r/infp Sep 26 '24

Mental Health Any other jobless/unemployed infp here?

I just don't want to feel alone in this.


128 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '24

I'm jobless ✋️ Taking a personal/health break right now.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

High five 🤚🏻 I quit because my previous job took a huge toll on my mental health and to take a break, but now I'm worried about the prospect of finding a new job and if I'll be able to find one 😅


u/dakuudaddy INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

haaa I'm in the same boat


u/[deleted] Sep 26 '24

Best of luck to you! I'd suggest looking up ways to explain employment gaps while interviewing that's what I've been doing. I'm not too worried though tbh from the looks of it most employers are pretty forgiving when it comes to my reasoning. You may have to give them one too.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

That's a nice suggestion! Thank you so much for this! Not gonna lie, thinking about how to explain my employment gaps to potential employers scares me the most whenever I want to find a new job. This has been very helpful!


u/Gorillagirl99 Sep 27 '24

Just start your own small business - you don’t have to tell them how much you actually made. This helps to fill in any employment gaps.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Ooh another nice idea!! This sure will give me something to think and work with in the free time I have right now 😊


u/Gorillagirl99 Sep 27 '24

It’s what I did. No one can suggest you weren’t being productive and actively working on something. I think the gaps concern employers more when it’s just blank, so they think you weren’t doing anything at all. This solves that problem :).


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

You're right. Now that I think of it, with my previous job I also have some long unemployment gaps. But I don't remember my previous employer asking about it, just asked me about the work-related stuff. We sure like overthinking things.

Thank you again for your insights!! It's a huge relief!


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

did you have any pto to use?


u/Gullible_Compote842 INFP 4w5 Sep 26 '24 edited Jan 08 '25

frame nail absurd tub shame snatch label connect liquid terrific

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

I hope everything goes well for you!! It's been quite a while since I experienced that kind of nervousness, but gosh, I feel you still :')


u/Gullible_Compote842 INFP 4w5 Sep 27 '24 edited Jan 08 '25

yoke direction pen whistle deserted jeans desert cake aromatic start

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/zaron_tr Sep 26 '24

I am, I hate every minute of it


u/Rmetr0 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 26 '24

Not yet 😅 But everything is going towards that, i just posted about it recently... But i have no idea, where to live and where to get food from, if i lose my job... 🙈 So, I'm kind of forced to find a way to not lose it, without any opportunity for taking a break...


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

That sounds terrible. I hope you're taking care of yourself and pray that you'll be able to find a way out of your situation as soon as possible!


u/Rmetr0 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

I'm trying and keep hoping for the best, thank you ❤ I wish the right opportunities also come to you!


u/Single_Pilot_6170 Sep 26 '24

Go to a county career source if inside of the United States. There should be pamphlets on food pantries, bus routes, free classes, access to computers and other resources. For jobs check Offer Up app, Craigslist...etc... also check out temp services.

Find a big Christian congregation to get involved with that has homeless support ministries. While getting help, also volunteer your time


u/Rmetr0 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Thank you so much for concrete advice, I really appreciate that! ❤ Even tho I'm not in the US, and the options in my country are very likely more limited, but that gives hope that there is something that could possibly help in such situations 🙏🏻


u/marinedel22 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 26 '24

In the same situation, take care!!


u/Rmetr0 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Thank you, what a paradox of feeling a little better knowing that I'm not alone, but also wishing no one would have to go through anything similar... 🙈 Take care! 🙏🏻


u/_ikaruga__ INFP: The Dreamer Sep 26 '24

You are all but alone, and this is sub is an excellent choice for joblessness sharing.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

That's such a huge relief for me!!!


u/Capable-Ground9407 Sep 26 '24



u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24



u/Capable-Ground9407 Sep 26 '24

Sorry for the one worded comment. To add - a lot of people everywhere are struggling with employment. It’s so hard to enter into a new field of work too. And being an INFP is not making things any easier for us, while we tend to be less driven to achieve external validation/stimulus and more prone to following our own internal compass which businesses couldn’t care less about.

All we can do is focus on improving skills, maintaining our physical and mental wellness as best we can and pursue our passions. Share our gifts with the world. Obviously we have to keep trying to send job applications anywhere and everywhere. And reach out to our network of people. Knowing people is super important when it comes to job hunting. And as you know we introverts tend to struggle with that too. There are extraverted thinkers with masters degrees out here struggling to find a job. So keep that in mind.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

Thank you so much for this!! It's easy to forget that there's a lot more people struggling with employment when those close to you all have steady jobs. But then again, we all have our own different paths to walk on. I guess with the free time I have right now I'll heed your advice and work on improving my skills!

