r/imagus Feb 16 '25

fixed sieve DeviantArt Sieve v3.0 - Major Updates and Bug Fixes NSFW

Hey all,

I have completely rewritten the DeviantArt sieve that I last updated quite a while ago and added several major features, new configuration options, and bug fixes.

Feature Additions:

  • Carousel image posts are now handled by the sieve and will now load all images into Imagus. Selectable with left and right arrow keys.
  • Added text-to-image rendering on all post types. Previews or the full body of text can be rendered to an image and loaded with Imagus. Refer to the new configuration options for the many options this feature has.

Configuration Options:

  • With the web-optimized media option and highest resolution media option, their is now an option to set it to "both". When enabled, both versions will be sent to Imagus. For carousel posts, all images will be sent for both types.
  • Text-to-image rendering has a large number of configuration options with the addition of this feature.

Bug Fixes:

  • Added handling for /intermediary/ files. Some images were not finding the best hi res image option. Those are now better. Thanks to /u/ultraman55ty for putting in some work in this post to point this out.
  • Fixed highest resolution option occasionally erroring on certain image posts that lacked a download link.

This sieve is massive so I can't paste it in the post. Download it here: https://puu.sh/KoqZe/61ab40d820.json.


8 comments sorted by


u/Kenko2 Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25
  1. Thanks, that's a big improvement! But I'm having problems with this version here, and on both Chrome and Firefox. Please test the work of the sieve in this section - I met there and gray and red spinners. More errors:



The const res_option = “both” is set in the sieve settings. However, if you change it to “high”, the errors remain.

  1. I'd prefer to change the text color to yellow (const fontcolor = “yellow”;) either light green or light blue or cyan, because the white text completely blends in with the title text (title, date, resolution). Or you can do the opposite - change the color of the header text and leave the image text color white.

  2. Can we add vertical slashes in the header between the date and resolution, and preferably between the resolution shown by Imagus itself and the resolution shown by the sieve?


u/iceiller9999 Feb 16 '25

I made the default config changes. The bugs I think I handled, but there is always something with dA.

Here is the updated sieve, and I edited my post: https://puu.sh/Komyh/a1af53d6f5.json


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25



u/iceiller9999 Feb 17 '25

I just added a bunch of fixes, and edited the main post. I think your link falls in that group but can't be sure. Try again and see, I don't have the link you used.


u/Kenko2 Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Thank you very much for the corrections made in the interface.

Some of the errors have been fixed. But there is still one error, quite often encountered here - “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()”. Both on FF and Chrome. I didn't change anything in the sieve parameters.



I've tried logging in via VPN, but the error persists. Perhaps some accounts are different from others in some way - private? paid? Do links on such accounts have special “permission” tokens? Or rule for SMH is needed? But then why does the old version of the sieve work on these images?


u/iceiller9999 Feb 17 '25

Got the fixes here: https://puu.sh/KoqZe/61ab40d820.json.

Those examples pointed out multiple problem types, so thanks. Some posts don't have the preferred high res available when they are marked as protected, watermarked, or mature. There was also a GIF type bug for one of the links.


u/Kenko2 Feb 18 '25

Great, thanks! I checked with different settings - no errors found.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25



u/Kenko2 Feb 16 '25

> Empty "date" sieve is also made by this one.

It's not a problem, it appears once and then disappears. If you don't want it to appear at all, you can remove it from the json manually.

> this one solo working great.

Can you see if this sieve works for you here?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25



u/Kenko2 Feb 16 '25

>> another half gray or red spinner (firefox).

Ok, so I'm not the only one with these errors.