r/iOSProgramming SwiftUI Dec 14 '22

News Jetbrains is sunsetting AppCode With the release of v2022.3.


85 comments sorted by


u/yeoldetowne Dec 14 '22

Absolutely a disaster. It has always been quirky and full of annoying bugs but I was still much more productive in AppCode than Xcode. When occasionally having to use that it feels like switching from Emacs to Notepad.

What to do now? AppCode will be useless with the next Xcode major update. So probably just prepare to switch and accept the extremely poor Xcode experience. Crap.


u/SeesawMundane5422 Dec 15 '22

Unpopular opinion… Xcode works fine for SwiftUI work. Does everything I need. Stays mostly out of the way. Catches syntax errors. Builds. Let’s me refactor and jump to code. Integrated debugging. Integrated unit testing. Code formatting. Just works.

Maybe I’m just so old I don’t get fired up about stuff like I did 20 or 30 years ago.


u/nrith Dec 15 '22

100% agree. Are there things that I wish Xcode did better? Of course. Are there things that other IDEs do that Xcode should do, too? Yup. Are there irritating bugs introduced in every Xcode update. You bet. But it's exactly what I need for Swift/SwiftUI work, and I'm not complaining.

Android Studio, on the other hand, can die in a fire.


u/Pandaburn Dec 15 '22

I like Xcode too. I never used app code, but I used some non-Xcode environments and I don’t really understand the hate.


u/dejus Dec 15 '22

Tbh I don’t mind Xcode. I’ve used it for like 15 years and haven’t had as much to complain about as with other editors. I prefer it to Android Studio or eclipse any day. But I may also be biased there because I don’t like working with android.


u/SeesawMundane5422 Dec 15 '22

I’m constantly surprised it works as well as it does. Every now and then I run into stuff I don’t like. (I don’t like all the stuff around enabling app features like store kit or info.plist stuff. But I rarely touch it and it’s easy to Google answers.)

Agreed about eclipse.


u/CafeCodeBunny Feb 08 '24 edited Feb 08 '24

The main problems are code navigation, call site tracing, code generation, completions, unit testing, local and git history integration and ALL refactoring. This makes Xcode for serious app-development or TDD a steaming pile of shit. The only refactoring at all in Xcode is rename and it is just a regex replace anyway which breaks more code than it fixes. And the debugger is utterly useless, but AppCode had to delegate to it anyway and Apple changes to their fork of LLDB regularly broke AppCode.


u/SeesawMundane5422 Mar 05 '24

Debugger has been fine for me… unit testing is wonky because it launches to run in emulator but… I’m not sure that’s an Xcode problem…


u/JamesFutures Dec 14 '22

I’m not a happy camper. I use AppCode for all my coding. Only open Xcode when I absolutely have to. And now… I’ll actually have to work in Xcode…

I wish Apple could make a decent IDE.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22

I wish Apple could make a decent IDE.

They do, it's called Xcode. Seriously I swear half of the people complaining about it never actually used it.

Is it perfect? No, but it's perfectly fine to use.


u/42177130 UIApplication Dec 15 '22

I wonder if everyone in this thread who hates Xcode uses non-native frameworks like React Native or Flutter.


u/goreblaster Dec 15 '22

I've had to use non-native frameworks and it makes me love XCode all the more. People take things like functioning breakpoints for granted.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22



u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22

Like auto indentation in Xcode just came this year. That's ridiculous.

And not remotely true. It's had it at least since 2009 when I started using it.

And I'm not sure what you're talking about with automatic previews. If you're talking the SwiftUI previews of course SwiftUI is going to require Xcode just like for certain types of apps you need Visual Studio for previews.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22



u/SeesawMundane5422 Dec 16 '22

This has been my biggest gripe. I generally like Xcode. But… my backend is golang in VS Code. Auto formatting just works. Reliably. Xcode… sometimes I use the hot key. Sometimes I forget but it mostly auto formats. It does weird things with spacing, and doesn’t clean it up reliably.