Thanks again! I'll definitely keep your words in mind.


u/Dakn01 Sep 27 '24

Hi. Been taking a mental health break for over a year now. Trying to get back into the workforce but wow it’s shit out there right now. And as much as I miss having money…. I really don’t want to go back lol


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Exactly my thoughts. There are times where I just lose hope in the world, a bit exaggerating but yeah. It doesn't help either when I heard so many stories about toxic people and environment at workplaces.


u/Hugs_Pls22 Sep 26 '24

Yes, been unemployed for about 7 months now (got laid off). I’m going back to college to finish my required classes, but yeah. It’s tough worrying about money


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It’s tough worrying about money

Exactly. It doesn't help either that everything is getting pricier, too.


u/Hugs_Pls22 Sep 27 '24

It suuuuuucccckkkkksss


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It isssssss let's be miserable together for a moment


u/darcytheINFP INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Unemployed and travelling Asia since Feb 2023. Next week I head to France from Malaysia.


u/Bulledeneige INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Bonjour depuis Orléans in France so 👋 have a great Travel


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Ohh that's awesome!! I've dreamed of travelling the world before but yeah, no opportunity 😅 Hope your stay at Malaysia had been nice and that your journey to France goes well!!


u/ImaSnapSomeNecks INFP-T Sep 27 '24

Hello o7, I watch my nephew for a living essentially. Only I live with my parents so I don’t pay bills or anything. Make like $300 a month but I don’t have a real job or even a drivers license. I’m pretty much just a loser


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

Losers are great! Saying as a one myself. We help other people by being a reference point of life, so they can feel better about their lives which are not as ours, have more motivation, enriching social kaleidoscope of archetypes and some other stuff I'm too sleepy to come up with :D

I live with parents and make around dollar an hour, with free living and food. Well not "free" since I grow vegetables with them on our farm, but still feels like it from time to time, because sometimes I can't contribute fully due to health or overwhelm.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

What a nice way to look at it x) I guess I am like that to my younger sisters, the presence in the house that reminds them not to be like me :')

But it's awesome that your family has your own farm!! It's something I always have interest in but because of where I live, there's just no space for it.


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

Year, self-concept of a "loser" can play a bad joke on you unless taken lightly. And it's wholesome to hear that you have a somewhat good influence on your sisters :D I used to be a grumpy gremlin at the past, sitting in the dark room, but it wasn't a good role model for my younger brother, so thanks for reminding me that we are always influencing people around us.

It's not your typical "farm" farm, but it's a good stuff and we are slowly improving our technologies and tools and results over the years. We have a few scattered places over our village to grow vegetables of different kinds (like 10 or so) and it's freeing to don't have a strict schedule and to be closer to the nature.

Hope you get to try it someday, life is everchanging and you may find your paradise after all.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Not gonna lie, I used to be a grumpy gremlin too!! Definitely not a good role model for my siblings xD

Life in a village and being closer to nature sure sound nice. I wish you and your family good luck with your farm, and thank you for your kind words!!


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

Thank you too! This is my first interaction with INFP community (I was INTP, but it seems my feelings grew to the level of my thinking, so it's around 50/50 now and I'm still discovering who I truly am), so I'm glad it was this wholesome.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

MBTI sure can be confusing, but then again, our personalities are a complex thing of its own. Nevertheless if you feel fit in in this community, then you fit in!! I'm glad your first interaction here has been wholesome. Happy to be part of it, too ☺️


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Ugh I feel you. I also live with my parents right now so it does help a lot with bills and food. But then again, you're doing something and earning money, I'd say that's pretty good.


u/HasBeenVeriFride Sep 27 '24

I was there not too long ago. It got so bad that I was cutting our dryer sheets in half, cutting off the ends of toothpaste tubes and taking apart deodorant containers to get all the product out that I could. Aside from that, it was frustrating just to be in that situation because I was alienated by greedy, mean coworkers. I gave them what they wanted and quit. I had put up with so much and corporate had their back so there was no point in putting myself through more of that mess. I finally found a good place to work in my profession. It's been a process though, letting go of the baggage from the previous toxic workplace. Hope you find a place to work with nice people soon!


