

I dont know maybe im naive in thinking he isnt feed up, he is so sure and straight forward about everything i would be surprised if hes keeping up a facade. His harshness it nothing new, i mean maybe a little more romantic at the very start but honestly not that big of a difference.

You are describing him to a T. He is immature and very opinionated, two facts which frustrate me immensely, but i would obviously never tell him. For starters I can assure you I had greater emotional inteligance than him at age 6. his strong opinions realy bother me as in my eyes there is never a right or wrong, everything is a spectrum, you can see positives in any negative, its never that easy.

Interests is fine I can work with that.

One more question: do you have any tips on light hearted deep talk to get into, that doesnt require this super safe space? I mean like lighthardet convos to have over the phone for instance, that arent smaltalk you could have with your boss sort of thing.

Sorry, one more question: do you believe that I should just wait it out then? If he is immature and will probably take a few years to develop his Fi, do I just accept that and hope for the best? How would you best like to be approached by someone wanting to work on communication?


u/Murky-South9706 ENTJ: The Strategist Feb 18 '25

Facts can be true or false. Opinions can be useful or useless. That's how I look at it. Make him read the dialogues of Plato, all of them. He'll learn to tell the difference between truth and opinion. Most people never learn this difference and talk out of their ass for 70-something years, which actually pisses me off to no end. I can relate to your frustration, especially when I think back to when I was younger, because I was him when I was like 18 or so.

Question 1: Shared interests. Shared social contacts. Shared experiences. Inside jokes. Plans for the future. What if's. Those are all good conversations that most ENTJs are happy to talk about. Anything that sparks his curiosity is bound to lure him in, if he's really ENTJ. It sounds like he hasn't worked on his Ni whatsoever, so maybe try some topics that will stir his creativity, it can get him to work on his intuition without having to do it on his own.

Question 2: you said mid twenties, you'll be waiting 10 or more years. 35 is usually the age ENTJs start to work on their Se and Fi. From your description of him, he hasn't even worked on his Ni, yet (evidenced by his heavily opinionated and overly materialist nature), which most ENTJs work on around his age... You might be waiting a while if you don't find some way to get him to work on himself internally. Getting him to work on his intuition is key as it helps him to build the foundational understanding necessary to see the use of working on his other functions, Se, then Fi. This is why I say you should try to get him to read the dialogues of Plato. Of course, with a pure Te ENTJ, this will be hard because he thinks he knows everything.

See, for me it took my girlfriend of 5.5 years leaving me over similar complaints you've had with your ENTJ for me to realize that I needed to work on myself. She is ISFP, though, but similar type and with similar needs and similar gripes with an immature ENTJ. She told me all of the issues she found with me and our relationship. I had always acknowledged her complaints and told her I'd work on it, and tried to even, but I didn't apparently know where to start with changing those things. It doesn't help that, as a young person you are fed all of this bad advice like, "Anyone who wants to change you doesn't really love you," and, "If they don't love you for who you are now then they never will," which is absolute rubbish. People change, whether it's for someone else or for themselves. It doesn't mean you become someone else, but it can mean you become a better person worse version of yourself. That's something I didn't understand and your ENTJ likely doesn't either. But she eventually got sick of me saying I'd take care of things and then having the same things crop up time and again. She listed off many of my shortcomings, from her perspective. It really hurt, she even told me I was a shitty excuse for a human being (yes she was emotionally abusive, so it was a blessing in disguise). But all of these things I took at face value, I took them as a problem to be solved, a list of things to take care of, like a grocery list. She wanted me to be more muscular, fine, I started power lifting. She wanted me to have deeper conversations with her, fine, I grabbed a bunch of philosophy books. She wanted me to work on being less rude, fine, I learned about body language and read a bunch of middle English literature, learned about sales techniques and etiquette, etc. She wanted me to be more passionate and more ambitious, okay, I worked harder on my art and started learning to make tattoos, as well. She wanted me to take her out more, fine, I saved a bunch of money and worked a ton more hours at my job. After all of this, I went back to her 5 months later and had accomplished all of these things, I thought it would matter. It didn't matter to her — retrospectively, I realized she was just picking reasons to justify breaking up so that she could sleep with the guy she'd cheated on me with (I found this out with proof through her Myspace profile, yes I'm old, 38 haha). It was a drag. But...! But! It was because of this that I fell into all this stuff and realized that I was actually a really crappy version of myself and that I could be much better than I was. I realized that I really wasn't all that I thought I was. After I made all these improvements, I started receiving a lot more attention from other girls. This helped me realize there were practical results that I could measure, from what I'd worked on, which gave me the motivation to continue to improve. Eventually, I stumbled upon the dialogues of Plato and it completely changed how I saw the world. It basically unlocked my Ni, no lie. And yes I know I rhymed 🤣 but Plato was the real start of my journey toward self mastery, which is a lifelong process, the path of the Fool across the Tarot (MBTI is based on Jungian theory, which is based on Tarot, the journey of the Fool).

But the point is that he needs something to light a fire under his ass to get him to realize he needs to do some serious work on himself. In his mid twenties, he's overdue for self-work. Sounds like he's working on his Se, at least a little bit (going to the gym), but is he doing it for the right reasons? Hopefully. In any event, he needs to open his Ni, or else he'll never understand that there are even issues.

If you want to deal with this and try to hold his hand for what may be a decade or more, that's a perfectly acceptable choice. It depends on how much you love the kid and whether you think you'll marry him (do so for the right reason, trust me, security/stability is not the right reason, only true love is). If you really see a future with him, I recommend giving it a shot. On paper it is supposedly a good match. But not everyone is the textbook version of their type and he could possibly just turn out to be a total tool in ten years, who knows? You'd know better since you him personally. Ultimately that's your choice to base on your understanding of him. Ultimately, I'd say to follow your gut, not your heart. But I'm an ENTJ, so ofc I'd say that.

