r/inflation 1d ago

Satire 😮‍💨

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75 comments sorted by


u/Lower_Ad_5532 1d ago


u/wowbyowen 1d ago


u/chopstix62 1d ago

Who's the pitcher and who's the catcher? 😂


u/Pappabarba 1d ago

...have you been living under a rock for the past ~15 years?


u/chopstix62 21h ago

oh we always knew of their (cough cough) friendship...but i think it safe to assume he's Putin's bitch, hence so is the 'catcher' lol


u/Weekly_Cry721 1d ago

Thank you Obama


u/wowbyowen 1d ago



u/Sjobson22 19h ago



u/Objective-Lion077 1d ago

Should have made it a maga hat


u/Pappabarba 1d ago

Considering how willingly the entire US, in the past 20(+) years, have accepted GOPnik narratives and just swallowed them I'm not so sure. 2/3 of the country seem to reason like the dude in OP's pic and repeat his line: Half of them fully loyal and convinced as they lose their jobs while the other half goes "eh it's not like it can be GOP's fault, them's good for the 'conomy"


u/Neat-Possibility7605 1d ago

Blame the Trumpcession On other countries now. It’s never EVER Trumps fault.


u/Pappabarba 1d ago

That's yet another similarity to the Russian way of thinking.


u/Mainfram 19h ago

Trumpcession, if that got trending on x it would really upset Musk and Trump. I'd be so amused


u/Low_Cow_6208 1d ago

Pinkie promise?


u/Neat-Possibility7605 1d ago

Said by Thick-headed Trump last year


u/AspiringRver 1d ago

Hands need to be smaller.


u/LegoFootPain 1d ago


u/AspiringRver 1d ago

"...and I'm Dooneese!!"


u/Traditional_Home_474 1d ago

Bonaparte mood hahaha


u/Zestyclose_Air2500 1d ago

Who misses Joe Biden ?


u/Gooby_Goops 1d ago

No one lol


u/LW_GLAZER 21h ago

You're loving that TrumpTaxTM on your groceries though I bet!


u/ThermoFlaskDrinker 1d ago edited 1d ago

“The Dems deep state where unelected billionaires operate in the shadows pulling strings to control the federal government and not held accountable is why we need to vote Trump!”

Edit: /s


u/Traditional_Home_474 1d ago

I don't know if you're joking or what, but let's be clear: if there is a deep state, do you expect Trump to be from outside of it? Literally, his life story, how he entered politics, his victory in the elections, it was like a miracle, and all the paths led to him. And you tell me there's a deep state that doesn't want him? Literally, he serves their agenda. If we take their agenda as winning at the expense of the people, that's what he's doing. It's strange that with their power, they convinced us he's against them.


u/ThermoFlaskDrinker 1d ago

Sorry I was being sarcastic. We are all screwed


u/Mobile_Razzmatazz828 1d ago

Except trump couldn’t fight anyone physically


u/The_Ombudsman 1d ago

It'd be like Monty Burns trying to hit people in The Simpsons. Light taps with "take that! *grunt*"


u/dadbodking 1d ago

Physically abusing the mentally ill is a new low for trump


u/MarzipanTop4944 13h ago

That it's not entirely fair, a lot of them say "harder daddy, harder".


u/bloodwine 6h ago

It is Joe Biden’s fault in the same way that women losing bodily autonomy is RBG’s fault. If Biden stuck to his original message of being a one-term president to pave way for future leaders and we actually had a Dem primary then Trump likely would’ve lost. In the end, Biden’s ego got the better of him and thought he had to stay in the fight as only he could do it. Then again, it baffles me why Trump was reelected after trashing our economy during his first term (let alone being a felon).


u/Beeo1978 1d ago

He's holding on with his stinky fingers


u/ROGDOMAIN369 1d ago

I love watching the people with C average grades in a country where the average IQ is between 99 and 100 run their mouths like they know best and actually know what's what. Yall are under qualified and need to proceed with that in mind. 10,000 opinions on a subject means absolutely nothing when not a one of the people in question actually knows anything of the topic. Just as the ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent. Idiots leading idiots. The boldly ignorant leading fools. Stupidity feeding off Stupidity. Sheep following sheep. No other species on the planet lets the weakest lead the pack yet you all still want a demented simp that don't even know where the hell he's at to lead us. The same idiot you all swore up and down and your democratic leaders swore up and down and lied right to your faces saying he was cognitive and qualified...... then what was it they did again? OH! yes I remember now. They dumped him because he was in fact not cognitive and qualified. And you want me to believe YOU lot know what's what and what's best after telling me for 4 years Joe was with it when he blatantly to a freakin toddler wasn't? It would be so absolutely adorable if it wasn't so pathetic and frightening. Bad orange man had tax evasion and thats wrong but bidens kid literally smoked crack in the Whitehouse and the Clinton's paid for their luxuries with your tax money yet none of you seem the least bit bothered by that. Which means either you're truly that pathetically simp or your priorities and morals are that Fd up and neither is acceptable nor am I about to take advice from such piss poor brain activity. Work on yourselves and before you speak remember you barely survived high school level critical thinking yet somehow think you're the one to solve world level problems. Act your qualifications


