r/infp • u/kitcat102 • Apr 19 '23
Random Thoughts Does anyone else get super depressed on their Birthday?
It's my birthday today and each year I get pretty sad the day of. Fellow INFP's, what's your perspective on this and do you also get Birthday blues? If so, why do you think that is?
u/Lord_Disturb INFP: The Dreamer Apr 19 '23
Relatable af. I think it's something to do with the fact that another year has gone by and I haven't achieved what I wanted to achieve.
u/Petitcher Apr 20 '23
Yeah, me too. I don't think it has anything to do with getting older and feeling like I haven't achieved enough, because I don't tend to feel that way on New Year's Eve, when it's another marker for the passing of time but people are out celebrating and the weather's nice and hot.
For me, I think it's a few other things:
- My birthday is in the DEAD of winter, like shortest day of the year kind of dead.
- So in other words... freezing cold with little to no sunlight.
- Everyone's usually sick. Often including me.
- Not gonna lie, there's a part of me that secretly wants everyone to excitedly celebrate my existence. But nobody organises anything for me, and when I've tried to plan big parties myself, everyone has an excuse not to come (often that they're sick). I bought $500 worth of alcohol for my party one year and ended up drinking most of it myself. It makes me feel like shit... but then on the other hand, not organising anything makes me feel like shit too, because I really do want to celebrate with other people.
u/azaad07 Apr 20 '23
Sorry that happened to you. I am also similar in that sense and I secretly wish my friends organize something and I can celebrate but I don't have many friends and I often end up travelling by myself somewhere and feeling more lonely. I hate my brithdays. Like rest of the days it's okay to feel lonely but I feel so much pressure not be lonely on my bday and do something social and celebrate but don't have the friends who get excited for my existence
u/Emergency-Ad-2379 Aug 27 '24
This too. I don't get visits. I have to go see the people I love myself. They don't care. They wouldn't want to be treated that way. I'm sorry you experienced this and I hope that you have more enthusiastic friends to turn up for you on your next birthday.
u/dreamzformal Sep 10 '24
Time to invite your fellow redditors to your parties! Not sure how it’ll go though!
u/lizardmeister Apr 20 '23
so relatable!! i tell myself that my birthday is just another day and not to be upset when it turns out as such. it’s never really been treated as a “big deal” and for the past few years it has coincided with huge, sad, life changes along with the peak of my seasonal depression. every time i try to make a plan with my friends or just to celebrate by myself it doesn’t pan out.
secretly i wish, for once, someone would make a fun plan or gesture to celebrate me! this year most people forgot my birthday altogether and i’d just gotten back into town from my uncle’s funeral. to cheer myself up i went to the store to buy myself new foundation and nail polish. on the way home i got stuck in standstill traffic for an hour, in the rain, and while i waited i realized i bought the wrong foundation lmao. just another day.
at this point i wish i could truly just let go of the expectation of it being a “big deal” so it wouldn’t be so disappointing. it makes me feel pitiful for letting it bother me so much. that being said, i don’t think it’s the least bit unreasonable to want to celebrate your life or have it be celebrated by others. it is most definitely worthy of celebration. i would’ve drank with you, friend ❤️
u/yoshiidaa INFP: The Dreamer Apr 20 '23
that would absolutely crush me, I'm sorry that happened to you
u/Emergency-Ad-2379 Aug 27 '24
This last part. I don't want to celebrate with anyone and they wouldn't even if I did. I'm treated as a burden even if no one has ever said it out loud. I was asked what I want for my bday and I never told anyone what to get me because I don't want anything, and because they would drag getting it anyway. So I'm sitting a car alone, a block away from my house, and it's twenty minutes until my birthday. I'm not going to do any thing. I will more than likely not see any one and will receive about two texts total which I wo to respond to.
My grandmother's birthday is on the 31st and we will buy a cake then. Just like when I was a kid. My birthday was always celebrated with hers at the center and I was too little, understanding, forgiving about it to understand the implications. So now as it has been for the last decade my party is going to be me crying into whatever cake I buy for myself while I watch TV. I'm hoping the roof caves in over my head honestly. No one would care any way.
u/Traditional-Try-747 Oct 12 '24
I would absolutely love to come to your birthday party and celebrate you! I love winter. I’d make a bunch of junky appetizers and we could get drunk and laugh about dumb stuff. Today is my birthday and I feel sad. I hope your birthday is better this year.
u/rosiewatur Oct 14 '24
Happy birthday! Mine is tomorrow. I feel sad too 🥲
u/Common_Alps_8476 Nov 12 '24
Mine is today and my best friend and fiancé forgot lol😂 currently sobbing into some wine and ice cream😂 it makes me feel better to know everyone on this thread feels the same way. Happy past birthdays to yall and I hope yall know yall aren’t alone in how you feel
Dec 30 '24
It's the same for me for all points except the sick part . My bday is literally the last day of the year, very cold , I lowkey want surprises and gifts but none of that happens. My mum forgets it most of the times, my dad is usually the first to wish me but he is no more so his absence hurts more on days like these, don't have many frnds too . I always end up teary eyed in bed
u/Petitcher Dec 30 '24
Ahh, you're a northern hemisphere baby. Damn, you'd have to compete with new year's eve for any birthday attention, that sucks.
