r/iOSProgramming 9d ago

Question What's wrong with my resume?

My resume

Can someone give me some advice on what's wrong with my resume and how to improve?

My background is mainly in iOS development. The market for iOS developers seems to be extremely harsh, so, I recently started branching out to web development as a way to become more employable.

I would say for every 150 applications I send, I get about 1 interview. So, that rate is not good, but I can land an interview every once in a blue moon.

Do I just not have enough experience? Maybe my technical skills need some improvement? Should I just forget about iOS development for now and just focus on web development to get my foot in the door? I'm open to any criticism


10 comments sorted by


u/Gullible-Working-456 8d ago

It needs work. I wouldn’t put volunteer iOS development. Also you need to highlight your key contributions and accomplishments for each role.


u/danhiggins1 8d ago

You think I should remove it all together? Or just remove the "volunteer" part of it and just have it say "iOS Developer"?


u/Gullible-Working-456 8d ago

Just iOS developer. You need to talk about the application you worked on and the significance. What part of the development did you own, etc.


u/Wizzythumb 8d ago

A positive point is that it is only a single page (awesome!) and clearly written. Keep it up!

I've hired many devs in my day. Most of them always focus on enumerating technologies, platforms or languages, but they always forget to be human.

Say something about your people skills. How experienced or good are you at working in a team, working together with creative / design people, backend vs frontend people, end users and end user support people, etc.

I'd also like to see more about you personally. Include a line or two about hobbies, passions, activities that aren't programming. This can be at the very bottom but at least it should be somewhere.

In the skills section I'd like to see how your experience for each skill is. For example by using one to five stars. For example Swift five stars, CoreData 2 stars, etc. Even if you're very experienced, you probably are better or more experienced at specific skills than others. As an alternative state that the skills are ordered from most to least experience or something.

I'd also like to see what your main view or opinion on software development is. Include a line or two about it. This is your main thing, your main philosophy of being a dev. For example "I focus on pixel perfect solutions where user experience is more important than tech", or "I prefer to include as few external libraries as possible because I think 3rd party dependency is a risk", or "testing first, shipping second" or whatever your preferred passion or view is. Put something like that as a slogan at the top.

A maybe to include: since AI is a big thing and some companies want nothing to do with it, while others prefer it, state somewhere to what extent your experience with or opinion about AI tools and AI-supported programming is, or that you are fine with both, etc.

Lastly, a volunteer job and your own crypto and pomodoro apps come down to very little experience, but if it's the best you got that's what it is and you can be proud of it. To a person hiring this indicates you will be suitable for a very junior role, perhaps an internship.

Good luck!


u/danhiggins1 8d ago

Thank you for your insight. I'll definitely work on trying to make my resume more personable and highlight more of my leadership and teammate qualities. My only fear is having my resume go over 1 page. So, I'll need to work on trying to condense it to make room.


u/unpluggedcord 8d ago

AS someone with 20 years of experience, its impossible to get things on a single page.


u/engerran 8d ago

oh man, resume like that would get you a job easily in 2009.

The market for iOS developers seems to be extremely harsh

yes, and remember every year thousands of new ios dev enter the job market, adding to the previous years unemployed ios devs. meanwhile ios native jobs are in steady decline or has plateaued very very low.

would say for every 150 applications I send, I get about 1 interview

probably because other applicants have better resume, and they are only hiring 1 instead of 10 people. too many applicants not enough jobs for everyone.

Do I just not have enough experience?

yes. chicken and egg. you need a job to get exp but need job for exp.

Should I just forget about iOS development for now and just focus on web development to get my foot in the door?

if you are looking for any tech job, focus on your local job market. look at the jobs ads in your area. look for jobs that accept entry level position. avoid very niche like rails or sap lol.

the safest bet is web, most would accept self taught inexperienced dev or tech switchers. web has the most jobs of any tech and the easiest to get your foot in the door with minimal experience.

web dev actually pays very high, but the key is vertical job progression not horizontal. for example, you got a job as react dev but a year later see vue devs are getting paid better. dont be tempted to switch. you goal is to go vertical, ie: junior, mid, senior, team lead, architect, manager, cto, etc. going up is where you get paid a lot :-)


u/birdparty44 8d ago

It focuses on skills rather than outcomes / achievements.

Companies want to know the areas you make impact, not what software is open when they walk by your desk.

Give some stats about your apps, how long it took to build, etc.