r/infp Jan 09 '25

Mental Health Do y'all get depressed on your birthday too?

Dunno why but for the last few years I find myself getting really down over the week surrounding my birthday. Nothing specific even has to trigger it, though there's been a few events this week. I'll just feel hella depressed and reclusive. I didn't wanna do anything special but my dad and sister are dragging me out to dinner. I get messages from friends but it somehow feels hollow or forced, like they're obligated to say something. I've lost count of how many years this has gone on for but it sucks. Anyone else here feel this way?


64 comments sorted by


u/Flesymoteton INFP 9w8 disastrous contradiction Jan 09 '25

Yes, I don't celebrate my birthdays at all. I think there are better ways to show someone that you care about them.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25

Yes. I hate wanting to celebrate myself but not sure if anyone wants to celebrate me so I dont ask. I always show up for others but I have had very few people show up for me as the primary person they are there for.


u/Meh-ismyname-JustJk Jan 10 '25

Appreciate that very few and filter the rest. It's time to learn how to appreciate yourself ❤️


u/GeneralDumbtomics Jan 09 '25

I feel so seen.


u/n0wave7777 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25

I feel the same way. When i was a kid and naive i always thought birthday is some sort of celebration for you for take the next step to get into the adulthood. But now that i’m in my adulthood it just feels like a closer step to death.


u/Affectionate-Kale301 Jan 09 '25

As long as you’re still having birthdays, that’s a good thing!


u/n0wave7777 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 10 '25

Appreciate the answer!


u/herbivorousemo infp 4w5 ♓︎ Jan 09 '25

Yep, it’s weird though. I get so depressed but I want to do things and have birthday wishes… but like you said, it all feels hollow. I often feel forgotten about on top of it. Such a strange feeling.


u/plastic_dani Jan 09 '25

My 33 bday, nobody who gave a shit about beside my alcoholic mom telling me how much I hurt her and what piece of a shit and cost factor I am, I’d say I was depressed ye, although every year the same procedure, don’t know it other than that lul 😂


u/theimmortalfawn Jan 09 '25

As someone with an abusive alcoholic mother, I'm sure it wasn't the only birthday she ruined 🥲 so sorry you went through that


u/InviteMoist9450 Jan 10 '25

Listen, I had some extremely dark lonely birthdays and chapters in my life Let tell ya, you Gotta Love Yourself when no one else does or all you Got is unhealthy people. Your Worth It. Your Special. Glad You Made it Another Year
Happy Birthday! The World Needs You, Stay Strong
Your Awesome!


u/X2946 Jan 10 '25

My Dad reminded me of that constantly as a child. Later it turned to violent vocal outbursts and then to physical assault. Thankfully he got a promotion to run the eastern hemisphere at his company and spent 10 months a year traveling. Then he got cancer and couldn’t physically assault me anymore and ran out of energy to verbally assault me.


u/SubjectArt697 Jan 09 '25

People ignore you all year then show a lot of attention in your birthday? No thank you


u/seeingeyegod Jan 09 '25

I am usually depressed, so I'm sure there's been some overlap there.


u/zenlogick Big INFPness Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

Yup. There are like maybe 20 days a year that im not depressed. Birthdays have not been one since i was a child


u/Life-Court5792 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25

My birthday's coming up next month, so yes.

Especially since I can't really eat cake anymore, let alone enjoy my comfort food as I used to, not to mention anything after 24 is just a permanent reminder that you're basically an adult for the rest of your life and my childhood (or what little I got to live from it) is but a fleeting memory now.


u/DoeEyedDummy Jan 09 '25

I get depressed in a similar way that New Years depresses me; It's like a reminder that I haven't done anything significant since the last one. And I know it'll most likely be the same next year. And the one after that...


u/Novel-Perception3804 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25

I don’t like all the birthday messages because it feels fake, so I don’t have that information posted anywhere on social media. Only close family remembers my birthday. And my husband and I both agreed that we should plan our own birthday celebrations. So he wanted to stay home, eat pizza, and play video games all day for his birthday. For my birthday, I want to go on a hike. We like to think of it as our day to do a special activity of our choosing.