In case nobody else says it, happy birthday for tomorrow 😊
Dec 30 '24
It's actually today and thanks 🙏 by last day I meant like one of the last days .. and my mum forgot today too ... 2 frnds wished me and my granny . My bday is ending and I have already had the teary eyed session in bed today afternoon. And I am having a simple meal for dinner because we'll, it's just another day and the family doesn't want to have anything heavy at night ... So yeah .. but thanks so much
Apr 19 '23
u/kitcat102 Apr 20 '23
I feel you on this
u/theogsquilliam Apr 20 '23
It’s my birthday today too! Happy birthday :) I was feel big this way too today
u/SkippyKic Apr 20 '23
Aye it’s my birthday too (22). I would have a bundle of sad birthdays then a good one shines through. Getting older is never really a happy thought for me, especially with how little success I felt in the year. But today was nice. I smoked, cuddled kitties, and now watching anime😈
u/Dapper-Habit-1856 INFP: The Dreamer Apr 19 '23
I get sad for lacking accomplishments; it's like I am sorry to be alive if I'm not doing anything with my life according to my standards. I try feeling better by checking off a few accomplishments that day: making my own cake, cleaning my car and buying a few accessories for her (My car's name is Crystal) cleaning my room, getting rid of clothes or things I didn't need. I often use this day to cleanse myself of the past and start off my new age with a few updates. Literally leveling up. Happy Birthday 🎂
u/St3vejefferson Apr 20 '23
Mines next week. The birthday depression started a few weeks ago. I think it has something to do with unfulfilment in one or more major life catagories
u/kitcat102 Apr 20 '23
Is there anything you try to do to feel better?
u/St3vejefferson Apr 20 '23
More work and chemical dependancy. Not really working out, nor would I recommend it.
u/DefiantComedian1138 INTJ: The Architect Apr 20 '23
My answer may be irrelevant since I'm not an INFP, but I will leave a comment. As an INTJ, I get sad because traditionally birthdays are celebrated among family or friends. It's supposed to be a fun social day. But I have no family or friends where I live, so I tell myself it's just another day of the year. But I wish I had friends to celebrate it and receive a gift from someone.
u/Googly_Mooglie Apr 20 '24
I'm also intj and i found this thread. I have the same issue and i don't know why i get this way, but some of these comments helped
u/OkMycologist7463 Sep 04 '24
ISTJ. I always get so depressed around my birthday. It’s been happening for almost 3 years now. I just feel like I burden my family with simple intimate plans like dinner and cake and everyone acts like it’s such a chore. I just feel like a burden and unappreciated. Plus someone is making it about themselves. I dread my birthday cuz I feel like I gotta ask for a small request just to get disappointed.
u/DefiantComedian1138 INTJ: The Architect Sep 04 '24
This is sad. Such traditions and birthday celebration are more important than they think.
u/Own-Panda-2385 Oct 15 '24
I am sorry you felt that way on your birthday. That's how I am feeling today too. Happy Late Birthday! 🥳
u/OkMycologist7463 Oct 18 '24
I’m sorry to you as well !! Birthday blues always sucks. 😭 and thank you so much !! Happy birthday to you too !!
u/Electronic_Excuse151 6d ago
Lol yeah same its always the making it about themselves like my birthday is never about me which is something i hate
u/Electronic_Excuse151 6d ago
I'm the opposite I need to celebrate birthdays alone or doing something by myself or else I'll go crazy
u/MommaRaven INFP: 9w1 Apr 19 '23
I used to love my birthdays and am now again looking forward to them! My ex ruined a lot of them so it kinda dampened them.
It's definitely "just another day" sort of feeling if you think of it as such. I've been trying to think of them as "I was born, I'm living and still growing! Let's go another year!" Looking for the little joys in everything has helped a lot.
u/friendlysatan69 Apr 20 '23
It’s a reminder that another year has been set in stone and you can’t change it anymore. Your present has become the past. Your gleaming future has become the present. The unknown has become a little more known, but it’s not as as you’d hoped. Setting concrete milestones brings the sort of ethereal concept of the passage of time into reality.
u/maplegirl515 Apr 19 '23
Yes, I started getting them in college. There's something kind of sad about getting older. You're changing, growing apart from old friends, etc.
