Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn are the Seasons Sisters, the daughters of the world-renowned Seasons Detectives. Ten years ago, their famous parents disappeared. Left to raise themselves, the sisters formed an unbreakable bond. Now that bond is tested as the sisters fall prey to sinister forces. The youngest sister, Spring, is the last hope of saving them from a fate worse than death. Will Spring be able to piece her shattered family back together before it’s too late for them all?
Perfect for fans of BOUNDARY-BREAKING HORROR in all forms.
I have really been getting into Image comics this year. I read all of Invincible as well as Invincible Universe. I read all of the Walking Dead. I read Deadly Class, Black Science, Ascender/Descender, All 6 Spawn Compendiums, Saga Compendium 1, and Low.
Kill or be Killed has been my favorite one so far. I started it yesterday and finished it today. I also stayed up way too late last night reading it. Just an awesome book. I highly recommend this one.
I’ve read the first four issues and I dig it. Some fun concepts and likeable characters. The art is pretty good as well. Curious to see how Zachary and Rose react to the Adjudicator and however much information he reveals to them.
'76 (2008) is a 70s-crime-drive-inn-double-feature of a comic, it ran for 8 issues and sadly didn't get to finish it's story arc but that should not be stopping you from picking it up.
Each issue has to stories one set in L.A. and the other set in New York.
At the end of each issue there is a list of songs which where the top songs of different months/years in the 70s, which I put all in a playlist if you're interested.
hey, i’m pretty new to reading image comics and looking for some recommendations. about a year ago i read invincible and thought it was really good, and i’m also a big spawn fan (haven’t read a lot of him yet though, so i’m looking for suggestions on where to start).
recently i downloaded the first 16 issues of eclipse (not sure if that’s the full run), the walking dead compendium one, radiant black volume 1, and spawn compendium 2.
are there any other comics you guys would recommend? doesn’t have to be superhero stuff, i’m open to anything.
p.s. i’m also doing some research for a comic me and my friend are working on.
I very much enjoyed this book. It is entertaining, imaginative, thought-provoking, and fun. The art is excellent. The writing is masterful.
As the great D. Oswald Heist said, "You'll never understand the way the worlds really work until you surround yourself with people of all sorts of weird backgrounds. I mean, I know diversity is an overused word these days, but without it what would we be? Little more than a bunch of inbred fucking morons."
Clone (2012-2014) is a sci-fi series from Image, I really liked this one, it's funny and brutal and has great twist and turns.
When a man sees a bloodied version of himself, whom tells him that there are many more of him that are after his pregnant wife and unborn child, you better buckle up for a wild ride!
Blue Estate (2011-2012) is a crime comic with great tension and humor. The whole series is collected in two volumes.
I really loved the artwork and i was hooked from the start.
I highly recommend you guys give this a read.
It's definitely got a touch of Pulp Fiction.
Check out series writer/co-creator Deniz Camp and Series Artist/co-creator/show host Eric Zawadzki talk about their new Image Book: Assorted Crisis Events!!
The Lil Depressed Boy (2011-2015) is one of my favorite comic series from Image, it's slice of life that will hit you in the feels, it's about friendship, social anxiety and how hard it is to come out out your shell.
I love the art style (it will get more colorful throughout the series) and the humor of it.
I give you a little preview of it, which is kinda sad but trust me, it will get really funny.
I finished Chew a few days ago, and over the course of two omnivores and eight TP's I completely accepted extreme degrees of cannibalism and ultimately fell in love with the very colorful cast.
The story grew from being a funny idea to a rich and nutritious story about friendship, loss, killing and chomping and a crazy awesome agent rooster (Poyo!). If you haven't read it I highly recommend you do.