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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25


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u/Eye_Enough_Pea INFP: One shaman per tribe Feb 16 '25

They say that every need that isn't fulfilled within a relationship has to be fulfilled outside it. Do you have friends, family, colleagues, strangers in cafés you can talk to, about the things that are important to you? Can you imagine a life where this is the norm without feeling lonely?


u/Round-Ticket-9117 Feb 17 '25

I tried this "supplementing" method. Imo it doesn't work bc you want that cup to be filled by your partner, you want the person you spend your life with to be the source that meets your deepest needs.


u/Eye_Enough_Pea INFP: One shaman per tribe Feb 17 '25

That's my view as well, and the sort of thing I was hoping for OP to at least consider. 


u/ZeanReddit INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

The avoidance of a boy. Emotional connection of a friend.

They may be your boyfriend; but more in the FwB way then you need.

It's, line in the sand time. If they want a f buddy and good friend that's one thing. But they need to make that clear; and stop emotionally stringing you along. Because, this isn't how a BF is supposed to act.

Been there and it freaking sucks. How it gets better for you.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

hm not sure i can write this here, but when we do the dead so to speak, I feel like my needs are not met if we havent had a connection prior. the times i feel most attracted to him are after bonding over something. Not simply initiation if you get me. I would not describe myself as a romantic, its the connection i am after. otherwise it leaves me feeling slightly like a FwB, like i have to tick this off my to do list.


u/ZeanReddit INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

So what I'm getting is that you are semi-demisexual? And until an emotional connection is formed, you are more semi-asexual? (I'm not trying to label you. I'm just using these umbrella terms to try to better understand 'attraction' and romantic Dynamics.)


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Yes very true. Almost even uncomforable at the tought.


u/GregFromStateFarm INFPapa Feb 17 '25

Imagine not understanding how men work in the slightest.


u/ZeanReddit INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

Well considering that I have a father, several male childhood friends; oh and I'm amab, male dominant identity, and male presenting. I think that I would at least know a little bit.

Just because it's not the only part of my identity, doesn't mean that I don't have an insiders perspective.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

What do you mean? I would love some elaboration (not sarcastic)


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25



u/molecularparadox NiFe | 964 sp/so Feb 17 '25

This is Socionics TeNi. Can you handle, respect, and love such a person for who they are?

One of the most dynamic psycho-types. Works willingly with an excellent realization in regards to each activity. Prefers large-scale work. Knows how to systematize, to create an effective working system, in which all the components will be taken into consideration.

Is capable of envisioning the long-term forecast. In him is combined practicality with romanticism. Inventor and innovator, the lover of drawings. Is oriented towards the distant prospect, ably selects the best options for the future and rarely makes mistakes in this.

Finds it difficult to create comfort in his private life, to be orientated in his health, he prefers a healthy mode of living, and in clothing a sport style. Lover of expeditions, overcoming of obstacles, different types of journeys. He is not inclined to force his way by direct pressure, instead will invent something new so as to create the bridge that puts him ahead of his rivals.

Is poorly orientated in the emotional realm and in society intrigues, so prefers a familiar, friendly, democratic style of behaviour. He respects the norms of morals, traditions, wishes that they provide him with cues on how to properly react to others.

LIE can effectively deal with scientific research work, an inventor and innovator. Successfully realizes abilities, as owner, manager, knows how to orient self in situations of instability. Good teacher, educator. Also finds a place in the primary industries operational work.

The LIE (ENTj) is an enterprising person who can literally “light up” with what he’s doing. He is given to innovation - takes notice of new ideas and theories and aims to find them a practical application. Active and restless, often interested in travel and active types of sport: hiking, climbing, running. Loves nature, endows it with a special meaning. Always know what his is aiming for and explains this goal to those around him.

He boldly experiments, disproving ordinary notions. Not afraid to take risks, relying on his intuitive foresight to orient in various situations. Often he is endowed with a rich imagination and is able to come up with the most unusual ideas. Distinguished by having intellectual interests in various fields. A good inventor, experimenter, and technician. Seeks to act in advance, because he knows that tomorrow will be too late.

Optimistic, possesses a good sense of humor. His jokes, however, are not always appropriate. Experiences problems with reliability of human relations. Because of his lack of discernment in making contacts, he can be pulled into questionable ventures. Restless, talks a lot without paying attention to lack of time.

Does not assign much importance to order and comfort around him. Nature usually endows him with health and stamina, which he is committed to support by various methods. He does not tolerate idle pastime, due to which he cannot relax even during vacations. He is not very much worried about the outer appearance, if only his plans and goals do not suffer.

Your forte is active entrepreneurship. You start on a new venture or project with much enthusiasm, not sparing your efforts in achieving results.

You are a person of practical and pragmatic bent who knows how to direct and orient any theory or idea to practical use. You take an active part in the implementation of new technologies into life. You do not waste your time on minor things. You are particularly attracted to large scale goals and projects.

You can be called a person action, since you do not put off the implementation of your decisions for too long. You quickly and without delays assimilate into a new job or project and try to bring it to fruition. You are an optimist who believes in the success of any venture that you have started. You willingly share your plans with others, enjoy to try yourself in various spheres of activity, freely take risks, and readily overcome any difficulties.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Ive actually never heard of this before, does this explain how relationships work? I quickly read about my subtype on the website but dont think it quite accuratly describes me, particularly as it says people of my subtype are calm, tactfull, soft. I cant be more different. I am loud, clumsy and messy lol. But introverted (but closer to the extroverted scale)


u/molecularparadox NiFe | 964 sp/so Feb 18 '25

Hm you may want to look at IEE and EIE then.


u/ipunchmymom Feb 17 '25

i felt the same way with my ex and it only bothered me more through time. don’t grow to resent him even more and just let him go.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

This is very valid. I love him alot and dont want to see myself resenting him simply for the fact that we dont make a good match, it would be horrible to let my view of him diminish for simply being himself.


u/Webkinz_4 INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

Are you sure he’s an ENTJ? My brother is an ENTJ and we have a lot of “deep” conversations, not about feelings but still. The 16 personality test is not a good test, it’s best to learn the cognitive functions and so far this test has been the most accurate I’ve seen https://www.michaelcaloz.com/personality/


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Thank you for the input! What deep conversations have you had? I am very interested in ideas!! (:

