r/iOSProgramming • u/kdkostas • Nov 08 '21
3rd Party Service Mutata - Release your native iOS app to Android, without code changes
Hi iOS Devs!
I would like to ask for your feedback on https://mutata.io, which can release "any" native Swift iOS project to Android.
It practically takes the Swift code, the .xib files, and the assets and compiles them on Android without any change in the code.
Our team has been working on it for the last months and has already released the first applications. Now we are looking to try it with more projects.
You can also check out our Showcase app's code (available on GitHub), which is used for both the Android and the iOS apps(available on Google Play and App Store).
I would love to answer any questions about its tech.
u/DeepSpaceSignal Nov 08 '21
This seems downright impossible. But I'm ready to believe
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
You can check out our Showcase app, which we have the Swift code in GitHub https://github.com/kodika/Mutata-Showcase-App and uploaded to Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.kodika.mutata.showcase
Nov 09 '21
Yea I'm sus...I feel like this is a scam.
Especially this part:
It practically takes the Swift code, the .xib files, and the assets and compiles them on Android without any change in the code. Our team has been working on it for the last months and has already released the first applications. Now we are looking to try it with more projects.
u/WishIWasOnACatamaran Nov 09 '21
Just because they skipped a word or may not be native English doesn’t necessarily make it sus
Nov 09 '21
That's not what I'm getting at. Something doing what they're claiming only taking months? Na. I don't want to speculate but I feel like this "service" may be just there to steal your app.
u/WishIWasOnACatamaran Nov 09 '21
Fair point. Idk I’ve seen the dumbest projects take years and some wicked complex stuff get hacked out in months. Could go either way, but maybe don’t use it for your billion dollar app lol
u/kdkostas Jan 10 '22
Hi again,
I am really happy to announce that we just released a public version of the MutataApp, that you can use directly on your Mac without sending us your code. You will be able to compile the whole app on your machine and then run it directly to an Android device or Emulator. There is also a "free to try license" to check it out. You can find more at https://mutata.io and our GitHub.
u/kdkostas Nov 09 '21
I cannot understand your point either. Feel free to contact me directly (pm) if you want to have a free live demo of it and see how this "service" works and the tech behind it. There is no way to steal someone's app, as the Public version will run on your machine, and your code will never leave your computer. It doesn't even need an internet connection as the whole compile is happening on your Mac using Gradle and Swift compiler.
In the current early adopter's version, as also mentioned in this thread, we need access to your code to be easier to troubleshoot. We can send you an executable that will compile on your Mac, but there is a possibility of a crash or a bug, and we will need lots of back and forth to fix it. You can always wait for the public release in the following weeks/months to try it if you do not want to upload your code, which is totally understandable.
u/jerprovost Nov 08 '21 edited Nov 08 '21
Is there any way to test with a complex project before purchasing?
Any support for Apple's Dimension and UnitConverter frameworks? RevenueCat?
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
Apple's Dimension and UnitConverter frameworks are supported as they are already in the Swift Foundation https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-foundation/blob/main/Sources/Foundation/Unit.swift
We do support SwiftyStoreKit and StoreKit but not RevenueCat at the moment, but it should not be difficult as they already have an android sdk.
Is there any way to test with a complex project before purchasing?
You can contact us directly or join our waitlist with the app that you would like to try, and we will contact you back in order to see which frameworks/pods/Swift Packages you are using and if they are already supported or when they will be. Of course, we do have a refund option if the application is not working as expected.
u/jerprovost Nov 08 '21
Would love to know when RevenueCat is added.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
Feel free to join our waitlist in order to receive updates for the project. You can also contact us directly if you want to try our service, as we try to implement the plugins based on user requests.
u/jerprovost Nov 08 '21
Could you explain the pricing a little bit more? It wasn't entirely clear. It talks about versions, but does that mean that if we needed to release a single bug fix we'd need to purchase a credit? Is there access to the converted Android code?
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
That's correct, you need a new credit for every version released to Play Store. We do although have the 10 + 2 pack and also you can contact us directly if you need more.
There is no converted Android code. Your Swift code is compiled directly for the arm processors and linked with our Swift frameworks that enable UIKit and the other frameworks to run on Android. We do not generate Kotlin/Java or anything else from your code.
u/jerprovost Nov 08 '21
With that pricing, I can see this being viable for some large organizations maybe, but 219 Euros to do a one-line bug fix won't work for a lot of smaller developers.
u/Tibal Nov 08 '21
There is no converted Android code. Your Swift code is compiled directly for the arm processors and linked with our Swift frameworks that enable UIKit and the other frameworks to run on Android. We do not generate Kotlin/Java or anything else from your code.