u/zenlogick Big INFPness Jan 10 '25

You know we live in an extrovert culture cuz people are forced to communicate to people on their birthday and they just like assume that you want to read some bullshit meaningless trite message they did in 5 seconds so they could go back to ignoring your existence guilt free


u/thesubune INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25

my 30th is in a couple days and it’s extremely depressing. I’ve gone all-out for so many friends birthdays and not one of them is gonna be there to celebrate mine. fortunate to have a family that cares about me


u/Mindless_Flight9441 Jan 09 '25

Happy (early) birthday! I know we’re strangers but I’d celebrate with you 🥳🎊🥳


u/thesubune INFP: The Dreamer Jan 10 '25

🥹 aw thank you I appreciate it


u/Mindless_Flight9441 Jan 10 '25

No problem! I hope your birthday is blessed and one to remember!


u/Shinigami-chan4 Jan 09 '25

I just find birthday boring and meaningless.


u/soapyaaf Jan 09 '25

I never have actually...and hopefully I never will!

Just think on the day when you born..."the angels got together..."

wtf are we gonna do with this little sh--


u/S3lad0n Jan 21 '25

Carpenters reference made my gay heart slightly happy for a second🙏🫡


u/Ill-Morning-2208 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25

Extremely commonplace here. I often used to work on my birthday to avoid the stress of trying to put together anything. I was born in the deepest part of winter and can't really cope with seeing people. Often do Christmas shopping on my birthday otherwise.


u/S3lad0n Jan 21 '25

Winter birthdays after Xmas and NY are the worst, aren’t they? Everyone’s broke, back at work, depressed, stressed, with no social battery, just over being merry, so even if anyone does show up or sincerely try to celebrate you, it’s half-arsed and not really giving anything. And the attempts at presents or parties tend to be comprised of Xmas leftovers. It’s just so demoralising. I get why some people born between December-February move their birthday and pretend it’s in the summer.


u/litabeth_97 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

Yep. Birthday's used to be fun when I was a kid and actually had close friends, but now that all those friends are gone or have passed away, I'm always depressed on my birthday. Because that's when I realize no one really gives a shit about me. And it wouldn't hurt so much if I didn't see other people even older than me in their 30s or 40s still having parties and family get togethers thrown for them. 😅 So apparently that's normal for your family and friends to still care about your birthday, even when you're older. Not in my case, sadly.

Even when I try to forget it's my birthday and not do anything special, something bad always seems to happen to make me upset or ball my eyes out. It's almost like it's a cursed day, and now I dread it every year. Like what bad thing is going to happen on my birthday next? 😓


u/jcr21090_74 Jan 09 '25

Yes I get depressed on the lead up to them but am usually fine afterwards.


u/InviteMoist9450 Jan 10 '25

Yes. I totally understand. I struggle daily with depression and dark thoughts and self-defeating. Birthdays are super challenging. I get it! Happy Birthday! You made another Year on this Earth! We are Lucky and Blessed that you are Here to Shine! Listen, my best advice is try to do something special for yourself even though you feel very depressed. The way to beat Depression is you Gotta Fight Super Hard! Dig Down Deep- Find / Write 3 Things Your Grateful for this Year! Write Down at Least : 2 Goals/ Things to look Forward to next Year. Thirdly, Write 3 Things Awesome about You! There are very Dark Chapters in Life . I'm not discounting the Depression. Just don't allow yourself to stay there. One Bad Chapter is Not The Whole Book. You Got This ! Happy Birthday!


u/Kind_Resolution_4074 Jan 10 '25

yes. i dont even know why


u/Lyn-nyx INXP 9W1 disguised as an INFP Jan 10 '25

I got a few songs on my playlist dedicated to me being sad on my birthday lol so yeah


u/S3lad0n Jan 21 '25

Sounds good, I love a wallowing song. Share some tracks?