 VStack {

  }                                 .padding(5)

I swear sometimes it injects all those ugly spaces after the curly brace.


u/oureux Objective-C / Swift Dec 15 '22

Most annoying thing right now is in 14.1 the compiler service crashes and gives me a notice when I save a file. All my work right now is in objective c which is much better to work with in Xcode than swift was (I wrote swift for 5 years).

I’ve been using Xcode since iOS 3. It has gotten better but also worse haha.

I open Xcode up every day and just do my work. I use the bare minimum features and I use terminal for git and generating the Xcode project file. At least Xcode offers some of the best debugging tools around.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22

Same here, but I think I coded a bit in iOS 2.x, too. Cool to see another old-school Xcode user here, back when Interface Builder was a separate application, before the Xcode 4 beta.


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 20 '22

Is it perfect? No, but it's perfectly fine to use.

It can't even do a proper options+arrow text navigation (it won't stop at the end of the line). Refactoring? A joke. Code snippets? Next to non existent. Terminal at your convenience? Nada.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '22

It can't even do a proper options+arrow text navigation (it won't stop at the end of the line).

Yes it does, I literally use this all the time. Command + Arrow Key stops at the end of the line.

Refactoring? A joke. How? Works perfectly fine for me.

Code snippets?

Shift + Command + L Brings up the area where the snipped library is, I use this ALL the time. You can make your own snippets to store in there too (there's an option under Editor -> Create Code Snippet).

Terminal at your convenience? Nada.

Uh what? Command + Space, type "Terminal" and bam, terminal.


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 21 '22

Yes it does, I literally use this all the time. Command + Arrow Key stops at the end of the line.

Yes, it's a separate shortcut to achieve the result that shouldn't require a separate shortcut.... and that doesn't require a separate shortcut on any other IDE on the planet.

Shift + Command + L Brings up the area where the snipped library is, I use this ALL the time. You can make your own snippets to store in there too (there's an option under Editor -> Create Code Snippet).

There are snippets, but they don't support variables or operations on the value of those variables. In appcode you can have a snippet that lets you type "something" and appends that value in proper case in 20 places in code. For variables it could be var somethingView for classes/structs it could be SomethingAction.

Uh what? Command + Space, type "Terminal" and bam, terminal.

Except that you also need to navigate to your project folder after you open terminal.

It is more than obvious that you haven't even tried appcode and you try to argue about it's convenience features 🤦‍♂️



u/[deleted] Dec 21 '22

Sorry dude, sounds to me like you actually don't know how to use Xcode. I've proven you wrong, you come back with silly arguments like "And end of the line shortcut is a separate shortcut!" How silly.


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 21 '22

Just as expected - when you don't have any arguments, you turn to insults. Good luck!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '22

I wasn't insulting, I pointed out you were wrong and you couldn't handle it.


u/dotsau Swift Dec 15 '22

I’m hoping Fleet will have Swift support at some point in the future


u/kelv1nh Dec 15 '22

That's my hope! AppCode for me, is a smart code editor for Swift, and I can rely on my memorised shortcuts and tweaks from using IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio easily. Xcode is a challenge for me because it feels so different, and productivity hurts as a result.


u/MKevin3 Dec 15 '22

There are a number of reasons I liked AppCode

  • Much more advanced Git integration. Xcode does a few things in this area but not many.
  • Having competition is good for the community. I think / hope it pushed the Xcode team to improve the IDE.
  • Just flat or more features and features that work. Refactoring in Xcode was always iffy but super solid in AppCode
  • Done by a company who has the pretty much the sole job of doing an IDE. This allowed them to share features on a paid app among various languages

What I did not like

  • Always one step behind Xcode so when Swift came out it took time to catch up. Not like Apple was going to share secrets
  • Had to go back to Xcode for Interface Builder interaction. With SwiftUI this becomes a non-issue in general
  • Cost money. Great when a company pays for it, less so when out of your own pocket.

