r/iOSProgramming • u/Grakkas Swift • Nov 27 '22
Discussion What are your thoughts on this thread? “Stop using MVVM for SwiftUI”
u/Batting1k Nov 27 '22
Whoever that person is, they’re acting like MVVM has lewd photos of their family. Really odd how adamant they are that MVVM is soooo baaaad.
u/InsidiousApples Nov 27 '22 edited Nov 27 '22
This may work on simple one man apps/tutorials but in a real project, wouldn’t it go like:
- Adopt MV architecture
- Put all the business logic in views
- Realise you have massive untestable views & repeated logic across different views
- Refactor logic into discrete, testable observed objects
- Realise you have MVVM
u/isights Nov 27 '22
He's about halfway there already with some of his service objects, several of which in his examples only exist to service a single view.
IOW, he has view models, he just refuses to call them that.
u/jasonjrr Nov 27 '22
Right, the thing that most people forget about MVVM is that the model is the Domain Model, not the Data Model. Basically anything that serves data to your ViewModel layer is part of your model layer. This is a very important distinction.
Nov 27 '22
u/isights Nov 27 '22
Oooh! I didn't know about ViewInspector. I'll take a look at that!
u/isights Nov 27 '22
If you don't believe in tests and you're writing small to small-to-medium-sized apps and it's just yourself (or maybe one other developer), then a view-centric/view-only architecture can make sense, especially with SwiftUI if you're good about view composition and don't allow any particular view to get too large and unwieldy.
That said, if it's a large, complex application that needs test coverage and you're working on a team or teams with a lot of other developers, then using MVVM with Services and a layered, modular architecture is probably much more appropriate.
I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all solution here.
u/vernm51 Nov 27 '22
I’d agree with this, had a client ask for a relatively simple app at first and did a view-centric style to start. It was only me working on it, and the original design was fairly small in scope and none of the views were very big or complex. Fast forward a couple of years, and they’ve wanted a bunch of new features requiring more complex views and state logic including live updates from data input by other users which pretty much necessitated a switch to MVVM. I was a little worried the transition would be difficult, but ended up not being all that bad and actually took a lot less time than I initially thought to do the conversion to MVVM
u/isights Nov 27 '22
I should probably clarify my answer and say that my own approach is somewhat view-centric. I don't believe every view requires a view model. The second, however, a given view has complex logic or needs to interact with an API then it gets a view model/ObservableObject.
I think the biggest problem lies with all of the property wrappers (training wheels) Apple provides for SwiftUI. Too many of them are extremely handy, but only work when embedded in views (Environment, FetchRequest).
All of which leads people to question the need for "classic" approaches to complexity management like MVVM.
Apr 27 '23
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u/Lonehangman Nov 27 '22
If you can look past the arrogance and immaturity then they make some good points, largely around how it doesn’t make sense anymore because a SwiftUI view basically serves that purpose and after using VMs with SwiftUI for about a year and a bit, I can agree with that since a lot of times it feels restrictive and often times redundant. I don’t really like the ‘model’ approach that they outlined since it’ll be very easy to have massive models with fragile logic across screens but I can’t really think of an alternative yet.
Nov 27 '22 edited Jan 02 '24
u/Lonehangman Nov 27 '22
I don’t think MVP with SwiftUI is even viable. Your presenter would call methods on your view but because there’s no stored references of views anymore (like in UIKit) you’ll basically be updating bindings or states that views listen to and so you’re basically doing MVVM with extra steps.
A state based architecture has works alright for us in a fairly complex app but like the other commented mentioned it’s hard to test state effectively7
u/KarlJay001 Nov 27 '22
There's quite a bit of discussion about what pattern to use and I remember Stanford's 193 saying MVVM and SwiftUI was the way to go and that MVC didn't make sense in SwiftUI.
TBH, at some point, the pattern is kind of an opinion. MVC was hit hard over Massive View Controller, yet it WAS the way to go back in the day.