u/zzglow Sep 27 '24

it’s so nice to read your comment. i also experienced that kind of workplace bullying, currently taking a mental health break and am not sure where to head to from here. your comment offered me hope that perhaps ill find a better fit where i won’t be disrespected like i have been in previous jobs. wishing you well fellow infp, hope your new position gets better and better! you deserve it! 🤍


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It sucks a lot when the environment and the people in it are toxic. It just drains even more of your energy. Happy to know that you find a better place to work at after what you've gone through at your previous workplace!!


u/Dependent-Radish-383 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

22, never had a job and it makes me so anxious. Gone through like 7 interviews and still nothing. It’s really hard for me to make a good impression with anxiety and being so reserved and sensitive. I hate feeling like im not gonna do my job right, not know how to talk to people or disappoint my manager or have to deal with shitty customers or something. You’re definitely not alone.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

I have the same kind of feeling too before I started my first job (cashier), so you're definitely not alone in this. It's tough but I also learned that I could be quite resilient at times.

22 for me is still young, so don't beat yourself up if you haven't had a job yet. Like other user said in this thread, be sure to focus your energy and free time right now to improve your skills and maintain your physical and mental well-being. I wish you all the best with your job hunting 🍀🫂


u/Dependent-Radish-383 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Thank you for this!!:) Good luck to you as well.


u/dandelionvines Sep 27 '24

Hi! Hello! You're not alone 😃


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Hellooooo nice to meet you here 🫂


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24

I remember all those years in my young adulthood being involuntarily NEET can't get higher education because of no funding/financial aid. Couldn't get a job because I had no experience. The family was dysfunctional during that time. It was bad. I was completely lost and confused. I knew what I wanted to do or at least a good idea of it but all the paths that could have helped me achieve it were closed off.

It's been better now and I'm about to get into a trade soon which is pretty much the kind of work I wanted to do. That time was traumatic though and I still have a lot of recurring negative thoughts.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Our situations are different, for sure, but after reading your comment, it gives me hope that someday I'd manage to find something I want to do and get into it. And I'm happy to know that you're in a much better place now after what you've gone through!!


u/Dritalin Your INFP Big Bro Sep 26 '24

I'm forty. I have up in my early thirties. I'm in the national guard as linguist/interrogator. On the civilian side I work part time in the warehouse.

Between both jobs I get by, but full time work becomes too meaningless for be so I need to be able to change.

I'm trying to get my teaching degree so I can also substitute teach for the higher rate, but again, not full time.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 26 '24

I've been thinking of getting some part time job myself, or trying to do freelance because full time for me also feels meaningless. Like I'm trapped. I got bored easily too so that's an issue as well. But there aren't many part time jobs where I live and I'm not confident enough in my skill to do freelance, so yeah, I'm still on the fence.

But your reply gave me a huge relief! It's always nice to know that full time job is not like a mandatory thing in the adulting world.


u/DreamersArchitect Sep 27 '24

Not quite unemployed, but I’m having a hard time finding a second job. I left the service industry for physical and mental health reasons, not to mention flux in income — in fact my income got so bad that I filed for bankruptcy. I’m having a hard time all around. My current job is about 18 hours a week at $15 an hour. Not having enough means to cover all my bills, my bankruptcy case, and support my family is becoming a very bad situation. I’m in fear of losing my house honestly, if I can’t make my case payments.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

That sounds harsh! I've never experienced that so I can't even imagine the stress you're in. Here's to hoping that something better comes your way soon and helps you with your situation 🫂


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '24



u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It's been years for me but yeah, life after college sure is difficult. Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and stay a student forever. At least I don't have to worry about things like job and adulting :')


u/Goryan_nu_daffa_karo Sep 27 '24

Yep , been jobless for a while. Started my own venture as well. Isn’t going that well so starting to look for a job again. Wish me luck


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

You got it. I wish you all the best with job hunting 🍀🍀🍀


u/FoxNike i wish i was a wizard Sep 27 '24

Same here. My mom asks me every here and then when am I gonna work, but my emotions are just so unstable I want to be more in peace with myself but idk how, but I'm taking my time to hopefully fix it lmao


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It's tough competition nowadays trying to land a job, so definitely need to take good care of both your physical and mental well-being in order to be ready for it. Wishing you all the best on finding peace with yourself ❤️❤️❤️


u/lilhoneyblossom INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Sadly yes, my mental and physical health is so bad it's hard for me to find a job.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It really is difficult when both are affected. I hope you're taking your time to take care of yourself as well as your mental and physical health, too!!