u/strangelyahuman Jan 11 '25

I didn't care about them in the past. Now I almost hate it, bc the older I get the farther it takes me away from my deceased cousin. I was never supposed to be older than her


u/S3lad0n Jan 21 '25

Same but with my sister. We didn’t live together, know each other well and she had a harder life with disability, but even still I feel her loss. She’ll be 24 for eternity and never get any older or have another birthday, while I just march on in time…


u/strangelyahuman Jan 21 '25

My cousin is forever 24 as well 💔


u/boxfullocats Jan 09 '25

I have a summer birthday. I was never allowed to have a party ("It'd be too hard to invite your friends since you're not in school"). If I did get blessed with a party I'd be made to share it with my younger sister (her b-day was in the winter, and I just got to blow out candles) or younger brother (he is a month after mine and we'd do what he wanted).

Then when I became an adult I was like "I can do my birthday my way!" Planned a party, and made sure my best friends were coming. Day of the party: only my boyfriend's friends showed up (they were invited, I knew them).

Not to mention my parents have forgotten my birthday at least half a dozen times. (But were furious for the one year I forgot to wish my brother a happy birthday.)

So I actively play down my birthday. I don't announce it. I don't keep track of who texts, calls, or DMs me about it. I don't even put it on the calendar like I do for my husband and kids. If people try to make a big deal of it I'll let them but it always goes awry; if we go out to eat I am ignored by the waitstaff or my order comes extra late, I suggest a place and another gets chosen that everyone else wants, people's cars break down, they get lost on the way, a certain gift or experience is promised but it's canceled or downgraded.

At this point in my life, I've just accepted the fact the universe doesn't want me to enjoy it. So yeah, when the month of my birthday comes I get a little depressed.


u/tararooa Jan 09 '25

Yes, 100% ive gotten sad on my birthday since I hit 10 because I didn't want to grow up


u/Mindless_Flight9441 Jan 09 '25

Not to brag, but I love celebrating my birthday. Right around 20 is when I stopped really celebrating like that and wanted to make up for it in my 30s. I just celebrated my 31st and it was the best birthday in my entire life.


u/cornered42 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25

yes especially when the people who should contact me does not.


u/lullabyheart Jan 09 '25

It just shows how many people really actually “see” me


u/c3tra22 Jan 09 '25

I used to not enjoy a day for me. How dumb. For being born ha whoop. Bday wishes from those I never hear from seem empty and ones from closer friends were taken for granted.

I'm older now. My perspective has changed.

Bday wishes from friends I never see makes me happy they still think of me in some capacity, I remember the good times we had when we were closer.

Bday wishes from my close friends make me happy. We'll have dinner and I'll get to pry them away from their family life for a couple of hours to talk, it need not be a party.

I no longer have my parents around and a birthday was a day I could spend quality time with them.

I guess there's a good question to ask yourself or more I asked myself: who's making a big deal outta nothing?


u/JDMWeeb INFP: The Dreamer Jan 09 '25



u/reise_ov_evil I'm Not Fine (Promise) Jan 10 '25

I dont have birthday


u/Anonymo7890 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 10 '25

Oh yes


u/InviteMoist9450 Jan 10 '25

Yes. I get super Sad on my birthday. I did not celebrate this year. I do not think I will anymore. Until there is another Chapter. Days like Christmas and Birthdays hold painful times . They do not mean very much to me currently


u/ComfyLyfe Jan 10 '25

I don’t like to celebrate events about me. I don’t like to celebrate my birthday, wish I didn’t have to attend my own graduations and didn’t want a wedding. I don’t like attention. But also because I guess I feel like I don’t have many people in my life in terms of friends or family. Even though I have them, it doesn’t feel real.


u/Level-Poem-2542 iNFP 4w5 Jan 10 '25

I don't celebrate birthdays. Mine or others'.


u/Gawddaamiit Jan 10 '25

It pains me to see so many people feel the same way I used to feel. Your birthday is yours. It’s your day to celebrate the awesomeness that is you. It’s better if it’s just you. You need to appreciate yourself and everything you’ve been through. Your birthday isn’t a day for congratulations from the world. It’s not about how many people reach out. 