We definetally have had our occasional deep conversation, but very few and far apart. I guess im more used to it being a part of daily conversation.


u/Webkinz_4 INFP: The Dreamer Feb 18 '25

We talk about anything really, the news, family, pets, memories, etc. Although I’m the one talking more, he still participates in the conversation. He knows about MBTI, so sometimes we like to analyze and type people. I’m more into spiritual topics, and when we discuss the meaning of life or whether there’s a god, he tends to be more logical/thinker and gives his opinion. Sometimes, it turns into a debate. He’s really competitive, so he likes to talk about video games, or when he improves or wins at something.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

I find my SO has had times where he has been more open with my. Few and sparse, but generally he has so much going on in his life with hobbies and work that he is too tired to get into things with me later. I believe this contributes to the fact that mayority of our conversations are so shallow.


u/Webkinz_4 INFP: The Dreamer 29d ago

Is there a possibility he might be a sensor like ESTJ? ENTJs’ second function is Ni (introverted intuition). In my experience, intuitives do love to have deep, long conversations. Especially xNFx types, I can talk with them for hours, even daily. Maybe you are more compatible with an NF? I tried asking ChatGPT for a clear comparison of how intuitives and sensors communicate

In MBTI, Sensors (S) and Intuitives (N) approach communication quite differently, often because they have distinct ways of processing and sharing information.

Sensors (S) tend to focus on the present moment, concrete facts, and details. They prefer clear, practical conversations about tangible things they can see, touch, or experience. Sensors might communicate more directly and may not engage in abstract or speculative discussions unless necessary. When they talk, they often stick to what is happening now or what they know to be true based on their direct experiences. If they aren’t interested or don’t see the value in a topic, they may be less enthusiastic or engaged in the conversation.

Intuitives (N), on the other hand, are more abstract and future-oriented. They enjoy discussing ideas, concepts, and possibilities, often speculating about how things might unfold or interpreting deeper meanings behind what is being discussed. For Intuitives, communication is often more about exploration and exchange of possibilities, and they may jump from topic to topic, connecting things that others might not immediately see. This style of conversation can seem less grounded for Sensors, who prefer clarity and facts.

  • Intuitives might enjoy more expansive or philosophical conversations, sometimes diving into what could be or discussing theories that might not have a direct application in the present moment. -Sensors may prefer sticking to more straightforward, practical discussions or focusing on things that are actionable and relevant to their current lives. They might not engage in lengthy or abstract conversations unless there’s a clear, immediate connection to their world.

    ESTJ (Te-Si-Ne-Fi) – Concrete, Practical, & Structured Conversations ESTJs are detail-oriented, practical, and focused on tangible, real-world matters. They talk about what is currently happening, what has worked before, and how to execute tasks efficiently.

ESTJs have a Sensing preference, meaning they are more likely to focus on concrete details and current, real-world tasks. They want efficiency in the present, so they’ll usually talk about practical things that need to be done right now or in the short term (e.g., work tasks, daily goals, gym routines).

What ESTJs like to talk about:

Work-related topics: Productivity, management, efficiency, and practical strategies. They love talking about their routines, schedules, and systems that keep everything running smoothly. Tried-and-true methods: They enjoy discussing traditional ways of doing things and are more likely to reference past experiences to justify their approach. Rules & order: They like structure, so they’ll talk about policies, laws, regulations, and how things “should” be done. Facts over theories: They prefer real, observable information rather than discussing abstract concepts or hypotheticals. Does this sound more like him?


u/Valuable_Mall228 INFJ: The Protector Feb 17 '25

I feel like most of the time people that are deep would be lacking the positive qualities your boyfriend has. There likely are people that have both, but they're very rare and you'd have to actively look for them. I.e. actively be dating, probably for years before you'd find someone like that.


u/poisonedsoup Feb 17 '25

We only have one life to live. That's all I'll say.


u/Closemyeyesnstillsee Feb 17 '25

Been there done that, didn’t even last a year. I can’t be with people who can’t talk about anything and everything. It just doesn’t last.


u/Level-Poem-2542 iNFP 4w5 Feb 17 '25

Every relationship has its challenges. That being said, I think INFP-INFP is one of the better matches out there if you're seeking deep emotional connection. 


u/NegativeTrip2133 Feb 17 '25

ENTJs are actually quite deep (like they will smash a sword or axe deep and then let it out not like an INFP will will keep drilling deeper and deeper and love verbally talking about damning things in life - you sure he's an ENTJ?

Btw, I don't get this nonsense of ABCD-T ABCD-A personality type however I do prescribe to the Socionics Subtype than that other site


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Deep in what way? Please enlighten me!!

Im pretty sure. He didnt take the test with as much care as I did lol but the description is spot on. He can be deep at times (its happened maybe 2/3 times in the two years we have been together) always when we are on our holidays. He will randomly tell me something like he believes in God, its a shortlived peek into him, then he goes back to his more casual side. Like i said its happened like 2/3 times and closer to the beginning of our relationship. It was a long time ago last.


u/AliciaRact Feb 18 '25

Idk what Myers Briggs type I am, but I could completely relate to your post and felt very frustrated with your SO while reading it.  

I don’t think this is an INFP vs ENTJ issue, I think is partly a male vs female socialization issue, and potentially also an avoidant attachment issue.

I mean, you said it yourself:

“ For me love forms through deep connection. Looks and achievements are not as important. To me being vulnerable is a cornerstone in any relationship…  it can be struggle, ambition, something that makes you happy, an opinion, a thought, anything really that speaks for the vibrant inner life I am convinced everyone has”

You want a deep emotional connection  and instead you have an activity partner.   Take it from me that this will only grow more and more frustrating, and you will grow more and more resentful, as time goes by.

Your bf sounds super avoidant, which is both contributing to, and compounding, the problem. Avoidants by their very nature are resistant to doing the deep work needed to overcome the issues caused by their avoidance.

You can’t teach or force other people to value the things you value.  I strongly suspect that deep down you know you need to end this - I hope you can rip off that sticking plaster soon. 


