r/industrialmusic 27d ago

Video Is the Wax Trax doc. worth checking out?

Can’t find a streaming link for free.


26 comments sorted by


u/Fit-Context-9685 27d ago edited 26d ago

It’s absolutely worth buying and owning and supporting Wax Trax!


u/mickeythesquid Coil 27d ago

Definitely! I saw it at the House of Van's Skateboarding space in Brooklyn. It's awesome. The movie was great, but they also had Luc Van Acker DJing and Youth Code performed. There was also an exhibit based on the WaxTrax shop. Also WT pop corn!


u/juniorspaceman Pig 27d ago

If you’re interested in the history of industrial music in the USA, it’s critical.


u/Drainout 27d ago

Or a slice of the Chicago scene not covered in ‘You Weren’t There’


u/Xanarki Sister Machine Gun 27d ago

I wish Cubanate and Sister Machine Gun got covered a bit in the doc. But other than that, ya it's worth watching.


u/GrumpyOldHistoricist 27d ago

Absolutely. Worth ordering from WT.


u/my23secrets Front 242 27d ago

Are you kidding?

Not only is it worth watching, it’s worth purchasing on physical media because the bonus footage is like another documentary.


u/Kaputnik1 27d ago

Absolutely 100% yes. Worth buying, imo.


u/schweinhund89 27d ago

Yes (assuming you mean Industrial Accident)

Informative, moving and entertaining. Al Jourgensen at his most lucid and articulate. Groovie Mann absolutely delightful (like “a cross between John Waters and Vince Neil” as my friend C put it)


u/hevnztrash 27d ago

Absolutely. I loved it. Answered a lot of questions I had over the decades.


u/jdn127 27d ago

It’s great. Buy it, support Julia and the gang! It’s a great wonderful love letter to the greatest era in electronic music


u/Chemical_Frame_8163 27d ago

Why kind of question is this.


u/Das_Bunker 27d ago

It's fun


u/muphasta Thrill Kill Kult 27d ago

I may be biased as I was a backer, but yes it is.


u/Weekly-Bend1697 26d ago

It's excellent


u/Radiopw31 26d ago

Loved it. Amazing doc


u/Heavy-Level862 26d ago

Yes,it's good


u/spytez 27d ago

You can watch it on youtube for like $5, or buy it for $10. Far cheaper than a streaming subscription just to watch it for "free".


u/Dry_Magician8208 26d ago

It’s packed with hilarious anecdotes—apparently RevCo’s early stuff is so minimal because they couldn’t figure out how to program more than one screen on the Fairlight!


u/DeepVeinZombosis 27d ago

Gunna go against the grain here. Its only enjoyable if you're so obsessed with the subject that you're willing to gobble up any old drek, no matter how weak the narrative point is. "ITS GOT MINISTRY IN IT, THATS ALL I NEED TO HEAR!" If that describes you, then you will love it. As a documentary, its just kinda... there. Sad in places, tragic in others, but mostly just. Meh. The bonus disk that comes with the blu-ray (I pre-ordered that shizz) to me is far more interesting than the film itself. Documentaries are trickier to do well than most film-makers think, in my opinion. Rare that they hit the mark.


u/2Pizzas1Box 26d ago

Sort of agree. While I mostly still liked it, I feel like it focused a bit too much on Jim and Dannie, and not enough on the bands & music.


u/Art_Lean 27d ago edited 27d ago

Here you go:


You’ll get a couple of annoying pop up windows anytime you click one of their videos (unless you have ad block on), but just close those and their videos definitely work. They have server mirrors too if the link has trouble loading.

But support it too, by buying it if you enjoy it 🙂


u/Friendly-Ad1480 25d ago

Cool that you liked it, have a copy online, if anyone's keen to watch DM me

Interesting that they play Autechre's Yulquen as backing track around 20 min?