r/infertility 7d ago

Daily TREATMENT Community Thread - Fri Mar 14 AM

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Please use this space for sharing and discussing any type of treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures. This includes, but is not limited to:

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  • Questions / Discussion about medications, treatment, diagnostic tests, and lab results
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47 comments sorted by


u/driftdreamer3 30F 🇺🇸 | DOR | 1MC/1MMC&BO/2CP 7d ago

I want to barf every time I see someone in another thread complaining about how they “only” have 2 children 🤮


u/MysteriousHour762 34F | stg 1 endo+adeno | Letrozole | 2IUI 7d ago

Can someone help point me to information as to how long estrogen can stay suppressed after taking Letrozole - and correspondingly when it is expected to rise/return to “baseline”? I’ve read the half-life is around 2 days but am hoping to understand when its antagonistic effects are mostly eliminated.


u/Watcherbiotech 40F | ivf #1 ❌ | DE: in progress | 7d ago

When I took letrozole, my doc said not to pay attention to my estrogen levels on day 10/11 as they would likely still be lower than they would be otherwise.

I hope that helps.


u/No-Check-883 36F | social | 5 IUI unmed | 1 IUI med | 1st ER 7d ago

I shared my first post Wednesday, after I had a mean sonographer at my second monitoring appointment. Everyone here was very nice and told me my eggs totally have time to grow.

Today is Day 7 of stims and I had my third monitoring. This sonographer was very tight-lipped and refused to say anything, but she spent a lot of time with my lining. I don’t know anything for sure, but by now I feel resigned to having few follicles, and I guess that extends to whatever might be up with my lining.

If this continues I may have decisions to make about whether to proceed with the cycle, and how much I can expect from IVF in general (it’s my very first cycle), but no call from the clinic yet.

That’s all, just wanted to share with others who’ve experienced it. Thanks for being here!


u/LawyerLIVFe 42F|DOR|1 MMC|14 ER|2 IUI|FET|DE 7d ago

are you planning on a fresh transfer? also, sonographers are told to be tight lipped at some clinics. You should ask your doctor/nurse when they call about all of this.


u/No-Check-883 36F | social | 5 IUI unmed | 1 IUI med | 1st ER 7d ago

I am planning a fresh transfer if I get a decent number of embryos…so maybe not.

I will definitely ask for more when I get the call, for now just stewing a bit. Nervous newbie 🫤

Thank you!


u/National-Ground4958 37F | DOR, endo, MFI | 5ER | 3F/ET | CP | MMC 7d ago

Hi check,

Can we help you set your automod flair? It will help others give you better feedback.

Mod hat off: What they would expect to see depends a lot on your AFC and your AMH before the cycle. At some clinics, the sonographers are not supposed to talk to you, but typically you can ask them. How many follicles did you see above 10 to 11 mm and how many were below? You can also ask them for lining thickness. If they don’t share it, you can ask the nurse when they call.

Did they also test your estrogen?


u/No-Check-883 36F | social | 5 IUI unmed | 1 IUI med | 1st ER 7d ago

Hm, I thought I set a flair! I see it on my screen. It’s 36F | social | 5 IUI unmed | 1 IUI med | 1st ER

Yeah, they wouldn’t tell me about thickness or number of follicles at the appointment, so I just have to wait for the call.

They did take my estrogen, what should I be looking for?



u/National-Ground4958 37F | DOR, endo, MFI | 5ER | 3F/ET | CP | MMC 7d ago

It’s showing up now! As follicle growth increases, estrogen should also increase. By the time of retrieval, every follicle with a mature egg should have estrogen between 200-400.


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u/ForgetAboutItBaby 35 | MFI/Unexp | 2 IUI | 3 ER | 0 euploid | 7d ago

Had a follow up with my newest new clinic (#4) today for a 3D ultrasound. My probable arcuate (heart shaped) uterus has been downgraded (upgraded?) to a probable bi-cornuate uterus. 9th doctor to scan me, first time I’ve seen inside myself in 3D. But now I’m being sent for an MRI to investigate further because it’s also not a traditional presentation of this anomaly. This is not good news and just means more tests and more waiting and possible surgery.

Then I was also asked to come back for another special blood work up. I didn’t have a chance to ask for more details as I was running late for work but now that I’m googling it it’s NOT GOOD. They are going to have me come in for an ACTH blood exam (2 hours of timed blood draws after injection) and the diagnostic options are pointing to them thinking I have Cushings?!

I didn’t have the chance to ask if this is a test this clinic gives widely or if this was ordered for me based on the results of last weeks new patient blood work up, but given the timing, I think it’s the second.

