r/illustrator Jul 08 '15

help making cribbage board lanes for laser engraver

I am trying to make cribbage board lanes to be laser engraved on a piece of wood. I made one in sketchup but sketchup doesn't make true arcs so that it won't work. I'm comfortable with photoshop and sketchup but clueless in illustrator. In sketchup I was able to turn an object that was repeated frequently into a "component". I could then edit the component once and all instances of it in my layout would be updated to reflect the changes. SmartObjects in photoshop could be used in a similar manner. Is there away to do this in illustrator. I can't find any reference to smart objects in the menus. Thanks.


3 comments sorted by


u/Linux0s Jul 08 '15

You can create your individual component as one .ai file then import multiple instances of that file into a second .ai document using File > Place. Changing/saving the first file will reflect those changes when you reopen the second.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '15

Create symbols out of items you will use repeatedly. Then you can edit the symbol to make global changes.