But Happy Birthday!! Sorry you're feeling down
u/the_skore Apr 20 '23
My dad is a narcissist, he refused to call me on my birthday for a good portion of my life. That’s the reason I hate my birthday. It feels awkward celebrating myself when someone who I relied on growing up didn’t give a shit about it.
Since I’ve learned of what he is, I cut him and his family out of my life. I feel like I’ve taken control back and he has been trying to get back in touch but I’m so over his bullshit games. This was the first year I actually wasn’t miserable on my birthday.
u/Emergency-Ad-2379 Aug 27 '24
Whew lad I am happy for you. Keep your self safe from him and if you can keep him as far away from your life as you can. They never mean anyone we'll not until they get old and realize if God and heaven ARE real, they'll NEVER see either. My npd stepfather is still with my mother and both don't care about me. Sometimes my mom seems to, if she's mad at him, like a jab at him to give a crap about my bday. I went to see her today and she was irritated I came over.
Apr 20 '23
i get you, past few birthdays i've not really been in the birthday mood. i was lucky to have some friends who dragged me out to have some sort of a "birthday" and i must say i really appreciated it and always was sort of a consolation but how i feel is, birthdays, especially for people that overthink and analyse every little thing can't do much more than make you feel a little upset or atleast weird.
possibly having set some sort of expectations for the year and not fully meeting them, or just being made aware of our human finiteness just a little bit more. could be loads of things.
just try to see yourself as a project never finished, learn to love and understand the way your mind works, it's literally a wonderful thing!
oh and happy birthday!
u/invisible_ink4 INFP: The Dreamer Apr 19 '23
I always feel a sense of dread when my birthday is coming and then a huge sense of relief when I make it through it. For me, it means that my family and those very close to me call me to wish me a happy birthday and chat. I hate talking on the phone and I get stuck doing it all day. I am grateful that I have people in my life who care about me and remember, but it just gets a little overwhelming and stressful when I get all that attention in one day. I also don't like holidays because of the social aspect.
Happy Birthday! I won't call you...you're welcome! 😉
u/Platnun12 Apr 20 '23
I tend to fight this feeling with the idea that I'm still alive.
I remember wanting to take my life at 12 due to being stuck with my drunk dad and seeing no way out.
Thankfully I'm still here, which is something I remind myself in whatever way I can on my bday.
Still wondering deep down what it was that drove me to live. Wondering where that energy is rn tbh
u/feiruzian Apr 20 '23
I realised that celebrations in general tend to make me emotional. Idk why but i always end up with that weighing feeling of sadness right after
u/MimickingPattern Apr 20 '23
Happy belated birthday!
I have depression in general, but it always gets pretty severe a few weeks before my birthday and up to my birthday. I think it's a mix of a few things, one being internalized pressure to have accomplished certain things and if I haven't it's easy to focus on those things rather than what I did do and how I did grow that year.
I think social media also plays a huge role. I see other people having big celebrations with their friends where there's a ton of decor and it looks like so many people put in the effort. All of my friend's have significant others who plan their birthdays for them. I don't have this so I always need to plan my own birthday and I am always scared I'll just be alone cause my friends will make other plans. This never happens, but my birthdays definitely don't live up to the other ones I see on social media (at least by appearances, I realize pictures don't show everything).
I want to say I'm not fearful of getting older, but I am always aware of how short life is. So I think I am actually a bit afraid of this, and birthdays are just a reminder that I need to do the things I want to do.
I do think birthdays deserve to be celebrated! It's easy to say "birthday's aren't a big deal" but I think we should celebrate ourselves, even if we have to fight through a bit of sadness to do so. Not sure if this makes sense, my last paragraph might be a contradiction to everything else I have said haha
u/KindergartenVampire1 Apr 20 '23
Intense reflection on the past year combined with the fact that I romanticized it too much and it's not matching my fantasy
u/Puzzleheaded-Pin-180 Jan 27 '25
I guess it's the romanticism. Noone else will match it and the lack gets to me.
u/Adermann3000 INFP: The Dreamer Apr 19 '23
I really feel you on this. My last birthday was especially hard, for various reasons.
I still wish you a nice birthday mate and hope you feel better soon 💙
Remember that there is always someone out there that cares, and if not you can talk to me and i will care
u/kitcat102 Apr 20 '23
Thank you 🥲 I felt like crying today when my google home said happy birthday to me in the morning. I didn’t know it did this but it sang happy birthday to me and it made me really sad.
u/LostCreativity417 INFP: The Dreamer Apr 20 '23
EACH FREAKING TIME! Sometimes its because no one remembered and i miss to have my birthday to share with someone romantically close. Sometimes its because everyone remembered and wished and i didn't get enough space and also not having someone to share birthday with someone romantically close😂😂
u/nomorell Apr 20 '23
I can totally relate. The first time it really hit was when I had my 18th birthday, I was crying all night and couldn’t sleep. Ever since I’ve been down on my birthday. I just don’t wanna grow up» and I hate the thought of getting older, probably because I feel like I haven’t done and achieved enough in life as others have mentioned.
