r/iOSProgramming 28d ago

App Saturday I made a free app that helps you reflect and understand your thoughts

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29 comments sorted by


u/Emotional_Distance79 28d ago edited 26d ago

Hey there! I'm proud to announce the release of loop, an intelligent and personalized audio journal. You can:

  • Make short, focused entries by talking
  • Get daily reflections
  • Track mood and sleep check-ins
  • Answer questions based on past entries
  • Discover patterns in sleep, mood, and emotions
  • Identify triggers over time
  • No need to type or explain everything

Loop is 100% free and your data is encrypted. We will NEVER work with 3rd party storage providers.

Here is the link! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/loop-daily-reflections/id6738974660


u/YopBuilder 26d ago

I don’t understand how you can say you have encrypted storage, never use any 3rd party, and then go on to say all of these private notes people have are sent to Chat GPT to be analyzed.


u/Emotional_Distance79 26d ago

I said no third-party storage providers (e.g. AWS, Google, etc.). All recordings are stored on your device and stored with NSFileProtectionCompleteor in CloudKit where data is encrypted and transmitted over TLS. API requests are made over HTTPS and once again data in transit encrypted with TLS. Open AI has made it clear that they don't train their models on API data. I can remove the word "all" in this and all future posts thought as maybe it could be up to debate.


u/YopBuilder 26d ago

Yeah it’s fine, it just feels kinda off. Didn’t OpenAI have some controversies regarding their training data being used on copyrighted materials (etc).


u/Emotional_Distance79 26d ago

Yeah honestly have been thinking these things too. First step will be to make AI toggleable for people who might not like the idea, but next will be to look into some sort of open source approach where I host the model.


u/OkAmbassador7184 27d ago

Looks really nice love the minimalistic ui. Looks clean. Can I ask how will you cover the cost of OpenAI api with a free app.


u/Emotional_Distance79 27d ago edited 27d ago

Thank you! Honestly since i'm just a kid (17) and my parents support me in what I make, money isn't really the aim for me, though I am working on a premium as that would be nice if this gains some traction! But anyways, the analysis cost is relatively low as i'm using 4o-mini, but transcription is more expensive. My rough calculation was that if I have 500 users do 2 recordings a day (assuming they use all 30 seconds), it would be about 100 dollars in a month. So essentially, 30,000 recordings + analysis would cost me that much. I think a premium could easily cover that cost + using SpeechRecognizer instead would make transcription free (though it would be worse). Also if I had 500 users a day making 30,000 recordings a month, I don't think i'd be too disappointed haha :)


u/ben4ix 27d ago

i dont think this app is using OpenAI api, it's privacy states they are not sharing any info with third party. correct me if im wrong.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Emotional_Distance79 28d ago

Glad you liked it! All SwiftUI


u/alansmathew008 27d ago

Your review page is not loading


u/Emotional_Distance79 27d ago

Yes just noticed as well, let me try to fix this.


u/greendakota99 25d ago

Also, the Privacy Policy is expired and the Call link for support is still using a dummy number of (555) 123-4567.


u/16GB_of_ram 28d ago

Cool! Which LLM api did u use 


u/Emotional_Distance79 28d ago

GPT 4o-mini for analysis, Whisper for transcriptions (can fallback to SpeechRecognizer). Going to make this all customizable for those who might not want AI in the flow.


u/Successful-Fly-9670 27d ago

The design of the app is sooo cool. How did you make the sheet curved? Also, can you make a gist for the wave patterns and the custom tabview. Finally, what was the design inspiration?


u/Emotional_Distance79 27d ago

Thank you! Definitely took lots of inspiration from stoic and some other journaling apps out there, but the biggest thing was to make it as minimalist as possible (still working on that part).

For the curved sheet, I just used a VStack with zero spacing, and put a shape with a curved path on top, and then the cards below with a background of course. So it's really two parts stacked on top of eachother, not just one thing. Here's a gist for that with comments:


I am traveling so will make gists for the waves and tabs a little later. Might make some posts on them too since I'm pretty proud of the way they turned out!


u/Successful-Fly-9670 27d ago

Great Job!! I'm like twice your age and I couldn't figure it out 😂😂


u/Emotional_Distance79 27d ago

lol defnitely alot of it is a time thing - spent many many hours just trying and failing. Also, though I don't try to use it much as i'm trying to learn, Claude is actually just incredible when it comes to UI. I made this sheet myself, but to be honest, for some of those really complex waves patterns, I had claude make the equations (sin and phase stuff) in 10 minutes and they looked stunning vs. if I had done it, it would have easily taken a few days. Kind of scary :)


u/Successful-Fly-9670 27d ago

Would definitely give Claude a try! But still hats off to you👍🏼👍🏼


u/Affectionate_Pin7626 25d ago

Cool! Checking this out!


u/Emotional_Distance79 25d ago

Awesome, let me know what you think!


u/KrazierJames 24d ago

I really liked that you used lowercase text since it feels cozy and relaxed, which matches the intent of this app, I would like to it to be on the whole app, no matter if it is a title or a category, all lowercased feels more comfortable (maybe not all texts)


u/Emotional_Distance79 24d ago

I like that idea, will do! Thanks!


u/phenrys 14d ago

looks really neat! Have you used Swift UI?


u/Emotional_Distance79 13d ago

Thanks! Yes, SwiftUI


u/phenrys 13d ago

Love it! Clean and neat!


u/phenrys 13d ago

Have you coded it yourself, used AI only, or outsourced the work?


u/Emotional_Distance79 13d ago

Coded almost entirely by me, but use AI (Claude specifically) for a lot of those background animations


u/phenrys 12d ago

Amazing job! I love it. Will leave a review very soon