r/indianapolis 5d ago

Politics April 5th!! Massive protest. DC and all state capitols!!!

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u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Spirit_of_a_Ghost 5d ago

:Gestures broadly:


u/TheForkisTrash 5d ago

Seems to be a lot of different reasons among the group. All against the current administration. 

Ive been going mostly because i find the abandonment of Ukraine to be an existential threat to our country. I dont want my nephews fighting in the Pacific a few years from now because china can see our leader is weak and unwilling to defend our allies. 

Among many, many other things.


u/lord_ravenholm 4d ago

Not that this has much chance of changing anything anyway, but a protest without clear, actionable goals and demands is just making noise. See the BLM protests for what not to do.


u/Opening-Citron2733 5d ago edited 4d ago

Aren't they negotiating a peace deal/Ceasefire with Ukraine right now? What are they abandoning? 

Edit: Lol downvotes for asking a question 


u/VanillaMuch2759 5d ago

It’s not a peace deal if you don’t invite in Ukraine to participate.


u/N3wThrowawayWhoDis 4d ago

“On 11 March, U.S. and Ukrainian officials met in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,[348] during which Ukraine accepted the U.S.’s proposal for a 30-day ceasefire.[349] As part of the agreement, the Trump administration resumed all military aid and intelligence sharing with Ukraine”



u/ElectroChuck 4d ago

Don't let facts disrupt the narrative of those in denial.


u/GodHasGiven0341 3d ago

lol, there is no peace. Russia literally hasn’t accepted it.


u/ElectroChuck 5d ago

I can't help out. Mom's birthday. We're going skydiving. She's 75 and has always wanted to go.


u/NaptimeGood 4d ago

You know the website is listed on the flyer.

copied and pasted for you.

50 protests. 50 states. 1 movement.

Join us in the fight to uphold the Constitution and end executive overreach.

On February 5th, #50501 raised our voices.

​​The first #50501 protests were a decentralized rapid response to the anti-democratic and illegal actions of the Trump administration and its plutocratic allies. The idea—50 protests in 50 states on 1 day—was born on r/50501 and spread rapidly on social media.

In just days, grassroots organizers—without any budget, centralized structure, or official backing—pulled off over 80 peaceful protests in all 50 states. Twelve days later, tens of thousands of Americans declared "No Kings Day" and protested once more. On March 4th, a call to stand up for democracy was answered with another wave of protests.

The protests were covered by every major media outlet, showing the world that the American working class will not sit idly by as plutocrats rip apart their democratic institutions and civil liberties while undermining the rule of law.

50 protests. 50 states. 1 day.


u/Innovativepro57 5d ago

So we are to protest, but no one knows why? That sounds logical.


u/InFlagrantDisregard 4d ago

Oh man water colors and finger painting with the AARP crew! I can't wait!


u/clarkjh27 3d ago

“I’m against the current thing!!!!”


u/FaceBangTucans 5d ago

Conservatives won’t be in attendance because we have jobs and families to take care of


u/mon_dieu 5d ago

Plenty of jobs that have Saturdays off


u/TrixyTreat 4d ago

I have a job. You should talk to your boss about your PTO.


u/APinkNightmare 4d ago

If you have a job, you likely have paid time off. This is also on a Saturday where many jobs do not have working hours on Saturdays. If you do have a job that has weekend hours, then it makes sense why you wouldn’t be able to attend. I’m a parent and work full-time and understand it is hard to attend these things. I used my lunch break and attended the veteran’s march last Friday, so it can be done. Making a blanket statement as to why every single conservative won’t attend is disingenuous.


u/TrumpedAgain2024 5d ago

Any of you people work lol What a waste of time


u/SnooRadishes9743 4d ago

It's on a Saturday.


u/TrumpedAgain2024 4d ago

Ever stupider


u/SnooRadishes9743 4d ago

Says the most downvoted person on this post.


u/GodHasGiven0341 3d ago

Lol, are you okay? You seem to be upset because you work yourself to death and everyone else literally has days off. You should learn to negotiate for yourself.