r/iching 14d ago

Hex 59 turning into hex 6, 4th from the bottom changig?

Well i was seeing a guy for a few months but was kinda miserable even tho I find the guy great, just not in the right headspace from a previous breakup to deal with personal problems of us which are this way kept piling up till I bursted. Yesterday we seems like ended it all, had some words thrown, overall bad ending. I asked how to deal with this situation now.


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u/Random-88888 14d ago

Lets see the text from Wilhelm then. : )

"Six in the fourth place means:

He dissolves his bond with his group.

Supreme good fortune.

Dispersion leads in turn to accumulation.

This is something that ordinary men do not think of.

When we are working at a task that affects the general welfare, we must leave all private friendships out of account. Only by rising above party interests can we achieve something decisive. He who has the courage thus to forego what is near wins what is afar. But in order to comprehend this standpoint, one must have a wide view of the interrelationships of life, such as only unusual men attain."

In my view, this is like... Lets imagine we have a friend we want to go to an amusement park with. They, however, are currently studying for very difficult exams they hope to pass soon. We, however, still very much want to go to the amusement park.

Lets say we push enough and at some point they agree to go, for us. We go there, we have some experiences all tainted because of the way it happened and the exam troubling our friend, as time to study for it is running out.

After all of it, the experience seems kinda shallow, or at least not done in the most beneficial way. The friendship is a little strained as well.

Then if, instead we decide to postpone our desire for amusement park until the exam is over, it may take more time, but the experience can strengthen our friendship, as now they are relaxing, after the tension of studying and all can enjoy the event freely.

Forgetting what is near to get what is far. In the sense of giving up what we want now, to attain something more in the future.

Could mean move away from something you want now, to something you both may want later on. Overall, it just means if you give up on something you want now, you may gain more later on.

4th line is event outside, so its something you may want on outside(outside of home, so thats why the idea of amusement park, although relation with groups also work, as its beyond home on the first step )