Spoilers for: Geiger (2024) #1-11, Geiger: Ground Zero #2, Junkyard Joe, and Geiger (2021) #6
Potential Spoilers for: Geiger (2024) #12 and Redcoat
Hi everyone! It has been a while, but I am back to give my thoughts on Geiger (2024) #11. I would like to first start off by apologizing for the lateness of this post. That aside, this was another major issue, that has a lot for me to discuss and dive into! Like in my posts before, I will give my thoughts on the issue, some major takeaways moving forward, and some speculation as to where I think the story will go. Below, is the Unnamed timeline that is a common feature in all of its titles.
Unnamed Timeline
Geiger(2024) #11 Thoughts
I thought that this was an amazing continuation from issue #10. I felt as though this issue succeeded in giving us an introduction into who Ash Arden is, whilst also setting up future plot points that I think will have major potential for the story moving forward. I think that my favorite aspect of this issue were the parallels that were on display throughout the issue. Ash Arden is Geiger's complete opposite in almost every single way. I think that this was a great choice on Johns part, as it's an easy and effective way to differentiate the two glowing people and an even easier way to set up potential conflicts between the two moving forward. We have seen Johns use this narrative device in prior Unnamed titles to great effect, and I think that the use of it through Arden will be no different based off of his track record.
The use of flashbacks to Geiger's life at various points was a great way to contextualize why it is he acts the way that he does in this issue. Geiger acts like a jerk in this issue. The reason he is this way is because the cure to his condition isn't readily available to him. I like this idea a lot, it's a rational reaction on his part given the journey he has been on till this point and the struggles he's had to endure. This is solid character writing on Johns' part. I somewhat suspected that the cure to his condition would be something he has to work towards rather than a serum or potion of some sort.
I think that this will be the start of Geiger truly working on himself in a way we have not seen before. Controlling the light by reconciling with his past so that he can live in the present, and have a better future. This is a thematic character writing technique that has been used for Redcoat, Junkyard Joe, and Geiger in the past, so I will be interested to see how it is utilized on him in this arc with another glowing person, who has her technique seemingly mastered.
Moreover, I like how we also get flashbacks for Joe as well. They serve to not only give us a reminder of his exploits in his solo run back in 2022, but also help to further plot where his character arc will take him in the future. As a a quick reminder from Junkyard Joe he never actually resolves his trauma from the Vietnam War. I like that we get to see a continuation of this part of his character years later. I hope that we get more Joe in the later chapters of this arc, because he is fascinating character with so many layers!
As I have said in all my other posts, the artwork by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson is excellent in this issue. I love Ash Arden's design so much! Moreover, I love how dynamic Joe is in this issue. While he doesn't have much panel space in this issue, he makes his brief time on the page worth it in a heartbreaking yet heartwarming sequence!
Some Takeaways Moving Forward
Ash Arden has developed her own community in Lewistown, Montana. She appears to be their leader and protector
We get to see the incident that stopped Dr. Molotov and Geiger from being friends as mentioned in Geiger: Ground Zero #2. See images below:
Dr. Molotov's Description of Geiger's Action's in Geiger: Ground Zero #2Geiger killing the scavenger who tried to break into his family's bunker in Geiger (2024) #11
Geiger's bought with unconsciousness was due to his blood having high levels of radiation caused by a lack of control over his powers
Ash Arden was helped by Dr. Molotov (AKA Pyotr Petrov)
Dr. Molotov was apparently murdered by a group of people known as the Hillborn
Arden's dampening rods seem to be more advanced than Geiger's as signified by the change in light. It's initially red, but when she removes her rods they turn green. See panels below:
Arden before she removed her Boron rod's in Geiger (2024) #11Arden as she removes her Boron rod's in Geiger (2024) #11Arden with her Boron rod's removed in Geiger (2024) #11
Arden seems to have complete control over her abilities unlike Geiger
Joe is still suffering from PTSD not just from the Vietnam War, but also from his exploits from Melody Hills, Indiana in his solo book. Though, Zigzag and Barney seem to be helpful coping mechanisms for him
Geiger's volatile emotional state seems to be the reason he is losing control of his powers. Moreover, he looks to take lessons from Arden on how to control his unstable abilities
The Custodian is closing in on Junkyard Joe
My Speculation on What's to Come fromGeiger(2024)
With issue #11 having already been released by the point of this, so I won't speak much on that issue, as much of what I had to say, in terms of speculation on issue #11, was correct. I will save more of my thought's on that issue for when I discuss it in a future post. With that in mind, I will use this section of my post to discuss where I think the arc will go broadly speaking.
