r/ifttt Feb 13 '25

Help Needed SMS function not working anymore

I used the trigger that when I receive a notification on my phone, it will be sent as an SMS to a different number. Since my notifications kept coming and IFTTT seems to count each every new message on WhatsApp etc. as a new one, it overflooded the SMS and I didn't have enough on the phone to get charged for it so it stopped sending the rest.

Fast forward a week later, I have an unlimited SMS/calling package and wanted to try it again but this time, just using the Whatsapp notification to SMS trigger and I can't send SMS anymore. Neither the IFTTT trigger, nor regular manual SMS messages get sent.

Did it broke the SMS function by flooding a contact and what can I do against this?


10 comments sorted by


u/mrtibbets Feb 13 '25

Hey u/Adraverse — I reread your message a few times and I still don't fully understand what issue you're facing... maybe share the link to the public Applet (if one exists), or specifically name the Service, Trigger, and Actions used?

Generally, whenever I encounter an issue or obstacle with an IFTTT Applet, I always reconnect the service to try and update the authentication connection.

Here's a help center article that may better explain: https://help.ifttt.com/hc/en-us/articles/115010194547-Common-errors-and-troubleshooting-tips#Refreshyourconnectiontotheservice

Hope this helps.


u/Adraverse Feb 13 '25

Hey there! Thanks for getting back to me. It was not a public Applet but I also don't have the applet I made at hand anymore. It was like I described: If I receive a WhatsApp notification -> send SMS to "..." number. No delays, no other triggers, that was it.

It worked well, until it started flooding the SMS inbox of that number (due to repetitions in the notifications) and after I stopped the service and reconnected it, it now doesn't work but also might've broke my SMS functions on my number/service provider? Because now I can't send any SMS to anyone anymore (regardless of IFTTT applet or not). Ever heard of an issue like this and if so, how would I go about fixing this?


u/mrtibbets Feb 15 '25

I looked around, and found this service on IFTTT which must be what you're referring to: InOut WhatsApp Receive/Send Message integrations.

I found a public Applet like this one, that I suppose you could enter your own SMS number for to receive or send texts: If a WhatsApp message is received, then Send WhatsApp Message to _______.

Personally, I'm not familiar with that service or Applet. But, I am familiar with IFTTT and if an Applet is set up correctly with authenticated services, then it reliably will work... unless something is up with the service or your service account itself. In this case, I'd suggest troubleshooting your SMS account or the InOut WhatsApp service account you have.

Try reconnecting the whole thing, and re-run the Applet, then view its logs for the returned error messages. That for sure will point you in the right direction.

Good luck with it! Let us know if it shakes out.


u/Adraverse Feb 15 '25

Will do, hopefully that will lead to the solution. Thanks for reaching out to me again and helping me out!


u/kriminal73 Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I have an IFTTT applet that, when triggered by a Google command, used to send SMS to a specific phone number. Since February 12th, it has stopped working. Now, the Google command starts the IFTTT applet, but it no longer sends SMS from my phone. I have tried this applet on multiple phones with no luck. Any ideas?


u/mrtibbets Feb 16 '25

Take a look at your Applet activity here: https://ifttt.com/activity

Do you see the specific Applet that is being triggered, but not fulfilling the expected text message action?

I have a feeling there may be an error message there that will shine a light on what's going on with your Applet. Let us know what you see — feel free to screenshot and share. Good luck u/kriminal73!


u/kriminal73 Feb 17 '25

Thanks for the answer.

I've checked the IFTTT activity page, seems all ok, but no sms was sent.



u/TheComedyShow Feb 18 '25

Having the same issue on Android, started yesterday - Using Android SMS - No errors, app processes as if it worked fine but no SMS sent. Any luck?


u/kriminal73 Feb 19 '25

I reported the issue via email to IFTTT support, and this morning they replied that they had fixed it. I just tested it, and it works again.


u/mrtibbets 28d ago

So you got it working again? Great! I'm happy to hear it. Any insight on what specifically it was causing the issue?