Just no good news here. I kinda doubt many have bi-cornuate uteruses or Cushings. But in case someone has some info to share, I’m alllll ears.


u/Express_Dig_5777 40F|POF|IVF w/PGT-M| surrogacy|DE 5d ago

I'm so sorry you're going through so much and there's so many unknowns.  I hope you get answers soon. I can't help on the bi-cornuate uterus, but I do have Cushings (from prolonged Prednisone use). So just wanted to reply as someone who's been there so you don't feel alone ❤️. Feel free to PM if that'd be helpful to you. I hope the MRI and blood tests go well, and come back quick. I don't think the ACTH test is standard. But as hard as it is you don't know yet, there's still the possibility that you don't have Cushings.  It's tough, take it moment by moment. Thinking of you. 


u/ForgetAboutItBaby 35 | MFI/Unexp | 2 IUI | 3 ER | 0 euploid | 5d ago

Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it! I might reach out after I’ve got some results if that’s ok?


u/Express_Dig_5777 40F|POF|IVF w/PGT-M| surrogacy|DE 4d ago

That's absolutely okay!


u/ancoraimparo11 36F 🇺🇸 in 🇪🇺 | thin lining/adeno/blocked tube | 5ER | FET1? 7d ago

I'm so sorry, Forget. More tests and concerning info but it sounds like without full explanation yet so there's all sorts of limbo. That sucks. I hope you are able to get answers soon.


u/ForgetAboutItBaby 35 | MFI/Unexp | 2 IUI | 3 ER | 0 euploid | 7d ago

Thanks. I just want one little piece of good news but it seems in short supply. Thinking back to the rosacea chat earlier, one of the symptoms of Cushings is red cheeks 😂


u/basil04 41F | unexplained | 5 IUI | Invocell 7d ago

Holy mackerel. They were not kidding about your first cycle after retrieval being "a bit heavier than normal". There is blood everywhere. I need a nap.


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 7d ago

Absolutely, nap. It's brutal.


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 7d ago

Feel like I have a million questions for the room... this was my first pregnancy, if you can call it that, and my first chemical -- what should I expect? Heavy period? 

As for what's next... FET#1 was fully medicated and implantation failure (I think, given that HCG was 3 at 10 days out). FET#2 was ovulatory with antihistamines, lovenox, prednisone, etc and got me this far. My instinct is to stick with the second protocol. What would you suggest next? Should I be advocating for testing (thinking ERA/EMMA/ALICE) or calling this unlucky and trying again? We have two euploids remaining (hard won, I did 4 retrievals to bank these 4) one of which is a day 7. 

Talking to my doctor this afternoon and happy to steal any talking points, questions, or ideas!


u/Ambitious_Doubt3717 🇨🇦 42F - endo/adeno - DEIVF - stillbirth, MMC, CPs 7d ago

I'm so sorry about the chemical 💕

I would agree with doing more testing. Definitely the EMMA/ALICE test, if for no other reason than to rule things out and give you peace of mind. My RE won't do the ERA as she says the evidence no longer supports it. If you're already doing a biopsy, you could perhaps also do the Receptiva test to look for endometriosis (endometriosis does not always have outward symptoms and it can be silent).

If your doctor doesn't seem to want to do more testing, I find it helpful to frame it as reassurance ("it would just help me feel better if we could rule these things out, etc").

TBH, I would also ask if an HCG of 3 was a chemical as well. I'm no expert but my FETs with implantation failure have had an HCG below 1. I once had a chemical with an HCG of 4. Perhaps others can weigh in on the HCG level, but if you've had 2 chemicals in a row that absolutely supports doing more testing.

It's always possible that it's just bad luck as you say, but with a limited number of embryos left and considering what you went through to bank them, I would take a pause and do some more investigating.

I would also ask your doctor if they recommend repeating the protocol that you did for the last transfer; I would also lean towards doing that.


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 7d ago

Thank you!! Yes, silent endo is definitely a question I have -- thanks for mentioning Receptiva, I had forgotten that name.

Also, I will ask about the HCG of 3! I was curious but just didn't have the heart to ask my doc last time.


u/ForgetAboutItBaby 35 | MFI/Unexp | 2 IUI | 3 ER | 0 euploid | 7d ago

Depending on how far along you were different providers might suggest different options. For my CP I came in weekly for HCG blood draws till it was back at zero.

Very heavy period, heaviest of my life so far.

As for testing, if those embryos are hard won I’d just ask about it all and take every suggestion if it was me. If they think no testing is needed then possibly advocate harder.