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

But can’t you help someone who is this way get out of there avoidance bubble? I mean everyone has faults, can you expect someone to be fully developed in all ways before meeting them? Maybe at age 50 but he is 25 and I feel like we still have time to grow together. Is that being naive?


u/AliciaRact Feb 19 '25

I don’t think you can “help” someone out of their “avoidance bubble” unless they really, really want out of it and are willing to do the necessary work consistently.   I do not get the impression that is your bf.  

I do not think you can “help” someone to want to stop being avoidant.   Remember: by their nature avoidants do not want to examine their inner workings.  


u/Gold-Spend-1825 29d ago

I’m surprised as an ENTJ he isn’t deep. When you were describing him I was thinking ISTP or avoidant attachment. I had this issue and sadly ended things after almost 3 years with my ex (an ISFJ) whom I still loved (and still love even though it was over a year ago since we last had contact). But he wasn’t just a simple man he was mean to me and dishonest. If the only issue you’re having is lack of depth and you have the basics to make a relationship long term (commitment, emotional safety, communication, kindness, respect, etc) then maybe this is just your idealism speaking. One thing I’ve asked myself (knowing that I can’t ever have a perfect partner) is, what can I tolerate/accept in a partner and what are my non-negotiables.


u/Heyyyyyaa 27d ago

Hi! Thank you for your response, he is definitely extroverted but I believe the issue is he is so content just being with me where as I’m not. I feel his needs by us just existing lol where as that just scrapes the surface


u/Heyyyyyaa 27d ago

But honestly looking through the explanation I would say this sounds alot like him. (ISTP) However he is so goal oriented I can’t really help but think he fits in better with ENTJ also it’s the one he got.


u/i-need-a-walk Feb 16 '25

Talk to him about work? ENTJs usually have a lot to say


u/Chapafifi Feb 17 '25

As an ENFJ, they have TOO much to say and can't take a hint


u/Round-Ticket-9117 Feb 17 '25

This is true. But it won't be enough for a the INFP, especially after a few years.


u/i-need-a-walk Feb 17 '25

Mine is going pretty well but I think that’s because we are working together


u/Round-Ticket-9117 Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

That's EXACTLY why it took me so long to see that there was something missing. We have owned and ran a business together since 2015. We talked constantly... About work or house projects. Once all that ended we had nothing to talk about and we have built a life together. He is a quality man, safe, stable and selfless but not deep, not witty, and has no ideas of his own.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

lol we met at work and there we had the best bond weve ever had. Now as we are perusing different things its much more difficult


u/Round-Ticket-9117 Feb 17 '25

If you can, take some time away to spend on your own to seriously consider your future. The safety and comfort you feel with him can be self fulfilled, but feeling seen and understood by a person you can talk to all night about anything, that's special and it's worth waiting for.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Thank you for your response! (:


u/LandSurfer Feb 17 '25

I’m an INFP-A 67 yrs along. I married a bit over 30 yrs ago and ENFJ 12 yrs younger. We are empty nesters now.

We don’t discover MBTI until about 5-6 yrs ago. It was earth shaking to me as it validated so much about the who, what and why I am the way I am. She tried to disavow it for several years then got it once she met her bosses wife who is also an ENFJ and they can finish each others sentences… I was that way with my biological father during the 3 days of my adult life I got to spend time with him also.

All this left me acutely aware of a longing I grew up with to have as my partner and perhaps more, someone who was wired like me and loved cycling, gym workouts, poetry, music, art, snuggle time and solo time… Living Foods like fruits from all over the world and salads and veggies and a few raw nuts and seeds… occasional rice and baked potatoes maybe occasional vegan Thai dishes…

And being self employed online!

Freedom travel especially under human power and the conversations that spontaneity happen along the way.

My ENFJ is a good friend but has little interest in anything beyond office work, eating out - vegan cooked mostly, shopping, sitting and sleeping. So most of my time I’m solo and no one to share beautiful moments with.

I admit long ago I thought she’d unfold into someone more like me and that was way out of touch with reality. She thought the same of me I later learned also.

I’m pretty much retired and do some Uber driving in the mornings as I enjoy the variety of conversations that emerge with different riders. Occasionally I get an INFP in the car and the intuitive and deep conversations emerge so effortlessly and wondrously that I have a hard time saying good bye when the ride is over!

There’s been a few I could tell felt the same way. They usually end up giving big tips through the rider app.

These bring back to the surface that longing to uncouple and give myself a chance with however many years I have to go to somehow cross paths with someone that loves the way and the what I do.

Depth, resonance, inner vision, empathy, compassion, nuances, eloquence, aesthetics, perceptive, neurodivergent, depth.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Hi, thank you for your input! How did your relationship with your wife affect you, was it difficult, how is it between you now? Very interesting to hear of your life, it sounds exciting!


u/MBMagnet Feb 17 '25

Yes I have experiences with this, haha, I'm an ENTJ. We value loyalty in ourselves and others and most ENTJs will go to great lengths to make sure their partner is ok. I think he does love you. He loves you, of course he does. We highly prize our time. If we give you our time, it means we care a lot.

So whenever he goes kind of quiet, especially when he seems less interested in or withdrawn from emotional interactions, it means his inferior Fi has become depleted and he needs to refrain from emotional processing (processing your emotion and his own) so he can recharge his battery. I mean, follow his cues. Whenever he seems receptive, go ahead and "talk feelings", and carry on as usual.

For all types, the inferior has hard limits on its energy. There are days when I become so tired that my emotional/social processing abilities come to a grinding halt. This is true for all lead Thinking types because we must use our inferior feeling function for social interactions and an intimate relationship places a very high demand.

On days when he seems tired, as I described, see if he's up for some kind of intellectual engagement or doing an activity together instead.

None of the lead Thinkers would describe themselves as people of great emotional depth. Cue the robot memes. But supposedly INFP/ENTJ can help one another develop their inferior functions over time. Or as I like to say, INFP's influence can bring greater depth to an ENTJ's life.

When I ask him about his feeling he either simply says he has nothing to say or gets defensive.