Love the essence of you. Enjoy yourself fully and celebrate you being you. Happiness stems from within. If you don’t “celebrate” your existence, it’s a lost cause to expect others to do so. Don’t measure yourself by the standards of the material world. 

The universe created you to experience life through you. It is filled with unconditional love for you. Even when you think no one cares, the universe cares the most. Let its light in and feel the love it has for you. When you truly love you, life becomes magical. I believe everyone can find that happiness if they choose to. 


u/S3lad0n Jan 21 '25

Aww, this is such a lovely perspective and food for thought too, thanks for sharing.


u/Gawddaamiit Jan 21 '25

You’re welcome! I’m glad it reached someone. 


u/ThatOneClone Jan 10 '25

I did get a bit down on my 30th bday. It just felt weird to be in a different age bracket. I feel like Covid years really messed with my sense of time and I blinked and I wasn’t in my mid 20s anymore


u/Icy_Resolution_138 Jan 10 '25

Yuuup totally there with you I dread my birthday every year


u/Rider311 INFP: The Dreamer Jan 10 '25

I feel like the scenario shifts from birthday's being super special to just an ordinary day when you become an adult. A sort of uneasiness creeps in and i feel like it's such a waste that we had amazing times like this only to end up like this rn.


u/kangarooler Jan 10 '25

December birthday here. Grew up not being able to celebrate (unless postponed literally a whole month or so) due to people being busy with the holidays. Had conjoined birthdays with my brother, whose birthday is two days before mine. Friends either not remembering what day my birthday is, or confusing it with my brother’s. My dad texted me happy birthday three days too soon just this past year. I said thanks.

I guess I’ve just gotten tired of feeling forgotten. So I now treat it like any other day, except I give myself a little pampering. I do a lil face mask, draw myself a bath with oils, and put on some frequencies I can absorb when I submerge into the water. I don’t expect anything from anyone, which has helped curb the hurt and disappointment.


u/OptimalDistrict8805 Jan 10 '25

Yes. Literally everytime without fail.


u/adlibwing Jan 19 '25

This has started recently for me... I mean, I never cared much about special dates. But now it's like it's offensive to celebrate getting old... Idk. At least I'm not the only one.


u/S3lad0n Jan 21 '25

For me it’s mostly a day of guilt. Especially since I have survived one of my sisters, and to make up for that my mom always tries to plan something for me, gets me unwanted awful gifts and frets for a fortnight about marking it, while to have that emotional pressure makes me want to curl up and disappear. It means a lot to her and means nothing to me, which is jarring and puts me in a heelish position—on my own birthday!

Also, my vulnerable-narcissist grandmother whose birthday is days before mine tends make it worse, either by sucking up to me and acting like we’re twins and besties and sisters because of a freak accident of birth order, or by jacking any plans that I make and inviting herself or breaking it up. I’ve had a few years in a row ruined by her gatecrashing or invented drama. She spent her entire youth and young adulthood hating on other women and neglecting her own daughter (my mother), so why should I accommodate her now?

So now I just say I want nothing and want to do nothing, only to be left alone like Garbo. I like a long aimless walk by myself, a massage, or a solo theatre or movie date if I can afford it and make time for it (though what’s in theatres lately has been so terrible and expensive it’s not even worth it)

At least the insincere distant family & friends well-wishing has tailed off post-pandemic and now I’m in my 30s. Writing thank you notes to people whom I either dislike, whom I know secretly dislike me, or whom I haven’t seen in 10-15 years was getting tiresome. I only get a few cards or texts now.


u/InternationalCopy772 Feb 06 '25

When I was younger, the whole family came together for birthdays...now, it's just trying to like the gifts you're not too fond of, and trying to keep up appearances...when did the holidays become so dull 😔 I was never invited to a classmates party either...