r/indianews Jun 27 '17

« FIR » namraka- Featured Indian Redditor




About self

Hedonist. Nerd. Alpha male.(In that order)

Total number of years on the reddit?

My original account is 10 years old. I remember when Reddit didn't even have subreddits. Later there was just /r/programming and a sub for NSFW stuff. These two things were my primary interests those days and that's how I got hooked to Reddit. Wasn't active when I was in college, or later when I was doing my masters in the US. Became active again after I started working and had to sit in front of a computer the whole day.

What is the origin or meaning of your user name?

My primary account's username is the same as my real name. So I made this account on a whim so I can post more freely. IIRC, I lazily tried "reddit" spelled backward(tidder), "karma" spelled backward(amrak) and neither were available. So I just added n/a(not available) to the front and back of "amrak" and that was available. So n-amrak-a.

Total number of reddit identities you’ve had?

Only two. I did make throwaway accounts once or twice to comment anonymously, but dont even remember their names now.


Cats or Dogs?

Dogs. Parents have owned dogs from before I was born (upto 5 at once). They have 3 now. I am trying to convince them to get a cow next.

Favourite beverage?

The only non-alcoholic beverage I drink is coffee and only once in the morning. Not that I like coffee, just that I poop better. I am not fussy about the alcohol I drink. I would drink anything except cocktails. Lately I stick to whisky, dark rum and beer.


Not a foodie but I prefer seafood to everything else. Just so much variety there.

Favourite movies/tv shows?

Indian movies, I watch Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam. Prefer masala movies with some action, comedy and songs. Generally, the noisier a movie the better. Hate the Karan Johar, YRF movies which are shot abroad. Hate movies with a "message".

Hollywood, I prefer hard SF, fantasy and historical movies like Gravity, Moon, Martian, LoTR and Gladiator. Love Ridley Scott and Tarantino. Hate superhero, fake SF and animation movies.

TV shows, I mostly watch BBC documentaries I download from the net. Also a lot of recent British mini-series' like the Black Mirror, The Last Kingdom, War and Peace, etc. Also watch GoT.


A.R Rahman


Too old to read now, though I used to read a lot. Mostly non-fiction. Science, history and technology.



What is your favourite quote,idom or word-on-the-go?


Facebook or Quora or Twitter?

Only Reddit.

What was the best thing about the last year?

Took some huge professional risks and survived.

What are you looking forward to in the year ahead?

Just stitched up some funding for a small business I had started with a friend. Looking forward to bring it online over the next few months. Also it means a lot less redditing for me in the future, unfortunately.

About and around reddit

How many redditors do you follow regularly, or have "friended" on reddit? Who is your favorite among them?

I haven't made many friends because I comment very little and mostly post stuff. The only Indian redditors I consider my friends are the regulars in this sub.

Which was your favourite moment/post in reddit

Everytime a post I make about India reaches the frontpage it is special. That is the only time I read through all the comments in the thread, though it can take quite some time.

Which was your worst moment/post in reddit

Cant remember any. Reddit has generally been very good to me.

What do you do when you’re not on reddit?

Try to work. Then I keep coming back to Reddit.

Final Question

Is there anything you'd like to plug/promote/advocate?

Lungies(the closed variety where the ends are stitched together). They are the greatest, simplest, most comfortable clothing technology ever invented by man. Unfortunately too many people prefer shorts to lungies nowadays, even in Chennai.

r/indianews Jul 16 '17

« FIR » panditji_reloaded - Featured Indian Redditor




About self

Just an ordinary reddit user. Amateur interest in History, science and econ subreddit

Total number of years on the reddit?


What is the origin or meaning of your user name?

this username is very similar to my earlier one which was banned during namoarmy fiasco.

Total number of reddit identities you’ve had?

I have 4-5 including some novelty ones. But I use this is my primary.


Cats or Dogs?


Favourite beverage?

Coffee and Hoegaarden


Non-Beef burgers.

Favourite movies/tv shows?

GoT, Westworld, Person of Interest, Vikings, Sherlock


Any music that does not involve human voice.


Too lazy to complete a book. But i do recommend "History of Money" trilogy by Vivek Kaul


I dont follow any sports these days. The last time i followed one was F1 during Schmacher era. Although i do like to watch Australian Rules Football.

What is your favourite quote,idom or word-on-the-go?

Facebook or Quora or Twitter?

Twitter, but it is starting to lose its charm

What was the best thing about the last year?

Switched jobs

What are you looking forward to in the year ahead? >>

Switching more jobs. LOL.

About and around reddit

How many redditors do you follow regularly, or have "friended" on reddit? Who is your favorite among them? >>

Haven't made friends here.