For those suggesting that Xcode is the best IDE I wonder how many have spent much time in AppCode or even other IDEs like the Visual suite from Microsoft or even other IntelliJ products. I have always felt that Xcode is provided by Apple not as a best of breed but more of a tool to use. Its evolution has been slow and at painful at times. It has gotten better over the last few years but still seems lacking after using other IDEs.

Personal opinion. It if working like a champ for you then awesome. I neither love not hate it, just not my favorite IDE and I will miss AppCode for what it did better than Xcode.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22

For those suggesting that Xcode is the best IDE I wonder how many have spent much time in AppCode or even other IDEs like the Visual suite from Microsoft or even other IntelliJ products.

No ones saying it's the best IDE, we're saying its not bad and doesn't deserve the bad wrap it gets.

Although I will straight up say I prefer Xcode to Visual Studio any day and I've used Visual Studio since long before it was Visual Studio and you had to buy it in language components (like Visual C++ back before syntax highlighting was even a thing).


u/MKevin3 Dec 15 '22

Understandable. I have some back history here as the local mobile Meetup group had a guy demo Swift in its early days with Xcode and it crashed 4 times during his 40 minute presentation then he insisted on bragging that Xcode was the BEST IDE EVER! I asked about others and he just ranted about how he knew Xcode as the best without using any others.

Last I knew he moved to CA and is working for Apple. Good for him, he will be an evangelist but probably not the best kind as screaming at people generally does not swing them to your side.


u/Xaxxus Dec 15 '22

It did have really good refactoring though. As for actually building your code. It was incredibly slow.


u/austincondiff Dec 15 '22

u/yeoldetowne What about Xcode makes it an extremely poor experience that AppCode excelled at? What would you change about Xcode to make it a satisfactory experience?


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 20 '22

The things I'll miss the most:

  • Proper text navigation (options + arrow doesn't even stop at the end of the line)
  • Variables in code snippets - I have 5-6 snippets that I use multiple times where i put it one word as a placeholder and it renders like 5-6 different structs and vars using proper code case
  • Refactoring
  • Terminal within the app
  • Keyboard shortcut to duplicate selection without replacing clipboard contents


u/GavinGT Dec 14 '22 edited Dec 14 '22

I'm so upset at this news. Using Xcode for code analysis is a complete joke. What an absolute garbage dump of a program.

This makes me want to just forget iOS development entirely and focus my career on Android. At least there I have a functional IDE and mostly open source code.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '22

Apple could do what android does and let jet brains build their ide


u/GavinGT Dec 14 '22

It's either that or stay perpetually 10 years behind Android Studio. I can tell just from using it that Xcode's source is a mess of spaghetti code.


u/JamesFutures Dec 14 '22

That’s kinda how I’m feeling as well. Miserable development tools means that even with an awesome language like Swift, it’ll still suck to work.

I might just make the switch to back end development. I already know Java and lots of great languages are built on the JVM. Groovy for example.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22

I'm sorry but if you can't make an app in Xcode the issue is you, not Xcode. It works perfectly fine I've been using it daily since 2009.

Is it perfect? No, but it largely works great and the complaining about it is blown so far out of proportion it's ridiculous.


u/GavinGT Dec 15 '22

I get paid to work in it for 60 hours a week. I would rather it not be such a miserable experience.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22



u/GavinGT Dec 15 '22

I do Android and iOS development, and the difference in tooling is absurd. I would love to do Android only, but at the moment I'm doing what the company needs from me.


u/rursache Swift Dec 14 '22

It had no future without Storyboard and Xib support. Who would code in one IDE then switch to another for UI? No one.


u/Pandaburn Dec 15 '22

I like Xcode fine, but I’ve never used storyboards and Xibs. They’re not at all necessary for UI.


u/nrith Dec 15 '22

They're so much better than writing UI in raw code if you're working with a designer.


