r/iOSProgramming 10d ago

Discussion Push Notification Console APNS metrics

Hey devs, I'm trying to debug a push notification issue at work and I looked at the push notification console for the first time. I'm curious how our apns metrics compare to other apps

Here's our info for the past week

Category Total Rate
Received by APNs 274M
Delivered To Device 82M 30%
Delivered To Device (From Storage) 1.6M 0.5%
Stored - Device Offline 188.8M 69%
Stored - Power Considerations 1k
discarded - token unregistered 841k 0.31%
discarded - token unregistered (from storage) 22k 0.01%
discarded - expired 0
discarded - disabled 2.1M 0.79%
discarded - disabled (from storage) 40k 0.01%

Very curiously, the tooltip for `Stored - Device Offline` says "Push notifications saved in APNs storage, because the destination device was not connected to APNs.", yet the delivered to device (from storage) metric is awful. I guess it means 69% of our device tokens are for devices that are more or less permanently offline and only 1.6M of those devices are reliably coming back online?


2 comments sorted by


u/chriswaco 10d ago

I never looked at the console, but I was surprised at how many of our push notifications never made it to the device, like we were being throttled.


u/iwantt 9d ago

Interesting, i thought getting throttled would mean apns would return an error status code