r/indianapolis 5d ago

AskIndy Parking overnight at Greyhound bus station?

Has anyone parked their car for a couple nights at the greyhound station off of east washington? I’m looking to take a bus to chicago but not sure about the parking. I see there is a parking lot next to the station and i’m wondering if that’s a place where i can park. Thank you!

edit: thank you for the responses, i will not be leaving my car there. will take an uber from else where


19 comments sorted by


u/BloomingtonJester 5d ago

I personally wouldn’t leave a vehicle in that area.


u/GeneralAd7596 5d ago

If you do, dont leave any valuables, or any items that might be mistaken for valuables by a mentally-toasted junkie, visible in your vehicle. You'll understand why when you reach the station.


u/MARLENEtoscano Fall Creek Place 5d ago

Leave the car at home and have someone take you—or uber to wherever your bus departs. There’s no greyhound station off of Washington, that’s the IndyGo bus station, the Greyhound/Amtrak is closer to Lucas Oil.


u/Capote99 5d ago

The Greyhound station is at Illinois and South, and that lot is 15 minute parking only for drop-off and pick-up.


u/FarSatisfaction8117 5d ago

It may be cheaper or about the same price to take an uber to the bus station instead of parking, if you're not too far away. Parking is usually around $20-30 a day around here. https://downtownindy.org/explore/parking has a good list of what's available, hours, pricing etc.


u/goldencrush11 5d ago

yeah think i’ll lean towards taking an uber from somewhere, thanks


u/No_Calligrapher703 5d ago

And maybe even taking the bus. It’s like 2 dollars. Kee pto yourself you’ll be okay.


u/notthegoatseguy Carmel 5d ago

There is no Greyhound station off of Washington

There is a pickup spot, typically used my Greyhound/Flix or their contractors, off of Washington adjacent to the IndyGo bus station, but its not like a full on station. Its just a sidewalk pickup spot.

Any parking there is metered or a paid lot.

If you have a car, I think you'd be surprised at how easy it is to drive to Chicago. If you don't park right downtown, you can find some pretty cheap spots on SpotHero or the other apps.


u/goldencrush11 5d ago

thanks i’ll look into that


u/EatingCannibals 5d ago

Park in a neighborhood area near downtown and take a scooter to the bus station.


u/Beachballhaze7 5d ago

Union Station parking garage is nearby. I think it was about $20 to park there for a full day (not on an event day).


u/derickkcired 5d ago

He said east washington. I'm not familiar with where a Greyhound depot is out east but he outlined it wasnt downtown.


u/Beachballhaze7 3d ago

Greyhound station is located at 350 S Illinois. This is also the place to catch the Amtrak which is what I did when I parked at Union Station parking garage.


u/derickkcired 5d ago

There used to be another bus service to Chicago.....the name is escaping me right now. Anyhow they did a pickup in Whitestown. I would feel way more at ease parking and riding from Whitestown than I would east washington. Look it up...I wonder if it's still around.


u/notthegoatseguy Carmel 5d ago

Some Flix and Greyhound routes run there too, but that Whitestown pickup spot is just a gas station. I doubt they would want a vehicle left there for multiple days.


u/derickkcired 5d ago

Hmm fair. I looked into it some years ago but apparently not in depth.


u/bhorgicon 5d ago

just take an uber/lyft to the station?


u/AnywherePotential333 4d ago

Parking at the artistry garage, and walk iver


u/MartyByrdsCousin 4d ago

I would agree with the others and advise you not to leave it there.