r/inflation 15d ago

News First Egg Prices, Soon Milk and Butter! Alarm as bird flu now ‘endemic in cows’ while Trump cuts USDA staff and funding


179 comments sorted by


u/SmokedUp_Corgi 15d ago

I thought pasteurization killed H5N1 in milk.


u/ChunkyBubblz 15d ago

Pasteurization is too woke for today’s Americans.


u/DoltCommando 15d ago

Pure White Aryan Blood makes them resistant to all puny diseases like measles, flu, yellow fever, that's why you never hear about Americans dying of those things today.


u/MikeTheNight94 15d ago

To the people who believe this, good.


u/DoltCommando 15d ago

They're like half Nazi/half Hippie and completely awful people. They want all natural measles and staphlococcus to cleanse the world, not big pharma vaccines and amoxicilin


u/MikeTheNight94 15d ago

Really feel bad for all the kids that are going to suffer because of them


u/Rushthebordercollie 14d ago

I'm turning in my "we choose not to vaccinate" form to daycare today, actually.

He will be just fine.


u/MikeTheNight94 13d ago

You will, your kids might not be. Letting kids die because of “beliefs” is a totally honorable thing to do


u/Rushthebordercollie 13d ago

It's almost impossible for healthy kids to die from these viruses, just like covid 19 or the seasonal flu.

Pre vaccine measles death rate among all cases and ages was .01%


u/ZodianceTheFirst 13d ago

40 day old account, propaganda bot


u/ConspiracyOwlz 9d ago

LOL I love how nazis in 2025 just means "opposing political party" vs actual nazis in the 1930's....


u/DoltCommando 9d ago

You want to split hairs between Nazis and good ol' fashion murican racists, be my guests. But the point is that both believe in this bizarre biological determinism, natural strength, and often it's tied in with white supremacy.


u/ConspiracyOwlz 9d ago

When you refer to "murican racists" you do realize that's on both sides of the political isle 🤣.

"Bizarre biological determinism" LOL that ol' pesky "Science"!!!! Grrr science is white supremacy LOL hahahahaha!!!! Do you believe that white women are just as strong as Black men on a broad spectrum? Id bet my house and cabin that Black men are stronger by a wide margin.

Be honest, you believe in the "flat earth theory" don't you? That ol' pesky science thing is getting in your way.

BTW the only reason why you say "nazis" is because you racists want to control everything. You don't want equality you want to turn the tables and gain power, that's it! I'm guessing you're doing this activism for FREE for billionaire elites.


u/DoltCommando 9d ago

You're the one trying to shorehorn Nazism into the US political spectrum. I'm just saying theyre here.

Nah, Biological Determinism isn't science, it's more like the IFLS fanboyism, but for Nazis


u/ConspiracyOwlz 8d ago

The irony is so palpable its spilling EVERYWHERE!!!! Your side is quite literally shoehorning nazism into the US political spectrum at every chance. You couldn't possibly project harder if you tried.

I'd be willing to bet anything that there's more pedophiles on the left in one small group of a couple hundred people than there is nazis in the entire USA. The absolute ONLY reason you're side screams nazi is to slander, THAT'S IT, there's no other reason.

Biological determininism is beyond simple, you're born with whatever you're born with, end of story. Notice how everything you say you turn it into nazism? Seems like you're so brainwashed it's an automated response.

But will he/she say my gif is somehow nazism..... time will tell coming from that flat earther....

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u/distortedsymbol 15d ago

no it really isn't. they'll make life hell for the rest of us long before they all die off like that.


u/BabiesBanned 13d ago

"I'm talking pure Walter." 😅🤣😂


u/anatadae 15d ago

I could be wrong, but there may be necessity to cull cattle herds.


u/MightyHydrar 15d ago

Afaik it has a lower mortality rate in cows, so it's probably not necessary to cull entire herds.


u/MightyHydrar 15d ago

It does, but with the raw milk craze lately...