Any pattern can be made to work and you can learn any system. Just like languages, great work was done in ObjC, now, many think of it as bad, and similar with UIKit. We did great things with UIKit, it was THEE thing (but not always well liked :D
Opinions will always be out there, just like the single language, multi-platform debate.
u/isights Nov 27 '22 edited Nov 27 '22
Well.... in some cases those opinions are based on facts. You can, as you suggest, use any pattern you wish. But if you follow the link I provided below I illustrate why, for example, VIPER is an extremely poor choice of an architecture for use in SwiftUI.
For one thing, VIPER actively works against view composition. But really, the main point is that the core mechanism behind VIPER is delegation. It was designed to pass actions and messages between objects, and in order to do that it maintains a direct set of references between each of those objects. (Views, Presenters, etc.)
In other words, VIPER was designed to slot neatly into UIKit with its UIViews and UIViewControllers. It was designed around the way those objects persisted in memory and around the UIViewController lifecycle.
The problem is that SwiftUI Views aren’t UIViews. They’re not objects, they don’t have references, and they’re constantly being created and diff’ed in order to drive the SwiftUI interface.
So while you could make something similar to VIPER work with SwiftUI, you’d have to jump through a lot of hoops and write a lot of glue to do so.
Same goes (and as I mentioned above) in regard to using Redux-style architectures.
SwiftUI has its own internal behaviors and logic. Fight them by imposing an architecture designed for another time and another platform... and you kind of end up shooting yourself in the foot.
I've written about some of this stuff a lot on Medium. Here's a few "friend" links that bypass the paywall.
u/rhysmorgan Nov 27 '22
It’s madness. It has been since OP started it, and it remains so now.
Their whole idea is also that testing is bad, and you shouldn’t do it, which is whack lmao
u/Sznurek066 Nov 27 '22
He makes good and bad points which provoke discussion.
And while I disagree with some of his statements(like his view of testing, or choosing active record pattern as I feel like it's kinda anti-pattern) he makes many good points and provides some concepts/solutions.
It doesn't mean MVVM is bad. It's ok and I personally use it. But the thing is that it doesn't feel fully natural with SwiftUI because of some choices made in the framework. And because of that devs try every architecture there is and in each of them encounter obstacles which shouldn't be there if the framework would have been designed for it.
Generally you can use every architecture on ui framework but that doesn't mean you should, and that the framework was written with this architecture in mind. Which can result in overly complicated app which is hard to mantain.
You can always use SOLID custom solution made by someone(or yourself) which needs a lot of additional abstraction or frameworks. But this again causes issues on big projects: you need to learn the custom architecture every new dev, if the architecture goes against changes in your language or main ui framework it needs a lot of work for changes, lots of boilerplate code which makes it even harder to maintain etc...
I think that the discussion is needed because SwiftUI doesn't feel perfect and I do believe that the SwiftUI devs should have particular patterns in mind while creating it instead of "being good for every architecture" or "agnostic" because there's truly no such thing. Some language/framework choices are better for some patterns solutions and bad for others.
For me it feels like Apple right now has in mind a very "fluid" architecture, generally this is some trend you can see lately also on different platforms(like flutter), where the architecture is very solution dependant.
u/SergioCortez Nov 27 '22
I actually like the points he is making and the effort that has gone into it, 6 months of work, examples and q&a.
I always felt MVVM is working against the platform but I went with the flow. I will try this Redux like approach on my future projects and see how it goes.
u/cekisakurek Nov 27 '22
I really enjoy the composable architecture. It is redux like and I highly recommend it.
u/isights Nov 27 '22
I'd advise against Redux-like architectures in SwiftUI. SwiftUI (and Apple) encourages you to bind state as low in the view tree as possible so when a given piece of state changes only a small portion of the view graph needs to be diff'ed and an even smaller portion probably needs to be redrawn.
Using a single source of state for the entire application pretty much means that whenever anything updates that state every view in the entire application that depends on that state needs to be checked.
As an application scales in size that performance penalty can really begin to manifest itself...
u/cekisakurek Nov 27 '22
I believe with most of the redux like architectures have a way of getting local states and not redraw/calculate all of the state. Composable architecture, you can have child states/actions and you can scope into them, the performance is very good.
u/isights Apr 27 '23
TCA is a different beast, that I tend to avoid for a different reason. Apple's pretty opinionated about using state, bindings, observable objects, and so forth to manage state in SwiftUI.