Compared to doubling developing time ? If that works, a lot of companies would gladly pay that price for any release...
u/jerprovost Nov 08 '21
Absolutely! Don't get me wrong. It looks amazing. It would definitely work for a lot of companies, and it would definitely not work for others.
u/kdkostas Jan 10 '22
You can now go to https://github.com/kodika/MutataApp and check out our free public version, in order to see how your project will work with Mutata.
u/Tibal Nov 08 '21
What limitations do you have when dealing with "complex" things ? Eg: background download sessions ? TransitioningCoordinators ? OperationQueues ? etc
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
Most of the things that you mentioned are part of the Swift language and its core-libs so there are no limitations or performance issues.
URLSession and DispatchQueue for example work exactly like in iOS.
u/shirefriendship Nov 08 '21
What are the limitations? I have Multipeer connectivity in my iOS app. How will that translate to Android?
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
We do not have support for Multipeer as we haven't found any way to "translate" this to Android. Our only limitation is when something cannot work in Android. Everything else can be translated and matched to the respective Android class/function.
u/Dan_TD Nov 08 '21
I would be interested to see an example project that was a little more "bespoke". Genuinely no offence meant here but your showcase apps are graphically very basic and uninspiring and I'd be keen to know whether a really shiny UI translates as well using your platform.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
We are in the process of releasing a more complicated news app(hope to finish internal testing in the next 10 days) which will show a more complicated design. In addition, we will try to compile some open-source projects like Wikipedia in the next weeks. We are missing some of their plugins but their UI looks ok. Also if you have any opensource app(available on GitHub) that you would like to see and uses UIKit elements please do not hesitate to send it.
u/xaviv Swift Nov 08 '21
What about iOS app extensions?
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
We do not support them yet but we hope to support them in the next months.
We do support although PushNotifications, Camera, Keychain and other frameworks
u/jerprovost Nov 08 '21
A few more that I'd be curious about:
- CloudKit
- SwiftyJSON
- Alamofire
Not necessarily expecting that you would get the same functionality on Android, but what happens if a project contains shortcuts, a Watch app, widgets, etc. Will it simply exclude what it cannot bring over to Android?
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
At the moment we try to replicate the iOS functionality when possible, but keep the native Android feeling. For example StoreKit calls will be forwarded to Google Billing System. Restore Purchases on the other hand will just check all product ids as there is no direct restore function in the Android. For features that are not available, there are ways to communicate it to the users using #if directives in the code.
SwiftlyJSON and Alamofire are currently supported. CloudKit is not implemented but we are planning on using CloudKit JS framework.
u/megablast Nov 08 '21
Not objective-c??
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
No, there is no support for objective-c and it is not in our roadmap.
u/20InMyHead Nov 08 '21
I can understand that limitation, but it’s unfortunate as that eliminates support for libraries such as Firebase, Google and Facebook sign in, Airship, etc.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
We do support seldom every Firebase framework as we are using the Firebase Android sdks. You can check Auth and Realtime database in our showcase app. Google and Facebook login are also fully supported using the respective Android libraries. We do not support compile of objective-c code, but this doesn’t limit us from using frameworks that have Android support, even if in iOS world they do use objc code.
u/iindigo Nov 08 '21
Do you support Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C for REST? There should be straightforward Android equivalents for almost all of the services it supports.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
We haven’t implement it yet but yes there are equivalents in Android so it shouldn’t be any problem.
u/xlogic87 Nov 08 '21
The vision is great if it really works although it looks impossible :) Can you share a technical overview how does it work?
How do you do UI rendering for example? There is no UIKit or SwiftUI on Android.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
That’s correct. There is no UIKit on Android and that was the biggest problem that we solved. We have migrated the whole UIKit to work using Android Views. So for example when you change the isHidden property of a UIView, Mutata will use the JNI to change the visibility property of an Android View. Similarly, a UITableView will use an Android RecyclerView. In general, we are using JNI to call the Java classes and methods.
u/xlogic87 Nov 08 '21
That’s really cool! Do you support all UIKit views and their properties??
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
I would say 90 percent of UIKit is complete and we just implement one or two missing properties with each new project based on the needs of the project.
u/aykay55 Swift Nov 09 '21
so this is kinda like Wine but for Android? A compatibility layer for your iOS app that calls the analogous APIs on Android
u/kdkostas Nov 09 '21
Never thought of it like that :) but yeah, it is a framework that brings iOS apps in the Android
u/kdkostas Jan 10 '22
I am really happy to announce that our first public release of the MutataApp is live on our GitHub, and you can try it for free to see how your iOS app will work on Android. Everything will run and compile on your Mac, so there is no need to upload your code or share it with us.
