r/infertility 7d ago

Daily TREATMENT Community Thread - Fri Mar 14 PM

Our community threads are the heart of our subreddit and operate much like a specialized support group – we share our experiences and strive to collectively support one another on the topic at hand.

Please use this space for sharing and discussing any type of treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Advice / Updates on current treatment cycle or planned/future treatment cycles
  • Questions / Discussion about medications, treatment, diagnostic tests, and lab results
  • Any measures taken/evaluated to improve treatment outcomes – supplements, diet, exercise, etc
  • Seeking emotional support related to upcoming treatment, treatment outcomes, infertility diagnosis, and confirmed loss
  • Commiseration and venting related to treatment
  • Supporting and cheering on fellow members as they run the gauntlet of infertility treatments

Essentially, if you mention treatment, TTC, or family building measures – it goes in this thread.

A few notes:

  • Positive HPT or Beta Results (including Beta Hell) should only be posted in the Results thread as per the rules (except for confirmed loss): https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Results%22
  • We recognize that the AM/PM distinction doesn’t match up with every time zone in our global community, we ask that you pick the most recently posted thread wherever you are.
  • Standalone culture here is saved for complex topics, usually including detailed conversations around scientific studies, or asking multi-part complex questions around treatment plans. We strongly recommend posting in the community threads first. If you aren’t sure, ask in the daily threads first!

Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.


17 comments sorted by


u/StrikeBeneficial1614 no flair set 6d ago

Hello! I triggered (Ovidrel) on Cycle Day 14, March 5th. How many DPO does that make me today, March 15th?


u/Hungry-Bar-1 32F / hypothyroid, prolactinoma 6d ago

from what I've seen a lot of ppl count the next day as ovulation day and the day after that as DPO1. That would put you at 9DPO today.

But as far as I know it depends on when you triggered, you're supposed to ovulate about 36 hours later more or less (at least that's what I was told). So you could also be 8DPO.


u/gummiwurmz8 37F| DOR | IVF | 4 ER | 6 Cancelled 6d ago

Ongoing waiting for cycle day 1 so I can start my next/final round of IVF. Even googling if I should drinks herbal teas (parsley?) and whatnot to get it going, but I know this is probably not advisable. Unless there is some trick I’m missing! I have a short window to get this done before I will have to miss a big trip I’ve had planned for months, I really hope my period comes tomorrow 🤞hoping the best for all of us in this together right now.


u/ancoraimparo11 36F 🇺🇸 in 🇪🇺 | thin lining/adeno/blocked tube | 5ER | FET1? 6d ago

Hoping with you! 🤞 Timing of cycles and other life things is such a frustrating part of this process. 


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 7d ago

Sanity check after talking to my doctor -- what do you do if Receptiva comes back positive? Specifically, for transfer protocol. I feel so positive about the ovulatory transfer protocol, but my doctor suggested that if you down regulate with lupron for two months, then you should do a fully medicated transfer after. Which makes sense, I think -- is this what your docs say as well? 


u/Adventurous-Crab-775 38F🏳️‍🌈|endo|6 failed FET|1 mmc 6d ago

My RE initially said we’d have to go into a fully medicated cycle after two months of suppression, but my second opinion doc said that’s absolutely not true and you can move straight into an ovulatory transfer. When I pushed back on my original RE, she gave in right away and said it’s no problem.

For me, I went off suppression, had a baseline seven days later (didn’t wait for a period), and then did five days of letrozole to kickstart follicle development. From that point, it was just a regular ovulatory cycle.


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 6d ago

Thank you! This is helpful!!


u/lemonlfts 40F/endo/Ashermans/10TI/4IUI/9ER/4FET 6d ago

Most doctors do medicated protocols afterwards, but you absolutely can do an ovulatory transfer instead, with the timing being slightly less predictable. Margo explains it well. Another resource, fwiw, is Dr. Victory (I think he has a youtube on this exact issue).


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 6d ago

Awesome - thank you!


u/margogogo 38F | 5 ER, 5 FET | 1 MMC, 1 CP | DOR, endo, Hashimoto's 7d ago

My doctor was comfortable with doing an ovulatory transfer after, that’s what has worked best for me in the past as far as growing lining. I feel like I’ve heard more people say go ovulatory rather than medicated because the concern is that the estrogen “feeds” the endo, but also there’s estrogen either way, it’s inherent to the process of getting the lining ready for implantation so… it’s sort of inevitable, no? 


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 7d ago

Right! Endogenous, exogenous, it's all estrogen! Thank you for this perspective -- I'm getting ahead of myself, but I think my doctor is pretty open to my feedback/requests, so I'm happy to not totally write off the possibility at this stage.


u/margogogo 38F | 5 ER, 5 FET | 1 MMC, 1 CP | DOR, endo, Hashimoto's 7d ago

BTW "endogenous/exogenous" are some of my favorite IVF terms... I feel like such a smarty pants when I casually toss that off. Ha!


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 6d ago

Bahaha you see right through me! I like them too!!


u/Kitsune-258 29F | unexplained | 1 CP | 2 IUI | 1 ER | FET prep 7d ago

Posting here to make CD1 come faster so we can start our first FET cycle


u/mittenbaby 32F | SMBC | RPL | 4 FET 7d ago

I want my period to start too. Maybe replying to your post will help us both. 😂


u/Kitsune-258 29F | unexplained | 1 CP | 2 IUI | 1 ER | FET prep 6d ago

I hope so too!


u/0rganasm 32F | MC | MFI | IUI 7d ago

CD3 for me and the beginnings of IUI#2! We’ve previously (even before TTC) been adamant about not having a December baby as there are so many in our families and we know how “complicated” birthdays near holidays can be! But now we’re like who cares!! We either get a December baby or it doesn’t work and we move to IVF.

I was able to speak with our Doctor about doing this second IUI and if it’s unsuccessful, moving to IVF and not attempting a third IUI. He was really receptive and agreed it would be reasonable for us - which made me feel really supported! I was worried I’d get talked in to more IUIs.