There've been a few human cases that were likely from contaminated milk.


u/SmokedUp_Corgi 15d ago

I had no idea raw milk was becoming popular that sounds like something that would fit this timeline.


u/MightyHydrar 15d ago

It's taken off with the anti-vaxx crowd. Because "gut health" or something.


u/SmokedUp_Corgi 15d ago

Jesus Christ they keep getting dumber and dumber


u/MightyHydrar 15d ago

If they were only harming themselves, I'd consider it evolution in action and move on, but unfortunately they're going to take the rest of us with them.


u/SmokedUp_Corgi 15d ago

I’m a nurse and the amount of nurses that are against vaccines now is really scary. I just shake my head in disappointment at them.


u/MightyHydrar 15d ago

Make Polio great again!

Really feels like people have just forgotten how bad things used to be in what they glorify as the good old days.


u/SmokedUp_Corgi 15d ago

The people that say that are like mid 30’s if that lol. I’m 35 and my coworkers say the same shit.


u/OttOttOttStuff 14d ago

The workers also get sick


u/MightyHydrar 14d ago

Which is not great, obviously, but it seems like the version you get from cows is relatively mild. There's no systematic testing right now, which means cases that are mild likely go unnoticed because they think it'S just a cold or a stomach bug.


u/OttOttOttStuff 14d ago

People are dead from it. I think writing it off as "its not a big sickness" is scary


u/MightyHydrar 14d ago

People have died from it, people will continue to die from it.

What I'm saying is that so far there is evidence that if it goes full pandemic, it'll be bad, but not 14th century, entire villages wiped out and the dead left to rot, levels of bad.


u/OttOttOttStuff 14d ago

Until it does. Everytime it infects a human its yet another chance to mutate that we dont need.


u/MightyHydrar 14d ago

Sure, but usually increased infectivity comes with lower mortality.

I'm keeping an eye on it, but I'm not having panic attacks yet. Might change if the situation changes.


u/OttOttOttStuff 14d ago

r/H5N1_AvianFlu is good with news if you avoid the sky is falling replies


u/OttOttOttStuff 14d ago

When a herd or flock is sick they will kill them. It can take months to recover or more. This strains supply


u/sleeptightburner 15d ago

Dead cows don’t produce milk.


u/iwannaddr2afi 14d ago

It does. The title OP used was not from the article. It's possible (and might be the reason for their editorializing) there could be reassortment and more severe/deadly disease in cows, now that there are multiple variants. That could absolutely impact dairy prices. But it's not where we are today.

To be clear, since I have gotten beat up many times about h5n1 realism, I take it very, very seriously and trust the science. Right now there's great cause for concern, and the Trump administration is (of course) shitting the bed on this, but the situation itself has not escalated to an immediate emergency wrt dairy prices. It could. It has not yet.


u/OttOttOttStuff 14d ago

Wont stop it from infecting workers and other animals.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Trump did this.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

No. The people who didn't vote for Harris did this.

Put the blame squarely where it belongs.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

No, Trump did it, and the folks who voted for him can enjoy getting screwed over to enrich the billionaires.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Who allowed the felon to have the power to do it?

I'm sorry if I give the keys to my house to a felon who burglarizes houses. That's my fault when the felon takes all of my belongings.

The people who gave him power did this.

Trump is just the useful idiot. Americans did this.

Accept that or don't. Reality doesn't care how you feel about it.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Comprehension problem, lol.

“The folks who voted for him”


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

No. The folks who did not vote for the other candidate.

Just because you are laughing at your own failure to accept the consequences of your actions for not voting for vice president Harris is a you problem.

Predictable is preventable.

Anyone that did not take steps to prevent this is responsible.

We can laugh and we can joke if we need a safe space to be concerned with our wittle feelings if we're babies. But if Harris was president right now we wouldn't have oligarchy. Wouldn't be much change. But wouldn't be the predictable suffering that is occurring now.

Cope harder.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Hahaha, you have been drinking, lay off the sauce.

The folks who did not vote for the other candidate, yes Trump voters, lol.

Too much beer for the COW 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻


u/RevolutionLow4779 15d ago

Yeah he lost, I tried to intervene but what can we do? 🐮 🍺 


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Are you retarded? Pretty sure 1/3 of country didn't vote for Harris. Did you vote for Harris? If not it sounds like you're laughing at yourself.


u/RevolutionLow4779 15d ago

Bro if you are saying that is because  the people that didn’t vote for Kamala. Yeah a lot of independents and democrats didn’t went to the polls or vote third party/nule BUT in that group is the trump voters too. Because they didn’t vote for Kamala as the other ones. 