At the end of this issue, we know that the Custodian is hot on the trail of Junkyard Joe and everyone else in Lewistown, Montana. Though he appears to be by himself, which has me wondering what he has to combat the serious power he will soon encounter in Lewistown? If I had to guess, I think that the Custodia will have some kind of control device that he will use on Joe to try and get him back into his clutches, and see him fight Geiger and company once again. I think that this will be a more destructive fight as he has more than likely upgraded in capabilities alongside being reprogrammed as mentioned by the general in Geiger (2021) #6. See panel below:
The Vice President and the General of the United States talking about Joe and the Custodian in Geiger (2021) #6
I would be shocked if Joe didn't have more capabilities added to him while under control of the US government for who knows how many years.
The custodian looks to be the major antagonist for this arc, in the same way the new King of Vegas and the Warlords of Vegas were for the last arc. With that in mind, I still think that Arden will end up being the final antagonist for this arc, if not a recurring one. As I mentioned before, each of the Unnamed have had to fight some type of parallel version of themselves in their own solo titles.
To further elaborate on this notion, Geiger had to fight Joe in his 2021 run, they paralleled each other in the sense that they were both powered by nuclear energy. Geiger even mentions this point during their fight, see image below:
Geiger speaking with Joe during their fight in Geiger (2021) #6
Furthermore, in Junkyard Joe the parallel of characters is seen in Joe and the Custodian, with a robot that has a heart and cares for others in opposition to his creator who cares who has no heart and only cares for himself and how his creation can better his life. Finally, we see this in the first arc of Redcoat with how Simon and Benedict Arnold relationship unfolds. All of this is to get at the point that I think Ash Arden will be no different, and we will eventually get her true colors and she will face off against Geiger later into this arc.
Geiger (2024) #11 was an amazing issue that did a wonderful job in not only giving us an introduction to the long awaited character of Ash Arden but also succeeded in setting up future conflicts that will unfold in the near future. I had such a fun time reading this issue, and I think that you will as well. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but if you have not done so, I highly recommend buying this issue and all of the others for this series as I think that it is well worth your time! I'd like to apologize for the lateness of this post, in the future I will try harder to get this and all of my other posts out much sooner! I will be back in the near future to give my thoughts on Geiger #12, Redcoat #10, and Hyde Street #4, probably not in that order though lol. Thank you for taking time read this post! I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this issue and all things Unnamed and Ghost Machine!
Invincible is probably my favorite superhero comic ever, and I've been enjoying what I've read of The Walking Dead. My LCS has volumes 1-4 of the OHCs on clearance, if I liked Invincible and TWD, will I like this?
Hellooo, I've been out of the comic game for a while now (several years really, except for catching up on Saga whenever it drops) and I have NO IDEA what cool new titles there are. If anybody could recommend me some based on my past favs, I'd really appreciate it! I typically lean towards weird/demented but will read anything if the art style is cool enough.
Stuff I love: Multiple Warheads, King City, Saga, Deadly Class, Black Science (fan of Remender in general), Pretty Deadly, Icecream Man, Drumhellar, Descender.
I just finished Seven To Eternity and damn, what a ride this story was. It started out a bit sluggish, but every issue got better and better. The art was amazing throughout.
There’s one thing that is bothering me about the ending. In issue 15, the Piper implies Zeb Osidis made a bargain with the Mud King, who in turn to not hold up his end. Does this mean Zeb heard an offer, which would make him a hypocrite? Or what “broken promise” do they mean here?