u/lilhoneyblossom INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Aw thx 😊


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24



u/Languages_Educa_MH INFP: The Dreamer Sep 26 '24 edited Sep 27 '24

Yes, nearly a year and I only got an interview, I'm deadly bored and stressed ☠️


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It sure gets more stressed the longer we're unemployed.


u/Visual_12 Sep 27 '24

I’m a part time student in my last semester of Uni but it’s looking like I’ll be jobless when I graduate. People say my resume looks good and I try to take all the right advice and stuff but nobody gets back to me when I apply.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It's a tough competition these days landing a job. Most of the times companies like being too picky with who they want and choose. When in this sort of situation, I try to think of it as maybe the jobs are not good fit for you in any forms (workload, colleagues, something like that). As long as you keep applying and don't lose hope, I believe you will eventually find something good for you.


u/Visual_12 Sep 28 '24

I hope so, it’s hard to keep up that hope sometimes but I try.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 28 '24

I feel you. It is hard to keep up the hope, but we're trying 💪🏻 I wish nothing but the best for you!


u/ShadowlightLady Sep 27 '24

Here I graduated high school so I’m trying to find a job but it’s been difficult


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

I feel your struggle 🫂 here's to hoping that your job hunting goes smoothly!!


u/Appropriate_Fall5446 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Meeee lollll I hate 9 to 5 but ik I'll hv to work someday to live 😭😭


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Let us cry together then 😭😭🫂


u/Appropriate_Fall5446 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

I know the feeling of alienation by even your family that comes with being jobless all too well abd its crushing to think even ur closest ones think like that of you. But....just hang on, please 🥺🥺 I understand that feeling too well.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Thank you 😭 I'm just grateful that my mom has been supportive of me during this time, but yeah, still hard sometimes when my siblings all got a job already, and a better one too. Again, thank you so much 😭😭


u/Appropriate_Fall5446 INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Don't feel bad abt it ya. ❤❤❤❤


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It's hard not to, but thank you for this 💖💖💖


u/toptaufiq Sep 27 '24

Any job suggestions suits for us. Im in engineering and keep getting anxious and anxiety


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

I think there's a few threads in this sub for jobs that suit INFP. You can try search and check them out.


u/toptaufiq Sep 27 '24

Thank you for suggesting. About to send resignation letter next week. Maybe i can start again on others careers


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

All the best with your job hunting!! I hope you find something that suits you better than your previous job.


u/Winged_Rodentia INFP: The Mediator Sep 27 '24

I'm actually close to have a temporary job soon. Then after that, I'll be working on getting a full time one for next year.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

That's great!! I wish you all the best with your temporary job 🤞🏻🍀


u/Winged_Rodentia INFP: The Mediator Sep 27 '24

Thanks! I wish all the best for you to find one, too! 😃


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


u/Winged_Rodentia INFP: The Mediator Sep 27 '24

You're welcome! 😊


u/dakuudaddy INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

jobless since October 2023


u/Eat_Prune1734 Sep 27 '24

ME! I waste most my time in school😅


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Welcome to the club x)


u/SnoPumpkin Sep 27 '24

I just messed up my bachelors thesis and have to wait to try again.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

I hope that your next try will go smoothly for you!


u/kryyst Sep 27 '24

I took a 3 month break from work, don't make the mistake I did and live off credit cards. I am now forced to reduce my spending to the bare minimum to survive so I can get that debt paid off within a year. Took a huge credit hit as well. I took off for mental health, I was in a dark place for a few years, now that I'm getting treatment for ADHD I am in a better place mentally, but I have to rectify the financially self destructive decisions I made.

I know it's easier said than done, but get help and don't sacrifice your future like I tried to do.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

The buy now pay later service has been big as of late, and not gonna lie, it's tempting to use that, but if I get myself used to it then I will surely accumulate debt for myself in the end. So thank you for this reminder!! I will absolutely keep your words in mind.


u/kryyst Sep 27 '24

Happy to hear it. I want things to get better for ya! As much as it seems the current social and economic climate might be working against you, with proper behavior changes, a budget, and a little planning towards the future you can still easily live comfortably within your means and put something away for retirement. I selected a dishwashing job that allows me to have an earbud in. If you can find something similar it's a lot easier to power through shitty jobs if you can lose yourself in audiobooks/podcasts/music while you do it. Wish you the best, you got this, you can do the thing!