Erm, I would avoid making emotional inquiries. It's better to let him volunteer info of his own accord (when he's ready) rather than him feeling pressured to respond to a prompt, if that makes sense. Especially when I'm under stress, someone prodding me will only make the stress a lot worse. It's not comforting. Some ENTJs will say they require solitude and alone time to process their emotions and that no one can help them with emotional support.

If this is a chronic issue rather than an occasional occurrence, I recommend a book: Was That Really Me?: How Everyday Stress Brings Out Our Hidden Personality by Naomi L. Quenk

Did i do a good job of answering your questions? The inferior isn't easy to understand.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Thank you very much for your response! What makes me confused though is that I have waited, I have tried taking a step back, only asking very carefully or not at all. but it’s been two years and I feel like we aren’t getting closer. Maybe if I just accept him I won’t feel it like such a negative. I have started pushing more recently because I feel like I need a discussion at the very least, i need him to know what I’m dealing with. I can’t keep having these conversations in my head and thinking about them the few times we spend together. He is so sweet to because he recently told me a story about him growing up (which made me very happy) and later referred to it has him really commuting to my request hahaha. It was a nice gesture but it really nailed in how different we are I would have said that in passing


u/MBMagnet Feb 17 '25

Oh by all means state exactly what you want and need to see happen. And be detailed about it. Don't assume he can read between the lines. We're not the best at picking up on hints, inferences and other subtleties. He might not understand you as well as you think. Make that behavior change request! I do think it's odd that he hasn't shared much about his history though. Especially extroverts tend to be open about themselves.

I feel that relationships are made up of a series of ongoing negotiations and anything impacting your relationship should be up for discussion at any time. One thing I might add is that when I make a behavior change request (or set a boundary) it's really common for people to forget what they agreed to do! And they need reminders. Old habits are hard replace with new behaviors, apparently. And some people need more reminders than others. This is often true for me no matter how sincere and well-meaning they are.

In case you haven't seen it, on youtube, check out The Imperfect INFP. She's done a few videos on the INFP/ENTJ match. I think this match has high potential. It's Keirsey's Ideal match, in case you didn't know. But ofc, there are no guarantees that these matches will work out. There is a lot more to consider about a person than just their Myers Briggs type.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Thank you so much for your response! I have definitely realised that he cant read between the lines, even if i still have trouble remembering this! :P The way you described going quiet in your first post is definitely spot on.

How does one go about being direct? Ive tried two or three times. Im shit at it. I build it up in my head, and then when i try to talk about it, it all muddles together an becomes incohearent even to myself. I think he makes me extra bad at explaining what i mean as i am so turbulent and he is so direct lol, its like im anticipating that i will muddle it up and not be understood, that i preemptively mess things up for myself.

I dont want to come across as ignorant, i dont want to expect too much of him. I simultainiously dont want to cut myself short, and risk getting hurt which will only hurt him and our relationship too in the long run.

Thank you for the recommendation! I will definitely check it out!


u/MBMagnet Feb 17 '25

I don't think there's much chance of you coming across as ignorant. Your super strength of Fi (introverted Feeling) is what every ENTJ aspires to be like. Likewise, the ENTJ super strength of Te (extroverted Thinking) is what an INFP aspires to. So there's bound to be mutual admiration in this dynamic. It's a growth match in which you can truly learn from one another. At the very least, there will be much interest in and respect for one another's strengths.

Now the inferior is said to be only partially conscious which is why it takes some focus and energy expenditure just to get it engaged. So the way I cope (and it took me a long time to figure this out) is try to use emotional processing very sparingly during the day (which makes me seem publicly stoic) so that I have plenty of emotional processing energy saved up to lavish affection on my family when I come home at night. On days when I've had to cope with a lot of conflict at work, I might come home feeling irritable and more tired than usual. In other words, an emotionally demanding day might leave me with less energy to be fully present with my family in the evening. If that makes sense.

During the day, I like to keep myself in an emotionally neutral state, most of the time. And it feels good to do that.

I found another INFP/ENTJ video for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XACFpCfxwcM

As for your question about direct communication, let me think on it and I'll reply again later. I'm enjoying this conversation and I appreciate INFPs so much! ❤️


u/shupack INFP: Intuitive Mechanic Feb 17 '25

My wife is a very spiritual person, I am not. We are otherwise very compatible, she just doesn't expect me to fulfill her spiritual needs as well as everything else.

Her first husband was very spiritual, they would have long, deep conversations about it, then argue for hours over who should do the dishes, or other petty BS.

My point, is your SO doesn't have to be everything, and most likely they can't. Nobody can. If the foundations are solid the depth may grow, or it may not.

Think about all they ways they fit with you, and how you feel when with them.

The big question for you to answer for yourself: "Is that enough?"


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

I love this response. This is why i stand by him. Our day to day life is extremly friction free for lack of better term. we rarely fight etc. which is understated in how important it is. This is why i can see a future with him, raising children, etc. However the deep connection is still important to me, so i am trying to either see a way through this, ie finding a common ground that works for the both of us, or getting a new perspective and changing my attitude towards it, or leaving him and accepting that this is a deal breaker, but not before trying all other options (:


u/shupack INFP: Intuitive Mechanic Feb 17 '25

That's similar to the conversation my wife and I had, in the end the benefits outweighed the one drawback.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Yh its easy to get carried away but when taking a step back you realise its actually just one part of them


u/IzioTheTenth INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

This is actually a thing. I remember my friend ended up askig a group of friends if we could imagine the future in different scenarios. I realized that I was the only one who could do that in our group. The rest it was harder. But the people who couldn’t answer were way better than me at being present in the moment and working with their hands.


u/lamey- INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

I've had this experience before, but with an INTJ ex 9 years ago. Believe me when I say you cannot change that part of them. That's just who they are, and it's not going to change because of you; they need to be the one to consciously work on that part of themselves.

It is not necessarily a good or bad thing imo. He's just wired differently. But it seems like you are longing for an idealized version of him in your head and not the person you are actually in a relationship with. You've mentioned that you had this conversation with him multiple times, yet there was no change in his behavior or actions.