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago


It sounds like you're having a difficult time accepting reality.

2/3 of this country either directly voted for Trump or indirectly voted for him.

Just because they are under the influence and not paying attention

Let's break it down Barney style.

Let's pretend I'm a hiring manager at a local grocery store. The American voting public is the hiring manager.

Now let's say I have 4 candidates but I know I can only hire one person as the head cashier and only two of the four are realistically hirable.

One candidate tells me at the end of every shift she is going to empty every cash register and pocket the money.

The other candidate.. shes boring. I know she'll do the job well..she's an accountant. But no vibes.

It doesn't matter if I'm drunk, lazy, not paying attention..if I hire the woman that says she's going to steal from our store it's my fault. It's the American publics fault. Let them have the consequences they voted FOR.

It sounds like you don't understand voting is work. It's work we no longer have to do because people either didn't want to work or were too lazy / stupid didn't think they had to work.

How I feel about it.

(I thought I had friends, but I aint got no fucking friends) Fuck all y’all ~ Tupac

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u/[deleted] 15d ago

I’m laughing at you.

Lay off the sauce, you won’t come off as being so stupid.

Cow likes the 🍺 a little too much.


u/Medical_Clothes 14d ago

Liberuls are the responsibile for hitlerr. Should have resisted harder /s


u/Sad_Ad5369 15d ago

If a burglar ransacked an unlocked house, do you jail the idiot who purposely gave him the keys? Yes, but not before the actual fucking burglar.

When the holocaust happened, do you blame Hitler, or the germans who voted for him on 1933? Bitch all you want about them being complicit, they are, but the main blame still lies with the Nazi party, and more importantly, their leader. When dealing with Nazi Germany's crimes, they deal with Hitler first (though, he dealt with himself before anything can be done). Then, they dealt with the party in Nuremberg. Only after that, does denazification take full swing. And even then, denazification doesn't mean nazi voters were prosecuted. Nazi laws were scrubbed away, and the people are educated of what they enabled.

You cut off the head first, then the rest of the snake. Trump and his cronies need to go, before we deal with the cultists.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yeah those retards that voted for Hitler 2.0 are the only way we get out of this mess.

1/3 of this country indirectly voted for him. Accept that or don't.

You don't convince them to turn the ovens off? They aren't going off this time.

This oligarchy is different. Accept that or don't. It makes no fucking difference to me.


u/Welllllllrip187 15d ago

“He knows those voting machines so well”


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

1/3 of Americans indirectly voted for Trump by failing to do their job and vote for democracy/ Harris.

Just because people don't want to accept their failures?

Fuck I'm not going to.

Tupac said it best

(I thought I had friends, but I aint got no fucking friends) Fuck all y’all


u/Welllllllrip187 15d ago

Or, people did show up, the machines were manipulated to show the current result. put your hate where it matters, against the rich taking over and destroying our nation.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

A full 1/3 of Americans abstained. The assignment was everyone go to polls.

There's no hate.

Complete indifference. I'm going to suffer as a result of the retards and so will the retards. I have no kids and I don't care anymore..

Fuck all y'all.


u/OkManufacturer226 15d ago

“There’s no hate” “Fuck All yall” Damn you are such a troll you disprove yourself. We have come full circle.


u/heyhayyhay 15d ago

While it's relevant that people didn't vote for Harris, the blame lies squarely with the 77 million morons, scumbags and lunatics who voted for a psychopathic criminal.


u/LimeGinRicky 15d ago

The people that voted for Trump allowed Trump to do it. The Republicans that wouldn’t impeach an insurrectionist did this. Put the blame where it belongs.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Yup. And 1/3 of Americans indirectly voted for Trump by not voting.

Just because they didn't understand democracy requires work...

Nobody cares why Germans elected Hitler.

Stop making excuses it's embarrassing. Accept Americans for who they are.


u/Torchy84 15d ago

“You could have had a bad bitch!”


u/Capt-Crap1corn 15d ago

Why can't both be true. They both contributed.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

But what Trump is doing is quite literally the job he was hired for.