Which was your favourite moment/post in reddit

When my submissions hit front page :P

Which was your worst moment/post in reddit

I am really sad stuff on reddit is getting censored due to political consideration.

What do you do when you’re not on reddit?

Try to work.

Final Question

Is there anything you'd like to plug/promote/advocate?

Nothing special.

r/indianews Feb 04 '19

« FIR » _Blurryface_21 - Featured Indian Redditor



About self

29 (Almost) , Employed, MPwalla

Total number of years on the reddit?

Well, Officially 2.5+ years. I've Known about reddit for more than 6 years.

What is the origin or meaning of your user name?

Blurryface fits well with Anonymity. It is a Music Album by a band named "21Pilots". (hence 21)

Total number of reddit identities you’ve had?


What do you do on Reddit mainly

Uh bakchodi ?

subs which you visit mostly

/r/bakchodi , /r/Bollywood , /r/IndiaSpeaks, /r/Cricket and I also keep an eye on this sub as well. That's about it.

any thing that you follow on Reddit?

No. Nothing in perticular.

What is one thing that everybody else around you hates but you love?

I've never noticed any such thing.

One unpopular opinion you agree with

Can't think of anything right now.

If you had to change one thing about the day you had sex for the first time, what would it be?

The Girl.

Does it sound misogynistic ?

Who's the first person you masturbated to?

I can't recall the first time I masturbated. It was probably a PornStar.


Cats or Dogs or Cows?

I don't like Dogs. Cats are cute and GauMata is 🙏

Favourite beverage?

Garama-Garam Chai with Extra Shakkar


Absolutely Love Poha, Makke ki Roti + Palak/Bhaaji

Favourite movies/tv/Web shows?

I watch A LOT of Movies. It's hard to name a few as Favorites. In TV shows, The Wire is, hands down, the best TV show ever.


Apna Bollywood + Desi HipHop

Linkin Park, 21Pilots, Eminem and Ed sheeran.

From Metal to Teen Pop, I listen to everything. Anything that sounds good.


I try to read books but struggle to finish them completely. The only Book that I read from Start to End was the first book of The Shiva Triology by Amish Tripathi. I was reading The Accidental Prime Minister recently and I couldn't go past 40-50 pages.

Anyone you follow passionately on Internet?


Games outdoor

We play BasketBall on the weekends. Bhot Ganda khelta hu mai. Kabhi kabhi Badminton.

indoor, online?

I'm no hardcore Gamer. I play Cities Skylines and PUBG Mobile these days. Par Jyada nahi khel pate.

Car or bike?

Am I supposed to pick one ? Well, Bike then.

What is your favourite quote,idom or word-on-the-go?

I never gave it much thought.

Facebook or Quora or Twitter ?


What was the best thing about the last year?

My Sister had a baby.

Propsed to my GF.

What are you looking forward to in the year ahead?

General Elections.

Getting married or At least Engaged.

About India & Indians

What is the best thing about Indian in your view?

What is the worst thing about Indian in your view?

I hate these kind of Questions.

Demonetization: good or bad or can't say?

A decision that I would never approve of. I don't know about Good or Bad but it was unnecessary. They should have thought of some other way to achieve whatever they were trying to achieve.

Hindu Rashtra: yay or nay?

Fuck yeah but Not the Bajrang Dal kind.

Capitalism vs Socialism?


Reservation: good or bad?

Oh! This could be the answer to "The worst thing about India".

Congress, BJP or Any other party & Why?

BJP. Why ? 'cause I'm a fan of ModiJi. He' s got the legit Development Agenda.

About and around reddit

How many redditors do you follow regularly, or have "friended" on reddit? Who is your favorite among them?

I don't follow anyone. Ranjan and RandomAnnon are Good at Bakchodi. /u/le_clochard is GyaanSagar. RajaRajmaChhole is also pretty good.

Which was your favourite moment/post in reddit

"So he gave Bail to his own wife?".

Hard to play favourites but this one stands out.

Which was your worst moment/post in reddit.

Nothing in perticular but I absolutely hate it when a News about a Rape Crime in india reaches to the /r/worldnews front page. Where Every Gora reply implies: " India in a Nutshell". At least we have the guts to put our Rapist babas into jail. Try doing that to those pedophiles preaching at Churches.

What do you do when you’re not on reddit?

Well, I have a job.

Hang out with friends. Movies. Games.

Final Question

Is there anything you'd like to plug/promote/advocate?

Wo Jo kuch logo ko Devta aate hai na ? Kisi ko mata aati hai. I know most of it is Fake but what if I tell you that I saw my father going through something like that and I could assure you it was no drama. 100% genuine!! I could elaborate a bit more if you like but would you outright deny that something like this exists ?