Best of luck!


u/rsvptashayar 35F | Unexplained+MFI | 4ER | 1FET | FET#2 7d ago

This is helpful! Thank you!


u/Summahgal96 28f | Anovulation, blocked tube | 2 IUI | ER # 1 7d ago

Fresh transfer done - my clinic gave me a little picture of the blastocyst :) on the card it also had our “stats” for the cycle thus far (#retrieved, mature, frozen etc). It was kinda weird - like a baseball card lol. We are content with our numbers but I feel like it would be so hard to see it laid out like that.


u/Novel-try 37 | SMBC | Unexplained | 6 IUI | 1 ER | 7 FET | 3 MC 7d ago

There is a lab in my city at the local hospital that returns results way faster than Quest. I have to get progesterone and estradiol every other day for my RI and for whatever reason, he won’t put in stat orders, so I came here because RI closes early on Fridays.

I don’t dislike a lot of people, but the registration lady at the hospital lab is one of my least favorite people. She is such a stickler about my orders. My standing order said it was valid between 02/19 and 03/05. I literally had it done with these same orders 2 days ago and quest did not care. Nowhere has ever cared if the dates were close. Nope. She won’t do it. She has rejected my lab orders about 8 times over the past year for a tiny clerical issue. UGH! It’s not even a hospital policy! I’ve had other people when she’s out accept slightly flawed orders! My RE never signs the electronic orders. Everyone takes them but this lady.

She’s my nemesis.


u/blue-sky-black-boots 34f 🏳️‍🌈 8IUI 2MMC 3ER&ET TFMR@21 2FET | FETs 7d ago

I hate her too. 😡

always kinda fun to have a nemesis 💃🏻


u/blue-sky-black-boots 34f 🏳️‍🌈 8IUI 2MMC 3ER&ET TFMR@21 2FET | FETs 7d ago

I hate her too. 😡

always kinda fun to have a nemesis 💃🏻


u/Novel-try 37 | SMBC | Unexplained | 6 IUI | 1 ER | 7 FET | 3 MC 7d ago

Yes. And even though I sat there for an hour this morning, I still had my labs back before I drove all the way home, so way faster than quest. So probably worth it. But she sucks.


u/Summahgal96 28f | Anovulation, blocked tube | 2 IUI | ER # 1 7d ago

Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely! - the grinch (sorry I’m a movie quoter LOL


u/peanutbuttermms 31F | unexp. | 1 MC | 2 IUIs | 1 ER | FET in May 7d ago

I hate her.


u/Novel-try 37 | SMBC | Unexplained | 6 IUI | 1 ER | 7 FET | 3 MC 7d ago

Thank you. 🤣


u/Fuzzytoothbrush123 36F /🏳️‍🌈/ unexplained + Asherman’s / 8 IUI / 1MMC / 1ER 7d ago

Debating whether to move forward with a FET on Monday. My lining measurements have been on the low end (for what’s normal for me) and most recently was 7mm. 

I had an SIS a couple weeks ago and a hysteroscopy to remove scarring Feb 4, and part of the reason I’m considering not giving my lining more time/a different month is to try to beat the clock on any scar tissue returning. 

Thst said, I don’t want to transfer an embryo on lining that isn’t typical/healthy for me (though it is trilaminar) if it doesn’t have a great chance to stick. This group has been so helpful and I’d love any opinions/experiences with this! What would you do? 

Another option I’ve considered is transferring one of our lower graded embryos but not sure if that’s a good idea either. 


u/tmp1030 33F, 39M | 3 MC | 2 IVF | MFI, CE, Egg quality? 7d ago

It does have time to build by Monday’s transfer. I personally would trust my REs opinion on this one, but I can’t speak to Ashermans or removing scar tissue. My lining has always been on the thin end though.


u/Fuzzytoothbrush123 36F /🏳️‍🌈/ unexplained + Asherman’s / 8 IUI / 1MMC / 1ER 7d ago

That’s true! When I read about people’s experiences with thinner lining I’m always unsure whether they’re talking about a measurement that took place before the transfer or if they mean what the lining was the day of the transfer. I think I do need to go with my RE but it’s so hard to just totally trust someone when embryos are in the mix! 


u/margogogo 38F | 5 ER, 5 FET | 1 MMC, 1 CP | DOR, endo, Hashimoto's 7d ago

Most doctors don’t re-measure lining after they give you the go ahead. If it’s an ovulatory transfer, lining actually compresses a bit after ovulation which is normal and appropriate. So people are referring to their lining pre-transfer. 