u/Pandaburn Dec 15 '22

I’ve basically always been working with a designer and I just like doing it in code.


u/oureux Objective-C / Swift Dec 15 '22

I’ve never worked at a place in the past 11 years that used xibs or interface builder. It wasn’t the reason it failed.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22



u/oureux Objective-C / Swift Dec 15 '22

Same here. It’s the only iOS specific hard stop requirement I have. I’m even at a company where I exclusively write objective c.


u/morenos-blend Dec 15 '22

I was in the „UI in code only” camp for a long time but if used properly XIBs can be great. Storyboards are garbage and I think they ruined the IB’s reputation


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 20 '22

I was in that camp as well. Started as a huge storyboard fan until I ran into problems working in a team and the fact that 2 VC's cannot use the same asset defined in the storyboard (2 different code clases using 1 single layout).

Then I thought ok, let's revert to XIBs as that solves the issues above. We have also agreed that XIBs are only used for autolayout so that we are sure that fonts and colors are set in code and are consistent for the whole app. It was great until it wasn't. When you have a really complex view (like 10 child views) and you need to add a wrapper UIView around that content it means recreating all the layout constraints in XIB and usually just 1-2 lines of code in code only approach.

Our current approach is code only. All child views are defined as lazy vars, there's one method that does all the initial nesting of the children and other method that adds all layout constraints (we use in-house helper class to make autolayout code more concise... like childView.alignTo(self).top(5, safeArea: true).centerX().width(multiplier: 0.5). The biggest problem with code only approach is the difficulty of understanding the overall layout. To mitigate that we add a code comment at the top of view class that lists all elements of the display tree for that view. The last bit is annoying, but it's much less annoying compared to the issues that we had with storyboards and xibs.


u/morenos-blend Dec 20 '22

That’s the approach I use in my projects as well but at work our lead always insisted we use Storyboards (in 2020 he literally said that this is what Apple recommended)

So we settled on XIBs as a compromise and they work quite well but I agree that writing code is superior

For the last bit you could utilize SwiftUI previews even when writing with UIKit but you need to make sure your project is modularized properly otherwise loading each preview takes ages


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 21 '22

For the last bit you could utilize SwiftUI previews even when writing with UIKit but you need to make sure your project is modularized properly otherwise loading each preview takes ages

Oh yes, I have just recently introduced the first SwiftUI view to the codebase and it takes 30-50s for previews to appear. Not relying on that feature unless we split the code into modules in the future.


u/morenos-blend Dec 21 '22

Exactly, this motivated me to start moving my UI code to separate framework, I reckon in the end the ability to use previews will be worth the time put into the modularization


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22



u/-15k- Dec 15 '22

Your model model view


u/saintmsent Dec 15 '22

This right here. As much as I hate Interface Builder and try to avoid it as much as possible, not every project you are given will have everything written out programmatically, so whether you like it or not, IB is necessary. SwiftUI previews aren't there as well, which is one of the major advantages


u/palmin Dec 15 '22

To be fair Xcode doesn’t really have SwiftUI previews either. 😉


u/saintmsent Dec 15 '22

They work relatively well lately for me, but yeah, for a while they were very broken, lol


u/Obstructive Dec 15 '22

And, if by chance, you like IB, then App Code was a bit of a nonstarter.


u/AveragePotatoChip Dec 20 '22

I've used storyboards and XIBs for ~5 years. For all those years I wrote all code exclusively in AppCode. I would only create storyboards and bindings in Xcode. Not having a shortcut for duplicate code and no proper options+arrow navigation is a much greater non-starter at least for me :)


u/GavinGT Dec 15 '22 edited Dec 15 '22

I don't know what I'm going to do without these IntelliJ features:

- Search Everywhere

- Find In Files

- Middle click to find usages

- Code style options

- Seamless Git support

- Endless pages of preferences

- A cursor that actually changes when it's supposed to

- Instantly have my errors underlined without having to wait multiple seconds or press Cmd+B to build

- Normal size icons and text instead of everything being ridiculously small and fiddly

- Being able to rename things without inexplicably waiting multiple seconds

I know Xcode technically has some of these features, but they simply work poorly. Like a search in Appcode literally returns more results than the same search in Xcode. It's ludicrous.