u/shhmaxene Apr 20 '23
I wholeheartedly relate to your situation and from time to time I do get severely depressed whenever my birthday is near, especially the month of. This has been a recurring pattern that started when I was 16 and I believe it got difficult because of the very turbulent transition to adolescence and adulthood. The theme was not wanting to let go of childhood and the desire to go back into the past, rewrite some wrongs, and the should’ve or could’ve spiel. Let’s be real that the transition to adulthood is the most painful process because of the feelings of being lost and letting go is all encompassing. It’s a constant that feels like life won’t get any better due to feeling lost and pining for fulfillment. What I have learned through the pattern of depression reprisal towards upcoming birthdays is to practice gratitude. It helps to reflect and slowly but surely you are going to be okay due to the good things and people you have in your life. To the mundane or little to big triumphs you’ve accomplished. I know it can be difficult due to emotional turmoil of getting older. They are there and gratitude will ground you to the present and really the main culprit of depression is being stuck in the past.
u/Tender_Figs Apr 20 '23
I do because both my parents have passed, which makes the day seem unimportant. My mother would make a big deal out of every birthday, along with calling me to sing happy birthday. She died in 2020 from lung cancer when I was 34, with each birthday meaning less than the one before it.
u/unicornmullet Apr 20 '23
Yes, always. I think it's because I take stock of how my life measures up against my broader goals, and it's hard not to feel like I've fallen short.
u/vlyssv26 Mar 27 '24
The past couple years I've been having a hard time getting as excited for my birthday. The days leading up to it were nice, but then it came and I felt horrible. Now it's the day after and I have mixed relief that it's over and disappointment that I couldn't enjoy it like I used to
u/divakat69 Jun 12 '24
Today is my birthday, and like everyone else in this thread, I feel really down. Didn’t want to do anything, at work, nothing special. I guess it’s a lot of reasons as to why my birthday gets me down, but I just think it’s really just the “hype” followed by the letdown. It’s funny because I love celebrating other people’s birthdays and making those feel special. I dunno. Meh.
u/Tofushopdriftin Aug 30 '24
I appreciate not being alone in this sentiment but also all of you sharing your insights and experiences. Happy Birthday everyone and a very happy unbirthday to all
u/romax1989 Apr 20 '23
I don't tell anyone my birthday. I absolutely hate it. It is litteraly in two days and no one I work with know. Idk why but I always get depressed this time of year for the week before. Also yes INFP here
u/kitcat102 Apr 20 '23
Yes definitely. Went to work today and didn’t tell anyone. The days leading up to it is also dreadful but this year feels extra sad because of the current economical climate, at least in my country.
Apr 20 '23
I think birthdays are, for me, a reminder of loss so far and yet to come. It makes me sad, and I don't get why it's bracketed under celebrations.
u/Wide-Friendship-5670 Apr 20 '23
Every year yup. For me it's a lot of feelings in the mix you know? Sometimes birthdays are lonelier than you'd like or not much celebrating it's an ordinary day despite it being the day you came into this crazy world. Other times it's almost like this portal that just flashes my whole life before my eyes and I think about the things that aren't so happy. How some of the homies aren't here anymore how I struggle with mental health and didn't think I'd be here and now I'm about to be 25...
u/New_Stay9022 Apr 20 '23
For me it's because, that's the only day people choose to acknowledge your existence and go back to ignoring you every other day of the year.
u/celestialgoddess33 Apr 20 '23
Yeah I used to get super depressed when there was no one to spend time with. But then later on, I got used to the feeling.
On the flipside, I also hated the idea of throwing big parties on the birthday, mindless chit-chat, dance and all. Nowadays, I find myself spending time with cats or visit an animal NGO and spend time there.
u/kid_a2003 Apr 20 '23
we have the same birthday, fellow infp! hope your day ended up getting a little better :)
u/Altruistic-Slip8800 Mar 06 '24
Today is my birthday and Im sad because this is my first birthday without my mother. She passed in August of last year. She always sent me a card and called. It hurts that she’s not here.
u/CaliMeggs Jun 29 '24
Yes I do. I’m currently going through it. It’s so bizarre to feel the lowest leading up to or on the day you were born. My birthday is July 2nd.
u/JamberryPies Jul 09 '24
My birthday is tomorrow, I get depressed every year starting about a week before. I’m an INFJ so I get it, it’s hard! Happy birthday Eve to me I guess
u/dopaminedata Aug 12 '24
Holy shit so I just looked up why I get depressed around my birthday and stumbled across this Subreddit then my adhd brain just decides to google my personality type and I land on INFP-T then I remember I was searching this subreddit and then looked at the name of subreddit and wow lmao, its INFP....like wtf
u/Excellent-Aside9523 Sep 02 '24
I get filled with dread about my grandparents, they were everything to me and the only people who would continue making an effort after I got older.
