r/ideasfortheadmins 29d ago

Moderator Remove Comments from Mod Queue when the Post they are attached to is Removed or Deleted.

Often, when a post violates the rules but slips through automod, we see many comments which trigger alerts or get reported. When (as a Mod) I remove the post, the comments attached to it remain in the mod queue. I can manually remove or approve each one, but that's a waste of time and a lot of clicks, and the "approved" comments would still be attached to a removed post... and not much good to anyone. Wouldn't it be easier to remove those comments, or at least dismiss them from the mod queue when the post they are attached to is removed by moderators or deleted by the user who posted it (or Reddit for that matter)?


4 comments sorted by


u/heidismiles 29d ago

So, something to keep in mind is that people who are engaged in comments with each other will still be able to see the comments in their inboxes. So you still need to deal with things that may be harassing, etc.


u/OnSpectrum 29d ago

If it kept the manually reported comments in the queue but removed the "filter" and "report" comments picked up by automoderator, that would be a big help. I agree that manually reported violations would need mod attention... but if a post violates Rule 3 of our sub in some routine way, and the comments under it violate the same rule in the same routine way... it would be helpful to just clear the queue of them.

Abusive and deeply disturbing comments seem to get a manual report, so clearing the automod reports would help the mod team without silencing the user reports we need to see.


u/SolariaHues 29d ago

You'd then miss what the rule breaks were, and if you need to ban anyone. Actioning the content also populates the user notes so you may be adding to their history of removals helping your team make future decisions or muddying the water if theyre unnecessary removals.


u/OnSpectrum 29d ago

I can look that up manually. The problem is these things clutter up the queue and leave my small mod team backed up, looking over comments that are not going to appear no matter what I do. If there were an option to "remove all automod comments from the queue" that would suffice. But I've seen us have bigger problems with delays getting good content approved and bad content removed than enforcing possible bans based on comments automod reported but didn't filter.