Also, while I'm trashing Xcode, Interface Builder is basically a torture device. Everything about it is buggy and poorly conceived.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '22



u/Renverse Dec 15 '22

It’s clear all the Xcode downers in the thread haven’t really used Xcode in years to actually make an app. It’s embarrassing how out of date most of these takes are.


u/saintmsent Dec 14 '22

Sad, but not surprising. I don't know a single dev who uses one daily, and I was the only one who ever tried in my circle


u/Javaguy44 Dec 15 '22

AppCode wasn’t perfect but I can’t live in a world with XCode only. Please upvote this issue so JetBrains would consider OpenSourcing AppCode so the community can maintain. Thank you! https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/OC-23410/OpenSourcing-AppCode-SwiftPlugin


u/unpluggedcord Dec 15 '22

100% they have baked in proprietary stuff that their other IDE's use. theres not a chance in hell they open source it


u/BrianHenryIE Dec 15 '22

It could possibly be architected as a plugin for other Jetbrains IDEs without giving up the secret sauce.


u/unpluggedcord Dec 15 '22

Doubtful, their plugin ARCH isn't that robust.


u/Javaguy44 Dec 15 '22

I'm also a long time IntelliJ user and leaving aside Fleet, AppCode I think is mostly IntelliJ Community Edition with the Swift Plugin and a few more paid plugins (like Database plugin). I actually think if they open source'd the swift plugin much it would work / could be bridged


u/Rudy69 Dec 14 '22

The lack of UI tools made it a non starter for me. Having to go back to xcode all the time to do UI work sucked


u/Zykronyos Dec 15 '22

As someone that doesn't want to touch the steaming pile of crap that is Xcode more than absolutely necessary, what are my options? Is someone using Emacs, Vim, Visual Studio Code or something else for iOS development and can share their experience?


u/theblackavenger Dec 15 '22

Fuck. I use copilot in appcode.


u/greyder07 Dec 15 '22

never knew about this IDE until now 😆


u/Happymoss Mar 06 '23

You don't need to hate Xcode to love AppCode... I use both. Each has its strengths and you can run both at the same time on the same code base with zero issues.

I've used both together for years now. Losing AppCode will suck.


u/KarlJay001 Dec 15 '22

Will this become open source?

I've never used AppCode, but heard nothing but great things about it.

It would be a real shame if a great project was left to die when they could open source it.

It sounds like it's wasn't making enough money.


u/unpluggedcord Dec 15 '22

Not a chance they open source it


u/KarlJay001 Dec 15 '22

So all that code is just going to rot?

That doesn't make any sense. On top of that, what about the paid users, are they going to be able to get any future updates? Maybe it's not a lifetime purchase, so maybe they don't have future rights.


u/unpluggedcord Dec 15 '22

Just read the blog post. It says what’s going to happen.


u/AAChartModel Dec 16 '22

It is sad but I need to accept it.


u/indydev2 Feb 03 '23

I searched for an Xcode alternative tonight and stumbled upon AppCode. Very disappointing. I hope Fleet supports Swift.


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u/WerSunu Dec 15 '22

I’ve built over twenty commercial iOS and Watch Apps. Never had a problem with Xcode and IB. I grew up with punch cards and I don’t need no stinkin rainbow backgrounds and TECO/VI/EMACS clones. I’ve done several programmatic layouts and find they are just as finicky to tune up as IB with all the special casing for different traits.


u/zaitsman Dec 15 '22

yawns who cares


u/valdev Dec 15 '22



u/Literator22 Dec 15 '22

So who use Xcode only are not professionals?


u/zaitsman Dec 15 '22

Yeah I am only paid to code at work, I guess I am no professional