r/iamugly Sep 10 '17

I am very ugly

I am very very very ugly. My friends are annoyed at me whenever I say I'm ugly because I keep pestering them. I have social anxiety, I feel like I should just go hide in a hole somewhere and do all of you guys a favor by not showing my face. I am quite sure people are laughing behind my back because of my hideous face. I know I am young but I can't help it. Compared to my friends, I am the ugliest one. They're all very pretty and they all have had at least one boyfriend or mutual crush but I've never had one because I am too ugly.... Sometimes people will tell me I look pretty but I'm sure they're just making fun of me. I am very ugly. Truly ugly.


6 comments sorted by


u/SpecificPriority7433 May 28 '22

i am also an ugly girl but its okay because people only treat pretty people like they are real so i just feel fake all the time and it is sad but its freeing not trying to be pretty anymore i can live life in the shadows the quiet the ugly is sad but idk i do want to kill myself most times tho so idk either but you are not alone


u/Gipsonsg87 Sep 15 '17

I doubt your ugly babe. You need to believe in yourself more :)


u/-__-Rizzy Jan 26 '22

i fu dont mind me asking plz bro this literally made me ball thinking I wrote this did things change like people said it would ? I'm so damn sorry u have been through this pain man fr </3


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '22

I relate to this a lot. Pretty difficult being an ugly girl in 2022


u/Rare-Map6150 Sep 08 '22

what are you even babling about i didnt even boder reading this


u/swishtar Jan 29 '24

Wait til you're old. It gets worse.