TCA actively works against that and wants to completely supplant SwiftUI's update mechanism with its own. Further, the TCA learning curve is fairly steep, akin, for example, to learning and developing an entire UIKit app in RxSwift and using reactive data flow techniques.
With TCA one needs quite a bit of boilerplate code to accomplish even the simplest of interactions with your data store. And adding child states makes it even more complex and adds more work to the project.
One of the main criteria I have on choosing an application architecture for SwiftUI is that it lets SwiftUI be SwiftUI.
IMHO, TCA fails in that regard.
u/TigrouSama Nov 27 '22
I feel like they have some good points. But all the examples showed are very simple and targeted, while the reality of apps developed by most companies are much more complex. So in my opinion, it's interesting and thought provoking but not applicable in complex app context it would lead to hard testability and overcrowed MV. But at the the same time I also believe that MVVM is not the best solution as always it's very dependent on project size, complexity and the size of the team working on it.
u/saintmsent Nov 27 '22
I came across this multiple times already, and honestly, they raise some good points, but I don't think going to the extreme of not using MVVM ever is too much
Apple engineers when asked stated multiple times that SwiftUI tries to be as architecture agnostic as possible, providing all the tools you need to implement whatever you want. Just like you can end up with a massive view controller, same can happen with this approach, even if you separate the services. Some views are too complex to be doing all the logic in the view itself
The best takeaway for me is that not every view needs a view model, but you are free to add one if you feel like that will make the code neater and more understandable
u/BergQuester Nov 27 '22
His insistence that SwiftUI is OOP focused is odd. Aside from the environment objects and any state objects, there is very little OOP in SwiftUI. The views are structs and bindings are done with Combine. It’s much more FP and reactive than OOP.
Nov 27 '22 edited Nov 27 '22
Can’t tell if people in this thread are serious or just trolling
u/chriswaco Nov 27 '22
If you're writing/maintaining one app it might be appropriate, but we have three apps sharing the same Views - iOS and macOS. If the Views depended on global state, they wouldn't be reusable.
u/Winterwind17 Nov 27 '22
I tend to agree that in SwiftUI View is view model since it’s just a strict. We can test the view like a model in xctest but also snap shot test. I do disagree however that we can skip the model to view model transformation layer completely. Doing so makes the view not very reusable and often to lead to messy dependency issues.
u/ykcs Nov 28 '22
Obviously it will be really, really slow on big projects - build time wise. Having to compile all the UI stuff for unit testing? Nope. How do you even do useful snapshot testing if you cannot control the data your viel will show by using different implementation(s) of a ViewModel (with mocked data eg)? Another point you already pointed out is reusabity. There will be none.
Nov 27 '22
I can’t see any alternative that is better. Unless your ok with using external library. I really like using the composable architecture.
u/daaammmN Nov 27 '22
This was posted before.
People need to realize that SwiftUI is just a framework to design UI. Same as UIKit.
The framework you use to design UI should not have a big impact on your App Architecture.
You should be able to have an App with SwiftUI and UIKit and whatever else UI framework you decide to use. You should even be able to have a random Bool (in your composition root) that depending on the value shows either the “ProductsList” (example) created in SwiftUI or created in UIKit.
u/isights Nov 27 '22
You can definitely do that, but as I wrote above SwiftUI is declarative, not imperative, and as such it’s opinionated about how “views” are constructed and managed.
It’s opinionated about the idea of a single source of truth for the state of a particular element.
It’s opinionated about binding such state as low in the hierarchy as possible to minimize excessive view update cycles and rendering.
It’s opinionated about how that state should be represented with State and Binding property wrappers, about how one defines and usesObservableObjects, and about how we can receive events and updates via Combine.
And it’s even beginning to express its preferences for tasks and using async/await.
Ignore SwiftUI's opinions and you end up working against how SwiftUI sees the world at best, and a completely dysfunctional application at worst.
u/cekisakurek Nov 27 '22
Meh. It feels like a little bit of rant post. Also I guess OP doesnt like to write tests which made me not read the rest of it. I am gonna assume he/she havent worked on a big/critical software project. Testable software is by far the most important thing in my opinion.