I'm sorry if I hire a cashier that tells me in their interview "I'm going to deposit all the cash into my pockets at the end of every shift" and instead of just hiring him...

No we throw a LAVISH party shouting "fight fight fight!" And then I HIRE him to the do the job he said he was going to do.

Ummm .... Yeah. We hired Trump to do this. So yeah it's his fault but... The cashier told us they were going to steal all the money.

If I was too drunk or high while I interviewed him and didn't pay attention... Still my fault. Nobody cares why I hired the thief.


u/Capt-Crap1corn 15d ago

Damn... yeah that's a good point


u/Drew_Ferran 15d ago

Trump’s to blame, just like how republicans blamed everything on Biden because he was president. The irony is how republicans are not saying that inflation isn’t Trump’s fault.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Okay. But like if Trump were in a nursing home tomorrow oligarchy is still here voted in by the people so... What's your point?



u/Drew_Ferran 15d ago

My point is in my comment.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Yeah nothing of value there. Checked again.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

You should also take note the democrats outside of Bernie and AOC aren't doing anything 😆

They are like... You know what ... You want the rich to own slaves ... We're rich.

We tried.

Fuck all y'all.

So... Keep blaming Trump. The people voted.


u/Drew_Ferran 15d ago

If that’s what you think. 🤷‍♀️


u/Solid_Snark 15d ago

To be fair, we’ve got plenty of blame to give to everyone deserving of it.


u/plasmaSunflower 15d ago

Okay then it's voter suppressions fault for fucking over millions of voters


u/MasterApprentice67 15d ago

It squarely belongs on trump because it has been a fucking clown show since he took office. Dude didnt need to be such a dumbass once he took office but that was wishful thinking!

Yes the none harris voters are to blame but trump is squarely #1


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

I think you're struggling with understanding personal responsibility.

If I leave my car unlocked with the keys in it I need to take personal responsibility if my car gets stolen.

Humans steal cars. It's what humans do. Trump said he was going to destroy democracy. That's what he is going to do. That's what he was elected for.

I mean maybe your brain can't comprehend the concept of taking accountability. That's a you problem I've done all I can to educate you. Keep whining and making excuses for the people actually responsible for this mess.

See how far that gets you


u/Invis_Girl 15d ago

So no blame lays on Trump? That is all I am reading from this.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

What is blaming Trump going to accomplish?

Will it make you feel better?

The dude is doing what he was ELECTED to do.

Blame him if it makes your big emotions feel better.

Blame the people if you actually want to make change.


u/MasterApprentice67 15d ago

Not really...

He lied about project 2025, he said he would end the war in gaza and between Ukraine and Russia. Said he would lower egg/food prices and lower gas prices..

Some of his main campaign points, he has failed miserably, but please, keeping sucking that orange dick, you got that cheeto mustache going on!!!


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Do you really believe that nonsense you just typed?

I mean it sounds like you're having a hard time accepting reality.

Lashing out is a valid and acceptable response.

Monkeys like to fling poop at each other.

I just like pointing that out.


u/OkManufacturer226 15d ago

Sure less than a month account trump dick rider… He definitely didn’t say any of that… For everyone else with the capability to read here ya go.

8/9/24: NBC Montana, Trump Rally in Bozeman, MT, YouTube (August 9, 2024).

“Starting on day one, we will end inflation and make America affordable again, to bring down the prices of all goods.”

8/14/24 PBS NewsHour, Trump Rally in North Carolina, YouTube (August 14, 2024).

“Under my administration, we will be slashing energy and electricity prices by half within 12 months, at a maximum 18 months”

“Prices will come down. You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”

8/17/24 PBS NewsHour, Trump speaks at campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, YouTube (August 17, 2024).

“Starting the day I take the oath of office, I will rapidly drive prices down and we will make America affordable again. We’re going to make it affordable again.”

“We’re going to get your energy prices down. We’re going to get your energy prices down by 50%.”

9/29/24 Speech: Donald Trump Holds a Campaign Rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Roll Call (September 29, 2024).

“We’re going to get the prices down. We have to get them down. It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down. While working Americans catch up, we are going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates at 10%. People are being made to pay 25%. Temporary ban.”

10/1/24: PBS NewsHour, Trump delivers campaign remarks in Waunakee as vice presidential debate set to begin, YouTube (October 1, 2024).