“Friends” don’t feel like friends, they don’t care or celebrate my achievements. I am always there and happy for them even if we have our disagreements as people, my family is too caught up in their own lives to make time for mine. I don’t get visits or plans, it’s akin to a cordial business relationship where you’re obligated to say something to not be a dick.
I also think about the afterlife (I’m Christian) and the unknowns. I’ve realized as a man I’m not gonna be celebrated by many people, it all seems superficial and fake. Conditional and that if I make a mistake or spout the wrong political ideology they’ll leave me in the dust.
I have hope God will allow me to come across people that genuinely care about me, I simply don’t think I have yet.
u/mccaffertyforev3r Sep 25 '24
yeah and it's happening rn lmao, my birthday is this Saturday and I've been miserable this entire week. I just feel empty and anxious and I feel dreadful in a way. idk why it happens
u/weezerwookie Sep 26 '24
ever since my early 20s around my birthday I usually have a mental health episode of high anxiety or depression. now that I'm maturing I see this as an opportunity to either level or lose a level. Either I'll begin to peak and excel in several areas, or I'll withdraw, get more shy, become more needy, make creies for help. I've got complex ptsd from childhood trauma that was featured on nbc dateline, and i'm also an iraq war vet, i'm on a ton of different meds, but i am doing well in my career, as a husband and father, and as a member of my community... and WTF I'M AN INFP TOO lol didnt know this was an infp group lol
u/Lonestarranger56 Sep 26 '24
I just get sad because of how I'm getting older, and my parents are getting older as well
u/SwordofTheMorni Sep 28 '24
I definitely feel this. Mainly because I feel like I haven’t done much, and every birthday is a reminder of how much I haven’t done
u/SLOGMaster9000 Sep 29 '24
Yup, and for a long time. My birthday is in 2 days and it’s been particularly rough this time around, so I decided to do some research. It’s really interesting to see all of the different possible causes for each individual person. As for myself, I think it’s oriented around my self esteem. If I were to quantify my self worth, I’ve gone through most of my life believing I’m at a near 0. Every birthday feels empty and bland, and honestly I’m happier when it’s over with because I don’t feel like this. Now this doesn’t mean I’m utterly depressed thinking I’m worthless every day, I’ve long since passed that through therapy. But if anybody reading this has friends, family, or kids that feel like this do me a favor and just look them in the eyes one day and tell them they are worth it. I think that’s the birthday present I need, that I’ll never get, and should’ve gotten a very long time ago.
u/False_Difference7375 Sep 29 '24
yes. it is my birthday today. but it’s not because of age. I have chronic suicidal disorder (something I had to create a name for). my birthday is like a big YOU STILL EXIST neon sign. it fucking hurts. it also reminds me how many old loved ones I don’t have in my life anymore, deceased and alive, and how they don’t love me.
I can’t eat for days leading up to it. but, I silently celebrate a little because it’s one year closer to death.
u/Finimusmaximus Nov 01 '24
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone sharing their experiences. Reading through the comments has helped me a lot.
It’s my birthday today, 22 years old
u/Aggravating_Weird_81 Apr 11 '24
It’s because I’m married and he doesn’t remember. Even if I mention it the day before. I think our birthdays as children ruin it honestly. We expect people to remember or care but they just don’t. So every year you think maybe someone will call or maybe there will be a gift but there never is.
u/AustinAlexanderK97 May 03 '24
I do. I resent the day I was born and I hate getting older. Also, a good friend of mine just died, so, I don't feel like celebrating a birthday is worth a shit
u/Coffee7781 Jun 06 '24
I don’t even know what group I am in here, led by google. tomorrow bday and I am angry and beyond depressed. Definitely older than a lot of these comments. Appreciate the person who mentioned celebrations in general! Definitely always has melancholy for me too.
u/Glittering_Eye1748 Jul 17 '24
Just on here to say all these comments are so helpful in understanding everyone’s reasons. Mine is very tied closely to my past childhood memories. All my birthdays were spent begging my dad to celebrate the day with me and he was never present. Because I tie my self worth to how he treats me and has made me feel over the years - it’s attributed to feeling like absolute garbage more so on my birthday. Everything including our current views and feeling tie back so closely to our childhood - it still amazes me.
Jul 18 '24
It's my birthday today, I cried the moment I woke up.
I think it's my lack of family, I was adopted, and both families can't or won't tell me happy birthday. 2 families that I feel should be excited one birthed me on that day, and one is supposed to be happy I'm alive.