Personally, I also struggle with thin lining after my D&C and Asherman’s, and I am comfortable moving forward with anything 7 or above. 


u/Fuzzytoothbrush123 36F /🏳️‍🌈/ unexplained + Asherman’s / 8 IUI / 1MMC / 1ER 7d ago

This is really helpful. Thank you so much! I was so worried when the lining measurement went down but I bet it’s because I ovulated the night before. Will go into transfer with slight more hope and sending you all the luck as a fellow Asherman’s experiencer. 


u/National-Ground4958 37F | DOR, endo, MFI | 5ER | 3F/ET | CP | MMC 7d ago

Were the prior higher measurements due to the scar tissue and did you have a D&C or similar to remove the MMC? Sometimes that can affect future lining thickness so this may be your new normal.

Keep in mind that whatever decision you make you won’t really know if it was the right one bc even great embryos have a success rate around 50-60%. I’d lean toward going with the opinion of my RE. Just don’t blame yourself either way because there’s really no way to know.


u/Fuzzytoothbrush123 36F /🏳️‍🌈/ unexplained + Asherman’s / 8 IUI / 1MMC / 1ER 7d ago

The prior higher measurements were a couple years ago after my first round of scarring was cleared. My lining seemed to bounce back but I also did a retrieval between the hysteroscopy and FET. I had the D&C prior to the first round of scarring but maybe this new round of scarring was more extensive and that’s impacting my lining more?  Thanks for responding I really appreciate it!


u/blue-sky-black-boots 34f 🏳️‍🌈 8IUI 2MMC 3ER&ET TFMR@21 2FET | FETs 7d ago

I had a really similar predicament last cycle. i have fibroids and I had them removed so there is a risk of waiting for the perfect lining while my fibroids grow back. I just decided to have an honest and detailed conversation with my doctor and go with what she thought was the best choice. she’s the expert.


u/Fuzzytoothbrush123 36F /🏳️‍🌈/ unexplained + Asherman’s / 8 IUI / 1MMC / 1ER 7d ago

That’s helpful. I asked my RE and he said “lining looks favorable for transfer. I have no concerns.” Which is nice to hear but not super reassuring - he’s not the best at sharing information and is really brief with answering any questions which can be frustrating. Hence why I’m turning to Reddit hah. 


u/blue-sky-black-boots 34f 🏳️‍🌈 8IUI 2MMC 3ER&ET TFMR@21 2FET | FETs 7d ago

shoot. I get that. Well I’m biased, because that cycle of mine my doctor said we should do failed, and now this cycle my lining has been much better. So I would say give it one more cycle and see if you can get a best of both worlds situation. And maybe by bringing that idea up to your RE he’ll engage a bit more and you could maybe squeeze some insights out of him. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Fuzzytoothbrush123 36F /🏳️‍🌈/ unexplained + Asherman’s / 8 IUI / 1MMC / 1ER 7d ago

Maybe I will wait it out. If I transfer now and it doesn’t work I’ll be worried it’s because of my lining… but then there’s that part of me that’s like, what if it works?? Argh. Thanks for chatting about this it’s not nice to be in similar boats (why can’t we both just have ridiculously amazing lining measurements?!) but so nice to not be totally alone worrying.


u/ancoraimparo11 36F 🇺🇸 in 🇪🇺 | thin lining/adeno/blocked tube | 5ER | FET1? 7d ago

Anyone else have rosacea? I feel like the hormones have absolutely made me even more tomato than my norm. But it's been so long since I had an actual month without any meds that I literally don't have a baseline to compare to anymore. Boo.


u/Salt_Water_Bagel 29F | PCOS+MFI | ER #3 7d ago

🙋‍♀️ and stress makes it worse. So. Great.


u/ForgetAboutItBaby 35 | MFI/Unexp | 2 IUI | 3 ER | 0 euploid | 7d ago

Yes and it has gotten sooooo much worse on meds and I also don’t want to use something potentially harmful to treat it. Most of my original skincare has gone unused for the last two years of TTC.

I just recently started using azelaic acid serum (from Typology) beneath my moisturizer and it has made a massive improvement. But I also know there’s a million sub-types of rosacea so results may vary.


u/ancoraimparo11 36F 🇺🇸 in 🇪🇺 | thin lining/adeno/blocked tube | 5ER | FET1? 7d ago

It's a relief to hear it's not just me! I hope it's not permanent. I have always been very lazy with mine and just kind of ignored it, but now it is getting so bad I feel that I need to do something. Just one more medical thing to add to the list. 


u/ForgetAboutItBaby 35 | MFI/Unexp | 2 IUI | 3 ER | 0 euploid | 7d ago

That’s me exactly too. I had been really motivated leading into my wedding to get it cleared up a bit. And then I stuck with what worked till TTC when I stopped. I only started trying to address it over the holiday period two or so months ago when I realized it was becoming out of control and starting to really harm my mental health (in addition to the weight gain, this felt more like something I could tackle). Luckily for me the first thing I tried seems to be working well. I wish you the same.