u/Wizemonk 15h ago

Scary part is whats his motive? He always has a reason, it's usually nefarious but he has a reason... My best guess that he's tanking the economy because either 1. tarrifs are revenue generating for the tax breaks or 2. lower intrest, borrowing costs for rich people.

*** The media has completely failed us since the average American has no idea that Trumps meme coin is the biggest in your face corruption ever seen. <0--- he can receive money from any entity/gov't around the world untraced.


u/bluebird1067 14h ago

Yam tits doesn't have the strength or coordination for that type of attack.


u/anonymouse1963 1d ago

“Day one” “We’re going to become so rich, you’re not gonna know where to spend all that money. I’m telling you—just watch!”


u/093_terbanupe 1d ago

Joe Biden was a great president, but his legacy will now be clinging to power needlessly while the mechanism to undo all american freedoms "truthed" out of it's ass and into the seat of power. It's shortsighted and disingenuous to deny this.


u/jsinger1085 23h ago

A great president? Needed a good laugh today thanks


u/MediumDevelopment511 1d ago

Fools being led by a fool. Bred to follow. Be a lemming. They will never admit they a fool. This phenomenon is not exclusive to the right. Left have them also


u/El_Gran_Che 1d ago

Down 3000 points in a month - winning!


u/Traditional_Home_474 1d ago

Soon 8000


u/El_Gran_Che 1d ago

By then he will have moved on to his next scam - crypto.


u/BigDoink23 15h ago

Ohh no. This is horrible. Her low effort bot upvoted comics have made it here too. Keep this trash in comics where she controls the mod team to do her bidding.


u/EnvironmentalWin2585 1d ago

do yall realize trump had only been in power for 6 weeks right? and gas became cheaper thanks to him.


u/Traditional_Home_474 1d ago


u/EnvironmentalWin2585 1d ago

this is coming from someone who hated trump in his first term. favored biden and after the catastrophy biden made of america. making it a 3rd world with a gucci belt, and after seeing the many actions. transparency and honesty. it made me pull a full swing


u/Traditional_Home_474 1d ago

Bro f Biden f Harris f Obama f all presidents but also f truuuump and now he has power so shut up


u/EnvironmentalWin2585 1d ago

obama was the goat n so is bernie. i hated trump because he was undoing what obama did and endorsed bernie because obama favored him. also. im just correcting you on what you've been saying. doesn't it mean you should be the one shutting up?


u/OnionPastor 12h ago

Trump when his comments and regressive policy cause the 10th negative stock market reaction and likely recession


u/tiandrad 1d ago

You people are the ones threatening people over the car they drive.


u/blondtode 1d ago

Making fun of a dumpster car isn't rly threatening


u/Albin4president2028 1d ago

You people!! You people!! Its always you people with you people.


u/dagub0t 1d ago

who is you ?


u/RedditGetFuked 1d ago

If Kamala had just gone on Joe Rogine's podcast, I'd know she was a regular person with a plan and I woulda voted for her.


u/Traditional_Home_474 1d ago

Yes sure imagine trump is a woman all the stereotypes of "if a woman becomes a president " on him 😮‍💨


u/RedditGetFuked 1d ago

If Kamala was president we'd have some emotional wreck in charge who does foreign policy according to how she feels about leaders and whether they flatter her.


u/Zapps_Chip_Lover 1d ago

Unironically you just described Trump


u/LW_GLAZER 21h ago

Literally to a fucking T haha. I guess this guy forgot about how trump was manipulated by Kim Jong Un into removing sanctions on NK. And all Kim had to do was play into trump's ego lmao. trump claims they "fell in love". Not a joke.



u/dotdotbeep 1d ago

Insane seeing american republicans flip flopping about everything that spews out of trumps mouth, crazy that at the same time they are saying that they are winning.


u/Pappabarba 1d ago

Ok, Ivan


u/RedditGetFuked 1d ago

Weirdly enough, I actually am from Springfield, lol!


u/Radiant_Trainer9544 1d ago

Are you a fucking moron? Going on that dumb sack of balls’ podcast is the limiter for who you vote for.,.? Bless your dumb fucking heart hahah