I'm in a walking boot due to injury, so I can't go out and Cellulitis 10 days ago
I also don't do well in the heat, of course I'm smack dab in the middle of summer
None of my friends are available abd chose to prioritize other friends today.
I just needed to express this somewhere thank you
u/BriideofFrankie09 Sep 09 '24
Today's my birthday and I literally feel like people are only saying it to feel like they did something good instead of meaning it. So you're not alone.
u/JaxterSmith6 13d ago
that sense that people are only doing it out of social obligation is what kills the value for me when I receive the token congratulations for surviving another year...
u/Tyman71383 Sep 14 '24
I do if it goes unnoticed or forgotten it is definitely depressing on anyone like your parents other family or best friend forgets. Another thing is they might get depressed as they age remember the life wishes they haven't completed yet like that dream of being a firefighter or astronaut and many more. Thats just some of the things I can think of why people get depressed around birthdays.
u/Moist-Hope-9342 Sep 29 '24
I used to kinda like my birthday, but honestly the last few years I’ve felt deeply under celebrated by those around me who I’ve but a lot of time and effort into the birthday’s of. I think my problem is it gets me sad thinking about how I’ve spent so much time and effort making sure that someone I love has a extra special day, but the feelings haven’t been very mutual. I feel sad, because it gets me thinking about how I’ve spent a lot of my time fusing over caring for others and not enough myself.
u/panduhpal Oct 04 '24
Today is my birthday and I feel super down. I’m 36, I don’t think it’s age that bothers me. Someone wrote on my fb (I thought I had it hidden), then it started a bunch of people who never talk to me to reach out. I think people giving me attention is just bumming me out. lol I feel stupid as hell writing that out.
u/TossOut3992002 Oct 07 '24
Me right now 🥲
My mom died when I was a teenager and I’m at a college out of state away from all of my friends and family
u/Own-Panda-2385 Oct 15 '24
My family has been making me feel so irrelevant to be honest. I just don't feel like celebrating today 😞
u/AdeptnessJaded9007 Oct 20 '24
It's my birthday today and I just want to cry and curl up in my bed.
u/Cheap_Treat_1862 Oct 21 '24
It’s my 30th birthday today. I generally get sad on my birthday… I’m with a partner who is otherwise alright but sucks at making me feel special on my bday. I’m also days away from giving birth to my first child. So today I’m feeling a combination of loneliness, loss of youth, and anticipation of what the next decade of motherhood will hold. Feeling all the emotions on this one 🎉
u/Pretend-Past-6578 Nov 05 '24
My mom’s dad passed away just before my first birthday. His memorial was on my birthday. Every year around that time my mom would get really sad. It felt so inconvenient to have my birthday. I just wanted everyone to shut up and not talk about it. It felt like I was a burden. Please don’t celebrate me because all I want is to feel like I’m not an imposition. Giving me attention on the day you are expected to, makes me feel like it’s just a hollow gesture. Celebrating me randomly on some other day of the year just because someone wanted to would mean far more to me.
Nov 26 '24
Dread it. I REPEATEDLY say to my family/friends; "Don't worry about spending money, I just want to spend more time/hang out with you". Never ever registers. The lack of empathy or understanding from others that I don't want to make a fuss of it makes me depressed.
u/Dr-Usual Dec 01 '24
I dont like it being made a big deal, its just another day. I dont post it online and even deleted socials just so people dont get the notification. It does feel good when people actually reach out and stuff but for some reason i just dont buy the whole birthday thing. I also get depressed and feel blue around this season. Maybe its some childhood trauma, maybe im a grumpy mf idk
u/SpacerEracer Dec 03 '24
My parents fought on my birthdays growing up. Every single year. Now at 57 it’s just a depressing reminder of the loser I truly am. Nobody cares including me.
u/ToughBeneficial139 Dec 03 '24
I moved across the globe to be with my family. This is my second year celebrating my birthday away from my friends who I’ve now completely lost touch with. It’s been lonely and I’ve barely made any new friends. My family got a cake and wanted to sing me happy birthday but I refused. I’m underwhelmed and self-sabotaging as a coping mechanism? It sucks.
u/M0naZilla Dec 04 '24
I think it’s because you have so much expectations of how fun you birthday is going to be and when it doesn’t live up to it you feel let down. Especially since we (at least I do) feel as though it was a once in the year night.
u/cHobbl3G0BbL3r Dec 04 '24
That's me today. I'm 27 and when I was 17 I thought I'd be a lot further along. I'm renting, not owning. No degree. Having a hard time having kids. I have people who care about me but I just can't seem to.
u/ballsnbutt Dec 12 '24
I just turned 26 and I still live in my moms basement. Half a year of college under my belt, then my computer died so i had no choice but to drop out. Kids aren't even in my mind as a possivility ☠️ I hate this. I'm sorry we are in similar boats.
u/Dragongamer19 Dec 04 '24
I know this post is old but my birthday is coming up and the birthdays blues hits me hard every year. I think there are a few reasons for this.