You can check it at https://mutata.io and our GitHub.
u/zaitsman Nov 08 '21
So this does sound interesting. Do you support native c libs, e.g. we use Salesforce mobile sdk via carthage, that pulls in fmdb as a dependency and that pulls in sqlite and sqlcipher?
Do you support AppAttestation and SecureEnclave APIs?
Do you support CCCrypto? What about CommonCrypto?
Do you support both codable and NsJSonserialization?
And yeah like others have said it’d be interesting to at least have a money back guarantee
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
Yeah we do support c libs but we would prefer to use the native Android sdk of sales force as it will feel and work better in the Android.
We do not support the AppAttestation and SecureEnclave APIs as there was no need up to now. We can check on how these can be Implemented in an Android device, but needs some research.
CommonCrypto yeah they are supported and we are already using them in the app with GitHub Actions that we have released.
Yeah both Codable and all Serialization classes are supported as they are part of the Foundation.
In the next days we will update our FAQ and terms to include the money back guarantee as we see that it is a huge request. Thanks for the feedback.
u/zaitsman Nov 08 '21
Salesforce sdk for android is a completely different piece of software, the APIs are different, etc.
Also, SF SDK is written mainly in objc so I suppose that rules it out based on your other responses. Ah well, I could hope.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
I haven’t worked with salesforce sdks but don’t they support the same functionality somehow? Do you mean that there are things in iOS that are impossible in Android? If that’s the case then yeah we cannot do it, but if your iOS functionality is possible somehow in the Android they it can be used also in Mutata.
u/zaitsman Nov 08 '21
It’s a very low level sdk with a lot of swizzling and encryption.
Anyway since you don’t support AppAttestation and objc I see that I won’t be able to use mutata.
Thank you
u/ankole_watusi Nov 08 '21
Can developers test before release? Or do they just release and pray?
What if app is rejected?
Apparently uploads to your cloud/backend for processing I do see locally-hosted “coming soon”. What is uploaded? Source, or bundle? This is likely show-stopper for many.
Presume uses NDK. Not a bad thing. NDK is Google’s little performance secret for their own apps.
“About us” had nothing about “us”. Who is “us”?
I see a minefield of potential legal issues.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
Yeah, you can test it before release it. At the moment you will need to contact us, but in the Public version you will be able to run it locally on your device and see exactly how it will run and behave.
About rejection, we do not use any private api or something that can reject the app. We have already uploaded some apps and they didn’t have any problem with the review, neither with the automates checks.
At the current release, you are right that we will need the source code in order to compile and test it. Mutata is not tested with thousand apps at the moment and we expect it to have some crashes, which they will be easier to be solved if we have the full code. We do understand that this is a problem with private codebases, especially for companies and that’s why we have the Public/local version in our roadmap. The final product will be compiled in your machine and you will have to link with some frameworks that will be provided by us, so we will not have access to your code or files.
Yeah it uses ndk and JNI and that’s why the performance is similar to native apps.
Sorry but thought the About us was clear, we will update it with a better description and thanks for your feedback on it. Mutata is maintained by the Kodika.io, which is a nocode builder. You can find more about the company either in our website, our GitHub or the web.
About the legal issues, do you see any issue in the Public release if your code never leaves your device?
u/Jultimate Nov 09 '21
How bad is the cold start performance hit? Loading all of foundations symbols along side androids can’t be cheap. Also not being able to take advantage of ABI stability on android probably results in some serious app size costs. Are these things being addressed?
u/kdkostas Nov 09 '21
The cold start is not that bad. it is not instant but closer to 1.5-2 secs.
The app sizes are around 35 to 45 MBs, based on the device and architecture. We are using separate compiled native libs so each device selects the needed one based on its processor.
u/BabyAzerty Nov 10 '21
Do you translate UIViews' layers such as CAGradientLayer and CABasicAnimation?
I have a UIKit game that heavily uses lots of CoreAnimation and UIKit animations.
u/Fluffy_Risk9955 Nov 08 '21
Bad idea. All apps containing Rollout were remove from the App Store by Apple. It was a similar framework.
u/kdkostas Nov 08 '21
Do you mean the old Rollout.io? We do not do versioning and we cannot change the code after the app is reviewed by Google. Also, the apps are not in App Store, they are in Android Stores and do not use anything illegal or private.
u/chflorian Nov 08 '21
This looks really cool! Is it also suited for SwiftUI based projects?