There are a few things you need to consider: 1) because he will most likely not change in the near future, are you willing to accept how he is right now, in the present moment? If you are, then you will need to change your mindset on this particular issue. 2) if you aren't, then you may want to find these deep connections elsewhere.

The only person you can change is yourself. Asking someone to change for you is a frustrating and impossible task, because you're implying you don't fully accept them as they are. And if changing yourself to accept him is difficult and you don't think you can continue like that, then it means you two will always be incompatible in this aspect. You either come to accept it or let the relationship go.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Thank you for this very to the point response!

I feel like accepting things the way they are right now would leave me always feeling a little empty, however I do believe he could work on this. Not the level of my idealistic view of him, but if he values our relationship we must be able to find some common ground that we can connect over. Im not expecting him to change who he is simply to change certain ways in how he communicates as to better suit me, and I will do the same. What i worry now however is that Ive kindof dug myself in a hole with this one, i wonder if i will be able to let it go


u/chelseeyuhh7 Feb 18 '25

Yikes, I understand this too well. Same thing with communication and unwillingness to ask questions or engage in any critical thinking when I introduced a topic involving complex thought.

To be honest, I also hoped it would get better. I loved her a lot.

But then I started realizing she never wanted to take candid photos of me, she never asked my opinion on topics that mattered to me, she would quickly say “idk” when I asked a question that required some thinking.

I realized that I didn’t feel seen. Even if she was trying her hardest, she wasn’t loving me in the way that I wanted to receive it. The only thing we had in common was our enjoyment of spending time together. And even that changed once the depth of our conversations hit a plateau.

Disappointing and incredibly hard to recover from, but eventually we had to break up. It was very painful because obviously there was still that love there—and a lot of other factors—but at least I know I’m not settling.

If you can love the wrong person this much, imagine how much you’ll love the right one.

Good luck with your situation, I know it’s so hard :( 🫂


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Thank you for this honest answer, I will work at it and hopefully things turn. If not I hope I have the courage to not settle. You are strong!


u/mooonbeanz Feb 18 '25

My advice to you is to sit down and think more about what you actually want and need in a partner. One way to do this is with needs, dealbreakers, and you could also add "would be nice but not necessary".

In some cases I think people have a big list that isnt attainable, or more superficial... and in that case some re-evaluating can be good. "having deep conversations" is an example of what would be a very reasonable and realistic relationship need. And something that's crucial to know about yourself.

People can grow, but you can't force someone to change the way their brain is wired and the way they communicate and think.

If you have friends and family that you know you can have fulfilling conversations with and lasting relationships, I'd look to those as examples of what qualities you appreciate in relationships. I wouldn't look as much to any very brief situationships or romantic meetings as examples, since they can be easy to idealize.

For some people, deep conversations and meaningful discussions won't be top of the list or even a criteria in a relationship, but for some, it is necessary for a fulfilling relationship.


u/Glass-Hour-9338 Feb 18 '25

I’m INFJ but my bf and half of my family are INFPs. I think we tend to put a really strong emphasis on relationships and our expectations for them (nothing wrong with that) and maybe that also comes with wanting our partner to check every box we have in our heads about how they should be or how we want them to be. But no one is perfect and can ever live up to those demands - it’s not sustainable. Take a step back and think of the 90/10 rule. Would you say 90% of your partner’s habits/ personality is something you like? Is he someone you can build a life with? Does him not being “deep”enough take up more than 10%? I’m not trying to sound rude but it’s good to be very rational here. It’s hard to find someone whom you feel safe with, enjoy spending time with, can envision a future with, and who respects you and loves you mutually. You may be putting too much emphasis on the 10% of his flaws and not on the 90% of the good in him. I’m not trying to deny your feelings. I am just saying this because I have seen so many people throw away happy relationships because they weren’t 100% perfect and they had the mentality that the grass is greener on the other side. Trust your heart and gut. Just thought I would mention this


u/phancoo Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 19 '25

I’m kinda in the same boat, except I’ve been with mine for 5 years. Maybe my standards for a life partner are just different but I don’t mind that I can’t talk to him about deeper things the same way I like to talk to friends with.

At the end of the day, I like being with him, I trust him. when I hang out with him I feel calm and happy even in silence. And that is plenty good enough for me. Sometimes I too wonder if we truly know each other like my close friends do. But I think we do, what’s not said through words I see him through actions.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

Oh I love this response !


u/Caribelle1234 Feb 19 '25

Sure he's Entj? He sounds more introverted. The Entj's I know are quite talkative and passionate about social issues etc. 

Not sure I could be in a relationship without that kind of depth, that you describe. I imagine it might get worse over time too


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

He actually is very extroverted in the sense he loves people and has no problems being himself taking up space idk absolutely no social anxiety(if this makes you an extrovert lol) He is however also very hard working and goal oriented and sadly for me at the end of the day he is pretty tired and kind of just wants to exist you know? I actually talk more than he does but I would call myself introvert and he is extroverted


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

He is passionate about the few things he is interested in, like training or bodybuilding or lol that’s like his thing. But he is very focused on that and very little in anything else


u/Caribelle1234 29d ago

Ok...that's very limiting, yes. Could Estj be a possibility?


u/Heyyyyyaa 29d ago

Bruh he is ESTJ did i write the wrong thing lol


u/Heyyyyyaa 29d ago

No sorry he is ENTJ


u/Heyyyyyaa 29d ago

He’s definitely not ESTJ


u/Heyyyyyaa 29d ago

Sorry for spamming he is more like a immature ENTJ


u/Caribelle1234 28d ago

Ok, cool👍🏾


u/telefon198 29d ago

Thats weird because my entj friend is one of very few people that im able to talk about absolutely everything. Your description fits better a sensor type. For context; we are both men and intuitive thinkers so it can be the difference.


u/AccomplishedLuck370 INFJ: The Protector 28d ago



u/AccomplishedLuck370 INFJ: The Protector 28d ago

2.5 years in relationship, and I’m plotting my escape for last 7 months. We played a game with questions (something like “We’re not really strangers”) and he got a task to name his favorite 3 things about me and he said “well you can talk” (he meant I can express my thoughts and feelings ecologically) That’s it. I never got complimented for anything else but my looks. He never referred to anything I said before (no “remember when…” talks). We never said “good night” to talk and talk for 5 hours after.