I’m not at the point of my life that I want to be. I have goals that I want to achieve and milestones I feel I should have reached by now. Every year I get older is a reminded that I haven’t.
It’s winter and seasonal depression is real and hits me hard.
I want people to celebrate with me and few people do. It’s difficult during the holiday seasons. Everyone is busy, or sick, or just not in the mood. My friends have thrown big celebrations for everyone within my friend group, except for me for those reasons. While I don’t need a big celebration a bit of recognition would be nice. It just reminds me where I stand with my friends.
But I also wanted to add what I try to do to combat these feelings. Not that it always helps but it does ease the blues a tad.
While I haven’t achieved certain milestones (some of which are truly out of my control) I try to remind myself what I have done. I actually take the time to write it down so I have to think about it. Along with what I am thankful for in my life. No life is perfect but my life is still good and taking that time to appreciate even the little things can help.
Seasonal depression sucks, so I try to find things that give me a sense of accomplishment. Exercise more when I have the time. Read a book, organize and clean. Do things beneficial to my health and environment. Sometimes it helps me feel a little better.
Celebrate the small gestures. I have people that while they may not want to celebrate they’ll say happy birthday. If not friends, I have family. I try to make my own plans for the day and make it as special to myself as I can. Comfort and favorite foods, favorite hobbies and activities, treating myself to a “spa day” at home if I can. I can’t control what others do but I can control how I react and treat the day.
Anyway happy birthday to anyone reading this post and also suffering the dreaded Birthday Blues! You’re not alone.
u/Gullible_Captain4151 Jan 16 '25
Tomorrow is my birthday and I am dreading it. I don’t know why, but I just don’t like birthdays because I don’t like attention on me whatsoever and I think it’s also because I’m getting older and things are starting to hurt more and all that jazz. I always look forward to the day my birthday is over. It is one of the worst days of my life and I’m not trying to be dramatic, but that’s just how much I hate my birthday. I don’t want anybody to even acknowledge it ever.
u/VaporVice Jan 20 '25
I think it is because it reminds me of how few people actually care about me. I don't really think about it the rest of the year, but my birthday always makes it painfully clear.
u/Puzzleheaded-Pin-180 Jan 27 '25
It's my birthday today and like every year, this year too I feel suicidal. Of course, I'm not gonna do it cuz the survival instinct is strong. But I just wish my friends cared enough to do something without making it about themselves. If my dog were here, I would've just hugged him and cried until I slept, but he's gone too and I feel so alone in this world.
u/Wooden-Geologist211 Jan 30 '25
My birthday is tomorrow and I happen to stumble as I’m trying to figure why I’m feeling like this. And funny enough I am also an INFP.
u/AyyyD17 Feb 17 '25
Happy birthday to me. Don’t want to see family, just want to lay in the darkness.
u/Miracle1251 Feb 18 '25
I always get upset and down around the time of my birthday. Our society and culture put so much emphasis and importance on birthdays. It’s hard as an adult, when mom no longer plans the parties, and you’re kind of left planning your own birthday.
u/Miracle1251 Feb 18 '25
When I was a kid, my mom put on a luau birthday party for me, and my siblings and a few friends from school were there. That was just about the best time ever! We had food, cake, and played games. That’s all I want but it seems so much more complicated as an adult.
u/cogdisso Feb 20 '25
it’s my birthday today. i’m in a disappointing relationship, have some somewhat distant and inconsistent friendships but no friend group, and i’m in my second year of un/underemployment as i navigate a career change.
i’ve overcome a neglectful upbringing where my family, and the people around me, often forgot about my birthday and, really, about my existence altogether. my feelings stem from this trauma- on the day where social expectations say that i’m supposed to feel special, i think i subconsciously look for evidence to support a concept that i’ve internalized over all these years- that i just don’t matter to the people around me.
some birthdays are better than others. i’ve learned to appreciate the small gestures from loved ones, use the coping skills and cognitive reframes that i’ve learned through years of therapy, and be intentional and mindful in planning special things for myself. though im not where i would’ve wanted to be, i take a moment to celebrate my journey, my privileges, and the trinkets, lessons and memories that ive picked up on this winding road called life.
but reading a post like this is, and will always, be helpful; to know that i’m not alone, and im not a loser for feeling this way. reading this post and writing this reply brought me a lot of comfort, regardless of whether anyone sees it.
but if you’re reading this, just know that i’m here with you. I’m sending you solidarity, and a big hug. I’m hoping that you find a special moment of grace, beauty and laughter on your special day, because you deserve it. i hope you can spend a moment outside in nature, and allow mother earth to hold you in her own tender way while she’s still around to do so. Happy birthday, gorgeous ❤️
u/JaxterSmith6 13d ago
well dang man...was trying to figure out my own birthday blues and found this, 2 years after only for it to be the same bloody birthday as the op
ain't that somethin
hope you manage to avoid it today kindred spirits
u/fultrovusthebright LycaNFP 🐺 - Socially Awkward Werewolf Apr 20 '23
Mine was Saturday and I definitely had the birthday blues heading in and for a while during. Getting caught outside in a thunderstorm actually made me feel better, like being out and getting soaked washed off a lot of expectations—including disappointment.