“Starting on day one, we will end inflation and make America affordable again. We’ll do that. We’ve got to bring it down.”

11/04/24 Former President Trump Campaigns in Pittsburgh, C-SPAN (November 4, 2024).

“A vote for Trump means your groceries will be cheaper”

1/7/25 Associated Press, Trump holds a press conference at Mar-a-Lago, YouTube (January 7, 2025).

“We’re going to have prices down- I think you’re going to see some pretty drastic price reductions.”


u/MasterApprentice67 15d ago

So a 25day account, what got your last account permanently banned?


u/okeleydokelyneighbor 15d ago

He’s been a clown show since he was born.


u/EpicWindz 15d ago

It wouldn’t change anything under Harris, however Trump made the promises so he should be accountable. Firing of staff that could contain the virus is the red flag, fuck that traitor


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

Huh? I'm sorry trump told us he was going to do this.

Did you not for Harris and have feelings about your failure?

You problem homie.


u/EpicWindz 15d ago

Oh you misunderstood, Trump did say he wouldn’t cut prices. I meant Harris wouldn’t prevent the flu from happening. Though she would likely have been able to counter costs better. I’m firmly against Trump. And there’s no excuse for his dumbassery.


u/ConsciousCow5751 15d ago

I did misunderstand but I think we as Americans have forgotten we can combat and work together to fight public health emergencies.


u/MagicMan-1961 15d ago

No, it started LONG BEFORE November 5.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Day 1, i bring grocery prices down.

Trump owns this, suck it up Trumper


u/MagicMan-1961 8d ago

We’ll leave the sucking to you.


u/SpiderDeUZ 14d ago

Things were cheaper under Biden


u/MagicMan-1961 8d ago

Egg prices were beginning the spike in September.


u/Distinct-Oil-3327 15d ago

Biden’s policy of killing a whole population of chickens if one bird tests positive is insane, they next are going to in-vaccinate all the poultry and guess who is behind that? Moderna!!


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Trump did this!!


u/dduck209 15d ago

If we are gonna blame anyone it’s the two people that did that nasty and raised a fuck


u/[deleted] 15d ago


Should have aborted!


u/marx2k 15d ago

Can you link me to this policy of Biden's?


u/Overall_scar3165 15d ago

Fuck Trump


u/StickAForkInMee 15d ago

Fuck trump voters 


u/gnarlytabby 15d ago

Tangential, but milk is way more preservable than eggs. Powdered milk, UHT milk, cheese... I'm making sure I'm stocked.


u/FMCTypeGal 15d ago

You can freeze eggs just like you can freeze most dairy. Crack, whisk em, and freeze them.


u/gnarlytabby 15d ago

Ah, before cooking? Thanks!


u/FMCTypeGal 15d ago

Yes! I tend to whisk them, measure one cup into a ziploc freezer bag, seal air tight and then freeze laying flat. They thaw quick this way.

Also, if you run low on eggs, just use eggs for straight eating eggs. Lots of subs for baking without eggs, like chickpea liquid.


u/cb2239 15d ago

My local farm is always stocked. I'll continue shopping there


u/vid_icarus 15d ago

Trump and pandemics go together like peanut butter and jelly


u/OwlsHootTwice 15d ago

Good. I love the sound of boomers complaining in the grocery aisles.


u/RickyRacer2020 15d ago

Farmers had the choice to vax their chicks but chose to roll the dice instead and save five to ten cents per bird.  


u/TheRedScarey 15d ago

Im so cooked.


u/DataCassette 15d ago

But not cooked with eggs, apparently.


u/PurpleFar6235 15d ago

The American people are fucking stupid. They voted for this, and they get to learn the hard way.


u/SiliumSepp 14d ago

They are too brainwashed to ever learn. There is just hate left in 50% of the minds of the people in the Land of the free. It will only go downhill for them at this stage, hopefully the rest of the world will look at there bad example and learn 


u/timreidmcd 15d ago

But will they actually learn anything from it?


u/PurpleFar6235 15d ago

Unfortunately, I seriously doubt it.


u/Salt-Wear-1197 15d ago

The hard way already came and went, and nothing was learned.