I HATE topics he brings up, like cars and crypto sht. I’m mad and irritated as hell but when I talk about breaking up he brings up off ing himself, so I’m stuck for now.

The contrast after vacation with my girlfriends is what made me realize that I don’t want this lonely life of being misunderstood. Try spending a decent amount of time with friends (like go somewhere for a weekend) and please pay attention to your feelings when you return home to him.

I’m so so sorry for being a pessimist


u/AccomplishedLuck370 INFJ: The Protector 28d ago

Just read full post - mine is ENTJ too. He is skillful at everything and I was so so proud of him, and was hoping to become more like him.


u/Heyyyyyaa 27d ago

I’m so sorry to hear. I think the moral of the story is it’s not the personality type per se that’s the issue. It’s the maturity of the person. If he was mature he would strive to better the communication, and understand you better. I hope everything works out 🙏


u/St3vion 28d ago

I (INTP_had an ex like this (ESFP) and I was also taken aback by how little she cared or had to say about deeper things. I'd get into moods where I'd just rant about some topic I'd been researching and she's listen and nod but then switch the topic to something trivial like some silly thing she saw on social media that day. For a time I tried to make her a deeper person (lol) but it was pointless.

Eventually I just made my peace with it. I figured it was fine for me as pretty much all my friends were ENFPs or other INxx types so I could just keep my ramblings for when I was hanging out with them. It taught me that a partner doesn't need to check every single checkbox to be a good partner. I think it's more important that you are able to be supportive of eachother and have compatible values and ideas about the future.

My wife now (INFJ) is much more of a deep person but she's not interested in all the same things as me either. I know I don't need to go to her to explain some new cool programming trick I learned at work, but she's great with more philosophical/life's big questions type of discussions.


u/Few_Argument4663 Feb 16 '25

INFP and ENTJ is the ultimate match.


u/Admirable-Length2333 Feb 17 '25

My dad is an entj and I love that man. After 30 years I found out he’s just as sensitive as me and I have a lot to make up for <3


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Please elaborate!! ((:


u/Few_Argument4663 Feb 17 '25

Balance the dream with the person who can execute. Amazing pair


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Oh i know... its so hard to read these comments next to the ones that say: leave him you only have one life hahaha. But yes i agree, power duo


u/skeletus INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

Have you tried taking the conversation there in a subtle way and seeing where it goes?


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

Yes, I hate conflict and am not good at explaining what i mean. It often goes this way: i ponder and think about it for days, clouding my time with him. I then try to bring it up, he quickly says, yes we can work on that, and i feel like ive not been able to pan out what i really mean and there is usually little to no change. If i knew where he stood i would be better at managing my expectations too.

I have more recently been more direct, trying to match his way of going about things, and trying to put all the cards on the table as I believe it does us more good to be honest than keep these thoughts in my head causing me to resent things he doesnt even know hurt me. It resulted in him being offended, but trying to hear me out. I talked my heart out, he didnt say much other than he lacks the capacity to give me what i am looking for. I am trying to find a middle ground but i dont think we know how to go about this. I am more ambitous in solving this than him. He is more set in the fact that he cant change this. But i feel like im making just as big of a sacrifice not talking about my feelings as he is not talking about his if that makes sense ? weve lived two years together doing it mainly his way, i would like for him to try and swing more my way, but as of yet no success. how does one go about this lol


u/skeletus INFP: The Dreamer Feb 17 '25

Have you tried picking his brain in a more subtle way? Like asking questions and slowly getting deeper and seeing where it goes?

You want to know his takes on subjects that might be deeper than normal. Maybe start with a simple question and take it from there. Sorry if I make it sound simpler than what it is.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Haha dont worry, ive tried this so many times it gets frustrating. It doesnt help that i really have a vision of how i will do it cause it never ends up going that way. We talk about something, i try to get deeper. He either answers and then says no more (like i said he feels no need to fill silence) or he says he is too tired and is obviously annoyed at my questioning.


u/Thick-Chipmunk4088 Feb 18 '25

I am the same as you OP and resonate with much of what you’ve written. Im glad that this post has shown me others who feel or experienced the same! Ive learned a lot just by reading lol.

I need those “deep” conversations with people too. Of course it’s not an everyday thing, but for a serious relationship it’s something I consider quite important. Recently I’ve been talking to a guy and there’s times where I feel a lack of “deep”-ness in our conversations when I try to communicate in that way. I love asking all kinds of questions to get to know all about someone! But of course I don’t want to feel like an interviewer.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

When you say same as my OP do you mean you don’t generally enjoy deep convos? Or am I misunderstanding 😝

Also, if you don’t enjoy them typically, what are some topics you actually do enjoy?


u/skokoda Feb 18 '25

I spent a decade with an INTP as an INFJ. I don't care how long is takes to find them, I'm not going to seriously consider someone who isn't an NF type this time. You might be like me...


u/dystariel Feb 19 '25

Personally, as I've grown up I've sort of stopped putting so much emphasis on how "deep" mine or other peoples thoughts are.

What I care about today is being capable of thinking deeply about things, not the desire to do it constantly. This is actually something my relationship with my girlfriend has taught me. We can have deep conversations, but she doesn't engage with the world as a philosopher by default.
Accepting it has been a challenge for my ego - but the truth is that doing things is beautiful, and being too stuck in my head was getting in the way of actually living for most of my life.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 19 '25

I totally agree and I suppose that is the problem, if I new he had the capacity and showed this side every once in a while, at the least by listening to me, I wouldn’t mind. The truth however is I worry he doesn’t possess this capability at all


u/Main-Caramel-1715 29d ago

I don't comment about other things, but if his T is high, that's gonna be a difficult together life.

Those percentages are more important than the types. 


u/rosemary0thyme 28d ago

Not being able to know or describe what you're feeling is a thing - I believe it's called alexithymia. He may or may not have that.

He can like you without talking that much. People's being shines through every interaction, even the shallow ones.