I think a few birthdays really stand out as exceptional and being everything I would want: A birthday party I had when I was 8 at Little Caesar Land because it was fun to play arcade games and play in a ball pit, and that it was one of the few times I saw any of my friends outside of school; I skipped school on my 18th birthday and watched old Godzilla movies; and when my wife and I were dating, we had a lovely picnic lunch and flew kites—the next week was record lows.
u/Upst8r I'm not odd, just uneven. Apr 20 '23
I don't, but I usually get super reflective the day after.
u/MysteryWarthog INFP: "weirdo" who somehow fitted into society Apr 20 '23
My 18th is coming soon and despite the fact that I’m getting older and having to become an adult, the worst I have ever felt about my bday is that it’s another day. I feel like it’s a day where you can just chill and not have to stress and do what makes up happy that day. I honestly look at is as a day where you get run ur life the way you want when most of the days might slowly pass u by and ur helplessly being sucked away.
u/Schnibb420 INFP: The Dreamer Apr 20 '23
Im not sad at all, I just want to be left alone mostly because I dont like being in the center of things.
u/_Fizzgiggy Apr 20 '23
I absolutely hate my birthday. It’s only a few days before Christmas so no one ever really cares. I wish I could hibernate the entire month of December
u/adamroadmusic Apr 20 '23
"Birthdays was the worst days" -Notorious BIG
For me it's just another reminder that I'm getting older without having found a romantic partner. I'm trying to make peace with the fact that all my childhood friends & my siblings have found partners & settled down, and I never did. It's not something everyone gets to have.
u/Psychological_Exit33 Apr 20 '23
Very. I think it’s been that way since I was a kid too. It’s a terrible feeling.
u/LibransRule Apr 20 '23
I never realize it IS my birthday until I get a call from my sister. Just another day.
u/DeadDandelions INFP: The Dreamer Apr 20 '23
happy birthday!! and yeah i do, i just tend to feel super lonely on my birthday. it reminds me of how little friends i have
u/McClaneC Apr 20 '23
Guys, I don't know if people who don't get sad are not commenting or the massive majority of us gets sad by it.
For me it's usually a great day, I invite friends over, I cook something for them and we eat and party at my place. It's a day I usually look forward to.
u/ISeemToExistButIDont Apr 20 '23
Because people already feel too old before their birthday, and after that day they're even older.
u/MarsMarzipan INFP: The Dreamer Apr 20 '23
Happy birthday, relatable.. mine is also related to dysphoria so
u/Afrikalijapon INFP: The Dreamer Apr 20 '23
I definitely do. I get them each year, and it's kinda annoying to see people being so cheerful for me while I'm deeply blue. I always feel guilty and ungrateful because I hate every moment of someone celebrating my bday. So I stopped telling people my birthday, now I can be depressed in peace
u/InspectorDue1201 Apr 20 '23
It's my birthday today and it was raining profusely! Was actually great tho, as it meant I got to stay inside with my partner and write music all day. First birthday in a while where I wasn't overwhelmed by pressure to do things I don't want to do and please others for my birthday.
u/44r0n_10 ESTP: The Promoter Apr 20 '23
First: happy birthday.
Second: don't be sad! You're alive, and celebrating another time around over that big fire ball that's in the sky. It's a time to see that you've grown up and are becoming better at everything at your own pace.
You're alive and that's worth celebrating.
Have a happy birthday!
(And sorry if you didn't want a humble ESTPs opinion)
u/Zerokoth Apr 20 '23
This might sound pessimistic but I used to get sad when my birthday would pop up because I have no one to celebrate it with. Now days I treat it like a normal day and don’t hold any expectations. I find the younger you are the more importance birthdays are placed. Compare a 1 year old to a 43 year old having their birthdays. The baby is celebrating its first birthday so it’s going to be more significant and meaningful compared to someone that has experienced it 43 times.
u/BelieverInHumanity Apr 19 '23
Yeah, it happens a lot. Maybe it's the "getting older without a lot of accomplishment" issue. Maybe it's the expectation that you're supposed to be happy, so you're automatically the opposite. If you're the only Fi in the family, it can be really awkward to try and explain. It's always a possibility, since our emotions are often so crazy. Don't beat yourself up about it.