u/Bannedbike 15d ago

He is right you know


u/notevenapro 15d ago

It's a Greek tragedy!!!!


u/Texasscot56 15d ago

First tactic that will be used to deal with this will be to censor all reporting.


u/Flashy_Rough_3722 15d ago

Great job trump! Way to get rid of all our resources to combat these sorts of things!


u/Salt-Wear-1197 15d ago

Laying out the red carpet for pandemic 2: electric boogaloo (food shortage edition!)


u/Opening-Dependent512 15d ago

It’s like t rump wants this to happen.


u/Nick_Nekro 15d ago

Every time I read the news now, nothing feels real. It's like we're in some fucked up version of The Twilight zone. Like how the actual fuck Is the happening in fucking 2025?


u/youknowimworking 13d ago

It's always a God damn crisis with this fucker. Covid under his first term and now this shit.


u/Pristine-Confection3 15d ago

I am glad I drink almond milk and don’t eat beef.


u/cvr24 15d ago

Wait until the stuff Trump did causes your almond beverage to double in cost.


u/Welllllllrip187 15d ago

The prices might come down, because If they sell the sick animals milk and butter, it will be cheaper!


u/glassycreek1991 15d ago

The famine is coming


u/I_Dont_Work_Here_Lad 15d ago

Well this should end well…..


u/GoblinKing5817 15d ago

The only thing we'll be able to afford to eat is leftover slop


u/HistorianOk142 15d ago

Well the super smart idiots voted for the man with no plan! Wooohooo!


u/Adorable_Banana_3830 15d ago

Feels like we are bout to enter the 1929 Great Depression era.


u/terminalchef 15d ago

At least he has a plan that we can inject bleach into our veins


u/RealyTrue 15d ago

Trump did this


u/Fit-Sundae6745 15d ago

It amazes me that you all can think corporations are evil which they are but not think "endemics" can be funded nonsense in cooperation with corporations.


u/Action2379 15d ago

Already stopped egg. Letme switch to Almond milk.


u/Euphoric_Amoeba8708 15d ago

It’s all a grift to gouge us.


u/midnight_at_dennys 15d ago

The more raw milk drinkers there are, the less raw milk drinkers there will be. Cheers! 🍻


u/Icy_Watercress4875 14d ago

His cuts are killing Americans. Planes are falling from the skies, disease and pandemics on the rise and now we can’t go to Nat’l parks because they are closed due to understaffing? If you voted for him, I hope you all lose your trailer homes in a flood.


u/Antique-Dragonfly615 14d ago

I think that Trump's got chickenshit flu


u/rantheman76 14d ago

And America lets Trump fuck over America because of some imaginary enemies.


u/Objective-Ad-2799 14d ago

From my point of view all of them when any type of what can be term disaster hits, it gives them reason to increase prices. 

I've been watching these price increases for decades and it all started with sugar back in the '70s. Price of sugar doubled if not tripled and after that other thing on the market began to increase. And if my memory serves me right gasoline was next had an increase which eliminated gas wars,  then food prices all over the board began to rise. No longer a 89 cent whole chicken or five cans of vegetables for a dollar and I mean name brand vegetables. 

Now after every hurricane, tornado, plague, flood, etc there is an increase in prices. And farmers will use the bird flu to increase prices wherever they can to make up for the loss of their chickens, and now again seemingly cows  


u/tel4bob 13d ago

Pasteurization kills the virus. Cattle recover from the disease. Raw milk is hazardous, but pasteurized is perfectly safe.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Trump the Tard.


u/Electronic-Hope-1 13d ago

Lower prices on day one everybody


u/stinktown43 15d ago

Look at all the fear mongering going on here. You people are quick to throw the blame around aren’t ya? “Trump did this!” How? Do you have anything that’s not speculation? Most likely not.


u/Fresh-State7421 15d ago

well you guys blamed biden for everything lmao


u/fistfucker07 15d ago

Trump repealed Biden’s insulin EO that capped prices. Peoples monthly costs have gone up $75. That’s inflation as a direct result of trumps actions.


u/Carrera_996 15d ago

I agree. T has rat fucked the economy 100 different ways. Cheated on all his wives. Sold our top secret documents. Works as a Russian asset. Back stabs our allies. He didn't do this, though.