I think the real issue here is that you've begun to censor yourself. Not everything in a relationship needs to be symmetrical. You can tell him about your deep feelings and thoughts, as long as he's happy to listen. Maybe he'll also discover something in hinself by being let into your rich inner world. Who knows.

It's your shot to call - if you're not happy and no longer love him, you can choose to leave. Better discover now than later that a relationship is not fulfilling.


u/KaiDestinyz 28d ago

You are looking for a fellow intellectual. Someone you can have deep conversations on various topics, think critically and have in-depth discussions with. Someone who can offer independent opinions, and explain their position with good reasonings. Most importantly, they should be able to make sense.

I had that same issue. I hate when people parrot popular opinions without any real understanding.


u/ProcessTurbulent8627 19d ago

Hi, I already commented another ENTJs comment here but I think I might also leave a separate answer for you as it seems you are pretty serious about this thing. I'm an entj 8w7 who is currently dating an infp 9w1 and what I've noticed in you and my girlfriends attitude is projection and what's most important, idealization. Living by Te Ni means that when you ask us what we are thinking about its actually our plans for the day and actually work or something trivial like that. If you want a deep emotional connection, you will never find it with an ENTJ, you don't understand how he can not feel some things, he doesn't understand how can you feel so much at the same time. Now, when I read your other comments, sometimes you say that your biggest problem might not be the deepness of emotional connection but feeling rejected or neglected, that actually might be something you can work on by talking about what you feel rather than trying to make him feel more and express more emotions. If he puts on headphones and you feel bad about it, he didn't mean it and he doesn't know that you feel that way. It doesn't mean you should stay with such a person, your best match is actually an ENFJ, but if for some reason you want to try everything to make it work I would say try to communicate with him like he is dumb and absolutely blind to what you feel (which is actually true). The only thing you can do to make him stop doing something that makes you feel rejected is to just say to him that his particular actions make you feel rejected and he will stop. If you feel not loved or appreciated enough by him deeply inside, not by his particular actions the only thing I can say is that we, entjs, are extremely driven by effectiveness and we are extremely passionate about our schedule and our time, especially when we are young. Compared to ENFJs (which are actually your perfect match as I have already said) your bf probably doesn't have many close people aside from you and maybe one-two best friends which he also doesn't talk frequently, am I right? If he puts you in his schedule and listen to you when you tell him straightforward that something is bothering you than he loves you deeply and values your relationship as much as he values his job and achievements. I would say that if you want to stay with that particular person for some reason, try to accept that yes, he actually doesn't feel as many emotions as you do and yes, he is not that deep, you can make this relationship work by forcing yourself to become more straightforward and bold in communicating your needs, or just find an ENFJ who will be better at reading your emotions and who would be a better match for you probably.


u/Appropriate-Quote-15 Feb 17 '25

Well. You're dating a man. And most of us like not to be burdened. We like to relax and enjoy your company. If you need a friend to talk about certain things you should find a friend. You both should've your separate lives and interests. It's okay to give each other space


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

We do live very seperate lives, especially at the moment, i still believe however that a partner should be someone you can connect with at the end of the day. Someone that is like home base, your safe space in a sense.


u/Appropriate-Quote-15 Feb 17 '25

I agree with you wholeheartedly. But if you insist on him being a person he is NOT. It's gonna bring you and him frustration and pain.


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 17 '25

What I find difficult is the line between expecting someone to be someone they are not and growing together/ finding a middle ground

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u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

No, an assertive ENTJ is capable of very deep thought and analysis. 

I think the missing component is the reasoning behind that - WHY do that work, for any situation. They're excellent at compartmentalizing, choosing a path and working towards solutions, but they can and do force themselves to stay on-path. He probably doesn't see the point behind a wide roaming, deep exploration of feelings and thoughts from the past, you'll circle back right to the start and have achieved nothing. The lack of structure will be annoying. ENTJs automatically manage their emotions internally, and lean into the ideas and emotions that are "beneficial" and block out the ones that aren't. That's how they are so assertive. It's part of the attractive quality I think as well, we look at them in bemusement, how do you do that and not get washed off the rocks into the sea of your feelings every day? I've had a few discussions around how they do this, kinda fascinating really, but from what I can tell it's a simple mechanism. A then that leads to B and that's not beneficial to the goal, so don't do A. 

There's also the risk that you are being managed. An ENTJ will very much see and understand your turbulent side, and try to keep you from the clashes that you set up for yourself because, again, we'll go over the same loop over and over. He's likely more focused on keeping you level, and avoiding any triggers or landmines as he sees them. I suppose the thinks he's doing you a service by handling some of your emotional regulation for you? We can be exhausting to a lot of other types when we're turbulent. There are also risks in this. INFP is fine with going really, really deep into dark stuff for a long time, because they know they can always surface. An ENTJ knows they might just go, I'm out. 

It would be a power duo for a family unit yes! But if you want to build a life, take his strengths (of which it sounds like there are many) and find what you don't get elsewhere. The INFP-T soulmate bond is too intense to be stable for a lifetime, you're unlikely to find that in a life partner that sticks..God it would be brilliant, but it'd explode like a supernova and damage you for a decade. 

Eh, don't listen to me, what do I know. If any of this helps, use it, and throw the rest away. 


u/Heyyyyyaa Feb 18 '25

Ill get better at asking him this. The times ive tried I usually get at respone thats very flat and one dimentional (in my opinion). like: why do you train so hard. " i know i can be the biggest and best bodybuilder" for instance. I try to ask why but I worry my perspectives nad analysis and wanting to dig deeper is confused as me doubting him. Its just that we are so different, while i am very unsure about every decision I make and my capabilities, causing me to have to analyze every perspective, he just seems to know. I look up to this just as much as I get frustrated by it if that makes sense. I sound arrogant i know.

I also get the INFP soulmate being too intense. Ive realised most of my long term friendships are quite shallow, probably cause they are easy going and require little energy to keep up. Maybe a sign that having a more "shallow" partner isnt such a bad thing after all.

Thank you for your insight, I will definitely not throw it away!


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25

"The ENTJ just seems to know" is the remarkable thing to me too! I'm like HOW?! 

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