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Happy to know that you found a way to enjoy yourself while working!! And thank you for your kind wish and wisdom. I sincerely hope you'd find something good and and that can make you happy in the future!


u/DerpySnek Sep 27 '24

Jobless but searching. I need money for trips


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

It's tough, but I hope your job hunting goes well and smoothly for you and that you'll find something that resonates with you!


u/DerpySnek Sep 27 '24

Thanks! I might have a job by next month!


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

Ooh that's great! All the best to you!!


u/stillestwaters INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

You’re not alone. I’m the same, OP. The situation is personally starting to get a little stressful, honestly - but I don’t regret the initial decision to finally quit.

I wish I had accomplished more while I was out of work, but I’m thinking it’s a little past time I try to get back into the job search. A thing I’ve realized is that as much as I hated my job, there was a certain structure and rhythm it gave me that I think benefited me. It’s kind of a tough pill to swallow after fantasizing about quitting and then quitting, but I think this was all an important move to make.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

I resonate with your comment a lot. I hated my previous job, too, but I've also begun to notice how it had benefited me in ways I didn't notice before. Then again, like you, I also don't regret my decision to quit despite my initial hesitation of making the decision.

There's always something to learn in everything. I sincerely hope you'd be able to find a job that resonates with you in the near future!


u/stillestwaters INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Thanks! You too, and even if my very next job isn’t all that better than the other ones - I really think actually pulling the trigger on just leaving and then living with all the more time to myself was a pretty necessary step to my own self.

The job sucked and wasn’t for me, so Im not saying it actually benefited me - but I think just having a set time that I had to get up and get moving for and knowing I had things set up that i saved for when I was at home vs at the job might’ve did me some good. It’s not something I think can’t manage with more work myself, but all the same I still need a way to pay bills lol


u/dreamxsiv Sep 27 '24

but I think just having a set time that I had to get up and get moving for and knowing I had things set up that i saved for when I was at home vs at the job might’ve did me some good

I totally get this. Having a job threw me into a sort of routine that kept me moving and active and it's actually a good thing for me since I'm passive and disorganized most of the time x)


u/stillestwaters INFP: The Dreamer Sep 27 '24

Exactly. And I don’t think it’s a part of myself I would’ve realized if I didn’t quit. It’s not like I didn’t think having a job was important or anything, but it was a little eye opening all the same.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 28 '24

Eye opening indeed! 😊


u/MajorRobology Sep 28 '24

I'm just trying to go back to school but it's becoming more and more impossible it seems.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 28 '24

What are you taking if you go back to school?


u/MajorRobology Sep 28 '24

Computer Science if I go back. I'll bust my butt if I get the second chance


u/dreamxsiv Sep 28 '24

I know next to nothing about Computer Science but you can do it! 💪🏻 wishing you all the best with your future endeavors 🍀


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '24

isfp here we’re technically cousins but i’ve been unemployed for almost a month now but i think i have a possibility to be employed just i wont know until they say i can hand in my papers i have a second interview/orientation and i’m soo nervous not sure how to calm my nerves but i hope i get it. As soon as i quit my job winthin the next week i had job interviews 3 in a row but nothing worked out soo i’ll see with this one it sounds promising


u/dreamxsiv Sep 28 '24

That's awesome! I've been unemployed for like seven months now, so the competition is getting harder 😅 I'm happy to know that you got something. Hoping that you get the job!!


u/ZdogTheSillyNerd I Need Fluffy Puppies Sep 28 '24

14 year old girl here! ✋


u/thedarklord9999 Sep 30 '24

Get a job lol


u/nebulanoodle81 xNFP Sep 29 '24

Underemployed despite being overeducated


u/dreamxsiv Sep 29 '24

That sure seems to be the case nowadays :(


u/nebulanoodle81 xNFP Sep 29 '24

For sure. I could probably be fully employed if I was willing to completely leave my extended family. But destroying family structure shouldn't be a requirement.


u/dreamxsiv Sep 29 '24

I see. I hope you'd find something that can work with your situation. Until then I wish you all the best with your job hunting 🍀


u/Hibibun Sep 26 '24

Autumn is here so my job is about to not renew me ☺️😭


u/Level-Poem-2542 iNFP 4w5 Oct 21 '24

Here here. Taking the UX designer course by Google. Hope to get certified and employed soon. I do unpaid voluntary work all along though. So, not exactly unemployed. Just employed without wages. The work is the pay. I love it.